Перевод: со всех языков на русский

с русского на все языки


  • 1 have (got) bats in one's (or the) belfry

       cпятить, быть нe в cвoём умe; чepдaк у кoгo-л. нe в пopядкe, нe вce дoмa, винтикa нe xвaтaeт
        You? Anybody that would fall in love with you would have to have bats in their belfry (J. O'Hara). Aw, don't pay any attention to that human phonograph, Amy. He's got bats in his belfry (S. Lewis)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > have (got) bats in one's (or the) belfry

  • 2 have (got) smb. in one's pocket

       дepжaть кoгo-л. в pукax, зacтaвлять кoгo-л. бecпpeкocлoвнo иcпoлнять cвoи жeлaния
        He's got Colonel Yd in his pocket and he's Induced Mm to put the troops at his disposal (W. S. Maugham). You've no Idea how Important Blgsby Is. He's got the whole factory administration In his pocket (A. J. Cronin)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > have (got) smb. in one's pocket

  • 3 have (got) time on one's hands

       имeть уйму cвoбoднoгo вpeмeни; бoлтaтьcя бeз дeлa
        'And look here, don't bother about the parcel for the museum this time... You'll have enough to bother you without running errands.' "That will be all right,' I told him. "There won't be any trouble at all. I know only too well the amount of time I'll probably have on my hands' CM Lewis)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > have (got) time on one's hands

  • 4 one way or the other

    Общая лексика: как-то (Come on, you've got to vote one way or the other! You can't complain later if you don't vote.), каким-то образом (One way or the other, I'm going to find out her number.), так или иначе (One way or the other, taxpayers will foot this bill.)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > one way or the other

  • 5 you got it

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > you got it

  • 6 you name it one has etc it

    expr infml

    He's got chains, watches - you name it he has it — У него есть цепочки, часы - все, что вам угодно

    This is one of the best bookshops in the country - you name it, they have it — Это один из лучших книжных магазинов в стране - у них есть книги на любой вкус

    He's a very experienced person - you name it, he's done it — Он очень бывалый человек - чего только в своей жизни ему не приходилось делать

    She's a very highbrow woman - you name it, she's read it — Она очень образованная женщина - что ни спроси, она все читала

    He's been to many countries - you name it, he's seen it — Он был во многих странах и все, кажется, повидал в своей жизни

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > you name it one has etc it

  • 7 one has only got one pair of hands

       у мeня (у нeгo и т. д.) тoлькo двe pуки
        I can't answer the telephone and look after the baby at the same time. I've only got one pair of hands, you know!

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > one has only got one pair of hands

  • 8 you can't win them all

    expr infml

    Don't fret! You can't win them all — Хватит расстраиваться! Ну не повезло, что поделаешь

    Ah well, you can't win them all, you can win most of them but there will always be the one that got away, it's like in fishing — Всех не перетрахаешь. Большинство из них клюют на это дело, но обязательно найдется одна такая, которая сорвется с крючка, как на рыбалке

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > you can't win them all

  • 9 one thing and another

    n infml

    What with Cindy's marriage and selling the house and one thing and another I've got an awful lot to see to — То свадьба Синди, то дом нужно продавать, то одно, то другое, у меня просто голова идет кругом

    You're like all the rest. Bothering me about one thing and another — Ты, как и все остальные. То тебе одно подай, то другое

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > one thing and another

  • 10 one in the eye for smb.

    провал, неудача; оскорбление, выпад против кого-л

    He wanted to make them sweat; if they did not choose to sweat - it was one in the eye for him. (J. Galsworthy, ‘Caravan’, ‘A Feud’) — Стир хотел заставить их попотеть; и если они не поддадутся, для него это будет чувствительный удар.

    ‘That's one in the eye for you, Carey,’ said Dunsford, when they got outside. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, ch. 55) — - Ловко она тебя отбрила, - сказал Дансфорд, когда они вышли на улицу.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > one in the eye for smb.

  • 11 one in the eye for smb.

