Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский


  • 81 deliver the goods

    выполнить взятые на себя обязательства, выполнить свои обещания, оправдать надежды, довести дело до конца [первонач. амер.]

    An old procuress, that's what she was, and not even honest. She knew quite well that the chain was the price he was paying her to arrange things for him and when she did not deliver the goods surely the least she could have done would be to return the purchase price. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Then and Now’, ch. XXXV) — Эта Монна Катарина - старая сводница. Наобещала с три короба, а ничего не сделала. Она ведь знала, что цепь он ей дал в уплату за будущие услуги. Так она хотя бы деньги за цепь вернула.

    There's a million dollars been put up to hang that Goober crowd, and if you deliver the goods, you'll get your share, and get it right on time. (U. Sinclair, ‘100%’, ch. 20) — Ассигновали целый миллион долларов, чтобы привести на виселицу эту губеровскую компанию, и если ты внесешь свою лепту, то в свое время получишь причитающуюся тебе долю, будь спокоен.

    You, chaps, have got to deliver the goods. (C. P. Snow, ‘The New Men’, ch. 38) — Вам, друзья, придется довести дело до конца.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > deliver the goods

  • 82 fling one's bonnet over the mill

    поступать безрассудно, переходить границы дозволенного ( о женщине); см. тж. fling one's cap over the mill

    ‘I know, my dear, I should have fallen madly in love with you,’ she used to say, ‘and thrown my bonnet right over the mills for your sake. It is most unfortunate that you were not thought at the time. As it was, our bonnets were so unbecoming and the mills were so occupied in trying to raise the wind, that I never had even a flirtation with anybody.’ (O. Wilde, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’, ch. XV) — - Я уверена, что влюбилась бы в вас до безумия, мой милый, - говаривала леди Нарборо, - и ради вас забросила бы свой чепец через мельницу. Как жаль, что вас тогда еще и на свете не было! Впрочем, в мое время дамские чепцы были так уродливы, а мельницы так заняты своим прозаическим делом, что мне не пришлось даже ни с кем пофлиртовать.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > fling one's bonnet over the mill

  • 83 go over the top

    1) разг.; воен. идти в атаку ( из траншей)

    Some dopey movie actor was standing near us, having a cigarette. I don't know his name, but he always plays the part of a guy in a war movie that gets yellow before it's time to go over the top. (J. Salinger, ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, ch. XVII) — Какой-то на вид слегка под мухой киноактер стоял рядом с нами и тоже курил. Не знаю его фамилии, но в военных фильмах он всегда играет того типа, у которого перед атакой коленки дрожат от страха.

    2) решиться на что-л., сделать решительный шаг

    About to go over ‘The top’ - with public confession of his faith trembling behind his lips - Michael was choked by the sudden thought: ‘It is all right - is it what I think it, or am I an ignorant fool?’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Silver Spoon’, part II, ch. I) — Майкл уже готов был ринуться в атаку и огласить свои убеждения, как вдруг его остановила мысль: "Верно ли это? Не заблуждаюсь ли я? Быть может, я невежественный дурак?"

    3) амер. перевыполнить, превысить

    The drive had gone over the top and considerable more than 200 dollars was collected. (WD) — В ходе кампании по сбору средств была значительно превышена предварительно намечавшаяся сумма в 200 долларов.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > go over the top

  • 84 how the cookie crumbles

    преим.; амер.; разг.; шутл.
    так обстоят дела, такие-то дела

    I didn't let my fingers flicker quick enough. And I didn't know the store dick was standing right behind me. Oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. You can't win 'em all. (P. G. Wodehouse, ‘Ice in Bedroom’, ch. V) — Мои руки двигались недостаточно проворно. И я не знала, что у меня за спиной магазинный сыщик. Вот такие дела. И на старуху бывает проруха.

    No matter how the cookie crumbled. Mamma Ida was in for a bad time. (Suppl) — Как бы ни сложились дела, маме Иде все равно придется туго.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > how the cookie crumbles

  • 85 put the bee on smb.

    преим.; амер.; жарг.
    (put the bee (или the bite) on smb.)
    1) клянчить у кого-л. денег взаймы, заставить кого-л. раскошелиться (особ. рассказывая о своём бедственном положении)

    You know one time I put the bee on him for a buck. I give him a hell of a story. Right in the middle... I says, ‘Doc, that's a... lie.’ And he put his hand in his pocket and brought out a buck. (J. Steinbeck, ‘Cannery Row’, ch. 13) — Однажды, знаете ли, я выпрашивал у доктора доллар. Я придумал черт знает какую историю. Но в середине рассказа... я сказал: "Док, я... все наврал". Доктор опустил руку в карман и вынул доллар.

