1) Военный термин: Abrasive Blast Facility, Adaptive Beam Former, Army Benevolent Fund, Artillery Bng Forces, Asset Balance File, air burst fuze, availability balance file, осколочный боеприпас с кольцевым взрывом (сокр. от annular blast fragmentation (warhead))2) Техника: agile band pass filter, audio band pass filter3) Математика: All But A Finite4) Религия: Adult Bible Fellowship5) Грубое выражение: A Big Fuck, Absolutely Bloody Final6) Музыка: American Banjo Fraternity7) Сокращение: Advanced Bomb Family (Forerunner of JDAM (US Navy)), Advanced Bomb Family, Annular Blast Fragmentation warhead, American Beekeeping Federation (American Beekeeping Federation)8) Электроника: Agile Bandpass Filter9) Банковское дело: Ассоциация британских факторинговых компаний (Association of British Factors)10) Пищевая промышленность: All But Full11) Экология: activated biofilter12) Инвестиции: Association of British Factors13) Военно-морской флот: старшина авиационной боцманской команды— специалист по заправке самолётов топливом (на авианосце) (сокр. от Aviation Boatswain's Mate F (Fuels))14) Расширение файла: Adobe Binary Screen Font15) Общественная организация: America the Beautiful Fund16) NYSE. Airborne Freight Corporation17) СМС: All But For....
См. также в других словарях:
Beekeeping — [cite web| last =Traynor | first =Kirsten | title =Ancient Cave Painting Man of Bicorp | publisher =MD Bee | url =http://www.mdbee.com/articles/cavepainting.html format =Web article | accessdate =2008 03 12 ] ] Beekeeping (or apiculture, from… … Wikipedia
Colony Collapse Disorder — (or CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or Western honey bee colony abruptly disappear. While such disappearances have occurred throughout the history of apiculture, the term Colony Collapse Disorder was first applied to a… … Wikipedia
Cuisine des États-Unis — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cuisine américaine. La cuisine des États Unis est extrêmement diversifiée et difficile à définir, les États Unis ayant attiré des immigrants du monde entier, chacun apportant sa culture et ses goûts culinaires. D … Wikipédia en Français
Croatia — /kroh ay sheuh, shee euh/, n. a republic in SE Europe: includes the historical regions of Dalmatia, Istria, and Slavonia; formerly a part of Yugoslavia. 5,026,995, 21,835 sq. mi. (56,555 sq. km) Cap.: Zagreb. Serbo Croatian, Hrvatska. * * *… … Universalium
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History of merit badges (Boy Scouts of America) — For history regarding individual merit badges, see Merit badge (Boy Scouts of America). Merit badge Owner Boy Scouts of America … Wikipedia
Discontinued merit badges (Boy Scouts of America) — This is a list of merit badges formerly offered by the Boy Scouts of America. In some cases, the entire subject has been dropped from the merit badge roster. In others, the merit badge s name has been changed, with or without significant revision … Wikipedia
Finland — /fin leuhnd/, n. 1. Finnish, Suomi. a republic in N Europe: formerly a province of the Russian Empire. 5,109,148; 130,119 sq. mi. (337,010 sq. km). Cap.: Helsinki. 2. Gulf of, an arm of the Baltic, S of Finland. * * * Finland Introduction Finland … Universalium
Economy of the United States — Economy of United States Rank 1st (nominal) / 1st (PPP) Currency US$ (USD) … Wikipedia
Мелиттология — Раздел зоологии Апиология Ветви зоологии Акарология · Антропология Апиология · Арахнология Гельминтология (Нематология) Герпетология · Ихтиология Карцинология · Кетология Конхология · Криптозоология … Википедия
Agriculture in the United Kingdom — A combine harvester in Scotland Agriculture in the United Kingdom uses around 71% of the country s land area and contributes about 0.6% of its gross value added. The UK produces less than 60% of the food it eats and the industry s share of the… … Wikipedia