101 обслуживаемый
Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > обслуживаемый
102 обслуживаемый
Русско-английский словарь по информационным технологиям > обслуживаемый
103 производивший осмотр и текущий ремонт
Русско-английский словарь по информационным технологиям > производивший осмотр и текущий ремонт
104 réviser
réviser [ʀevize]➭ TABLE 1 transitive verba. [+ matière scolaire] to reviseb. ( = mettre à jour, corriger) [+ texte, estimation] to revise• réviser à la hausse/à la baisse to revise upwards/downwardsc. [+ procès, règlement, constitution, opinion] to review* * *ʀevize1) ( réexaminer) to revise [position, contrat, tarifs]; to review [procès, Constitution]; to redraw [frontières]2) ( vérifier) to service, to overhaul [machine, auto]; to revise [manuscrit]; to audit [comptes]3) École, Université to revise GB, to review US* * *ʀevize vt1) [texte] to revise2) ÉDUCATION, [matière] to revise Grande-Bretagne to review USAJe dois réviser mon anglais. — I've got to revise my English.
3) [comptes] to audit4) [machine, installation, moteur] to overhaul, to serviceJe dois faire réviser ma voiture. — I must get my car serviced.
5) DROIT, [procès] to review* * *réviser verb table: aimer vtr1 ( réexaminer) to revise [position, code, contrat, tarifs]; to review [procès, Constitution]; to redraw [frontières]; réviser qch à la hausse/à la baisse to revise sth upward(s)/downward(s); réviser son jugement to revise one's opinion;2 ( vérifier) to service, to overhaul [machine, auto, chaudière]; to overhaul [montre]; to revise [manuscrit]; to audit [comptes]; faire réviser to have [sth] serviced [voiture]; to have [sth] overhauled [montre]; to have [sth] revised [manuscrit]; donner sa voiture à réviser to take one's car in for servicing ou for a service;3 Scol, Univ to revise GB, to review US; il est en train de réviser pour son examen he's busy revising GB ou reviewing US for his exam.[revize] verbe transitifréviser à la baisse/hausse to downgrade/upgrade, to scale down/up3. DROIT4. [voiture] to service[machine] to overhaul5. [clause] to revise[liste électorale] to update, to revise -
105 tagliando
m couponmotoring servicefare il tagliando have the vehicle serviced* * *tagliando s.m. coupon, counterfoil, voucher; slip: tagliando di controllo, counterfoil // fare il tagliando, ( di un'automobile) to have one's car serviced.* * *[taʎ'ʎando]sostantivo maschile1) (cedola) coupon, slip, receipt, check AE2) aut.* * *tagliando/taλ'λando/sostantivo m.1 (cedola) coupon, slip, receipt, check AE2 aut. fare il tagliando to have one's car serviced. -
106 service
1. noun1) (doing of work for employer etc.) Dienst, derdo service as something — als etwas dienen
he died in the service of his country — er starb in Pflichterfüllung für sein Vaterland
2) (something done to help others)services — Dienste; (Econ.) Dienstleistungen
[in recognition of her] services to the hospital/state — [in Anerkennung ihrer] Verdienste um das Krankenhaus/den Staat
3) (Eccl.) Gottesdienst, der5) (system of transport) Verbindung, diethe number 325 bus service — die Buslinie Nr. 325
6) (provision of maintenance)[after-sale or follow-up] service — Kundendienst, der
bring into service — in Betrieb nehmen
go or come into service — in Betrieb genommen werden
8) (Tennis etc.) Aufschlag, derwhose service is it? — wer hat Aufschlag?
9) (crockery set) Service, dasdessert/tea service — Dessert-/Tee-Service, das
10) (assistance)can I be of service [to you]? — kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein?