    ‘Doesn't he come out and put the bite on Gerald Ballwin every once in a while?’ ‘Yes... He isn't a periodical drunkard. He just pretends to be.’ (E. S. Gardner, ‘Fools Die on Friday’, ch. X) — - Не приходит ли время от времени мистер Киттли к Джералду Боллуину, чтобы клянчить у него деньги? - Да, приходит... Никакой он не запойный пьяница, а только делает вид.

    2) шантажировать кого-л., вымогать деньги у кого-л.

    She... thought Binney Denham was putting the bite on her husband and she didn't intend to stand for it. (E. S. Gardner, ‘The Case of the Gilded Lily’, ch. II) — Миссис Бедфорд... считала, что Бинни Денам шантажировал ее мужа, и не собиралась мириться с этим.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > put the bee on smb.

  • 86 on the spot

    на месте; сразу; немедленно
    Синонимический ряд:
    immediately (other) at once; before you can say `Jack Robinson' (colloquial); directly; immediately; in no time; instantaneously; instantly; now; right away; right now; summarily; then and there; this minute; this second

    English-Russian base dictionary > on the spot

  • 87 put the lid on

       1) угpoбить, дoкoнaть; copвaть (плaны и. т. п.); дoвepшить бeду
        Higgins. Oh, after your first visit I remember making some silly joke of the kind. Doolittle. Ah! You may well call it a silly joke. It put the lid on me right enough (G. B. Shaw). The failure of this last piece has put the lid on the... Theatre. But the crisis has been approaching for a long time (A. Bennett). But Algy put the lid on that plan (D. Cusack and F. James)
       2) cкpывaть, утaивaть

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > put the lid on

  • 88 in the soup

    I adj infml

    If this is known he'll be nicely in the soup — Если это станет известно, ему несдобровать

    II adv infml

    I can always get on all right for some time and then I land in the soup — Обычно какое-то время у меня все идет нормально, а потом со мной приключается какая-нибудь история

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > in the soup

  • 89 in the thick of smth.

       в гущe, в caмoм цeнтpe чeгo-л.; в caмoм paзгape чeгo-л. (oбыкн. упoтp. c гл. to be)
        For a fortnight he had been in the thick of the fighting (W. S. Maugham). Poirot of course was in the thick of things (A Christie). Garthwaite and I at that time were trying... to get out of the territory of street fighting and we were caught right in the thick of it again (J. London)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > in the thick of smth.

  • 90 walk the plank

       быть увoлeнным, "вылeтeть" c paбoты [этим. уcт. мop. быть cбpoшeнным в мope. Пиpaты зacтaвляли плeнникoв идти c зaвязaнными глaзaми пo дocкe, пoлoжeннoй нa бopт cуднa, дo тex пop, пoкa oни нe пaдaли в мope]
        For already they were worrying as to the probability of their reaching the hotel in time... and Highby... added: 'We'll walk the plank all right unless we can put up some good yarn' (Th. Dreiser). They think Meese is a liability to the party and should walk the plank as soon as possible (.International Herald Tribune)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > walk the plank

  • 91 rake over the ashes

    rake over the ashes/coals ворошить прошлое

    There is no point in raking over the ashes now, you did what you thought was right at the time.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > rake over the ashes

  • 92 rake over the coals

    rake over the ashes/coals ворошить прошлое

    There is no point in raking over the ashes now, you did what you thought was right at the time.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > rake over the coals

  • 93 splice the mainbrace

    expr infml

    Okay, everyone. Time to splice the mainbrace — Ну что ж, орлы, пора выпить по одной


    She seems to be splicing the mainbrace all right — Она, кажется, пьет будь здоров

    Too frequent splicing of the mainbrace had given her face a permanent flush — У нее уже морда красная от частого пьянства

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > splice the mainbrace

  • 94 rock the boat

    "раскачивать лодку", нарушать равновесие, ставить под удар, подвергать опасности, создавать опасное положение [первонач. амер.]

    ...he fought all his life for seniority and overtime. But you ask him to fight for something a little bit different and he begins to scream... Don't rock the boat, he says... (A. Saxton, ‘The Great Midland’, part IV, ch. 8) —...он всю жизнь воевал за старшинство по стажу и оплату сверхурочных. Но попроси его принять участие в борьбе за что-нибудь поважнее, он сразу начинает вопить: "Легче на поворотах!.."

