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  • 1 лагерувам

    camp, воен. и go into bivouac
    * * *
    гл. camp, encamp; воен. go into bivouac.
    * * *
    camp; encamp
    * * *
    camp, воен. и go into bivouac

    Български-английски речник > лагерувам

  • 2 разполагам

    1. разположа
    2. dispose, arrange
    (лагер) set up
    3. прен. вж. предразполагам
    разполагам се settle (down), install o.s.
    разполагам се на стол settle o.s. in a chair
    разполагам се удобно make o.s. comfortable/snug, ensconce o.s.
    разполагам се на лагер camp out. encamp, pitch camp
    разполагам се на бивак go into bivouac
    разполагам се като у дома си make o.s. at home
    разполагам се да спя dispose o.s. to sleep
    разполагам като пет пари в кесия have plenty of room
    4. dispose (с of)
    разполагам с have at o.'s disposal, be master of, command, have enough
    (богат сьм) be well-to-do
    разполагам напълно свободно с have entire disposal of
    разполагам с пари have plenty of money
    разполагам с време have time at o.'s disposal
    разполагам с времето си have o.'s time to o.s.
    разполагам с много време have time to spare
    разполагам с достатъчно време have plenty of time
    разполагам с голямо мнозинство command a large majority
    разполагам с чужд имот be free with other people's property
    разполагам както си искам с have at o.'s beck and call
    не разполагам c... have no... available
    * * *
    гл. dispose, arrange; situate, locate; ( поставям) place, emplace, position; situate; ( лагер) set up;
    \разполагам се settle (down), install o.s.; \разполагам се като у дома си make o.s. at home; \разполагам се на лагер camp out, encamp, pitch camp; \разполагам се на стол settle/ensconce o.s. in a chair; \разполагам се удобно make o.s. comfortable/snug, ensconce o.s.; • \разполагам се като пет пари в кесия have plenty of room.
    гл. dispose (с of); \разполагам c have at o.’s disposal, be master of, command, have enough; ( богат съм) bewell-to-do; \разполагам както си искам с have at o.’s beck and call; \разполагам напълно свободно с have entire disposal of; \разполагам с времето си have o.’s time to o.s.; \разполагам с голямо мнозинство command a large majority; \разполагам с много време have time to spare; \разполагам с пари have plenty of money; разг. be in funds; \разполагам с чужд имот be free with other people’s property.
    * * *
    arrange; set up{`setXp} (за лагер); settle (се); make o.s at home - разполагам се като у дома си
    * * *
    1. (богат сьм) be well-to-do 2. (лагер) set up 3. 1, разположа 4. 4 dispose (с of) 5. dispose, arrange 6. РАЗПОЛАГАМ ce на лагер camp out. encamp, pitch camp 7. РАЗПОЛАГАМ както си искам с have at o.'s beck and call 8. РАЗПОЛАГАМ като пет пари в кесия have plenty of room 9. РАЗПОЛАГАМ напълно свободно с have entire disposal of 10. РАЗПОЛАГАМ с have at o.'s disposal, be master of, command, have enough 11. РАЗПОЛАГАМ с време have time at o.'s disposal 12. РАЗПОЛАГАМ с времето си have o.'s time to o. s. 13. РАЗПОЛАГАМ с голямо мнозинство command a large majority 14. РАЗПОЛАГАМ с достатъчно време have plenty of time 15. РАЗПОЛАГАМ с много време have time to spare 16. РАЗПОЛАГАМ с пари have plenty of money 17. РАЗПОЛАГАМ с чужд имот be free with other people's property 18. РАЗПОЛАГАМ се settle (down), install o.s. 19. РАЗПОЛАГАМ се да спя dispose o.s. to sleep 20. РАЗПОЛАГАМ се като у дома си make o.s. at home 21. РАЗПОЛАГАМ се на бивак go into bivouac 22. РАЗПОЛАГАМ се на стол settle о. s. in a chair 23. РАЗПОЛАГАМ се удобно make o. s. comfortable/snug, ensconce o.s. 24. не РАЗПОЛАГАМ c... have no... available 25. прен. вж. предразполагам