12)BBC World Service — BBC Weltsender
14) (Mil.)the [armed or fighting] services — die Streitkräfte
15) (being servant)2. transitive verbbe in/go into service — in Stellung sein/gehen (veralt.) ( with bei)
1) (provide maintenance for) warten [Wagen, Waschmaschine, Heizung]2) (pay interest on) Zinsen zahlen für [Schulden]* * *(the ships of a country that are employed in trading, and their crews: His son has joined the merchant navy.) Handels-...* * *ser·vice[ˈsɜ:vɪs, AM ˈsɜ:r-]I. ncustomer \service Kundendienst mto offer \service Hilfe anbieten3. ( form: assistance) Unterstützung f; (aid, help) Hilfe f; (being useful) Gefälligkeit f, [guter] Dienst▪ to be of \service [to sb] [jdm] von Nutzen sein [o nützen]I'm just glad to have been of \service es freut mich, dass ich mich ein wenig nützlich machen konnteto need the \services of a surveyor einen Gutachter/eine Gutachterin brauchento do sb a \service jdm einen Dienst erweisenthese boots have seen some \service! diese Stiefel sind ziemlich strapaziert worden!civil/diplomatic \service öffentlicher/diplomatischer Dienstambulance \service Rettungsdienst mbus/train \service Bus-/Zugverbindung fcounselling \service psychologischer Beratungsdiensthealth \service Gesundheitsdienst m, Gesundheitswesen nt ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZprison \service Strafvollzug m[public] transport \service [öffentliches] Transportwesento operate a [normal/reduced] \service bus, train eine [normale/eingeschränkte] Verbindung unterhalten [o betreiben7. (roadside facilities)▪ \services pl Raststätte fto lose one's \service seinen Aufschlag abgebento spend time [or be] in the \service beim Militär seinto be [un]fit for \service militär[un]tauglich seinmilitary \service Militärdienst ma career in the \services eine militärische Laufbahnfuneral \service Trauergottesdienst mmorning/evening \service Frühmesse f/Abendandacht fto hold a \service einen Gottesdienst [ab]halten\service contract Wartungsvertrag mto take one's car in for a \service sein Auto zur Inspektion bringentea \service Teeservice nt13.▶ to be in \service (employed as servant) in Stellung sein; (be in use, in operation) im Einsatz seinII. vt* * *['sɜːvɪs]1. n1) Dienst mhis faithful service — seine treuen Dienste
her services to industry/the country (politician, industrialist) —
to do or see good service —
to be of service to sb —
to be at sb's service — jdm zur Verfügung stehen; (person also) jdm zu Diensten stehen
to need the services of a lawyer — einen Anwalt brauchen, einen Anwalt zuziehen müssen
2) (= operation) Betrieb mto see service as a soldier/sailor — beim Militär/in der Marine dienen
4) (with adj attr = branch, department etc) -dienst mBT offers different telephone services — BT bietet eine Reihe von (Telekommunikations)dienstleistungen an
6) (= bus, train, plane service etc) Bus-/Zug-/Flugverbindung fto increase services in rural areas — den Verkehr or die Verkehrslage in ländlichen Gebieten verbessern
there's no service to Oban on Sundays — sonntags besteht kein Zug-/Busverkehr nach Oban
to be in service (with sb) — (bei jdm) in Stellung sein, in jds Dienst (dat) stehen
to go into service (with sb) — (bei jdm) in Stellung gehen, in jds Dienst (acc) treten
my car is in for/has had a service — mein Auto wird/wurde gewartet, mein Auto ist/war zur Inspektion
10) (= tea or coffee set) Service ntall the services have been cut off — Gas, Wasser und Strom sind abgestellt worden
14) pl (Brit MOT) Tankstelle und Raststätte f2. vt1) car, machine wartento send a car to be serviced — ein Auto warten lassen; (major service) ein Auto zur Inspektion geben
3) cow, mare decken4) (FIN) loan, debt bedienen* * *service1 [ˈsɜːvıs; US ˈsɜr-]A s1. Dienst m, Stellung f (besonders von Hausangestellten):be in service in Stellung sein;take sb into one’s service jemanden einstellen;year of service Dienstjahr n2. Dienst m, Arbeit ffor services rendered für geleistete Dienste;the service to our customers unser Kundendienst;he paid her for her services er bezahlte sie für ihre Diensteb) pl Verdienste pl (to um)4. (guter) Dienst, Hilfe f, Gefälligkeit f:at your service zu Ihren Diensten;be (place) at sb’s service jemandem zur Verfügung stehen (stellen);5. WIRTSCH etc Bedienung f:he had to wait five minutes for service er musste fünf Minuten warten, bis er bedient wurde6. Nutzen m:will it be of any service to you? kann es dir irgend etwas nützen?7. (Nacht-, Nachrichten-, Presse-, Telefon- etc) Dienst m8. a) Versorgung(sdienst) f(m)b) Versorgungsbetrieb m:(gas) water service (Gas-)Wasserversorgung10. Aufgabe f, Amt n, Funktion f (eines Staatsbeamten etc)11. MILa) (Wehr-, Militär) Dienst mb) meist pl Truppe