1 обтяжной пресс
sheet-stretch press, stretch(ing) press -
2 обтяжной пресс
1) Engineering: sheet stretch press, sheet-stretch press, stretch press, stretching press2) Automation: stretch forming press -
3 обтяжний
card-mounting; pulling-overобтяжний прес — sheet-stretch press, stretch(ing) press
4 spannen
I v/t1. stretch; (straff spannen) tighten; (Muskeln) flex, tense; (Bogen) draw; TECH. (Werkstück) clamp; (Feder) tighten, tension; (Gewehr, Kamera) cock; fig. (Nerven) strain; Leinwand auf einen Rahmen spannen stretch a canvas over a frame; einen Bogen Papier in die Schreibmaschine spannen put a sheet of paper in(to) the typewriter; neue Saiten auf eine Gitarre spannen restring a guitar; einen Tennisschläger spannen put a tennis racket in a press; seine Erwartungen hoch / zu hoch spannen fig. have high expectations / pitch one’s expectations too high3. fachspr.: die Tragflächen des Flugzeugs spannen 18 Meter the aircraft has a wingspan of 18 met|res (Am. -ers)4. umg. (merken) get wise to; er hat’s gespannt (gemerkt) he’s caught on; (kapiert) auch he’s got it, the penny’s dropped; Folter, gespanntII v/refl stretch ( über + Akk across, over); Muskel: flex; Haut: be taut ( oder tight); sich über einen Fluss spannen span a river; das Seil spannte sich und riss the rope tautened ( oder took up the strain) and brokeIII v/i1. Rock, Schuhe: be (too) tight; Haut: be taut ( oder tight); das Hemd spannt über dem Bauch the shirt is (too) tight over the stomach2. spannen auf (+ Akk) fig. (erwarten) be anxiously waiting for; (beobachten) follow closely, have one’s eyes fixed on* * *to strain; to wind up; to brace; to stretch* * *spạn|nen ['ʃpanən]1. vt1) Saite, Seil, Geigenbogen to tighten, to tauten; Bogen to draw; Feder to tension; Muskeln to tense, to flex; Strickteile, Wolle to stretch; Gewehr, Abzugshahn, Kameraverschluss to cockeinen Tennisschläger spannen — to put a tennis racket in a/the press
2) (= straff befestigen) Werkstück to clamp; Wäscheleine to put up; Netz, Plane, Bildleinwand to stretch4) (fig)die Ausstellung spannt einen weiten thematischen Bogen — the exhibition spans or covers a wide range of themes
See:→ Folter5)See:→ gespannt6) (S Ger, Aus inf = merken) to catch on to (inf), to get wise to (inf)2. vr2)3. vi1) (Kleidung) to be (too) tight; (Haut) to be taut2) (= Gewehr spannen) to cock; (= Kamera spannen) to cock the shutter* * *span·nen[ˈʃpanən]I. vt1. (straffen)▪ etw \spannen to tighten sth, to make sth tautdie Zügel \spannen to pull [back] on the reins2. (aufspannen)eine Hängematte/Wäscheleine über/zwischen etw akk \spannen to put [or hang] up a hammock/washing line sep over/between sth3. (anspannen)einen Bogen in die Schreibmaschine \spannen to insert [or put] a sheet in the typewritereine Leinwand zwischen die Bretter \spannen to stretch a canvas between the boards▪ \spannen, dass... to catch on that...II. vrIII. viim Schnitt/unter den Armen/an den Schultern \spannen to be too close-fitting/[too] tight under the arms/at the shouldersmeine Haut spannt von der Sonne/an den Schultern/im Gesicht the sun has made my skin taut/my skin is taut on my shoulders/face3. (fam)die Erben \spannen darauf, dass sie endlich stirbt the heirs can't wait for her to die* * *1.transitives Verb1) tighten, tauten <violin string, violin bow, etc.>; draw < bow>; tension <spring, tennis net, drumhead, saw-blade>; stretch <fabric, shoe, etc.>; draw or pull < line> tight or taut; tense, flex < muscle>; cock <gun, camera shutter>2) (befestigen) put up < washing-line>; stretch <net, wire, tarpaulin, etc.> (über + Akk. over)einen Bogen Papier in die Schreibmaschine spannen — insert or put a sheet of paper in the typewriter
3) (schirren) hitch up, harness (vor, an + Akk. to)4) (bes. südd., österr.): (merken) notice2.reflexives Verb2) (geh.): (sich wölben)3.sich über etwas (Akk.) spannen — <bridge, rainbow> span something
* * *A. v/t1. stretch; (straff spannen) tighten; (Muskeln) flex, tense; (Bogen) draw; TECH (Werkstück) clamp; (Feder) tighten, tension; (Gewehr, Kamera) cock; fig (Nerven) strain;Leinwand auf einen Rahmen spannen stretch a canvas over a frame;einen Bogen Papier in die Schreibmaschine spannen put a sheet of paper in(to) the typewriter;neue Saiten auf eine Gitarre spannen restring a guitar;einen Tennisschläger spannen put a tennis racket in a press;seine Erwartungen hoch/zu hoch spannen fig have high expectations/pitch one’s expectations too high2. (befestigen) (Wäscheleine) put up;vor den Wagen spannen (Pferde) harness to the carriage3. fachspr:die Tragflächen des Flugzeugs spannen 18 Meter the aircraft has a wingspan of 18 metres (US -ers)4. umg (merken) get wise to;er hat’s gespannt (gemerkt) he’s caught on; (kapiert) auch he’s got it, the penny’s dropped; → Folter, gespanntB. v/r stretch (sich über einen Fluss spannen span a river;das Seil spannte sich und riss the rope tautened ( oder took up the strain) and brokeC. v/idas Hemd spannt über dem Bauch the shirt is (too) tight over the stomach2.spannen auf (+akk) fig (erwarten) be anxiously waiting for; (beobachten) follow closely, have one’s eyes fixed on* * *1.transitives Verb1) tighten, tauten <violin string, violin bow, etc.>; draw < bow>; tension <spring, tennis net, drumhead, saw-blade>; stretch <fabric, shoe, etc.>; draw or pull < line> tight or taut; tense, flex < muscle>; cock <gun, camera shutter>2) (befestigen) put up < washing-line>; stretch <net, wire, tarpaulin, etc.> (über + Akk. over)einen Bogen Papier in die Schreibmaschine spannen — insert or put a sheet of paper in the typewriter
3) (schirren) hitch up, harness (vor, an + Akk. to)4) (bes. südd., österr.): (merken) notice2.reflexives Verb2) (geh.): (sich wölben)3.sich über etwas (Akk.) spannen — <bridge, rainbow> span something
* * *v.to stretch v.to tension v. -
5 prueba
f.1 piece of evidence.no tengo pruebas I have no proof o evidence2 sign.en o como prueba de in o as proof of3 test.prueba de alcoholemia breath testprueba del embarazo pregnancy testla prueba de fuego the acid testprueba de resistencia endurance test4 test.prueba de acceso entrance examinationprueba de aptitud aptitude test5 ordeal, trial (trance).6 event (sport).7 proof (Imprenta).8 sample.9 audition.pres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: probar.imperat.2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: probar.* * *1 (demostración) proof2 (experimento) experiment, trial■ hemos hecho la prueba de no regañarla a ver qué pasa we've tried not telling her off to see what happens3 (examen) test4 TÉCNICA trial5 MEDICINA test6 DEPORTE event7 DERECHO evidence8 (en imprenta) proof9 (en costura) fitting\a prueba de proof againsten prueba de as a sign ofponer a prueba to put to the testprueba de acceso entrance examinationprueba de fuego acid testprueba del embarazo pregnancy testprueba nuclear nuclear test* * *noun f.1) proof2) evidence3) event4) test, trial5) token* * *SF1) (=demostración) proof¿tiene usted prueba de ello? — can you prove it?, do you have proof?
