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  • 121 demand

    I [dɪ'maːnd] n
    1) требование, спрос, настойчивая просьба

    It was done owing to the people's demands. — Это было сделано благодаря общественности/по требованию народа.

    This puts extra demands on the State purse. — Это ведет государство к дополнительным расходам.

    The industrial system has always made heavy demands on those working in it. — Промышленность требует больших усилий от тех, кто в ней работает.

    I have many demands on my time. — У меня каждая минута на счету.

    - reasonable demand
    - natural demand
    - unjust demand
    - persistent demand
    - widespread demand
    - current demands
    - payment demand
    - pressing demands
    - unique demands
    - excessive demands
    - exorbetant demands
    - immediate demands
    - growing demands
    - public demands
    - demand note
    - demand deposit
    - demand for payment
    - demand for credit
    - demand for higher wages
    - demands of the age
    - demands of modesty
    - demand for compensation
    - demand for money
    - payment on demand
    - on demand
    - make demands
    - make heavy demands on smb's time
    - make heavy demands on smb's purse
    - meet practical demands of life
    - stay the demands of the contest
    - hold a demand against smb
    - set a limit to smb's demands
    - push one's demands
    - give way
    - raise demands
    - set aside down the demand
    - voice the demands
    - support the demands
    - worry smb with demands
    - comply with demands
    - agree to such demands
    - refuse smb's demands
    - meet smb's demand

    The plant increased its production to meet the growing demand. — Завод увеличил выпуск своей продукции, чтобы удовлетворить растущий спрос.

    The services of a domestic help are everywhere in great demand. — Услуги по домашнему обслуживанию всюду пользуются большим спросом

    - large demand
    - poor demand
    - excellent
    - strong demand
    - market demand
    - demand exceeds supply
    - general increase in demand
    - supply and demand
    - law of supply and demand
    - increasing demand for small cars
    - demand for labour
    - be in great demand
    - be down on demand
    - create a demand
    - enjoy a great demand
    II [dɪ'maːnd]
    требовать, предъявлять требование, настоятельно просить, настаивать

    This matter demands immediate attention. — Этим делом необходимо заняться немедленно.

    This operation demands skill and experience. — Необходимо обладать опытом и умением, чтобы сделать такую операцию.

    They demanded that we (should) apologize. — Они требовали, чтобы мы извинились. /Они требовали у нас извинения.

    He demands that I should tell him the truth. — Он требует, чтобы я сказал ему правду.

    - demand one's rights
    - demand an immediate payment
    - demand higher wages
    - demand an interview
    - demand money from smb
    - demand an explanation from smb
    - demand that smb should do smth
    (1.) Русскому глаголу требовать соответствуют английские глаголы to demand и to require. Глагол to demand выражает настоятельность просьбы, претензии - настоятельно требовать, настаивать, выдвигать требование. Чаще всего в предложениях с глаголом to demand в качестве подлежащего употребляется одушевленное существительное. В отличие от глагола to demand глагол to require подчеркивает необходимость чего-либо в качестве условия нормального действия или состояния того, что выражено подлежащим. В качестве подлежащего в предложении с глаголом to require, как правило, употребляется неодушевленное существительное, глагол to require употребляется с прямым дополнение в конструкциях to require smth и to require doing smth: the flower requires much water and sunshine цветок требует много воды и солнца; the house requires painting дом требует покраски; your suit requires pressing костюм надо погладить; this job requires patience эта работа требует терпения; the machine requires careful handling машина требует осторожного обращения/с машиной надо обращаться осторожно. (2.) Глагол to demand, в отличие от русского глагола требовать, не употребляется с одушевленным косвенным дополнением. В тех случаях, когда необходимо такое дополнение выразить, употребляется придаточное предложение с модальным глаголом should, или формой глагола в Subjunctive, или предложным сочетанием from smb: the policeman demanded that he should answer immediately или the policeman demanded an immediate answer from him. Вместо придаточного предложения может быть использована пассивная форма инфинитива: he demanded to be fold everything. (3.) See suggest, v; USAGE (1.), (2.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > demand

  • 122 hand

    I [hænd] n
    1) рука, ручка, кисть руки

    I have my hands full. — У меня дел по горло.

    My hands are cold/are freezing. — У меня замерзли руки.

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. — Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. /Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки.

    Can be counted on the fingers of one hand. — Раз, два и обчелся.

    To bite the hand that feeds you. — Рубить сук, на котором сидишь.

    To live from hand to mouth. — Перебиваться с хлеба на воду.

    One hand washes the other. — Рука руку моет.

    The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. — Левая рука не знает, что делает правая.

    To know smth as the back of one's hand. — Знать, как свои пять пальцев.

    To get smth off one's hands. — С плеч долой. /Скинуть с рук долой.

