Перевод: с английского на датский

с датского на английский


  • 1 get

    past tense - got; verb
    1) (to receive or obtain: I got a letter this morning.)
    2) (to bring or buy: Please get me some food.) bringe; købe
    3) (to (manage to) move, go, take, put etc: He couldn't get across the river; I got the book down from the shelf.) bevæge sig; komme; tage; lægge
    4) (to cause to be in a certain condition etc: You'll get me into trouble.) bringe; få
    5) (to become: You're getting old.) blive
    6) (to persuade: I'll try to get him to go.) overtale
    7) (to arrive: When did they get home?) komme
    8) (to succeed (in doing) or to happen (to do) something: I'll soon get to know the neighbours; I got the book read last night.) komme til; få
    9) (to catch (a disease etc): She got measles last week.)
    10) (to catch (someone): The police will soon get the thief.) få fat på
    11) (to understand: I didn't get the point of his story.) forstå
    - get-together
    - get-up
    - be getting on for
    - get about
    - get across
    - get after
    - get ahead
    - get along
    - get around
    - get around to
    - get at
    - get away
    - get away with
    - get back
    - get by
    - get down
    - get down to
    - get in
    - get into
    - get nowhere
    - get off
    - get on
    - get on at
    - get out
    - get out of
    - get over
    - get round
    - get around to
    - get round to
    - get there
    - get through
    - get together
    - get up
    - get up to
    * * *
    past tense - got; verb
    1) (to receive or obtain: I got a letter this morning.)
    2) (to bring or buy: Please get me some food.) bringe; købe
    3) (to (manage to) move, go, take, put etc: He couldn't get across the river; I got the book down from the shelf.) bevæge sig; komme; tage; lægge
    4) (to cause to be in a certain condition etc: You'll get me into trouble.) bringe; få
    5) (to become: You're getting old.) blive
    6) (to persuade: I'll try to get him to go.) overtale
    7) (to arrive: When did they get home?) komme
    8) (to succeed (in doing) or to happen (to do) something: I'll soon get to know the neighbours; I got the book read last night.) komme til; få
    9) (to catch (a disease etc): She got measles last week.)
    10) (to catch (someone): The police will soon get the thief.) få fat på
    11) (to understand: I didn't get the point of his story.) forstå
    - get-together
    - get-up
    - be getting on for
    - get about
    - get across
    - get after
    - get ahead
    - get along
    - get around
    - get around to
    - get at
    - get away
    - get away with
    - get back
    - get by
    - get down
    - get down to
    - get in
    - get into
    - get nowhere
    - get off
    - get on
    - get on at
    - get out
    - get out of
    - get over
    - get round
    - get around to
    - get round to
    - get there
    - get through
    - get together
    - get up
    - get up to

    English-Danish dictionary > get

  • 2 get on

    1) (to make progress or be successful: How are you getting on in your new job?) klare sig
    2) (to work, live etc in a friendly way: We get on very well together; I get on well with him.) komme godt ud af det
    3) (to grow old: Our doctor is getting on a bit now.) komme op i årene
    4) (to put (clothes etc) on: Go and get your coat on.) tage... på
    5) (to continue doing something: I must get on, so please don't interrupt me; I must get on with my work.) komme videre
    * * *
    1) (to make progress or be successful: How are you getting on in your new job?) klare sig
    2) (to work, live etc in a friendly way: We get on very well together; I get on well with him.) komme godt ud af det
    3) (to grow old: Our doctor is getting on a bit now.) komme op i årene
    4) (to put (clothes etc) on: Go and get your coat on.) tage... på
    5) (to continue doing something: I must get on, so please don't interrupt me; I must get on with my work.) komme videre

    English-Danish dictionary > get on

  • 3 get up

    1) (to (cause to) get out of bed: I got up at seven o'clock; Get John up at seven o'clock.) stå op; vække
    2) (to stand up.) rejse sig
    3) (to increase (usually speed).) øge
    4) (to arrange, organize or prepare (something): We must get up some sort of celebration for him when he leaves.) arrangere
    * * *
    1) (to (cause to) get out of bed: I got up at seven o'clock; Get John up at seven o'clock.) stå op; vække
    2) (to stand up.) rejse sig
    3) (to increase (usually speed).) øge
    4) (to arrange, organize or prepare (something): We must get up some sort of celebration for him when he leaves.) arrangere

    English-Danish dictionary > get up

  • 4 get at

    1) (to reach (a place, thing etc): The farm is very difficult to get at.) nå; finde frem til
    2) (to suggest or imply (something): What are you getting at?) sigte til
    3) (to point out (a person's faults) or make fun of (a person): He's always getting at me.) være spydig mod
    * * *
    1) (to reach (a place, thing etc): The farm is very difficult to get at.) nå; finde frem til
    2) (to suggest or imply (something): What are you getting at?) sigte til
    3) (to point out (a person's faults) or make fun of (a person): He's always getting at me.) være spydig mod

