Перевод: со всех языков на словацкий

со словацкого на все языки


  • 1 cold war

    (a major, especially political, struggle between nations which involves military threats but not fighting.) studená vojna

    English-Slovak dictionary > cold war

  • 2 mild

    1) ((of a person or his personality) gentle in temper or behaviour: such a mild man.) mierny, pokojný
    2) ((of punishment etc) not severe: a mild sentence.) mierny
    3) ((of weather especially if not in summer) not cold; rather warm: a mild spring day.) príjemný
    4) ((of spices, spiced foods etc) not hot: a mild curry.) jemný, slabý
    - mildness
    * * *
    • slabý
    • tlmený
    • umiernený
    • uhladený
    • príjemný
    • jemný
    • pokojný
    • krotký
    • mierny
    • nesmelý
    • nie ostrý

    English-Slovak dictionary > mild

  • 3 freeze

    [fri:z] 1. past tense - froze; verb
    1) (to make into or become ice: It's so cold that the river has frozen over.) (za)mrznúť
    2) ((of weather) to be at or below freezing-point: If it freezes again tonight all my plants will die.) mrznúť
    3) (to make or be very cold: If you had stayed out all night in the snow you might have frozen to death (= died of exposure to cold).) zamrznúť
    4) (to make (food) very cold in order to preserve it: You can freeze the rest of that food and eat it later.) zmraziť
    5) (to make or become stiff, still or unable to move (with fear etc): She froze when she heard the strange noise.) stuhnúť
    6) (to fix prices, wages etc at a certain level: If the situation does not improve, wages will be frozen again.) zmraziť
    2. noun
    (a period of very cold weather when temperatures are below freezing-point: How long do you think the freeze will last?) mráz
    - freezing
    - frozen
    - freezing-point
    - freeze up
    * * *
    • zamrznút
    • zamrazit
    • zmrazit
    • mrznút

    English-Slovak dictionary > freeze

  • 4 numb

    1. adjective
    (not able to feel or move: My arm has gone numb; She was numb with cold.) skrehnutý
    2. verb
    (to make numb: The cold numbed her fingers.) znecitlivieť
    - numbness
    * * *
    • ustrnutý
    • zbavit citu
    • znecitlivený
    • zmeraviet
    • znecitlivit
    • zmeravený
    • znecitliviet
    • skrehnutý
    • stratit cit
    • strpnutý
    • strnút
    • strnulý
    • umrtvit
    • umrtvený
    • tupý
    • prekvapit
    • otupený
    • meravý
    • mrtvy
    • necitlivý
    • nehybný
    • ochromený
    • ochromit
    • ohromit
    • omrácit

    English-Slovak dictionary > numb

  • 5 altogether

    1) (completely: I'm not altogether satisfied.) celkom
    2) (on the whole and considering everything: I'm wet, I'm tired and I'm cold. Altogether I'm not feeling very cheerful.) celkom
    * * *
    • vcelku
    • úplne
    • celkom
    • dohromady
    • naprosto

    English-Slovak dictionary > altogether

  • 6 cool

    [ku:l] 1. adjective
    1) (slightly cold: cool weather.) studený
    2) (calm or not excitable: He's very cool in a crisis.) pokojný
    3) (not very friendly: He was very cool towards me.) chladný
    4) ((slang) great; terrific; fantastic: Wow, that's really cool!; You look cool in those jeans!) skvelý, úžasný, fantastický
    2. verb
    1) (to make or become less warm: The jelly will cool better in the refrigerator; She cooled her hands in the stream.) ochladiť (sa)
    2) (to become less strong: His affection for her has cooled; Her anger cooled.) ochladnúť
    3. noun
    (cool air or atmosphere: the cool of the evening.) chlad
    - coolness
    - cool-headed
    - cool down
    - keep one's cool
    - lose one's cool
    * * *
    • vlažný
    • svieži
    • drzý
    • chladný
    • púhy
    • pokojný
    • neomalený

    English-Slovak dictionary > cool

  • 7 for fear of

    (so as not to: She would not go swimming for fear of catching a cold.) zo strachu
    * * *
    • z obavy pred

    English-Slovak dictionary > for fear of

  • 8 get over

    1) (to recover from (an illness, surprise, disappointment etc): I've got over my cold now; I can't get over her leaving so suddenly.) pozbierať sa z
    2) (to manage to make (oneself or something) understood: We must get our message over to the general public.) objasniť
    3) ((with with) to do (something one does not want to do): I'm not looking forward to this meeting, but let's get it over (with).) mať to (už) za sebou/z krku
    * * *
    • prerazit
    • prekonat

    English-Slovak dictionary > get over

  • 9 absent

    1. ['æbsənt] adjective
    (not present: Johnny was absent from school with a cold.) neprítomný
    2. [əb'sent] verb
    (to keep (oneself) away: He absented himself from the meeting.) nezúčastniť sa
    - absentee
    - absenteeism
    - absent-minded
    - absentmindedly
    - absent-mindedness
    * * *
    • v neprítomnosti
    • zamyslený
    • stránit sa
    • pri nedostatku
    • chýbajúci
    • roztržitý
    • neexistujúci
    • nepríst
    • nedostavit sa
    • neprítomný
    • nepozorný

    English-Slovak dictionary > absent

  • 10 attribute

    1. [ə'tribjut] verb
    1) (to think of as being written, made etc by: The play is attributed to Shakespeare.) prisúdiť, pripísať
    2) (to think of as being caused by: He attributed his illness to the cold weather.) pripísať
    2. noun
    (a quality that is a particular part of a person or thing: Intelligence is not one of his attributes.) (povahová) črta, vlastnosť
    * * *
    • vlastnost
    • príznak
    • priznak
    • pripisovat
    • prisudzovat
    • atribut