f, Waffengattung f12. MIL Aktion f, Unternehmen n13. MIL US (technische) Versorgungstruppe14. MIL Bedienung f (eines Geschützes etc)15. meist pl Hilfsdienst m:16. TECHa) Bedienung fb) Betrieb m (einer Maschine etc):in (out of) service in (außer) Betrieb;service conditions Betriebsbedingungen, -beanspruchung f17. TECHb) Service m, Kundendienst m (auch als Einrichtung)18. BAHN etc Verkehr(sfolge) m(f), Betrieb m:a twenty-minute service ein Zwanzig-Minuten-Verkehr19. RELa) Gottesdienst mb) Liturgie fMozart’s service Mozart-Messe f21. Service n (Essgeschirr etc):a service for six ein Service für sechs Personen22. JUR Zustellung f23. JUR, HISTb) Dienstleistung f (für einen Feudalherrn)24. SCHIFF Bekleidung f (eines Taues)25. Service m, auch n:a) Tennis etc: Aufschlag m:hold one’s service sein Aufschlagspiel gewinnen, seinen Aufschlag durchbringen oder halten;B v/t1. TECHa) warten, pflegenb) überholen, instand setzen:my car is being serviced mein Wagen ist bei der Inspektion oder beim Kundendienst2. beliefern, versorgen ( beide:with mit Material, Nachrichten etc)3. ZOOL eine Stute etc deckenservice2 [ˈsɜːvıs; US ˈsɜr-] s BOT1. Spierbaum mserv. abk1. servant2. service* * *1. noun1) (doing of work for employer etc.) Dienst, der2) (something done to help others)services — Dienste; (Econ.) Dienstleistungen
[in recognition of her] services to the hospital/state — [in Anerkennung ihrer] Verdienste um das Krankenhaus/den Staat
3) (Eccl.) Gottesdienst, der5) (system of transport) Verbindung, diethe number 325 bus service — die Buslinie Nr. 325
[after-sale or follow-up] service — Kundendienst, der
go or come into service — in Betrieb genommen werden
8) (Tennis etc.) Aufschlag, der9) (crockery set) Service, dasdessert/tea service — Dessert-/Tee-Service, das
10) (assistance)can I be of service [to you]? — kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein?
12)14) (Mil.)the [armed or fighting] services — die Streitkräfte
15) (being servant)2. transitive verbbe in/go into service — in Stellung sein/gehen (veralt.) ( with bei)
1) (provide maintenance for) warten [Wagen, Waschmaschine, Heizung]2) (pay interest on) Zinsen zahlen für [Schulden]* * *n.Betrieb -e m.Dienst -e m.Dienstleistung f.Gottesdienst m.Kundendienst m.Wartung -en f. v.warten v. -
107 apartotel
108 lote urbanizado
109 station
1) станция; пункт3) геофиз. пункт наблюдений5) устройство; блок7) горн. околоствольный двор8) ж.-д. станционные сооружения11) мор. точка пересечения шпангоута с основной линией12) устанавливать, ставить13) экол. ареал•station on stream — работающая ( насосная или компрессорная) станция на трубопроводе-
aboveground power station
aboveground station
accepting station
accumulator station
actinometric station
aerobraked OTV-serviced space station
aerodynamic broadcast station
aeronautical meteorological station
affiliated station
air monitoring station
airborne early-warning station
alighting station
anchor station
AOTV-serviced space station
array station
arrival station
assembly station
assembly work station
astronaut tended space station
astronaut-inhabited space station
atomic power station
attended station
automatic unified orbital station
automatic water-stage recording station
automatic welding station
auxiliary power station
avalanche station
backhaul station
back-to-back high-voltage direct-current converter station
bagging station
base compressor station
base pumping station
base station
baseline station
base-load power station
beacon station
beet pulp drying station
beet receiving station
beet washing station
benchmark station
block-signal station
boarding station
boiling station
booster station
broadcasting station
broadcast station
bulk flour station
buoy-based station
captain's station
captain station
car inspection station
cathodic protection station
central electric station
central heat supply station
charging station
check station
circle station
circulating pumping station
civilian-manned space station
clean work station
climatological station
coal-fired power station
coast station
coastal direction finding station
coke-screening station
communication relay station
compressor station
concrete coating station
connecting station
conning station
conservated space station
control radio station
control station
converter station
co-orbiting space stations
coordinate inspection station
cream station
crusher station
cube station
current-meter gaging station
current-meter station
customs station
data return capsule-carried space station
data station
dead station
deburring station
deconservated space station
dedicated milling station
deorbited space station
design station
destination station
diesel power station