eso es la prueba de que él lo hizo — this proves that he did it, this is the proof that he did it
es prueba de que tiene buena salud — that proves o shows he's in good health
ser buena prueba de algo — to be clear proof of sthel resultado es buena prueba de su profesionalidad — the result is clear proof of her professionalism
Alonso dio buena prueba de su calidad como orador — Alonso clearly demonstrated his quality as a speaker, Alonso gave clear proof of his quality as a speaker
como o en prueba de — in proof ofcomo o en prueba de lo cual — in proof of which
me lo dio como o en prueba de amistad — he gave it to me as a token of friendship
como o en prueba de que no es así te lo ofrezco gratis — to prove that that isn't the case, I'll give it to you for free
2) (Jur) piece of evidence3) (=examen) (Escol, Univ, Med) test; [de actor] (Cine) screen test; (Teat) auditionprueba de acceso — entrance test, entrance examination
prueba de alcoholemia — Breathalyzer ® test
prueba de selectividad — (Univ) entrance examination
prueba práctica — practical, practical test
4) (=ensayo)a) [gen]•
período de prueba — [de persona] probationary period; [de producto] trial period•
estar en (fase de) pruebas — to be on trialemitir en pruebas — (TV) to broadcast test transmissions
b)• a prueba — (Téc) on trial; (Com) on approval, on trial
c)• a prueba de, a prueba de agua — waterproof
a prueba de bomba(s) — (lit) bombproof, shellproof
prueba en carretera — (Aut) test drive
5) (Dep) (=disciplina) event; (=carrera) racela prueba individual — (Tenis) the singles
prueba campo a través — (Atletismo) cross-country race; (Hípica) cross-country trial
prueba de carretera — (Ciclismo) road race
prueba de relevos — relay, relay race
prueba de vallas — hurdles, hurdles race
prueba en ruta — (Ciclismo) road race
prueba por equipos — (Ciclismo) team trial
6) (Cos) fitting7) (Fot) print8) [de comida] (=acto) testing, sampling; (=cantidad) taste, sample10) pl pruebas (Tip) proofsprimeras pruebas — first proofs, galleys
* * *I1)a) (demostración, testimonio) proofno dio la menor prueba de estar sufriendo — he didn't give the slightest hint o indication that he was suffering
en or como prueba de mi agradecimiento — as a token of my gratitude
b) (Der) piece of evidence2) (Educ) test; (Cin) screen test, audition; (Teatr) audition3)a) (ensayo, experimento)b) ( circunstancia difícil)la enfermedad de su padre fue una dura prueba para ella — her father's illness was a testing time for her
c) (en locs)a prueba: tomar a alguien a prueba to take somebody on for a trial period; tener algo a prueba to have something on trial; poner algo a prueba to put something to the test; estás poniendo a prueba mi paciencia you're trying my patience; a prueba de: un reloj a prueba de golpes a shockproof watch; un dispositivo a prueba de ladrones a burglarproof mechanism; cristal a prueba de balas — bulletproof glass
d) ( en costura) fitting4) (Fot, Impr) proof5) (Dep)IIla prueba de los 1.500 metros — the 1,500 meters (event o race)
* * *= assaying, edit sheet, engraving, field trial, galley, page proof, proof slip, proofsheet, proving trial, trial, trial print, trial run, tangible evidence, reassurance, test, proof copy, proof, galley proof, proof sheet, lab test, test session, test drive, test run, modelling exercise, performance test, ordeal, audition, tryout.Ex. Suppose you have classified, by UDC, the document 'Select methods of metallurgical assaying', class number 669.9.Ex. To print MARC record edit sheets, press 'Alt F3', which means to press and hold down the 'Alt' key, followed by pressing the 'F3' key.Ex. An art print is an engraving, etching, lithograph, etc. printed from the plate prepared by the artist.Ex. Telidon was first demonstrated in 1978, and small-scale field trials videotex and teletext started in 1980.Ex. Final editing and corrections are done on this terminal, and galleys are sent to the customer.Ex. Catalogue cards are available for each item recorded in the weekly BNB, and for Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) records prepared from the page proofs of forthcoming titles.Ex. Since it seems clear that many libraries will not be automating, they will have to depend on traditional sources of cataloging data such as cards, proof slips, and book catalogs.Ex. Alternatively a library may receive proofsheets of every LC catalogue record, and make a selection from these when items arrive.Ex. Bureaux can be useful for proving trials, and the deferment of commitments until a suitable size of data base has been accumulated in the computer system.Ex. The intention was to determine which department within each library has the responsibility for arranging trials of products.Ex. Trial prints (proofs) of the formes were then made, and compared with the copy from which they had been set.Ex. This course can be taken by librarians as well as readers and its trial run started in 1987.Ex. The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.Ex. Such reassurance becomes particularly important if the inquirer has not sampled the file, either in a printed format or in browsing online.Ex. The suppliers claim that tests show this to be sufficient for 980 of all entries.Ex. One can only point to the efforts being made at BNB to produce cataloguing records as quickly as possible from proof copies if at all feasible.Ex. The catalogue has been automated since 1984, and further proof of the library's value and ability to move with the times are shown by its 8,400 plus individual members.Ex. Checking is carried out by comparison of the galley proof against the manuscript.Ex. These have the advantages of economy, and (if the subscriber desires) selectivity because the records on the proof sheets are divided into broad categories which can be obtained separately.Ex. The article 'Search engine showdown' reports the results of lab tests carried out on 7 major World Wide Web (WWW) search engines available free of charge on the Internet.Ex. A cognitive walkthrough consists of a re-enactment of a test session in which the user is queried about their movements and decisions throughout the test session.Ex. The author presents an evaluation of PatentView in terms of product information, search and retrieval facilities, documentation, and test drive.Ex. Test run results show that by taking advantage of the favourable properties of holography shorter response times are obtained.Ex. The modelling exercise would indicate which model was most economic and which was most cost-effective.Ex. The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: hair cut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.Ex. The article has the title ' Ordeals of a frustrated European intermediary with competitive intelligence searching'.Ex. Applicants may receive information regarding these auditions by sending a one-page written resume to this office no later than October 20, 2008.Ex. Nearly 200 players submitted applications to be considered for the tryouts and the pool was narrowed to 84.----* anterior a la prueba = pretrial.* antes de la prueba = pretest [pre-test].* a prueba = on trial.* a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.* a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.* a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.* a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].* a prueba de inendios = fireproof [fire-proof].* a prueba de niños = childproof.* a prueba de robos = theft proof.* a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.* a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].* a prueba de viento = windproof.* a toda prueba = unswerving.* banco de pruebas = testbed [test bed], benchmarking.* cada vez más pruebas = accumulating evidence.* carga de la prueba, la = burden of proof, the.* chaleco a prueba de balas = bullet-proof vest.* como prueba de = as a token of, as a sign of.* como prueba de agradecimiento = as a token of thanks.* como prueba de + Posesivo + agradecimiento = as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation.* como prueba de + Posesivo + gratitud = as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude.* como pruebas = in evidence.* corrección de pruebas = proofreading, proof correction.* corrector de pruebas = proofreader, corrector.* corregir pruebas = proof, proofread.* corregir una prueba = correct + proof.* dar pruebas = provide + evidence.* demostrar Algo con pruebas = demonstrate + in print.* de prueba = on a trial basis, trial, probationary, on trial.* después de la prueba = posttest [post-test].* durante un período de prueba = on a trial basis.* encontrar pruebas = find + evidence.* en prueba = on trial.* existir pruebas de que = there + be + evidence that.* falta de pruebas = lack of evidence to the contrary.