    Български-английски речник > разполагам

  • 3 располагаться биваком

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > располагаться биваком

  • 4 расположиться биваком

    General subject: bivouac, go into bivouac

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > расположиться биваком

  • 5 roz|łożyć

    pf — roz|kładać impf vt 1. (rozprostować) to unfold [gazetę, prześcieradło]; (rozpostrzeć) to spread [obrus, koc]
    - rozkładane łóżko a folding bed
    - rozkładana kanapa a folding sofa
    - rozkładany fotel a folding chair
    - rozłożyć obóz a. obozowisko to pitch camp
    - rozłożyć bezradnie ręce to spread one’s arms helplessly
    2. (rozlokować) to lay out [książki, sprawunki]
    - rozłożyć żołnierzy na kwaterach to quarter the soldiers
    - rozłożyć karty w rzędach to lay out cards in rows
    3. (rozplanować) to divide [prace, zadania]
    - rozłożyć spłatę na raty na dwadzieścia lat to spread the payments out over twenty years
    4. (rozmontować) to take to pieces, to dismantle [maszynę, zegar] 5. (wyodrębnić części składowe) rozłożyć związek na pierwiastki Chem. to resolve a compound into constituent parts
    - rozłożyć liczbę na czynniki pierwsze Mat. to factorize a number
    - rozłożyć wyraz na morfemy Jęz. to divide a word into morphemes
    6. pot. (przewrócić) to knock [sb] down 7. pot. (zniszczyć) to upset, to disrupt
    - inflacja rozłożyła gospodarkę inflation has disrupted the economy
    - aktor rozłożył rolę the actor botched his part
    8. Biol. (spowodować rozkład) to decompose, to rot [odpadki] rozłożyć sięrozkładać się 1. (położyć się) to stretch out
    - rozłożył się wygodnie na łóżku he stretched out comfortably on the bed
    2. (rozlokować się) rozłożyć się biwakiem to bivouac
    - harcerze rozłożyli się nad rzeką the scouts pitched camp on the riverbank
    - rozłożyć się z towarem to display one’s goods for sale
    3. (otworzyć się) to unfold
    - parasol rozłożył się the umbrella unfolded
    4. (zostać podzielonym) to be spread out
    - prace remontowe rozłożyły się na kilka etapów the repair work was carried out in several stages
    5. Chem. (rozdzielić się) to decompose 6. Biol. (ulec rozkładowi) [odpadki] to putrefy, to decompose 7. przen. pot. rozłożyć się na grypę to go down with flu 8. pot. (upaść) to fall down

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > roz|łożyć

  • 6 açık

    "1. open. 2. unobstructed, free. 3. uncovered; naked, bare, exposed. 4. empty, clear, unoccupied. 5. spaced far apart, separated. 6. open for business, open. 7. clear, easy to understand; not in cipher. 8. not secret, in the open. 9. light (shade of color). 10. fortunate, promising. 11. obscene; suggestive. 12. open, defenseless, unprotected (city). 13. not roofed; not enclosed. 14. clear, cloudless, fine. 15. the open. 16. vacancy, job opening. 17. deficit, shortage. 18. excess of expense over income. 19. distance, space between. 20. outskirts; nearby place. 21. soccer wing, winger, player in a wing position. 22. open sea. 23. frank, open. 24. frankly, openly. -ında/-larında naut. off..., offshore. -ta 1. outdoors, in the open air. 2. obvious, apparent. 3. naut. in the offing, offshore. 4. unemployed. - açık openly, frankly. -tan açığa openly. - adım big step, wide step. - ağızlı stupid, dim-witted. - alınla with a clear conscience. -a almak /ı/ to lay off (a government employee) temporarily. - arazi mil. exposed terrain, unprotected terrain, open country. - artırma sale by public auction. - ateş mil. direct fire. -ta bırakmak /ı/ 1. to leave (something) outdoors. 2. to leave out, exclude (a person from a privilege). 3. to leave (someone) without a home or a job. - bono vermek /a/ 1. com. to give (someone) a blank check. 2. to give (someone) carte blanche, give (someone) freedom of action or complete control. -ını bulmak to find something amiss. - celse law public hearing. - ciro blank endorsement, general endorsement. - çek signed blank check. -a çıkarılmak to be dismissed from work, be fired. -a çıkarmak /ı/ 1. to fire (a government employee). 2. to bring (a matter) out into the open. -a çıkmak 1. to be fired. 2. to become known, come out. -ı çıkmak 1. (for one´s accounts) to show a shortage. 2. (for the inventory of property for which one is responsible) to show a shortage. - deniz 1. law high seas. 2. the open sea. - devre elec. open circuit, interrupted circuit. - durmak to stand aside, not to interfere. - duruşma law public hearing. -ta eğlenmek to wait offshore without anchoring. - eksiltme public bidding for a contract. - elbise (a) revealing dress; (a) décolleté dress. - elli open-handed, generous. - ellilik open-handedness, generosity. - fikirli broad -minded, enlightened, liberal-minded. - gel! slang 1. Stay clear! 2. Come on, out with it! - gelmek slang to stay away, not to come near. - giyinmek to wear revealing clothes; to wear décolleté dresses. - hava 1. open air, outdoor; fresh air. 2. clear weather. - hava sineması open-air movie theater, open-air cinema. - hava tiyatrosu open-air theater. - hava toplantısı public protest meeting. - hece gram. open syllable. - imza signature on blank paper. -ta kalmak/olmak to have lost one´s home or job, Brit. be up a gum tree. - kalp ameliyatı open-heart surgery. - kalpli open-hearted, candid. -ı kapatmak to meet the deficit. - kapı open door. - kapı bırakmak /a/ to leave (someone) with some room for choice, leave (someone) with some leeway, not to tie (someone´s) hands. - kapı politikası open-door policy. - kart vermek /a/ to give (someone) carte blanche. - konuşmak to be frank, talk frankly. - kredi open credit, blank credit. - liman 1. port unprotected from storms. 2. port without excessive formalities. 3. mil. unprotected port. -lar livası colloq. the unemployed. - maaşı half pay (while an employee is temporarily suspended). - mektup 1. open letter. 2. unsealed letter. - mevzi mil. exposed position. - olmak /a/ 1. to be accessible (to). 2. to be receptive (to). - ordugâh bivouac, temporary encampment. - oturum panel discussion. - oy open vote. - oylama open voting. - öğretim education modeled after that of an open university. -ını örtmek to cover up one´s fraud. - pazar open market. - poliçe certificate of indebtedness issued before all the details are settled. - saçık 1. off-color, risqué; bawdy