diffusion station
direction and guidance radar station
direction-finding station
discharge station
dispatch station
dispatching control station
display station
distribution station
diversion power station
diversion station
docking station
drainage station
drift station
drive station
dry station
dual-keel space station
dual-purpose station
dumping station
early-warning radar station
earth station
earthquake-detection station
electric power station
electric station
electrode building station
engine changing station
engineered work station
engineman's station
enlarged space station
entry station
evaporation station
exposure station
extended duration space station
feed station
filling station
film take-up station
fish rearing station
fixed ship station
fixed station
fixturing station
flexible machining station
flexible space station
flight engineer station
floating diesel station
floating power station
floating station
floating weather station
fossil-fueled power station
free-standing pallet station
frontier station
fuel station
gaging station
gas engine compressor station
gas gathering station
gas station
gas-compressor station
gas-distributing station
gas-lift compressor station
gas-turbine power station
generating station
GEO space station
geothermal power station
grain-collecting station
greasing station
grid-connected photovoltaic station
ground station
group pumping station
growth station
guidance station
half-open-air hydroelectric station
hammer station
head-end station
heat-electric generating station
high altitude space station
high-latitude station
high-level station
high-lift pump station
high-power station
holding station
home station
homing station
horizontal designed space station
hot-metal station
hydraulic experimental station
hydroelectric power station
hydroelectric pumped storage power station
hydrological station
hydrometric station
ice lookout station
ice pilot station
ice-based station
impact station
inhabited space station
inland station
in-machine station
inquiry station
insertion station
inspection station
integrated sewing station
interchange station
interlocking station
intermediate station
international space station
interplanetary station
inverter station
irrigation pumping station
island station
issuing station
junction station
knitting station
knocking-out station
ladle bricking station
ladle preparation station
land station
landing direction-finding station
large-size power station
large power station
LEO space station
lightning direction-finding station
lightship station
line booster pump station
liquefied natural gas station
load station
load/unload station
loading station
local station
localizer station
logic programming station
long-functioning space station
long-term space station
long-term station
loop station
low-altitude space station
low-latitude station
low-lift pump station
lubrication station
machine tool station
machining work station
machining station
magazine station
magnetic station
magnetotelluric station
main pumping station
manned station
manual part control station
man-visited space station
master station
material handling work station
measuring station
medium-size power station
medium power station
medium-head hydroelectric station
melt station
mesonet station
microwave relay station
milk collecting station
mine-mouth power station
mixed pumped-storage station
mobile electric power station
mobile power station
mobile ship station
mobile station
mobile television station
mold lubricating station
monitoring station
moonbounce station
multiband station
multimodule space station
multiparameter station
multiple docking ports-equipped space station
multiple modules-docked space station
multiple pressurized modules space station
multipurpose space station
multisolar-panels-consisted station
NC control station
newsroom station
node station
nuclear heat-only station
nuclear power station
nuclear steam station
observational station
observation station
ocean weather station
off-line station
oil-burning power station
oil-fired power station
oil-gathering station
oil-marketing station
OMV-equipped space station
on-orbit power generation station
open-air hydroelectric station
orbital laser power station
orbital station
origin station
oxy-gas cutoff station
ozonometry station
package power station
packing station
pan station
partial-record station
passenger station
passing station
passive seismic station
payoff station
peak-load power station
pendent control station
periodically tended space station
permanent seismograph station
permanent space station
photovoltaic pumping station
pier-type hydroelectric station
pilot solar power station
pipe welding station