* hacer la prueba = give + it a whirl, give + it a shot, give + it a try.* hacer pruebas = prove + trials.* hacer una prueba = audition.* haciendo pruebas = trial and error.* las pruebas = the writing on the wall.* lugar de prueba alfa = alpha test site, alpha site.* lugar de prueba beta = beta test site.* lugar de pruebas = test site.* no superar la prueba de = not stand the test of.* oferta de prueba = trial offer.* pasar la prueba = pass + muster.* pasar una prueba = endure + ordeal, pass + a test, stand up.* pasar una prueba de sobra = pass with + flying colours.* período de prueba = probationary period, trial period, trial run, probation, period of probation, probation period.* peso de la prueba, el = burden of proof, the.* poner Algo a prueba = push + Nombre + to + Posesivo + limits.* poner a prueba = stretch, tax, try, strain, overtax, pilot, put to + the test, test, trial, overstretch, push + the envelope, put + Nombre + to the test, try + Nombre + on, push + Nombre + to the edge.* poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = test + Posesivo + patience, try + Nombre + patience, try + the patience of a saint.* poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = test + the patience of a saint.* poner a prueba una idea = test + idea, pilot + idea.* poseer pruebas = have + evidence.* posterior a la prueba = post-test.* presentar las pruebas ante = lay + evidence before.* presentar pruebas = give + evidence.* programa de prueba beta = beta test programme.* proporcionar pruebas = provide + evidence.* prueba beta = beta test.* prueba cloze = cloze test.* prueba concluyente = conclusive evidence.* prueba de acidez = litmus test.* prueba de alcoholemia = breath test, alcohol testing.* prueba de antidopaje = drug testing.* prueba de antidoping = drug testing.* prueba decisiva = litmus test.* prueba de compra = proof of purchase.* prueba de desgaste = wear test.* prueba de detección de consumo de drogas = drug testing.* prueba de detección del cáncer = health facility, cancer screening.* prueba de fuego, la = acid test, the.* prueba de identidad = proof of identity.* prueba de laboratorio = lab test.* prueba de la densidad = density test.* prueba de la máxima proximidad = nearest neighbour test.* prueba del embarazo = pregnancy test.* prueba del hecho de que = evidence of the fact that.* prueba del solapamiento = overlap test.* prueba de paternidad = paternity test.* prueba de prensa = press proof.* prueba de referencia = benchmark test.* prueba de rendimiento = benchmark, benchtest, achievement test, performance test.* prueba determinante = litmus test.* prueba de tornasol = litmus test.* prueba de validación = validation test.* prueba documental = documentary evidence.* prueba dura = ordeal.* prueba evidente = living proof.* prueba fehaciente = competent proof, living proof.* prueba final = final.* prueba inequívoca = ironclad proof.* prueba in situ = field test.* prueba nuclear = nuclear weapons testing.* prueba palpable = living proof.* prueba rápida = quiz form, quiz [quizzes, -pl.].* pruebas = evidence, proofs, testing.* pruebas cada vez más concluyentes = mounting evidence.* pruebas circunstanciales = circumstantial evidence.* pruebas contundentes = hard evidence.* pruebas convincentes = convincing evidence.* pruebas de rendimiento = benchmarking.* pruebas en contra = evidence to the contrary.* pruebas forenses = forensic evidence.* pruebas indirectas = circumstantial evidence.* prueba sobre el terreno = field test, field trial.* pruebas previas = prior art.* prueba univariante = univariate test.* prueba viviente = living proof.* puesta a prueba = trying, piloting.* puesto a prueba = overstretched.* realizar una prueba = conduct + trial, take + test.* recoger pruebas = collect + evidence, gather + evidence, accumulate + evidence.* resultados de pruebas = test data.* sacar una prueba = pull + a proof.* ser la prueba de fuego de Algo = test + Nombre + to the limit.* ser prueba suficiente = be proof enough.* ser una prueba más de = strengthen + evidence.* someter a prueba = place + strain on.* terreno de pruebas = testing ground.* tira de prueba = test strip.* versión de prueba = test drive, trial version.* * *I1)a) (demostración, testimonio) proofno dio la menor prueba de estar sufriendo — he didn't give the slightest hint o indication that he was suffering
en or como prueba de mi agradecimiento — as a token of my gratitude
b) (Der) piece of evidence2) (Educ) test; (Cin) screen test, audition; (Teatr) audition3)a) (ensayo, experimento)b) ( circunstancia difícil)la enfermedad de su padre fue una dura prueba para ella — her father's illness was a testing time for her
c) (en locs)a prueba: tomar a alguien a prueba to take somebody on for a trial period; tener algo a prueba to have something on trial; poner algo a prueba to put something to the test; estás poniendo a prueba mi paciencia you're trying my patience; a prueba de: un reloj a prueba de golpes a shockproof watch; un dispositivo a prueba de ladrones a burglarproof mechanism; cristal a prueba de balas — bulletproof glass
d) ( en costura) fitting4) (Fot, Impr) proof5) (Dep)IIla prueba de los 1.500 metros — the 1,500 meters (event o race)
* * *= assaying, edit sheet, engraving, field trial, galley, page proof, proof slip, proofsheet, proving trial, trial, trial print, trial run, tangible evidence, reassurance, test, proof copy, proof, galley proof, proof sheet, lab test, test session, test drive, test run, modelling exercise, performance test, ordeal, audition, tryout.Ex: Suppose you have classified, by UDC, the document 'Select methods of metallurgical assaying', class number 669.9.
Ex: To print MARC record edit sheets, press 'Alt F3', which means to press and hold down the 'Alt' key, followed by pressing the 'F3' key.Ex: An art print is an engraving, etching, lithograph, etc. printed from the plate prepared by the artist.Ex: Telidon was first demonstrated in 1978, and small-scale field trials videotex and teletext started in 1980.Ex: Final editing and corrections are done on this terminal, and galleys are sent to the customer.Ex: Catalogue cards are available for each item recorded in the weekly BNB, and for Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) records prepared from the page proofs of forthcoming titles.Ex: Since it seems clear that many libraries will not be automating, they will have to depend on traditional sources of cataloging data such as cards, proof slips, and book catalogs.Ex: Alternatively a library may receive proofsheets of every LC catalogue record, and make a selection from these when items arrive.Ex: Bureaux can be useful for proving trials, and the deferment of commitments until a suitable size of data base has been accumulated in the computer system.Ex: The intention was to determine which department within each library has the responsibility for arranging trials of products.Ex: Trial prints (proofs) of the formes were then made, and compared with the copy from which they had been set.Ex: This course can be taken by librarians as well as readers and its trial run started in 1987.Ex: The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.Ex: Such reassurance becomes particularly important if the inquirer has not sampled the file, either in a printed format or in browsing online.Ex: The suppliers claim that tests show this to be sufficient for 980 of all entries.Ex: One can only point to the efforts being made at BNB to produce cataloguing records as quickly as possible from proof copies if at all feasible.Ex: The catalogue has been automated since 1984, and further proof of the library's value and ability to move with the times are shown by its 8,400 plus individual members.Ex: Checking is carried out by comparison of the galley proof against the manuscript.Ex: These have the advantages of economy, and (if the subscriber desires) selectivity because the records on the proof sheets are divided into broad categories which can be obtained separately.Ex: The article 'Search engine showdown' reports the results of lab tests carried out on 7 major World Wide Web (WWW) search engines available free of charge on the Internet.Ex: A cognitive walkthrough consists of a re-enactment of a test session in which the user is queried about their movements and decisions throughout the test session.Ex: The author presents an evaluation of PatentView in terms of product information, search and retrieval facilities, documentation, and test drive.Ex: Test run results show that by taking advantage of the favourable properties of holography shorter response times are obtained.Ex: The modelling exercise would indicate which model was most economic and which was most cost-effective.Ex: The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: hair cut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.Ex: The article has the title ' Ordeals of a frustrated European intermediary with competitive intelligence searching'.Ex: Applicants may receive information regarding these auditions by sending a one-page written resume to this office no later than October 20, 2008.Ex: Nearly 200 players submitted applications to be considered for the tryouts and the pool was narrowed to 84.