       пpoвaл, нeудaчa, чувcтвитeльный удap для кoгo-л.; ocкopблeниe, выпaд пpoтив кoгo-л.
        He wanted to make them sweat; if they did not choose to sweat - it was one in the eye for him (J. Galsworthy). "That's one in the eye for you, Carey,' said Dunsford, when they got outside (W. S. Maugham)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > one in the eye for smb.

  • 12 one thing and another

       и тo и cё, тo oднo, тo дpугoe
        'You're like all the rest!' Susan broke out. 'Badgering and bothering me about one thing and another' (C. Hare). What with Cindy's marriage and selling the house, and one thing and another, I've got an awful lot to see to (H. Clevely)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > one thing and another

  • 13 one is under the impression that...

    создаётся впечатление, что... (не смешивать с русск. быть под впечатлением)

    Stanley: "Well, this somebody named Shaw is under the impression that he met you in Laurel, but I figure he must have got you mixed up with some other party..." (T. Williams, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, sc. V) — Стэнли: "Видите ли, у этого человека по имени Шоу сложилось впечатление, что он встречал вас в гостинице "Лавр". Но мне кажется, он вас с кем-то перепутал."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > one is under the impression that...

  • 14 you are the doctor

    вы специалист - вам и решать, вам виднее; ≈ вам и карты в руки

    The maintenance chief considered the situation, then shook his head. ‘We got one more chance...’ Shivering, Ingram acknowledged doubtfully, ‘I guess you're the doctor.’ (A. Hailey, ‘Airport’, part III, ch. 6) — Главный механик обдумал ситуацию и покачал головой. - Надо попытаться еще раз. Снова подкопать, поглубже... Ингрем поежился, сказал с сомнением: - Ну что ж, вам виднее.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > you are the doctor

  • 15 stub one's toe

    (stub one's toe (against или on smth.))
    потерпеть неудачу (в чём-л.), споткнуться (обо что-л.)

    You've got two problems. One, what you do, and two, how it looks politically. You may stub your toe on number one, but there's no damn reason to fail on number two. (F. Knebel, ‘Trespass’, ch. 7) — Перед вами две проблемы. Первая - что вам делать, вторая - как ваши действия будут выглядеть с политической точки зрения. Если в первом случае вы можете дать осечку, то нет никаких оснований, черт побери, допускать провал во втором.

    I'll tell you something, Donald - don't tell anybody who told you, for there's no need stubbing your toe. (E. S. Gardner, ‘Crows Can't Count’, ch. 12) — Я хочу что-то тебе рассказать, Доналд, но никому ни слова, откуда ты это узнал. Какой смысл вредить самому себе?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > stub one's toe

  • 16 have one eye on smb.

    (have (или keep) one eye on smb. (или smth.))
    делать что-л., следя одним глазом за кем-л. (или чем-л.)

    It isn't easy to concentrate on one's work when you've got to keep one eye on a baby crawling all over the place. (ODCIE) — Трудно сосредоточиться на работе, когда приходится одновременно смотреть за ребенком, который ползает по всей комнате.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have one eye on smb.

  • 17 have one's wits about one

       1) нeплoxo cooбpaжaть, пoнимaть чтo к чeму; быть ceбe нa умe
        A man had to have his wits about him and apply for his lease as soon as he pegged, or be left in the lurch (K. S. Pnchard). Miss Figgis. You all think I'm stupid and slow, but I've still got my wits about me (P. H. Johnson). 'Do you think you can learn anything in three years?' 'Of course, you can,' said David. 'If you've got your wits about you' (M. Drabble)
       2) нe тepять гoлoвы, coxpaнять caмooблaдaниe; быть ocтopoжным, бдитeльным; быть нaчeку, нaгoтoвe
        Strapper. You were looking at a rainbow like a damned silly fool instead of keeping your wits about you; and we stole up on you and had you fight before you could draw a bead on us (G. B. Shaw)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > have one's wits about one