pipeline-up station
pluviometric station
pole-mounted station
postprocess gaging station
power station
precipitation station
primary station
principal station
probe station
public service power station
public utility power station
pumped-storage station
pumping station
punch station
purely civilian-manned space station
push-button pipeline pumping station
rack-mounted station
radar station
radio station
radio-beacon station
radio-compass station
radio-positioning station
radio-range station
radio-relay station
radiosonde station
rating station
rawinsonde receiving station
rawinsonde station
read station
receiving station
reclamation station
reconservated space station
recording station
rectifier station
reference station
reforwarding station
refrigerating station
refuge station
relay pump station
relay station
relift station
remote methane measurement station
remote monitoring station
remote station
remote tool transfer station
repeater station
representative station
repressuring station
rescue station
reservoired power station
resupply space station
river station
robot station
robot weather station
roll-welding station
run-of-river power station
run-of-river station
sample station
satellite solar power station
scrubbing station
secondary station
seismic station
seismograph station
seismological station
self-service station
sending station
sewage pumping station
shaft station
ship station
shipboard power station
ship-handling station
shore collection station
shore station
short-lived station
short-term space station
short-term station
skimming station
slave station
small-size power station
small power station
solar power station
solar radio station
solar station
solar-diesel hybrid power station
solar-powered service station
solid-fuel power station
source pump station
space station
space tug-equipped orbital station
space-based laser station
stage station
stationary relay station
steering station
storage power station
stream-gaging station
stuffing station
stunning station
subscriber heat supply station
subscriber station
suburban station
surface synoptic station
surveillance radar station
switching station
synoptic station
tank oil filling station
tapping station
telemetering station
telemetry station
television transmitting station
temperature-regulating station
terminal pump station
terminal station
terrestrial station
test station
tethered space station
thermal power station
thermal station
tidal power station
toll station
tool adjustment station
tool change station
tool measuring-and-adjustment station
tool presetting station
tool station
torch-cutting station
total energy power station
totally autonomous manned space station
tracker station
transfer pumping station
transfer station
transforming station
transit station
transmitting station
transport station
transportable earth station
transportable station
trigeneration power station
trim station
two docking ports-equipped space station
underground power station
underground station
unload station
unmanned pumping station
unmanned station
upper-air station
user station
vacuum-compressor station
variable-head station
versatile space station
visited space station
wall-mounted station
washing station
water injection pumping station
water monitoring station
water power station
water rating station
water station
water treatment station
water-balance station
water-pumping station
water-purification floating station
wayside station
weather station
weighing station
weir station
well test station
wind power station
windup station
working station
work station
workpiece preparatory station -
110 SO
1) Общая лексика: superior oblique muscle, верхняя косая мышца, Serviced Office ( обслуживаемый офисный центр) (например: one of the top Serviced Offices (SO) operators - один из ведущих российских операторов в сфере обслуживания офисных центров)2) Компьютерная техника: Scene Object, Self Organizing, Shared Object, Shared Objects, switching office3) Медицина: sham-operated4) Американизм: Stem Only harvest5) Военный термин: Silent Observer, Superseded Or Obsolete, scouting-observation, secretary's office, secretary's order, security office, security officer, senior officer, signal officer, signal order, special operations, special order, staff officer, stockage objectives, strategic outline, supply office, supply officer, support operations, surveillance officer, system orientation, system override6) Техника: Second Order, Signal Oscillator, selected order, send only, shift-out character, shutoff, signal office, slow-operated, small-outline package, space optics system, supervising operator7) Железнодорожный термин: South Orient8) Юридический термин: Shoot Out9) Грубое выражение: Stupid Oaf10) Металлургия: spheroidal graphite11) Политика: Somalia12) Телевидение: serial-data out13) Телекоммуникации: Serving Office14) Сокращение: Somali, Space Opera, Staff Officer Air (Air), Stationery Office, Strike Out, sub-office, Supply Officer (UK; S; Stores), slow operate (relay), Small Outline package, Stack Overflow, ОО (от Sub-office (Операционный офис); от Service-office (Отдел обслуживания))15) Университет: Student Orientation16) Физиология: Supraorbital, Sutures Out17) Электроника: Slow Operate, Small Outline (package)18) Вычислительная техника: shift out, significant other, переход на верхний регистр19) Нефть: shake out, show of oil, south offset, признаки нефти (shows of oil)20) Банковское дело: опцион продавца (seller's option)21) Транспорт: Straight On22) Экология: shows of oil23) Энергетика: system operator, системный оператор, СО24) СМИ: Sold Out25) Деловая лексика: Special Offer, Supporting Organization26) Бурение: ближайший в южном направлении (south offset), удалённая твёрдая фаза (shake out; с помощью вибросита)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: oil saturation, sales office, заказ на услуги (Service Order)28) ЕБРР: sovereign operation29) Полупроводники: spin-split-off30) Сахалин Р: Service Order31) Океанография: The Source Of32) Сахалин А: sealed open33) Безопасность: Sign Out34) Расширение файла: Shared object (Fortran 90)35) Нефть и газ: switch output36) Электротехника: scheduled outage, self-oscillation37) Печатные платы: Small Outline38) Чат: Shout Out39) NYSE. Southern Company -
111 so
1) Общая лексика: superior oblique muscle, верхняя косая мышца, Serviced Office ( обслуживаемый офисный центр) (например: one of the top Serviced Offices (SO) operators - один из ведущих российских операторов в сфере обслуживания офисных центров)2) Компьютерная техника: Scene Object, Self Organizing, Shared Object, Shared Objects, switching office3) Медицина: sham-operated4) Американизм: Stem Only harvest5) Военный термин: Silent Observer, Superseded Or Obsolete, scouting-observation, secretary's office, secretary's order, security office, security officer, senior officer, signal officer, signal order, special operations, special order, staff officer, stockage objectives, strategic outline, supply office, supply officer, support operations, surveillance officer, system orientation, system override6) Техника: Second Order, Signal Oscillator, selected order, send only, shift-out character, shutoff, signal office, slow-operated, small-outline package, space optics system, supervising operator7) Железнодорожный термин: South Orient8) Юридический термин: Shoot Out9) Грубое выражение: Stupid Oaf10) Металлургия: spheroidal graphite11) Политика: Somalia12) Телевидение: serial-data out13) Телекоммуникации: Serving Office14) Сокращение: Somali, Space Opera, Staff Officer Air (Air), Stationery Office, Strike Out, sub-office, Supply Officer (UK; S; Stores), slow operate (relay), Small Outline package, Stack Overflow, ОО (от Sub-office (Операционный офис); от Service-office (Отдел обслуживания))15) Университет: Student Orientation16) Физиология: Supraorbital, Sutures Out17) Электроника: Slow Operate, Small Outline (package)18) Вычислительная техника: shift out, significant other, переход на верхний регистр19) Нефть: shake out, show of oil, south offset, признаки нефти (shows of oil)20) Банковское дело: опцион продавца (seller's option)21) Транспорт: Straight On22) Экология: shows of oil23) Энергетика: system operator, системный оператор, СО24) СМИ: Sold Out25) Деловая лексика: Special Offer, Supporting Organization26) Бурение: ближайший в южном направлении (south offset), удалённая твёрдая фаза (shake out; с помощью вибросита)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: oil saturation, sales office, заказ на услуги (Service Order)28) ЕБРР: sovereign operation29) Полупроводники: spin-split-off30) Сахалин Р: Service Order31) Океанография: The Source Of32) Сахалин А: sealed open33) Безопасность: Sign Out34) Расширение файла: Shared object (Fortran 90)35) Нефть и газ: switch output36) Электротехника: scheduled outage, self-oscillation37) Печатные платы: Small Outline38) Чат: Shout Out39) NYSE. Southern Company -
112 Его машине пора в автосервис
Dialect: His car needs serviced (Scot., Midwest., Pittsb. = His car needs to be serviced)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Его машине пора в автосервис
113 квартира с обслуживанием
1) Engineering: serviced apartment2) Sociology: serviced flatУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > квартира с обслуживанием
114 обслуженная деталь