* anterior a la prueba = pretrial.* antes de la prueba = pretest [pre-test].* a prueba = on trial.* a prueba de bombas = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA], bomb-proof.* a prueba de conejos = rabbit-proof.* a prueba de fallos = fail-safe.* a prueba de incendios = fireproof [fire-proof].* a prueba de inendios = fireproof [fire-proof].* a prueba de niños = childproof.* a prueba de robos = theft proof.* a prueba de tornados = tornado proof.* a prueba de un tratamiento duro = ruggedised [ruggedized, -USA].* a prueba de viento = windproof.* a toda prueba = unswerving.* banco de pruebas = testbed [test bed], benchmarking.* cada vez más pruebas = accumulating evidence.* carga de la prueba, la = burden of proof, the.* chaleco a prueba de balas = bullet-proof vest.* como prueba de = as a token of, as a sign of.* como prueba de agradecimiento = as a token of thanks.* como prueba de + Posesivo + agradecimiento = as a token of + Posesivo + appreciation.* como prueba de + Posesivo + gratitud = as a token of + Posesivo + gratitude.* como pruebas = in evidence.* corrección de pruebas = proofreading, proof correction.* corrector de pruebas = proofreader, corrector.* corregir pruebas = proof, proofread.* corregir una prueba = correct + proof.* dar pruebas = provide + evidence.* demostrar Algo con pruebas = demonstrate + in print.* de prueba = on a trial basis, trial, probationary, on trial.* después de la prueba = posttest [post-test].* durante un período de prueba = on a trial basis.* encontrar pruebas = find + evidence.* en prueba = on trial.* existir pruebas de que = there + be + evidence that.* falta de pruebas = lack of evidence to the contrary.* hacer la prueba = give + it a whirl, give + it a shot, give + it a try.* hacer pruebas = prove + trials.* hacer una prueba = audition.* haciendo pruebas = trial and error.* las pruebas = the writing on the wall.* lugar de prueba alfa = alpha test site, alpha site.* lugar de prueba beta = beta test site.* lugar de pruebas = test site.* no superar la prueba de = not stand the test of.* oferta de prueba = trial offer.* pasar la prueba = pass + muster.* pasar una prueba = endure + ordeal, pass + a test, stand up.* pasar una prueba de sobra = pass with + flying colours.* período de prueba = probationary period, trial period, trial run, probation, period of probation, probation period.* peso de la prueba, el = burden of proof, the.* poner Algo a prueba = push + Nombre + to + Posesivo + limits.* poner a prueba = stretch, tax, try, strain, overtax, pilot, put to + the test, test, trial, overstretch, push + the envelope, put + Nombre + to the test, try + Nombre + on, push + Nombre + to the edge.* poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = test + Posesivo + patience, try + Nombre + patience, try + the patience of a saint.* poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = test + the patience of a saint.* poner a prueba una idea = test + idea, pilot + idea.* poseer pruebas = have + evidence.* posterior a la prueba = post-test.* presentar las pruebas ante = lay + evidence before.* presentar pruebas = give + evidence.* programa de prueba beta = beta test programme.* proporcionar pruebas = provide + evidence.* prueba beta = beta test.* prueba cloze = cloze test.* prueba concluyente = conclusive evidence.* prueba de acidez = litmus test.* prueba de alcoholemia = breath test, alcohol testing.* prueba de antidopaje = drug testing.* prueba de antidoping = drug testing.* prueba decisiva = litmus test.* prueba de compra = proof of purchase.* prueba de desgaste = wear test.* prueba de detección de consumo de drogas = drug testing.* prueba de detección del cáncer = health facility, cancer screening.* prueba de fuego, la = acid test, the.* prueba de identidad = proof of identity.* prueba de laboratorio = lab test.* prueba de la densidad = density test.* prueba de la máxima proximidad = nearest neighbour test.* prueba del embarazo = pregnancy test.* prueba del hecho de que = evidence of the fact that.* prueba del solapamiento = overlap test.* prueba de paternidad = paternity test.* prueba de prensa = press proof.* prueba de referencia = benchmark test.* prueba de rendimiento = benchmark, benchtest, achievement test, performance test.* prueba determinante = litmus test.* prueba de tornasol = litmus test.* prueba de validación = validation test.* prueba documental = documentary evidence.* prueba dura = ordeal.* prueba evidente = living proof.* prueba fehaciente = competent proof, living proof.* prueba final = final.* prueba inequívoca = ironclad proof.* prueba in situ = field test.* prueba nuclear = nuclear weapons testing.* prueba palpable = living proof.* prueba rápida = quiz form, quiz [quizzes, -pl.].* pruebas = evidence, proofs, testing.* pruebas cada vez más concluyentes = mounting evidence.* pruebas circunstanciales = circumstantial evidence.* pruebas contundentes = hard evidence.* pruebas convincentes = convincing evidence.* pruebas de rendimiento = benchmarking.* pruebas en contra = evidence to the contrary.* pruebas forenses = forensic evidence.* pruebas indirectas = circumstantial evidence.* prueba sobre el terreno = field test, field trial.* pruebas previas = prior art.* prueba univariante = univariate test.* prueba viviente = living proof.* puesta a prueba = trying, piloting.* puesto a prueba = overstretched.* realizar una prueba = conduct + trial, take + test.* recoger pruebas = collect + evidence, gather + evidence, accumulate + evidence.* resultados de pruebas = test data.* sacar una prueba = pull + a proof.* ser la prueba de fuego de Algo = test + Nombre + to the limit.* ser prueba suficiente = be proof enough.* ser una prueba más de = strengthen + evidence.* someter a prueba = place + strain on.* terreno de pruebas = testing ground.* tira de prueba = test strip.* versión de prueba = test drive, trial version.* * *A1(demostración, señal): te ha llamado, eso es prueba de que le caes bien he called you, that shows o that proves he likes you, he called you, that's a sure sign that he likes youno había estudiado nada, la prueba está en que no contestó ni una pregunta it was quite clear o evident that he hadn't done any studying, he didn't answer a single questiondio constantes pruebas de su lealtad he proved his loyalty over and over againno dio la menor prueba de estar sufriendo he didn't give the slightest hint o indication that he was sufferingacepta este regalo en or como prueba de mi agradecimiento accept this gift as a token of my gratitude2 ( Der)(cosa, argumento): retiraron la acusación por falta de pruebas the charge was withdrawn owing to lack of evidenceno hay pruebas de que eso sea verdad there's no proof that that's truetendrá que presentar pruebas de ello he will have to provide evidence to prove it, he'll have to prove itesta nueva prueba this new (piece of) evidenceesto es prueba concluyente de que nos mintió this is conclusive proof that he lied to usa las pruebas me remito this/that proves it3 ( Mat):hacer la prueba de una operación to check one's calculationsCompuestos:circumstantial evidenceproof of purchasela prueba del absurdo reductio ad absurdumfpl material evidenceCompuestos:aptitude testacid testes un papel verdaderamente difícil, que va a ser su prueba de fuego como actor it's a really difficult part, which will be the acid test of his acting abilityplacement test, grading testC1(ensayo, experimento): ¿qué pasa si aprietas este botón? — no sé, hagamos la prueba what happens if you press this button? — I don't know, let's try it and see¿por qué no haces la prueba de dejarlo en remojo? why don't you try leaving it to soak?¡mira que te pego! — ¿a ver? ¡haz la prueba! (CS fam); I'll hit you! — oh yeah? let's see you try! ( colloq)2 ( en locs):a prueba: no tenía experiencia pero lo tomaron a prueba he had no experience but they took him on for a trial period o on probationtenemos esta fotocopiadora a prueba we have this photocopier on trialllévelo a prueba take it on trial o on approvalponer algo a prueba to put sth to the testestás poniendo a prueba mi paciencia you're trying my patiencea prueba de: un reloj a prueba de golpes a shockproof watchun dispositivo a prueba de ladrones a burglarproof mechanisma prueba de niños ( hum); childproofcristal a prueba de balas bulletproof glassdio unos argumentos a prueba de balas she put forward some rock solid o cast-iron arguments3 (en costura) fittingCompuestos:laboratory trial o test● prueba del alcohol or de la alcoholemiapregnancy testnuclear test● prueba patrón or de referenciabenchmarkhacer la prueba patrón or de referencia to benchmarkfpl weapons testingcorregir pruebas to proofreadCompuestos:artist's proof● prueba de galera or imprentagalley proofE1 ( Dep):en las pruebas de clasificación in the qualifying heatsla prueba de los 1.500 metros the 1,500 meters event o race, the 1,500 meterslas pruebas de descenso the downhill events2 ( AmL) (ejercicio) feat, actCompuesto:road race* * *