    With my hand on my heart. — Положа руку на сердце.

    To die by one's own hand. — Наложить на себя руки.

    To change hands. — Переходить из рук в руки.

    To get the upper hand. — Взять верх.

    Don't put your hand further than your sleeve. — По одежке тяни ножки.

    A clean hand doesn't want/need washing no washing. — Нечестно живешь, себя подведешь. /Хлеб соль ешь, а правду режь.

    - white hands
    - moist hands
    - sinewy hands
    - left hand
    - deft hands
    - calloused hands
    - olive hands
    - nimble hands
    - well-groomed hands
    - one's shriveled hands
    - one's wrinkled hands
    - one's bad hand
    - one's mutilated hand
    - child's hand
    - one's wounded hand
    - hand covered with sores
    - hand with two fingers missing
    - hand in a sling
    - fracture in one's hand
    - sharp pain in one's hand
    - with one's hands behind one's back
    - with one's folded hands in one's lap co
    - with one's hands tied
    - with one's own hands
    - in one's cupped hand
    - keep smth at hand
    - wash one's hands
    - hold out one's hand to smb
    - cross one's hands in one's lap
    - treat one's hand
    - rub cream into one's hand
    - hurt one's hand
    - get one's hand frost-bitten
    - bandage smb's hand
    - carry one's hand in a sling
    - join hands
    - take smb's hand
    - grab somebody by the hand
    - hold smth in one's hands
    - pass one's hand across one's forehead
    - reach one's hand for smth
    - bite smb's hand
    - go on one's hands and knees
    - shake hands with smb
    - wave one's hand
    - beg smb's hand in marriage
    - gain smb's hand
    - smb's hands freeze
    - smb's hands ache
    - smb's hands are tied
    - smb is bound hand and foot

    The hand of the clock is creeping on. — Стрелка часов еле движется.

    - hour hand
    - hand of the clock
    3) власть, контроль, надзор

    The matter is now in your hands. — Дело теперь в ваших руках.

    His life was in my hands. — Его жизнь была в моей власти.

    He is still in the hands of the moneylenders. — Он еще в руках ростовщиков.

    The hand of a master can easily be traced in the picture. — В этом полотне ясно видна рука большого художника.

    - be in good hands
    - get into in good hands
    - run the business with a firm hand
    - fall into the hands of the enemy
    - change hands
    - keep smb in hand
    - get out of hand
    - put the matter in the hands of a lawyer
    - put oneself in smb's hands
    - keep oneself well in hands
    - play into smb's hand
    - have someone's fate in one's hands
    4) сторона, точка зрения

    He sat close on/at my right hand. — Он сидел по правой руке от меня.

    A street with shops on either hand. — Улица, по обе стороны которой идут магазины.

    - on all hands co
    - on either hand
    - on the left hand
    - at smb's right hand
    - sit on smb's right hand
    5) участие, помощь

    I have heard the story at first hand. — Я слышал об этой истории из первых рук.

    I had no hand in it. — Я не принимал в этом никакого участия.

    The work suggests an unpracticed hand. — Работа, видимо, была выполнена неопытным человеком/автором.

    - have a hand in this affair
    - have a hand in smth
    - have a hand in the plot
    - have no hand in smth
    - give smb a hand with a heavy box
    - get smb a big hand
    - refuse smb's hand
    - accept smb's hand
    - oil smb's hand
    - lend smb a hand in doing smth
    6) рабочие руки, рабочий, работник

    The factory has taken on (employed) some 12.000 hands. — Фабрика наняла около 12.000 рабочих. /На фабрике работает 12.000 рабочих.

    We have not sufficient hands. — Мы испытываем нехватку в рабочей силе.

    She is a poor hand at dressmaking. — Она не умеет шить платья.

    He is an old hand at this sort of work. — Он имеет большой опыт такой работы.

    - field hand
    - machine hand
    - harvest hands
    (1.) Русскому существительному рука 1. соответствуют в английском языке hand (от пальцев до запястья) и arm (от кисти до плеча), поэтому русское словосочетание "нести в руках сумку (книгу, палку)" соответствует в английском языке словосочетаниям: to carry one's bag (book, stick) in one's hand(s), а нести (держать) ребенка на руках - to carry (to hold) a child in one's arms; взяться за руки соответствует to join hands, а идти под руку соответствует to walk arm in arm. (2.) See arm, n; USAGE (1.)
    II [hænd] v
    вручать, передавать

    I handed the note to him myself. — Я сам (лично) вручил ему эту записку.