Engineering: serviced component, serviced itemУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > обслуженная деталь
115 обслуживаемый усилительный пункт
Telecommunications: attended repeater station, main repeater station, serviced amplification center, serviced-repeater station, ОУП, ARSУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > обслуживаемый усилительный пункт
116 decken
I v/t1. (Dach) cover; (Haus) roof; mit Ziegeln: tile; mit Schiefer: slate; mit Schindeln: shingle; mit Stroh: thatch2. (Tuch etc.) put, spread ( über + Akk over); im Herbst Zweige über die Rosen decken cover the roses (over) with branches in autumn3. (schützen) cover, protect (auch MIL., Schach etc.); durch Schutzschild etc.: shield ( alle auch sich o.s.)4. fig. (jemanden, jemandes Flucht, Fehler etc.) cover (up) for; jemandes Lügen decken cover (up) for s.o.’s lies; Rücken5. WIRTS. (Bedarf, Kosten etc.) cover, meet; (Bedarf) auch satisfy; der Scheck ist nicht gedeckt the cheque (Am. check) isn’t covered; wird der Schaden von der Versicherung gedeckt? will the insurance cover the damage?; fig. Bedarf6. ZOOL. cover, Am. service; eine Stute decken lassen have a mare served ( oder covered, Am. serviced)7. Kartenspiel, bes. Bridge: cover (with a higher card)8. geh. bedeckenII vt/i1. den Tisch decken lay ( oder set) the table; es ist für vier Personen gedeckt the table’s laid ( oder set) for four; es ist gedeckt dinner etc. is servedIII v/i Farbe etc.: coverIV v/refl1. (sich schützen) cover o.s., protect o.s. (auch MIL., Schach etc.); durch Schutzschild etc.: shield o.s.; Boxen: guard o.s.3. fig.; Ansichten, Aussagen etc.: correspond, tally; exakt: be identical ( alle: mit with); gedeckt* * *to cover* * *dẹ|cken ['dɛkn]1. vt1) (= zudecken) to coverein Dach mit Schiefer/Ziegeln decken — to roof a building with slate/tiles
ein Dach mit Stroh/Reet decken — to thatch a roof (with straw/reeds)
See:→ auch gedeckt2) (= zurechtmachen) Tisch, Tafel to set, to laysich an einen gedeckten Tisch setzen (lit) — to find one's meal ready and waiting; (fig) to be handed everything on a plate
3)5) Kosten, Schulden, Bedarf to cover, to meetmein Bedarf ist gedeckt — I have all I need; (fig inf) I've had enough (to last me some time)
damit ist unser Bedarf gedeckt — that will meet or cover our needs
der Schaden wird voll durch die Versicherung gedeckt — the cost of the damage will be fully met by the insurance
2. vito cover; (FTBL = Spieler decken) to mark; (BOXEN) to guard; (= Tisch decken) to lay a/the tabledu musst besser decken (Ftbl) — you must mark your opponent better; (Boxen) you must improve your guard
es ist gedeckt — luncheon/dinner etc is served
3. vr1) (Standpunkte, Interessen, Begriffe) to coincide; (Aussagen) to correspond, to agree; (MATH Dreiecke, Figur) to be congruentsich deckende Begriffe/Interessen — concepts/interests which coincide
2) (= sich schützen) to defend oneself; (mit Schild etc) to protect oneself; (Boxer etc) to cover oneself; (= sich absichern) to cover oneself* * *1) (to be enough to pay for: Will 10 dollars cover your expenses?) cover2) (to protect: Are we covered by your car insurance?) cover3) (to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal: Please would you set the table for me?) set4) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) lay5) (to cover with a roof: They'll finish roofing the house next week.) roof* * *de·cken[ˈdɛkn̩]I. vt1. (legen)▪ etw über etw/jdn \decken to put sth over sth/sb; (breiten) to spread sth over sth/sb; (schützend, verhüllend) to cover sb/sth with sthdie Hand/ein Tuch über etw akk \decken to cover sth with one's hand/a cloth, to put one's hand/a cloth over sth2. (bedecken)▪ etw \decken to cover sthSchnee deckte die Erde (liter) the earth was covered with [or in] snowdas Dach \decken to cover the roof, to roof a buildingein Dach mit Schiefer/Ziegeln \decken to roof a building with slate/tiles, to slate/tile a roofein Dach mit Kupfer \decken to line a roof with copperein Dach mit Reet/Stroh \decken to thatch a roof [with reeds/straw]den Tisch \decken to set [or lay] the tablees ist gedeckt! dinner/lunch is ready [or form served]!den Tisch für zwei [Personen] \decken to set [or lay] the table for twoes ist für zwei gedeckt the table is set for twoein gedeckter Tisch a table set [or laid] for a mealsich akk an einen gedeckten Tisch setzen to find one's meal ready and waiting; (fig) to be handed everything on a plate fig4. (verheimlichen)▪ jdn \decken to cover up for sbeinen Komplizen \decken to cover up for an accomplice5. (abschirmen)das Kinn mit der Linken \decken to cover one's chin with the lefteinen Spieler \decken to mark [or cover] an opponentjds Bedarf/Bedürfnisse \decken to