Del verbo probar: ( conjugate probar)
prueba es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
probar ( conjugate probar) verbo transitivo
1 ( demostrar) ‹teoría/inocencia› to prove
( por primera vez) to try
‹coche/mecanismo› to try out
pruebale algo A algn to try sth on sb
‹arma/vehículo› to test (out)
verbo intransitivo ( intentar) to try;
prueba A hacer algo to try doing sth
probarse verbo pronominal ‹ropa/zapatos› to try on
prueba sustantivo femenino
eso es prueba de que le caes bien that proves he likes you;
en or como prueba de mi agradecimiento as a token of my gratitudeb) (Der) piece of evidence
2 (Educ) test;
(Cin) screen test, audition;
(Teatr) audition
prueba de la alcoholemia Breathalyzer® test, sobriety test (AmE), drunkometer test (AmE);
prueba del embarazo pregnancy testb) ( en locs)◊ a prueba: tomar a algn a prueba to take sb on for a trial period;
tener algo a prueba to have sth on trial;
poner algo a prueba to put sth to the test;
a prueba de golpes/de balas shockproof/bulletproof
4 (Fot, Impr) proof;
5 (Dep):
la prueba de los 1.500 metros the 1,500 meters (event o race)
I verbo transitivo
1 (una teoría, un hecho) to prove
2 (una máquina, un aparato, etc) to test
3 (comida, bebida) to try
(sabor, etc) to taste: no prueba el alcohol, he never touches alcohol
II vi (intentar) to try ➣ Ver nota en try
prueba sustantivo femenino
1 proof
corregir pruebas, to proofread
como prueba de mi amistad, as a sign of my friendship
2 (experimento, examen, etc) test, trial
poner algo a prueba, to put sthg to the test: puso a prueba mi paciencia, she put my patience to the test
figurado la prueba de fuego, the acid test
prueba de alcoholemia, sobriety test, Breathalyzer(tm) test
3 (competición) event
4 Jur piece of evidence: no tienes pruebas, you have no evidence
♦ Locuciones: a prueba (en un trabajo) on trial: le cogieron quince días a prueba, they took him on for a two-week trial period
a prueba de: a prueba de balas, bulletproof
a prueba de golpes, shockproof
' prueba' also found in these entries:
- alcoholemia
- cala
- comprometedor
- comprometedora
- constancia
- ensayo
- escarceo
- estrellarse
- indicio
- preliminar
- presentarse
- probar
- psicotécnica
- psicotécnico
- selectividad
- someter
- suficiencia
- terminante
- testimonio
- admisión
- audición
- bala
- concluyente
- contundente
- convivencia
- corregir
- correr
- decisivo
- delator
- documental
- ejercicio
- evaluación
- exigente
- fondo
- individual
- justificación
- muestra
- otro
- pasar
- preparar
- puntaje
- puntuar
- resistencia
- superar
acid test
- aptitude test
- audition
- burden
- childproof
- contest
- demonstration
- discovery
- dummy run
- event
- exhibit
- fitting
- idiot-proof
- positive
- preponderance
- probation
- proof
- qualifying
- shellproof
- shockproof
- shred
- strain
- tax
- test
- test drive
- test run
- touch
- trial
- try
- windproof
- air
- approval
- bear
- Breathalyzer
- cast
- endurance
- failing
- go
- heat
- litmus
- one
- over
- pace
- pilot
- probationary
- quiz
- screen
- see
- sobriety
- token
* * *♦ nf1. [demostración] proof;no existe ninguna prueba de que haya copiado en el examen there is no proof that he copied during the exam;dio pruebas irrefutables de que era inocente she gave irrefutable proof of her innocence, she proved beyond doubt that she was innocent;no tengo pruebas I have no proof;¡ahí tienes la prueba! that proves it!2. Der piece of evidence;pruebas evidence, proof;fue absuelto por falta de pruebas he was acquitted owing to a lack of evidence;presentar pruebas to submit evidence;a las pruebas me remito the evidence will bear me outpruebas indiciarias circumstantial evidence;pruebas de indicios circumstantial evidence;pruebas instrumentales documentary evidence3. [manifestación, señal] sign;eso es prueba de que les importa this proves they care, this is a sign that they care;a mitad de carrera empezó a dar pruebas de cansancio halfway through the race she started to show signs of tiring;le hice el regalo como prueba de agradecimiento/mi amor I gave her the present as a token of my gratitude/love4. [examen académico] test;el examen consta de una prueba escrita y otra oral the exam has an oral part and a written partprueba de acceso entrance examination;prueba de aptitud aptitude test5. [comprobación, ensayo, experimento] test;hicimos la prueba de cambiar las pilas we tried changing the batteries;¡haga usted la prueba! try it and see!;hacerle a alguien una prueba to test sb, to give sb a test;RP Famhacer la prueba: te voy a abandonar para siempre – hacé la prueba I'm going to walk out and leave you for good – go on, then!prueba del ADN DNA test;prueba del alcohol Breathalyser® test;hacer la prueba del alcohol a alguien to breathalyse sb;prueba antidopaje drugs test;prueba antidoping drugs test;hacer la prueba antidoping a alguien to test sb for drugs;prueba del embarazo pregnancy test;hacerse la prueba del embarazo to take a pregnancy test;Fig la prueba de fuego the acid test;prueba nuclear nuclear test;pruebas nucleares nuclear testing;prueba de (la) paternidad paternity test;prueba de resistencia endurance test;la prueba del sida AIDS test;hacerle a alguien la prueba del sida to test sb for AIDS;hacerse la prueba del sida to have an AIDS test;prueba de sonido sound check6. [trance] ordeal, trial;la distancia fue una dura prueba para su relación being separated really put their relationship to the test7. Dep event;la prueba de los 110 metros vallas the 110 metres hurdles;la prueba de lanzamiento de jabalina the javelin;una prueba ciclista a cycling raceprueba clásica classic;prueba clasificatoria heat;prueba eliminatoria heat;prueba de saltos [de equitación] show jumping (competition)8. Imprenta proof;corregir pruebas, hacer corrección de pruebas to proofreadprueba positiva print10. Am [ejercicio] acrobatic feat♦ a prueba loc adj[trabajador] on probation; [producto comprado] on trial o approval;poner a prueba la paciencia de alguien to try sb's patience;poner algo/a alguien a prueba to put sth/sb to the test;fe a toda prueba unshakeable faith;* * *f1 tb TIP proof;en prueba de as proof of;dar pruebas de prove, give proof of2 JUR piece of evidence;por falta de pruebas for lack of evidence3 DEP event4 EDU test;admisión entrance exam:a prueba de bala bulletproof;a prueba de agua waterproof;a prueba de aire airtight;a prueba de fuego fireproof;a prueba de choques shock-resistant;poner algo a prueba put sth to the test* * *prueba nf1) : proof, evidence2) : trial, test3) : proof (in printing or photography)4) : event, qualifying round (in sports)5)a prueba de agua : waterproof6)prueba de fuego : acid test7)poner a prueba : to put to the test* * *prueba n1. (examen, análisis) test2. (en deportes) event3. (testimonio) proof -
6 τείνω
A , ([etym.] ἀπο-) Pl.Grg. 458b, ([etym.] ἐκ-) E.Med. 585: [tense] aor.ἔτεινα Il.4.124
, [dialect] Ep.τεῖνα 3.261
: [tense] pf.τέτᾰκα D.H. 19.12
, etc., ([etym.] ἀπο-) Pl.Grg. 465e:—[voice] Med., [tense] fut. τενοῦμαι ([etym.] παρα-) Th.3.46, ([etym.] προ-) D.14.5: [tense] aor. ἐτεινάμην, [dialect] Ep. τειν-, A.R.2.1043, 4.705, ([etym.] προ-) Hdt. 9.34, ([etym.] δι-) Antipho 5.46, Pl.Ti. 78b:—[voice] Pass., [tense] fut. τᾰθήσομαι ([etym.] παρα-) Id.Ly. 204c: [tense] aor. ἐτάθην [ᾰ] S.Ant. 124 (lyr.), etc., [dialect] Ep.τάθην Il.23.375
: [tense] pf. , etc.: [tense] plpf. [ per.] 3sg. and pl. τέτατο, τέταντο, Od.11.11, Il.4.544; [ per.] 3 dual τετάσθην ib. 536:— stretch by force, pull tight,κυκλοτερὲς μέγα τόξον ἔτεινε Il.4.124
; (anap.); ἐξ ἄντυγος ἡνία τείνας having tied the reins tight to the chariot-rail, Il.5.262; ναὸς πόδα τείνας keeping the sheet taut, S.Ant. 716;κάλων τείνας οὔριον εὐφροσυνᾶν IG14.793
;οἱ ἀπείρως κατ' εὐθὺ τείνοντες Sor.1.73