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > açık

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bivouac shelter — A bivouac (pronounced [http://cougar.eb.com/soundc11/b/bivoua01.wav /ˈbɪvuˌæk/, biv oo ak] ) traditionally refers to a military encampment made with tents or improvised shelters, usually without shelter or protection from enemy fire or such a… …   Wikipedia

  • Bivouac of the Dead — The Bivouac of the Dead is a poem written by Theodore O Hara to honor his fellow soldiers from Kentucky who died in the Mexican American War. The poem increased its popularity after the Civil War, and its verses have been featured on many… …   Wikipedia

  • Bivouac (ants) — A bivouac is a structure formed by migratory army ant and driver ant colonies, where a nest is constructed out of the living ant worker s own bodies to protect the queen and larvae, and is later deconstructed as the ants move on. [William B.… …   Wikipedia

  • Bivouac sack — A bivouac sack (also known as a bivy sack , bivi bag or just bivy ) is an extremely lightweight, waterproof alternative to traditional tent systems. It is used by climbers, mountaineers, hikers, ultralight backpackers, soldiers and minimalist… …   Wikipedia

  • bivouac — [18] Bivouac appears to be of Swiss German origin. The early 19th century writer Stalder noted that the term beiwacht (bei ‘additional’ + wacht ‘guard’ – a relative of English watch and wake) was used in Aargau and Zürich for a sort of band of… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • bivouac — [18] Bivouac appears to be of Swiss German origin. The early 19th century writer Stalder noted that the term beiwacht (bei ‘additional’ + wacht ‘guard’ – a relative of English watch and wake) was used in Aargau and Zürich for a sort of band of… …   Word origins

  • bivouac — 1. noun /ˈbɪv.u.æk,ˈbɪv.wæk/ a) An encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering. The outing begins by Thursday noon, when the recreational vehicles start rumbling into town and their owners set up bivouacs. b) Any temporary… …   Wiktionary

  • Nomad Bivouac — (Мерзуга,Марокко) Категория отеля: Адрес: 52202 Merzouga Eroud Errachidia, 52202 Мерз …   Каталог отелей

  • Battle of Brandy Station — Infobox Military Conflict conflict = Battle of Brandy Station partof = the American Civil War caption = Cavalry reenactors at the Farley plantation on the Brandy Station battlefield, 2008. date = June 9, 1863 place = Culpeper County, Virginia… …   Wikipedia

  • James M. Gavin — Infobox Military Person name= James Maurice Gavin born= birth date|1907|3|22 died= death date and age|1990|02|23|1907|03|22 placeofbirth= New York City, New York placeofdeath= Baltimore, Maryland placeofburial= caption= James M. Gavin, then Major …   Wikipedia

  • F.Y. Hedley: Marching Through Georgia — ▪ Primary Source              Marching Through Georgia is an account of Sherman s March from the standpoint of soldiers in the ranks. F.Y. Hedley, a member of the 32nd Illinois Infantry, set out to describe how the ordinary soldier lived, how he… …   Universalium

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