    English-Danish dictionary > get at

  • 5 get by

    (to manage: I can't get by on such a small salary.) klare sig; overleve
    * * *
    (to manage: I can't get by on such a small salary.) klare sig; overleve

    English-Danish dictionary > get by

  • 6 get in

    (to send for (a person): The television is broken - we'll need to get a man in to repair it.) sende bud efter; få fat i
    * * *
    (to send for (a person): The television is broken - we'll need to get a man in to repair it.) sende bud efter; få fat i

    English-Danish dictionary > get in

  • 7 get-up

    noun (clothes, usually odd or unattractive: She wore a very strange get-up at the party.) antræk
    * * *
    noun (clothes, usually odd or unattractive: She wore a very strange get-up at the party.) antræk

    English-Danish dictionary > get-up

  • 8 get on at

    (to criticize (a person) continually or frequently: My wife is always getting on at me.) kritisere
    * * *
    (to criticize (a person) continually or frequently: My wife is always getting on at me.) kritisere

    English-Danish dictionary > get on at

  • 9 get up to

    (to do (something bad): He's always getting up to mischief.) finde på
    * * *
    (to do (something bad): He's always getting up to mischief.) finde på

    English-Danish dictionary > get up to

  • 10 get hold of

    1) (to manage to speak to: I've been trying to get hold of you by phone all morning.) få fat i
    2) (to get, buy or obtain: I've been trying to get hold of a copy of that book for years.) få fat i; købe; opnå
    * * *
    1) (to manage to speak to: I've been trying to get hold of you by phone all morning.) få fat i
    2) (to get, buy or obtain: I've been trying to get hold of a copy of that book for years.) få fat i; købe; opnå

    English-Danish dictionary > get hold of

  • 11 get one's hands on

    1) (to catch: If I ever get my hands on him, I'll make him sorry for what he did!) få fingre i
    2) (to get or obtain: I'd love to get my hands on a car like that.) få fingre i
    * * *
    1) (to catch: If I ever get my hands on him, I'll make him sorry for what he did!) få fingre i
    2) (to get or obtain: I'd love to get my hands on a car like that.) få fingre i

    English-Danish dictionary > get one's hands on

  • 12 get over

    1) (to recover from (an illness, surprise, disappointment etc): I've got over my cold now; I can't get over her leaving so suddenly.) komme sig over; komme over
    2) (to manage to make (oneself or something) understood: We must get our message over to the general public.) gøre forståeligt; trænge igennem med
    3) ((with with) to do (something one does not want to do): I'm not looking forward to this meeting, but let's get it over (with).) overstå
    * * *
    1) (to recover from (an illness, surprise, disappointment etc): I've got over my cold now; I can't get over her leaving so suddenly.) komme sig over; komme over
    2) (to manage to make (oneself or something) understood: We must get our message over to the general public.) gøre forståeligt; trænge igennem med
    3) ((with with) to do (something one does not want to do): I'm not looking forward to this meeting, but let's get it over (with).) overstå

    English-Danish dictionary > get over

  • 13 get along

    ( often with with) (to be friendly or on good terms (with someone): I get along very well with him; The children just cannot get along together.) komme godt ud af det med; enes
    * * *
    ( often with with) (to be friendly or on good terms (with someone): I get along very well with him; The children just cannot get along together.) komme godt ud af det med; enes

    English-Danish dictionary > get along

  • 14 get going

    (to get started: If you want to finish that job you'd better get going.) komme igang
    * * *
    (to get started: If you want to finish that job you'd better get going.) komme igang

    English-Danish dictionary > get going

  • 15 get off

    1) (to take off or remove (clothes, marks etc): I can't get my boots off; I'll never get these stains off (my dress).) få af; fjerne
    2) (to change (the subject which one is talking, writing etc about): We've rather got off the subject.) skifte; forlade
    * * *
    1) (to take off or remove (clothes, marks etc): I can't get my boots off; I'll never get these stains off (my dress).) få af; fjerne
    2) (to change (the subject which one is talking, writing etc about): We've rather got off the subject.) skifte; forlade

    English-Danish dictionary > get off

  • 16 get out of

    (to (help a person etc to) avoid doing something: I wonder how I can get out of washing the dishes; How can I get him out of going to the party?) slippe for; undgå
    * * *
    (to (help a person etc to) avoid doing something: I wonder how I can get out of washing the dishes; How can I get him out of going to the party?) slippe for; undgå