; τῷ ψιμύθῳ.. παρειήν make it (look) full, AP11.374 (Maced.):—[voice] Med., τείνατο τόξα stretched his bow, A.R.2.1043, cf. Orph.A. 589; of tendons, etc., Gal. 18(2).58, al.:—[voice] Pass., [ἱμὰς] ὑπ' ἀνθερεῶνος.. τέτατο [the strap] was made tight, Il.3.372; ; τέταθ' ἱστία were stretched taut, Od.11.11.2 metaph., stretch or strain, ἶσον τείνειεν πολέμου τέλος strain the issue of war even, Il.20.101:—[voice] Pass., , 15.413, cf. Hes.Th. 638; τέτατο κρατερὴ ὑσμίνη the fight was strained, was intense, Il.17.543; ἵπποισι τάθη δρόμος their pace was strained to the utmost, 23.375; τοῖσι δ' ἀπὸ νύσσης τέτατο δρόμος they set off at full speed from the starting-line, ib. 758, Od.8.121: τ. αὐδάν strain the voice, raise it high, A.Pers. 574 (lyr.):—[voice] Pass. also, exert oneself, be anxious, Pi.I.1.49;ἀμφ' ἀρεταῖς Id.P.11.54
.3 stretch out, spread,ὅτε τε Ζεὺς λαίλαπα τείνῃ Il.16.365
; ἐπὶ νὺξ τέταται βροτοῖσι night is spread over them, Od.11.19;ἀὴρ τέταται μακάρων ἐπὶ ἔργοις Hes.Op. 549
; of light,αἴγλαν ἃ τέταται S.Ph. 831
(lyr.), cf. Pl.R. 616b; of sound,ἀμφὶ νῶτ' ἐτάθη πάταγος S.Ant. 124
(lyr.); δίκτυα τ. X.Cyn. 6.9;ψυχὴν διὰ παντός Pl.Ti. 34b
.b Gramm., lengthen a syllable, A.D.Pron.55.1:—[voice] Pass., ib.27.25, cf. 11.1 fin.4 aim at, direct towards a point, prop. from the bow,ἐπὶ Τροίᾳ τ. τὰ θεῶν ἀμάχητα βέλη S.Ph. 198
(anap.): metaph., ἔς τινα τ. φόνον aim, design death to one, E.Hec. 263 (but τ. φόνον prolong murder, Id.Supp. 672); τ. λόγον :—[voice] Pass.,ἐς σὲ τ. γλῶσσα E.Rh. 875
;ἡ ἅμιλλα τέταται πρὸς τοῦτο Pl.Phdr. 271a
, cf. Lg. 770d, R. 581b.II stretch out in length, lay, ζυγὰ ἐπιπολῆς τ. Hdt.2.96:—[voice] Pass., lie out at length, lie stretched,ἐπὶ γαίῃ κεῖτο ταθείς Il.13.655
; ἐν κονίῃσι τετάσθην, τέταντο, 4.536, 544; ταθεὶς ἐνὶ δεσμῷ hanging stretched in chains, Od.22.200; [φάσγανον] ὑπὸ λαπάρην τέτατο hung along or by his side, Il.22.307; διὰ.. αἰθέρος.. τέταται extends, Emp.135, cf. 100.2;τῶν ἐκ τῆς χώρας λεωφόρων εἰς τὴν πόλιν τεταμένων Pl.Lg. 763c
;φλὲψ.. διὰ τοῦ κοίλου τείνεται Arist.HA 513b3
: τεταμένος sts. becomes a mere Adj., long, αὐχένα.. τεταμένον τῇ φύσει, of birds, Id.PA 692b20; in Gramm., of a long vowel, PBouriant 8 i 1, 14.2 stretch or hold out, present,τινὰ ἐπὶ σφαγάν E.Or. 1494
(lyr.); ἀσπίδα, δόρυ, AP7.147 (Arch.), 720 (Chaerem.); τὴν χεῖρά τινι or ἐπί τι, A.R. 4.107, 1049:—[voice] Med., τείνεσθαι χέρε, γυῖα, δειρήν, one's hands, etc., Theoc.21.48, A.R.1.1009, 4.127, etc.;συὸς τέκος Id.4.705
; ἑανούς ib. 1155.3 extend, lengthen, of Time,τὸν μακρὸν τ. βίον A. Pr. 537
(lyr.), cf. E.Med. 670; ;τόνδ' ἐτεινάτην λόγον A.Ch. 510
;μακροὺς τ. λόγους E.Hec. 1177
; τί μάτην τείνουσι βοήν; (where others interpr. it like τ. αὐδάν, v. supr. 1.2) Id.Med. 201 (anap.);πολλὰ μὲν τάλαινα πολλὰ δ' αὖ σοφὴ.. μακρὰν ἔτεινας A.Ag. 1296
, cf. S.Aj. 1040.B intr., of geographical position, stretch out or extend, παρ' ἣν (sc. λίμνην)τὸ.. ὄρος τείνει Hdt.2.6
; τὸ πρὸς Λιβύης.. ὄρος ἄλλο τείνει ib.8;τ. μέχρι.. Id.4.38
;ἐς.. Id.7.113
;ἐπὶ.. X.Ages.2.17
; of a dress, ὑπὸ σφυροῖσι τ. E.Ba. 936; of a mountain, ὑψόθι τ. A.R.2.354: of Time, ἡμερολεγδὸν τείνοντα χρόνον dragging out time, A.Pers.64 (anap.):—rarely so in [voice] Pass.,ὄρος τεταμένον τὸν αὐτὸν τρόπον Hdt.2.8
.II exert oneself, struggle,ἐναντία τισί Pl.R. 492d
; press on, hasten,οἱ δ' ἔτεινον ἐς πύλας E.Supp. 720
;δηλοῖ τοὖργον, οἷ τ. χρεών Id.Or. 1129
;τὸ μὴ τείνειν ἄγαν S.Ant. 711
;τ. ὥς τινα Ar.Th. 1205
;ἔτεινον ἄνω πρὸς τὸ ὄρος X.An.4.3.21
;εὐθὺ Βαβυλῶνος Luc.Nec.6
;τὴν ἐπὶ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ Id.Icar.22
.III extend to, reach,ἐπὶ τὴν ψυχήν Pl.Tht. 186c
; ; of the veins stretching from one point to another, Arist.HA 492a20, 513a2, al., cf. Pl.Ti. 65c, Diog.Apoll.6.2 tend, refer, belong to, τείνει ἐς σέ it refers to, concerns you, Hdt.6.109, cf. 7.135, E.Ph. 435, Hipp. 797, etc.; ποῖ τείνει καὶ εἰς τί; to what does it tend? Pl.Cri. 47c, cf. Tht. 163a, D.10.54;μηδαμόσε ἄλλοσε Pl.R. 499a
; , Prt. 345b; .3 τείνειν πρός τινα or τι, come near to, to be like, Id.Tht. 169b, Cra. 402c;ἐγγύς τι τείνειν τοῦ τεθνάναι Id.Phd. 65a
, cf. R. 548d. (Cf. τανύω, Skt. tanóti 'stretch', Lat. tendo, etc.) -
7 tirer
tirer [tiʀe]➭ TABLE 11. transitive verba. ( = amener vers soi) [+ pièce mobile, poignée, corde] to pull ; (vers le bas) to pull down ; (vers le haut) to pull up ; [+ rideaux] to draw ; [+ tiroir] to pull open ; [+ verrou] ( = fermer) to slide to ; ( = ouvrir) to draw• as-tu tiré le verrou ? have you bolted the door?b. ( = remorquer) [+ véhicule, charge] to pull ; [+ navire, remorque] to towc. ( = sortir) [+ épée, couteau, vin, cidre] to draw• il a tiré 4 000 € de sa vieille voiture he managed to get 4,000 euros for his old car• on ne peut rien en tirer (enfant têtu) you can't do anything with him ; (personne qui refuse de parler) you can't get anything out of hime. ( = délivrer) tirer qn de prison/d'une situation dangereuse to get sb out of prison/of a dangerous situationh. (Photography, typography) to print• ce journal est tiré à 100 000 exemplaires this paper has a circulation of 100,000• tirer un roman à 8 000 exemplaires to print 8,000 copies of a noveli. ( = tracer) [+ ligne, trait] to draw ; [+ plan] to draw up• tirer un coup (vulg!) to have it off (vulg!)• tirer un corner/un penalty to take a corner/a penaltyl. [+ chèque, lettre de change] to draw• prête-moi ta carte bleue pour que j'aille tirer de l'argent lend me your credit card so that I can go and get some money outn. ( = passer) (inf) to get through• encore une heure/un mois à tirer another hour/month to get through2. intransitive verba. to pullb. ( = faire feu) to fire ; ( = se servir d'une arme à feu, viser) to shoot• tirer sur qn/qch to shoot at sb/sthc. (Sport, football) to shoote. [cheminée, poêle] to drawf. [moteur, voiture] to pullg. [points de suture, sparadrap] to pull• le matin, j'ai la peau qui tire my skin feels tight in the morningh. (locutions)► tirer à sa fin [journée] to be drawing to a close ; [épreuve] to be nearly over ; [provisions] to be nearly finished3. reflexive verb► se tirera.se tirer de [+ danger, situation] to get o.s. out of• sa voiture était en mille morceaux mais lui s'en est tiré his car was smashed to pieces but he escaped unharmedb. bien/mal se tirer de qch [+ tâche] to handle sth well/badly• comment va-t-il se tirer de ce sujet/travail ? how will he cope with this subject/job?• les questions étaient difficiles mais il s'en est bien tiré the questions were difficult but he handled them wellc. ( = déguerpir) (inf!) to clear off (inf)• allez, on se tire come on, let's be off* * *tiʀe
1) ( déplacer) to pull [véhicule]; to pull up [chaise]; to pull away [tapis]2) ( exercer une traction) ( avec une force régulière) to pull [cheveux]; to pull on [corde]; ( par à-coups) to tug at3) ( tendre)4) ( fermer) to draw [verrou, rideau]; to pull down [store]; to close [porte, volet]5) ( avec une arme) to fire off [balle, obus, grenade]; to fire [missile]; to shoot [flèche]tirer un corner/penalty — to take a corner/penalty
7) ( choisir au hasard)tirer (au sort) — to draw [carte, loterie, nom]; to draw for [partenaire]
9) ( sortir)10) ( faire sortir)11) ( obtenir)tirer de quelqu'un — to get [something] from somebody [renseignement, aveu]
tirer de quelque chose — to draw [something] from something [force, ressources]; to derive [something] from something [orgueil, satisfaction]; to make [something] out of something [argent]
tu ne tireras pas grand-chose de cette voiture — ( comme argent) you won't get much for this car; ( comme service) you won't get much out of this car
12) ( dériver)13) ( extraire)14) ( faire un tirage) to print [livre, négatif]; to run off [épreuve, exemplaire]tiré à part — [texte] off-printed
15) ( tracer) to draw [ligne, trait]tirer un chèque — to draw a cheque GB ou check US
tirer des plans — fig to draw up plans
16) (colloq) ( passer)plus qu'une heure/semaine à tirer — only one more hour/week to go
verbe intransitif1) ( exercer une traction) to pulltirer sur quelque chose — to pull on something; ( d'un coup ou par à-coups) to tug at something
2) ( utiliser une arme) gén to shoot ( sur at); ( à feu) to fire ( sur at)elle lui a tiré dans la jambe — she shot him/her in the leg
3) ( au football) to shoot; (au handball, basket-ball) to take a shot4) ( choisir au hasard)5) ( prendre)6) ( aspirer)7) ( être imprimé)tirer à mille exemplaires — [périodique] to have a circulation of one thousand
8) ( aller vers)tirer sur le jaune/l'orangé — [couleur] to be yellowish/orangy
tirer sur la cinquantaine — [personne] to be pushing fifty
tirer à gauche/droite — [voiture] to pull to the left/right
se tirer verbe pronominal1) ( sortir)se tirer de — to come through [situation, difficultés]
2) (sl) ( partir) to push off (colloq)3) ( avec une arme)se tirer dessus — ( l'un l'autre) lit to shoot at one another
4) (colloq) ( se débrouiller)s'en tirer — to cope, to manage
5) (colloq) ( échapper)s'en tirer — ( à un accident) to escape; ( à une maladie) to pull through; ( à une punition) to get away with it (colloq)
* * *tiʀe1. vt1) (pour arracher, amener à soi) to pullIl m'a tiré les cheveux. — He pulled my hair.