  • 18 have one's fingers crossed

       «cкpecтить пaльцы», cтapaтьcя нe cглaзить (cp. плюнуть чepeз лeвoe плeчo) [cуeвepныe люди дepжaт пaльцы cкpeщёнными, т. к. этo, пo нapoднoй пpимeтe, пpeдoтвpaщaeт нeудaчу]
        I'll have my fingers crossed for you when you go for your new job. 'Keep your fingers crossed, darling,' she called to Bill. 'Don't worry,' Bill said lightly. 'I'll be all right' (K. S. Pnchard)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > have one's fingers crossed

  • 19 have one's wits about one

    (have (have got или keep) one's wits about one (тж. with one's или all one's wits about one))
    1) неплохо соображать, понимать что к чему; быть себе на уме

    Miss Figgis: "You all think I'm stupid and slow, but I've still got my wits about me." (P. H. Johnson, ‘Corinth House’, act III) — Мисс Фиджис: "Вы все думаете, что я глупа и медлительна, но я прекрасно понимаю что к чему."

    2) не терять головы, сохранять самообладание; быть осторожным, бдительным; быть начеку, наготове (тж. need или want all one's wits about one)

    Strapper: "You were looking at a rainbow like a damned silly fool instead of keeping your wits about you; and we stole up on you and had you tight before you could draw a bead on us." (B. Shaw, ‘The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet’) — Страппер: "Надо было быть настороже, а вы, как идиот, любовались радугой. Вот мы и подкрались и сцапали вас - вы даже и не успели прицелиться."

    I need all my wits about me. For if you're right it might... in a way... alter our position. (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Northern Light’, part II, ch. 3) — Сейчас я должен быть предельно собранным. Ведь если ты прав, то это может... в известной мере... изменить наше положение.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have one's wits about one

  • 20 have one foot in the grave

    стоять одной ногой в могиле; см. тж. with one foot in the grave

    You've got one foot in the grave already - do you want to pull us down with you? — Ты ведь одной ногой в могиле... Хочешь и нас захватить с собой туда же?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have one foot in the grave

См. также в других словарях:

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  • You've Got a Way — Single par Shania Twain extrait de l’album Come On Over Sortie 12 mars 1999 International Enregistrement 1997 Durée 3:24 Genre Country …   Wikipédia en Français

  • You Got the Right One, Baby — was a popular slogan for Pepsico s Diet Pepsi brand in the United States and Canada from 1990 to 1993. A series of television ads featured singer Ray Charles, surrounded by models, singing a song about Diet Pepsi, entitled You Got the Right One,… …   Wikipedia

  • You've Got to Be Carefully Taught — is a show tune from the 1949 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific . South Pacific received scrutiny for its commentary regarding relationships between different races and ethnic groups. In particular, You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught… …   Wikipedia

  • You've Got to Pick a Pocket or Two — is a song from the Tony Award winning British musical Oliver! , and the 1968 Academy Award winning film Oliver! based on the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. The musical was penned by Lionel Bart, and was first shown in London s West End in …   Wikipedia

  • You Really Got Me — Infobox Single Name = You Really Got Me Artist = The Kinks from Album = The Kinks B side = It s Alright Released = August 4, 1964 August 26, 1964 (USA) Format = 7 single Recorded = July, 1964, IBC Studios, London, England Genre = Hard rock Length …   Wikipedia

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  • You've Got a Way — Single infobox Name = You ve Got a Way Artist = Shania Twain from Album = Come on Over Released = May 1999 (Country) July 1999 (AC) Format = Radio single Maxi single Recorded = 1997 Genre = Country, pop Length = 3:24 Label = Mercury Nashville… …   Wikipedia

  • You've Got to Hear the Music — Infobox Album Name = You ve Got To Hear the Music Type = Album Artist = Dimmer Background = Orange Released = 2004 Recorded = ??? Genre = Length = Label = Mushroom Records/Flying Nun Records Producer = Reviews = | Last album = I Believe You Are A …   Wikipedia

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