    ‘Quit that!’ he commanded. ‘Here we are right on top of everything we want. It's no time to start rocking the boat.’ (M. Wilson, ‘My Brother, My Enemy’, ch. 11) — - Довольно! - возмутился Кен. - Мы достигли наконец всего, чего хотели. Сейчас не время для рискованных затей.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > rock the boat

  • 95 on the nail

       cpaзу, нeмeдлeннo (пpeим. o плaтeжe', oбыкн. упoтp. c гл. to pay)
        Jenny just had time to notice that the room they entered held far more than its fair share of books before being grabbed by Patrick, right on the nail, and passionately kissed (K. Amis). You know how I am; if I can't pay on the nail, I don't buy (J. Updike)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > on the nail

  • 96 rock the boat

       "pacкaчивaть лoдку", coздaвaть oпacнoe пoлoжeниe; нapушaть paвнoвecиe, cтaвить пoд удap, пoдвepгaть oпacнocти [пepвoнaч. aмep.]
        'Quit that!' he commanded. 'Here we are right on top of everything we want. It's no time to start rocking the boat' (M. Wilson)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > rock the boat

  • 97 at any time or place

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > at any time or place

  • 98 it just felt right at the time

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it just felt right at the time

  • 99 when the time is right

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > when the time is right

  • 100 when the time is right

    фраз. время придет

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > when the time is right

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Right Time — is the first album by Swedish pop singer Bosson, released in September 1998.Tracks# Love Has Got The Power # Baby Don t Cry # Right Time # Always On My Mind # It s Over Now # We Live # Is This Love # Radio Interlude # On The Radio # I Love You #… …   Wikipedia

  • Night Time Is the Right Time — The Right Time Single by Nappy Brown B side Oh, You Don t Know Released …   Wikipedia

  • The Savage Time — is the first season finale of the animated series of Justice League . It first aired on November 9, 2002.PlotPart IThe Justice League is returning to Earth from a mission in a distant galaxy; the Javelin s engines having run out of fuel, Green… …   Wikipedia

  • The Right Honourable — (abbreviated as The Rt Hon. ) is an honorific prefix that is traditionally applied to certain people in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Anglophone Caribbean and other Commonwealth Realms, and occasionally… …   Wikipedia

  • The Right Stuff (film) — Infobox Film name = The Right Stuff image size = 215px caption = theatrical poster director = Philip Kaufman producer = Irwin Winkler writer = Philip Kaufman Tom Wolfe (book) starring = Fred Ward Dennis Quaid Ed Harris Scott Glenn Sam Shepard… …   Wikipedia

  • The Prime Time of Your Life — Infobox Single Name = The Prime Time of Your Life Artist = Daft Punk from Album = Human After All B side = Released = June 17, 2006 Format = CD, 12 Recorded = 2004 Genre = French house Length = 4:23 Label = Virgin Writer = Thomas Bangalter Guy… …   Wikipedia

  • The Greater Wrong of the Right — Infobox Album | Name = The Greater Wrong of the Right Type = Album Artist = Skinny Puppy Released = May 25, 2004 Recorded = 2002 2004 Genre = Industrial Length = 48:39 Label = Synthetic Symphony Producer = Mark Walk, cEvin Key Reviews = *… …   Wikipedia

  • The Right Combination — Infobox Album | Name = The Right Combination Type = Album Artist = Curtis Mayfield and Linda Clifford Released = September, 1980 Recorded = Genre = Funk/Soul Length = Label = Curtom Producer = Reviews = *Allmusic rating|2|5… …   Wikipedia

  • The All-Time Greatest Pop Album — Infobox Album | Name = The All Time Greatest Pop Album Type = compilation Artist = various artists Released =1999 Recorded = Genre = Pop Length = Label = Sony International Producer = Reviews = Last album = This album = Next album = The All Time… …   Wikipedia

  • Do the Right Thing — This article is about the film. For the song, see Do the Right Thing (song). For the TV series, see Do the Right Thing (TV series). Do the Right Thing Theatrical release poster …   Wikipedia

  • Unite the Right — Unite the Right, also called the United Alternative, was a Canadian political movement from 1997 to 2003. Its goal was to merge the country s two right wing political parties: the Reform Party of Canada (later the Canadian Alliance [CA] ) and the …   Wikipedia

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