tiré par les cheveux fig (histoire, intrigue, explications) — far-fetched
2) (= fermer) [volet, porte, trappe] to pull to, to close, [rideau] to draw3) (= extraire)tirer qch de qch — to take sth from sth, to pull sth out of sth, [fruit, sol] to extract sth from sth
Elle a tiré un mouchoir de son sac. — She took a handkerchief from her bag., She pulled a handkerchief out of her bag.
tirer son nom de — to take one's name from, to get one's name from
tirer qn de qch [embarras] — to help sb out of sth, to get sb out of sth
4) (= sortir)5) (avec une arme) [balle, coup de feu] to fire, [animal] to shootIl a tiré plusieurs coups de feu. — He fired several shots.
6) [chèque] to draw7) (= tracer) to draw, to trace8) (= imprimer) [journal, livre, photo] to print9) (= choisir) [carte] to drawtirer les cartes — to read the cards, to tell the cards
10) FOOTBALL, [corner] to take11) NAVIGATION2. vi1)"Tirer" — "Pull"
tirer sur qch [corde, poignée] — to pull on sth, to pull at sth, [pipe] to draw on sth
2) (avec arme) to shoot, (= faire feu) to shoot, to firetirer à la carabine — to shoot with a rifle, to fire with a rifle
tirer sur qn (= faire feu sur) — to shoot at sb, to fire on sb
Il a tiré sur les policiers. — He shot at police officers., He fired on police officers.
3) FOOTBALL to shoot4) [cheminée] to draw5)* * *tirer verb table: aimerA vtr1 ( déplacer) [personne, animal, véhicule] to pull [véhicule]; [personne] to pull up [fauteuil, chaise]; [personne] to pull away [tapis]; tirer la tête en arrière to toss one's head back; ⇒ chapeau, couverture;2 ( exercer une traction) ( avec une force régulière) to pull [cheveux]; to pull on [corde]; ( par à-coups) to tug at [cordelette, manette, sonnette]; tirer qn par le bras to pull sb's arm; tirer les cheveux à qn to pull sb's hair; tirer qn par la manche to tug at sb's sleeve;3 ( tendre) tirer ses cheveux en arrière to pull back one's hair; tirer ses bas to pull up one's stockings; tirer sa chemise/jupe to straighten one's shirt/skirt; ⇒ épingle; se faire tirer la peau○ Cosmét to have a face-lift; la peau/ça me tire○ my skin/it feels tight;5 Mil to fire off [balle, obus, grenade]; to fire [missile]; tirer un coup de feu to fire a shot; tirer le canon ( pour honorer) to fire a salute; tirer vingt et un coups de canon to fire a twenty-one gun salute;6 ( propulser) to shoot [balle, flèche] (sur at); elle lui a tiré (une balle) dans le dos she shot him in the back;7 ( viser) tirer le canard/faisan/gibier to shoot duck/pheasant/game;8 Sport ( de ballon) tirer un corner/penalty to take a corner/penalty; tirer un coup franc ( au football) to take a free kick; (au handball, basket-ball) to take a free throw;9 ( choisir au hasard) tirer (au sort) to draw [carte, loterie, nom, gagnant, adversaire]; to draw for [partenaire]; tirer les blancs to draw white; tirer une bonne carte to draw a strong card;11 Astrol tirer les cartes à qn to tell the cards for sb; se faire tirer les cartes to have one's fortune told with cards;12 ( prendre) to draw [vin, bière, eau, électricité, argent] (de, sur from); tirer de l'eau du puits to draw water from the well; tirer de l'argent sur un compte to draw money from an account; ⇒ vin;13 ( sortir) tirer de qch to take [sth] out of sth [objet]; to pull [sb] out of sth [personne]; tirer un stylo de son sac/d'un tiroir to take a pen out of one's bag/out of a drawer; tirer un enfant de l'eau/des flammes to pull a child out of the water/out of the flames; tirer qch de sa poche to pull sth out of one's pocket; tirer une bouffée de sa cigarette/pipe to take a puff at ou on one's cigarette/pipe; ⇒ épingle, marron, ver;14 ( faire sortir) tirer de qch to get [sb/sth] out of sth [personne, pays, entreprise]; tirer le pays de la récession to get the country out of recession; tire-moi de là! get me out of this!; tirer qn d'une maladie to pull sb through an illness; tu l'as tirée de son silence/sa mélancolie you drew her out of her silence/her melancholy;15 ( obtenir) tirer de qn to get [sth] from sb [renseignement, aveu]; tirer de qch to draw [sth] from sth [force, ressources]; to derive [sth] from sth [orgueil, satisfaction]; to make [sth] out of sth [argent]; tu ne tireras pas grand-chose de cette voiture ( comme argent) you won't get much for this car; ( comme service) you won't get much out of this car; tu ne tireras pas grand-chose de lui (comme argent, renseignements, preuve d'intelligence) you won't get much out of him; tirer le maximum de la situation to make the most of the situation; tirer un son d'un instrument to get a note out of an instrument;16 ( dériver) tirer de qch to base [sth] on sth [récit, film]; to get [sth] from sth [nom]; le film est tiré du roman the film is based on the novel; la guillotine tire son nom de son inventeur the guillotine gets its name from its inventor; le mot est tiré de l'anglais the word comes from the English;17 ( extraire) tirer de qn/qch to take [sth] from sb/sth [texte]; to derive [sth] from sth [substance]; texte tiré de Zola/la Bible text taken from Zola/the Bible; le médicament est tiré d'une plante the drug comes from a plant;18 ( faire un tirage) to print [livre, tract, texte, négatif]; to run off [épreuve, exemplaire]; journal tiré à dix mille exemplaires newspaper with a circulation of ten thousand;19 ( tracer) to draw [ligne, trait]; tirer un chèque Fin to draw a cheque GB ou check US (sur on); tirer des plans fig to draw up plans; ⇒ comète;20 ○( passer) plus qu'une heure/semaine à tirer only one more hour/week to go; tirer quelques années en prison to spend a few years in prison.B vi1 ( exercer une traction) to pull; tirer sur qch ( avec une force régulière) to pull on sth; ( d'un coup ou par à-coups) to tug at sth; tire fort! pull hard!; tirer sur les rames to pull on the oars; tirer de toutes ses forces to heave with all one's might; le moteur tire bien/tire mal○ the engine is pulling well/isn't pulling properly; ⇒ corde;2 ( utiliser une arme) to shoot (sur at); ( à feu) to fire (sur at); tirer à l'arc to shoot with a bow and arrow; tirer à la carabine/à l'arbalète to shoot with a rifle/with a crossbow; tirer pour tuer to shoot to kill; tirer au fusil/en l'air/à balles réelles to fire a gun/into the air/with live ammunition; tirer le premier to fire first, to shoot first; se faire tirer dessus to come under fire, to be shot at; ⇒ boulet; elle lui a tiré dans la jambe she shot him in the leg;3 Sport ( au football) to shoot; (au handball, basket-ball) to take a shot; tirer au but ( au football) to take a shot at goal;4 ( choisir au hasard) tirer (au sort) to draw lots; on n'a qu'à tirer let's just draw lots; ⇒ paille;5 ( prendre) tirer sur to draw on; tirer sur son compte/ses réserves to draw on one's account/one's reserves;6 ( aspirer) la cheminée tire bien/tire mal the chimney draws well/doesn't draw well; tirer sur sa cigarette/pipe to draw on one's cigarette/pipe;7 Imprim, Presse tirer à mille exemplaires [périodique] to have a circulation of a thousand; à combien tire la revue? what's the circulation of the magazine?;8 ( avoir une nuance) tirer sur le jaune/le bleu/le vert/le violet/l'orangé to be yellowish/bluish/greenish/purplish/orangy; être d'un bleu tirant sur le vert to be greenish-blue;10 ( dévier) [voiture]tirer à gauche/droite to pull to the left/right; Équit tirer à la main [cheval] to pull.C se tirer vpr1 ( sortir) se