    Hand me those papers, please. — Передайте мне эти документы, пожалуйста

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > hand

  • 123 The Lusiads

       Portugal's national epic poem of the Age of Discoveries, written by the nation's most celebrated poet, Luís de Camões. Published in 1572, toward the end of the adventurous life of Camões, Os Lusíadas is the most famous and most often-quoted piece of literature in Portugal. Modeled in part on the style and format of Virgil's Aeneid, Os Lusíadas is the story of Portugal's long history, and features an evocation of the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama's epic discovery of the sea route from Portugal to Asia. Part of the epic poem was composed when Camões was in royal service in Portugal's Asian empire, including in Goa and Macau. While the dramatic framework is dominated by various deities from classical literature, much of what is described in Portugal, Africa, and Asia is real and accurately rendered by the classically educated (at Coimbra University) Camões, who witnessed both the apogee and the beginning of decline of Portugal's seaborne empire and world power.
       While the poet praises imperial power and greatness, Camões features a prescient naysayer: "The Old Man of Restelo," on the beach where Vasco da Gama is about to embark for Indian adventures, criticizes Portuguese expansion beyond Africa to Asia. Camões was questioning the high price of an Asian empire, and gave voice to those anti-imperialists and "Doubting Thomases" in the country who opposed more overseas expansion beyond Africa. It is interesting to note that in the Portuguese language usage and tradition since the establishment of The Lusiads as a national poem, "The Old Man of Restelo" ("O Velho do Restelo") came to symbolize not a wise Cassandra with timely warnings that Portugal would be fatally weakened by empire and might fall prey to neighboring Spain, but merely a Doubting Thomas in popular sentiment. The Lusiads soon became universally celebrated and accepted, and it has been translated into many languages. In the history of criticism in Portugal, more has been written about Camões and The Lusiads than about any other author or work in Portuguese literature, now more than a thousand years in the making.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > The Lusiads

  • 124 ἐπερωτάω

    ἐπερωτάω (s. ἐρωτάω); impf. ἐπηρώτων; fut. ἐπερωτήσω; 1 aor. ἐπηρώτησα. Pass.: 1 aor. subj. 2 sg. ἐπερωτηθῇς Sir 32:7; Just., D. 50, 1; ptc. ἐπερωτηθείς (Hdt., Thu.+).
    to put a question to, ask
    gener. τινά Mk 9:32; 12:34; Mt 22:46; Lk 2:46; 1 Cor 14:35. τινά τι someone about someth. (Aeschines 1, 79) αὐτὸν τὴν παραβολήν they asked him about the parable Mk 7:17; cp. 11:29; Lk 20:40; Hm 4, 1, 4. τινὰ περί τινος (Hdt. 1, 32; Demosth. 43, 66; PFlor 331, 3) Mk 10:10; J 16:19 D. W. acc. of pers. and foll. by a question introduced by λέγων (TestJos 11:2) Mt 12:10; 17:10; 22:23; Mk 9:11; 12:18; Lk 3:10 al. Foll. by εἰ and a dir. question εἴ τι βλέπεις; do you see someth.? Mk 8:23 or an indirect question (PHib 72, 15 [241 B.C.]; Jos., Ant. 12, 163) Mk 10:2; 15:44; Lk 6:9; 23:6 (ἐρωτάω P75 but s. ed. note); Ac 5:8 D. Followed by other questions, direct Mk 5:9; 7:5; 9:16, 28 al. and indirect (X., Hell. 6, 4, 2; Oec. 6, 6) Lk 8:9; 17:20; Ac 23:34; 2 Cl 12:2. τί ἄρα ἔσται αὐτοῖς what will happen to them Hm 11:2. Abs. Ox 654, 23 (=GTh 4; ASyn. 256, 54; context mutilated, s. Fitzmyer, Oxy 523).
    of a judge’s questioning (interrogation) in making an investigation (cp. PYadin 17, 38 of contractual process) Mt 27:11; Mk 14:60f; 15:2, 4; J 9:19 v.l., 23; 18:21 v.l.; Ac 5:27.
    The usage of the word w. regard to questioning deities (Hdt. 1, 53, 1 and oft.; SIG 977, 24; 1160; 1168, 16; Jos., Ant. 6, 123) approaches the mng. in the LXX: ἐ. τὸν θεόν, τὸν κύριον etc. inquire after God, i.e. after the thought, purpose, or will of God Ro 10:20 (Is 65:1).
    to make a request, ask for τινά τι ask someone for someth. (Ps 136:3) αὐτὸν σημεῖον ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ Mt 16:1.—DELG s.v. ἐρέω. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐπερωτάω

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Grace note — Grace Grace (gr[=a]s), n. [F. gr[^a]ce, L. gratia, from gratus beloved, dear, agreeable; perh. akin to Gr. ? to rejoice, cha ris favor, grace, Skr. hary to desire, and E. yearn. Cf. {Grateful}, {Gratis}.] 1. The exercise of love, kindness, mercy …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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