    English-Slovak dictionary > attribute

  • 11 bleak

    1) (cold and unsheltered: a bleak landscape.) pustý, holý
    2) (not hopeful: a bleak outlook for the future.) pochmúrny
    * * *
    • veterný
    • drsný
    • belicka obycajná (ryba)
    • pustý
    • pochmúrny
    • ponurý

    English-Slovak dictionary > bleak

  • 12 firstly

    adverb (in the first place: I have three reasons for not going - firstly, it's cold, secondly, I'm tired, and thirdly, I don't want to!) po prvé
    * * *
    • za prvé

    English-Slovak dictionary > firstly

  • 13 flimsy

    1) (thin and light: You'll be cold in those flimsy clothes.) ľahučký
    2) (not very well made; likely to break: a flimsy boat.) krehký
    * * *
    • slabunký
    • služobná charakteristika
    • tenký
    • telegram
    • tenucký
    • úbohucký
    • prieklepový papier
    • ako páperie
    • bankovka (slang)
    • depeša
    • chabý
    • chatrný
    • papier
    • povrchný
    • krehký

    English-Slovak dictionary > flimsy

  • 14 it

    1) ((used as the subject of a verb or object of a verb or preposition) the thing spoken of, used especially of lifeless things and of situations, but also of animals and babies: If you find my pencil, please give it to me; The dog is in the garden, isn't it?; I picked up the baby because it was crying; He decided to run a mile every morning but he couldn't keep it up.) to, ono
    2) (used as a subject in certain kinds of sentences eg in talking about the weather, distance or time: Is it raining very hard?; It's cold; It is five o'clock; Is it the fifth of March?; It's two miles to the village; Is it your turn to make the tea?; It is impossible for him to finish the work; It was nice of you to come; Is it likely that he would go without us?) (to)
    3) ((usually as the subject of the verb be) used to give emphasis to a certain word or phrase: It was you (that) I wanted to see, not Mary.) to
    4) (used with some verbs as a direct object with little meaning: The car broke down and we had to walk it; Oh, bother it!) to
    - its
    - itself
    * * *
    • to
    • ono

    English-Slovak dictionary > it

  • 15 snub

    1. past tense, past participle - snubbed; verb
    (to treat, or speak to, in a cold, scornful way; to insult: He snubbed me by not replying to my question.) napomenúť, okríknuť; uraziť
    2. noun
    (an act of snubbing; an insult.) urážka
    3. adjective
    ((of the nose) short and slightly turned up at the end: a snub nose.) ohrnutý
    * * *
    • uvádzat
    • utlmit
    • zabrzdit
    • zakotvit lod
    • zastavit sa
    • zastavit
    • zapriet
    • zavinút
    • zotrvacný pohyb
    • skocit do reci
    • šetrit
    • skracovat
    • spustit kotvu
    • urezávat
    • urazit nevšímaním
    • usadit
    • ignorovat
    • dat cez nos
    • rázne skritizovat
    • prudko zadrhnút
    • napnút sa
    • napomenút
    • napnút
    • omotat
    • ohrdit
    • ohrdnutie
    • ohrdnút
    • okate si nevšímat
    • odbitie
    • odbit

    English-Slovak dictionary > snub

  • 16 warrant

    ['worənt] 1. verb
    1) (to justify: A slight cold does not warrant your staying off work.) ospravedlniť
    2) (an old word to state confidently or (be willing to) bet that: I'll warrant he's gone riding instead of doing his work.) garantovať
    2. noun
    (something that gives authority, especially a legal document giving the police the authority for searching someone's house, arresting someone etc: The police have a warrant for his arrest.) príkaz
    * * *
    • zarucit
    • zatykac
    • záruka
    • splnomocnenie
    • dekrét
    • rucit
    • ospravedlnovat
    • oprávnenie
    • oprávnit
    • plná moc
    • ospravedlnit
    • plnomocenstvo
    • právo

    English-Slovak dictionary > warrant

См. также в других словарях:

  • Cold (Static-X song) — Cold Single by Static X from the album Machine Released 2002 Format CD Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Cold (Static-X song) — Cold Сингл Выпущен 2002 Формат CD Жанр индастриал метал Длительность 3:40 Лейбл Warner Bros. Хронология синглов …   Википедия

  • Cold (canción) — «Cold» Sencillo de Static X del álbum Machine Formato CD Género(s) Nu metal, metal alternativo, metal industrial Duración 3:40 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Cold (сингл) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Cold. «Cold» …   Википедия

  • Cold formed steel — (CFS) is the common term for products made by rolling or pressing thin gauges of sheet steel into goods. Cold formed steel goods are created by the working of sheet steel using stamping, rolling, or presses to deform the sheet into a usable… …   Wikipedia

  • Cold Feet (series 1) — Country of origin United Kingdom No. of episodes 6 Broadcast Original channel ITV …   Wikipedia

  • Cold War Victory Medal — Awarded by (1) United States National Guard (States of Alaska and Louisiana) (2) Commemorative medal for veterans and retirees by purchase from private vendors Type …   Wikipedia

  • Cold Feet (series 4) — Cold Feet Series 4 Country of origin United Kingdom No. of episodes 8 Broadcast Original channel ITV …   Wikipedia

  • Cold urticaria — Classification and external resources Allergic urticaria on leg in the form of hives induced by cold. ICD 10 L …   Wikipedia

  • Cold-fX — is a product derived from the roots of North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) that is manufactured by Afexa Life Sciences Inc. (formerly called CV Technologies Inc.)[1], headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is marketed as a daily… …   Wikipedia

  • Cold (band) — Cold Cold spider logo Background information Origin Jacksonville, Florida, USA Genres …   Wikipedia

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