tirer de to come through [situation, difficultés]; se tirer de ses ennuis to come through one's troubles; ⇒ pas;2 ◑( partir) je me tire I'm off○ GB, I'm splitting○; tire-toi get lost○; je me suis tiré de chez lui I cleared from his place; je me suis tiré de chez mes parents I left home; je vais me tirer à Montréal I'm going off to Montreal;3 ( se servir d'une arme) se tirer une balle to shoot oneself (dans in); se tirer une balle dans la tête to blow one's brains out; se tirer dessus ( l'un l'autre) lit to shoot at one another;4 ( exercer une traction) se tirer la moustache to pull at one's moustache;5 ○( se débrouiller) s'en tirer to cope; il s'en tire mal ( forte contrainte) he's finding it hard to cope; ( travail délicat) he doesn't do very well; comment est-ce que vous vous en tirez? how do you cope?; elle s'en tire mieux que lui ( épreuve de résistance) she is coping better than he is; ( épreuve d'habileté) she is doing better than him; elle s'en tire tout juste she just gets by;6 ○( échapper) s'en tirer ( à un accident) to escape; ( à une maladie) to pull through; ( à une punition) to get away with it○; je m'en suis tiré avec quelques égratignures I escaped with a few scratches; son médecin pense qu'elle s'en tirera her doctor thinks (that) she will pull through; sans diplôme, il ne s'en tirera jamais without a degree, he'll never get by; il ne s'en tirera pas comme ça he's not going to get away with it; s'en tirer à bon prix to get off lightly; ⇒ compte.[tire] verbe transitifA.[DÉPLACER]tirer quelqu'un par le bras/les cheveux/les pieds to drag somebody by the arm/hair/feet2. [amener à soi] to pull[étirer - vers le haut] to pull (up) ; [ - vers le bas] to pull (down)elle me tira doucement par la manche she tugged ou pulled at my sleevetirer ses cheveux en arrière to draw ou to pull one's hair backa. [accidentellement] to pull a threadb. [pour faire un jour] to draw a threada. [s'attribuer le mérite] to take all the creditb. [s'attribuer le profit] to take the lion's share3. [pour actionner - cordon d'appel, élastique] to pull ; [ - tiroir] to pull (open ou out)tirer les rideaux to pull ou to draw the curtainstire le portail derrière toi close the gates behind you, pull the gates toa. [pour ouvrir] to slide a bolt openb. [pour fermer] to slide a bolt to, to shoot a boltB.[EXTRAIRE, OBTENIR]1. [faire sortir]tirer quelque chose de to pull ou to draw something out oftirer le vin/cidre (du tonneau) to draw wine/cider (off from the barrel)tirer quelqu'un de [le faire sortir de] to get somebody out oftirer quelqu'un de son silence to draw somebody out (of his/her silence)2. [fabriquer]tirer quelque chose de to derive ou to get ou to make something fromtirer des sons d'un instrument to get ou to draw sounds from an instrument3. [percevoir - argent][retirer - chèque, argent liquide] to drawtirer de l'argent d'un compte to draw money out of ou to withdraw money from an account4. [extraire, dégager]tirer la morale/un enseignement de quelque chose to learn a lesson from somethingce que j'ai tiré de ce livre/cet article what I got out of this book/articlece roman tire son titre d'une chanson populaire the title of this novel is taken from a popular song5. [obtenir, soutirer]tirer quelque chose de: tirer de l'argent de quelqu'un to extract money from somebody, to get money out of somebodyon n'en tirera jamais rien, de ce gossea. (familier) [il n'est bon à rien] we'll never make anything out of this kidb. [il ne parlera pas] we'll never get this kid to talk, we'll never get anything out of this kid6. (familier) [voler]je me suis fait tirer mon portefeuille au cinéma! somebody nicked (UK) ou swiped (US) my wallet at the cinema!C.[PROJETER][balle, flèche] to shoot2. [feu d'artifice] to set offce soir, on tirera un feu d'artifice there will be a fireworks display tonight4. [à la pétanque, boule en main] to throw[boule placée] to knock out (separable)[en haltérophilie] to lift5. (locution)E.[TRACER, IMPRIMER]3. IMPRIMERIE [livre] to printce magazine est tiré à plus de 200 000 exemplaires this magazine has a print run ou a circulation of 200,000bon à tirer ‘passed for press’un bon à tirer [épreuve] a press proof4. (Belgique & locution)tu es assez grand, tu tires ton plan you're old enough to look after yourself————————[tire] verbe intransitifne tirez pas, je me rends! don't shoot, I surrender!tirez dans les jambes shoot at ou aim at the legstirer à balles/à blanc to fire bullets/blankstirer sur quelqu'un to take a shot ou to shoot ou to fire at somebodyils ont l'ordre de tirer sur tout ce qui bouge they've been ordered to shoot ou to fire at anything that moveson m'a tiré dessus I was fired ou shot at2. ARMEMENT & SPORTtirer à l'arc/l'arbalètea. [activité sportive] to do archery/crossbow archeryb. [action ponctuelle] to shoot a bow/crossbowtirer à la carabine/au pistoleta. [activité sportive] to do rifle/pistol shootingb. [action ponctuelle] to shoot with a rifle/pistolil a tiré dans le mur/petit filet he sent the ball against the wall/into the side netting4. [exercer une traction] to pulltire! pull!, heave!5. [aspirer - fumeur]tirer sur une pipe to draw on ou to pull at a pipetirer sur une cigarette to puff at ou to draw on a cigarette6. [avoir un bon tirage - cheminée, poêle]la cheminée/pipe tire mal the fireplace/pipe doesn't draw properly7. [peau] to feel tight[points de suture] to pullaïe, ça tire! ouch, it's pulling!8. JEUXtirer au sort to draw ou to cast lots9. IMPRIMERIEtirer à 50 000 exemplaires to have a circulation of ou to have a (print) run of 50,000 (copies)10. (locution, Belgique & Suisse)————————tirer à verbe plus préposition1. PRESSE2. NAUTIQUE3. (locution)————————tirer sur verbe plus préposition[couleur] to verge ou to border onses cheveux tirent sur le roux his hair is reddish ou almost red————————se tirer verbe pronominal (emploi passif)————————se tirer verbe pronominal intransitifs'il n'est pas là dans 5 minutes, je me tire if he's not here in 5 minutes I'm goingtire-toi! [ton menaçant] beat it!, clear ou push off!dès que je peux, je me tire de cette boîte as soon as I can, I'll get out of this dump2. [toucher à sa fin - emprisonnement, service militaire] to draw to a closeplus qu'une semaine, ça se tire quand même! only a week to go, it's nearly over after all!————————se tirer de verbe pronominal plus préposition[se sortir de] to get out ofil s'est bien/mal tiré de l'entrevue he did well/badly at the interviews'en tirer (familier) [s'en sortir]: avec son culot, elle s'en tirera toujours with her cheek, she'll always come out on topsi tu ne m'avais pas aidé à finir la maquette, je ne m'en serais jamais tiré if you hadn't given me a hand with the model, I'd never have managedrien à faire, je ne m'en tire pas! [financièrement] it's impossible, I just can't make ends meet!tu ne t'en tireras pas avec de simples excuses [être quitte] you won't get away ou off with just a few words of apologys'en tirer à ou avec ou pour [devoir payer] to have to payà quatre, on ne s'en tirera pas à moins de 150 euros le repas the meal will cost at least 150 euros for the four of usil ne s'en tirera pas comme ça he won't get off so lightly, he won't get away with iton n'a encaissé qu'un seul but, on ne s'en est pas trop mal tirés they scored only one goal against us, we didn't do too badly
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