    English-Danish dictionary > get out of

  • 17 get round

    1) (to persuade (a person etc) to do something to one's own advantage: She can always get round her grandfather by giving him a big smile.) overtale; snøre
    2) (to solve (a problem etc): We can easily get round these few difficulties.) løse
    * * *
    1) (to persuade (a person etc) to do something to one's own advantage: She can always get round her grandfather by giving him a big smile.) overtale; snøre
    2) (to solve (a problem etc): We can easily get round these few difficulties.) løse

    English-Danish dictionary > get round

  • 18 get (someone) into

    (to make (a person) start or stop doing (something) as a habit: I wish I could get out of the habit of biting my nails; You must get your children into the habit of cleaning their teeth.) vænne til; vænne fra
    * * *
    (to make (a person) start or stop doing (something) as a habit: I wish I could get out of the habit of biting my nails; You must get your children into the habit of cleaning their teeth.) vænne til; vænne fra

    English-Danish dictionary > get (someone) into

  • 19 get a move on

    (to hurry or move quickly: Get a move on, or you'll be late!) få nu lidt fart på!
    * * *
    (to hurry or move quickly: Get a move on, or you'll be late!) få nu lidt fart på!

    English-Danish dictionary > get a move on

  • 20 get about

    1) ((of stories, rumours etc) to become well known: I don't know how the story got about that she was leaving.) slippe ud; komme frem
    2) (to be able to move or travel about, often of people who have been ill: She didn't get about much after her operation.) komme omkring
    * * *
    1) ((of stories, rumours etc) to become well known: I don't know how the story got about that she was leaving.) slippe ud; komme frem
    2) (to be able to move or travel about, often of people who have been ill: She didn't get about much after her operation.) komme omkring

    English-Danish dictionary > get about

См. также в других словарях:

  • get — [ get ] (past tense got [ gat ] ; past participle gotten [ gatn ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 obtain/receive ▸ 2 become/start to be ▸ 3 do something/have something done ▸ 4 move to/from ▸ 5 progress in activity ▸ 6 fit/put something in a place ▸ 7 understand… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • get — /get/ verb past tense got, past participle got especially BrE gotten especially AmE present participle getting RECEIVE/OBTAIN 1 RECEIVE (transitive not in passive) to be given or receive something: Sharon always seems to get loads of mail. | Why… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • get*/*/*/ — [get] (past tense got [gɒt] ; past participle got) verb 1) [T] to obtain, receive, or be given something Ross s father got a new job.[/ex] Did you get tickets for the game?[/ex] You get ten points for each correct answer.[/ex] Young players will… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • get — [get] verb got PASTTENSE [gɒt ǁ gɑːt] got PASTPART gotten PASTPART [ˈgɒtn ǁ ˈgɑːtn] getting PRESPART 1 …   Financial and business terms

  • get — [get; ] also, although it is considered nonstandard by some [, git] vt. GOT, gotten, getting: see usage note at GOTTEN got, got [ME geten < ON geta, to get, beget, akin to OE gietan (see BEGET, FORGET), Ger gessen in vergessen, forget < IE… …   English World dictionary

  • Get — (g[e^]t), v. i. 1. To make acquisition; to gain; to profit; to receive accessions; to be increased. [1913 Webster] We mourn, France smiles; we lose, they daily get. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To arrive at, or bring one s self into, a state,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • get — ► VERB (getting; past got; past part. got, N. Amer. or archaic gotten) 1) come to have or hold; receive. 2) succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain. 3) experience, suffer, or be afflicted with. 4) move in order to pic …   English terms dictionary

  • get — 1. range of use. Get is one of the most frequently used and most productive words in English. Often it has virtually no meaning in itself and draws its meaning almost entirely from its context, especially in idiomatic uses such as get to bed, get …   Modern English usage

  • Get — (g[e^]t), v. t. [imp. {Got} (g[o^]t) (Obs. {Gat} (g[a^]t)); p. p. {Got} (Obsolescent {Gotten} (g[o^]t t n)); p. pr. & vb. n. {Getting}.] [OE. geten, AS. gitan, gietan (in comp.); akin to Icel. geta, Goth. bigitan to find, L. prehendere to seize,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • get — [v1] come into possession of; achieve access, accomplish, acquire, annex, attain, bag*, bring, bring in, build up, buy into, buy off, buy out, capture, cash in on*, chalk up*, clean up*, clear, come by, compass, cop*, draw, earn, educe, effect,… …   New thesaurus

  • Get Up — can refer to:*GetUp!, the Australian political campaigning organisation *Get up!, a film directed by Kazuyuki Izutsu *GET UP, the graduate employee unionizing campaign at the University of Pennsylvania. Music *Get Up (Ciara song), a song by Ciara …   Wikipedia

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