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'time lag/en

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См. также в других словарях:

  • time lag — ➔ lag2 * * * time lag UK US noun [C] (also time lapse) ► a delay that exists between two related things happening: »We expect to see increases in profitable returns from our overseas investments with a time lag of two to three years. a time lag… …   Financial and business terms

  • time lag — time lags also time lag N COUNT: usu sing, oft N between pl n A time lag is a fairly long interval of time between one event and another related event that happens after it. ...the time lag between theoretical research and practical applications …   English dictionary

  • time lag — also time lapse n the period of time between two connected events ▪ There is generally a two year time lag in the information being made available …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • time-lag — time′ lag or time′ lag n. the period of time between two closely related events, phenomena, etc., as between stimulus and response …   From formal English to slang

  • time lag — time ,lag noun count the amount of time between two related events …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • time lag — noun time during which some action is awaited instant replay caused too long a delay he ordered a hold in the action • Syn: ↑delay, ↑hold, ↑postponement, ↑wait • Derivationally related forms: ↑wait …   Useful english dictionary

  • Time lag — Der Begriff Verzögerungseffekt oder time lag bezeichnet in der Volkswirtschaftslehre eine Verzögerung zwischen dem Beginn einer Handlung, die als Reaktion der politischen Akteure auf einen bestimmten Vorgang (z. B. in der Wirtschaft) aufgefasst… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • time lag — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms time lag : singular time lag plural time lags the amount of time between two related events …   English dictionary

  • time-lag — /tuym lag /, n. the period of time between two closely related events, phenomena, etc., as between stimulus and response or between cause and effect: a time lag between the declaration of war and full war production. [1890 95] * * * …   Universalium

  • time-lag — /tuym lag /, n. the period of time between two closely related events, phenomena, etc., as between stimulus and response or between cause and effect: a time lag between the declaration of war and full war production. [1890 95] …   Useful english dictionary

  • time lag — also time lapse noun (C) the period of time between two connected events: There is a considerable time lag between the planning stage and the final product …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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