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См. также в других словарях:

  • Page Description Language —   [engl.], Seitenbeschreibungssprache …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Page description language — A page description language (PDL) is a language that describes the appearance of a printed page in a higher level than an actual output bitmap. An overlapping term is printer control language, but it should not be confused as referring solely to… …   Wikipedia

  • page description language — a high level programming language for determining the output of a page printer designed to work with it, independent of the printer s internal codes. Abbr.: PDL * * * page description language noun (computing) A language which interprets a stream …   Useful english dictionary

  • page description language —    A device independent, high level language for defining printer output. If an application generates output in a page description language, such as PostScript, the output can be printed on any printer that supports it …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • page description language — a high level programming language for determining the output of a page printer designed to work with it, independent of the printer s internal codes. Abbr.: PDL * * * …   Universalium

  • Page description language — Язык описания полосы; Язык описания полос …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Description language — may refer to: Interface description language aka interface definition language (IDL) Regular Language description for XML (RELAX) Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Page description language (PDL) Binary Format Description language… …   Wikipedia

  • Page description markup language — A page description markup language is a type of markup language that is used to describe the appearance of a printed page. It is a markup adaption of the Page description language (which is a Domain specific programming language), and is often… …   Wikipedia

  • Interface description language — Pour les articles homonymes, voir IDL.  Ne doit pas être confondu avec Interactive Data Language) Interface description language (appelé aussi interface definition language), abrégé en IDL, est un langage voué à la définition de l interface… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Page Interchange Language — Publishing Interchange Language, or PIL is a public domain language that allows precise description of the layout of content on pages, groups of multiple pages or any 2 dimensional area, which it calls a canvas. It was developed between June 1990 …   Wikipedia

  • Hardware description language — Langage de description matériel Pour les articles homonymes, voir HDL. Un langage de description matériel (HDL pour hardware description language en anglais) est, en électronique, un langage informatique permettant la description formelle d un… …   Wikipédia en Français

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