cover [or meet] sb's needsdie Nachfrage \decken to meet [or satisfy] the demand▪ etw \decken to cover sthder Scheck war nicht gedeckt the cheque wasn't coveredder Schaden ist durch die Versicherung gedeckt the damage is covered by the insurancedie Kosten \decken to cover the cost[s]einen Wechsel \decken to meet [or honour] a bill of exchange▪ etw \decken to offset sthein Defizit \decken to offset a deficit9. (begatten)ein Tier \decken to cover [or form service] an animaleine Stute \decken to serve a mareII. vi1. (überdecken)[gut] \decken to cover welldiese Farbe deckt besser this paint gives a better cover[ing][gut] \deckende Farbe paint that covers wellschlecht \decken to cover badly2. (Schutz bieten) to offer protectiondie Büsche \decken gegen unerwünschte Blicke the shrubs protect from unwanted insight3. SPORT to mark [or cover] one's opponentdu musst besser \decken you have to improve your markingheute deckst du besser your marking is better today4. (beim Boxen) to keep one's guard updu musst besser \decken you have to improve our guardheute deckst du schlecht today you keep dropping your guardIII. vr1. (übereinstimmen) to coincide (in/mit + dat on/with); Zeugenaussage to correspond, to agree (in/mit + dat on/with); Geschmäcker to match; Zahlen to tallyseine Aussage deckt sich in wesentlichen Punkten nicht mit Ihrer his statement doesn't agree with yours on some major points* * *1.transitives Verb1)etwas über etwas (Akk.) decken — spread something over something
ein Dach/Haus mit Ziegeln/Stroh decken — tile/thatch a roof/house
3)den Tisch decken — lay or set the table
4) (schützen) cover; (bes. Fußball) mark < player>; (vor Gericht usw.) cover up for <accomplice, crime, etc.>5) (befriedigen) satisfy, meet <need, demand>mein Bedarf ist gedeckt — (ugs.) I've had enough
6) (Finanzw., Versicherungsw.) cover2.intransitives Verb2) (den Tisch decken) lay or set the table3) < colour> cover3.reflexives Verb coincide; tally* * *A. v/t1. (Dach) cover; (Haus) roof; mit Ziegeln: tile; mit Schiefer: slate; mit Schindeln: shingle; mit Stroh: thatch2. (Tuch etc) put, spread (über +akk over);im Herbst Zweige über die Rosen decken cover the roses (over) with branches in autumnsich o.s.)der Scheck ist nicht gedeckt the cheque (US check) isn’t covered;6. ZOOL cover, US service;7. Kartenspiel, besonders Bridge: cover (with a higher card)B. v/t & v/i1.den Tisch decken lay ( oder set) the table;es ist für vier Personen gedeckt the table’s laid ( oder set) for four;es ist gedeckt dinner etc is servedC. v/i Farbe etc: coverD. v/r1. (sich schützen) cover o.s., protect o.s. ( auch MIL, Schach etc); durch Schutzschild etc: shield o.s.; Boxen: guard o.s.2. MATH coincide, be congruent (mit with)* * *1.transitives Verb1)etwas über etwas (Akk.) decken — spread something over something
ein Dach/Haus mit Ziegeln/Stroh decken — tile/thatch a roof/house
3)den Tisch decken — lay or set the table
4) (schützen) cover; (bes. Fußball) mark < player>; (vor Gericht usw.) cover up for <accomplice, crime, etc.>5) (befriedigen) satisfy, meet <need, demand>mein Bedarf ist gedeckt — (ugs.) I've had enough
6) (Finanzw., Versicherungsw.) cover2.intransitives Verb2) (den Tisch decken) lay or set the table3) < colour> cover3.reflexives Verb coincide; tally* * *v.to cover v.to defray v.to tup v. -
117 scheckheftgepflegt
Adj. Auto: regularly serviced; in Inserat: full service history* * * -
118 flota
f.fleet.flota pesquera fishing fleetpres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: flotar.imperat.2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: flotar.* * *1 fleet\flota de guerra war fleetflota pesquera fishing fleet* * *noun f.* * *SF1) [de buques] fleet2) (Aer, Aut) fleet3) And (=autobús) long-distance bus, inter-city bus4) LAm (=muchedumbre) lot, crowd, heapuna flota de — a lot of, a crowd of
5) And (=jactancia) boasting, blusterechar flotas — And, CAm, Caribe to brag
* * *1) (de barcos, camiones, aviones) fleetla flota mercante/pesquera — the merchant/fishing fleet
la flota de altura/bajura — the deep-sea/inshore fleet
2) (Col) ( autobús) bus (AmE), coach (BrE)* * *= fleet.Ex. Much of the rural area is serviced by a fleet of mobile libraries.----* información sobre la flota pesquera = fleet statistics.* * *1) (de barcos, camiones, aviones) fleetla flota mercante/pesquera — the merchant/fishing fleet
la flota de altura/bajura — the deep-sea/inshore fleet
2) (Col) ( autobús) bus (AmE), coach (BrE)* * *= fleet.Ex: Much of the rural area is serviced by a fleet of mobile libraries.
* información sobre la flota pesquera = fleet statistics.* * *A (de barcos, camiones, aviones) fleetla flota mercante the merchant fleetflota pesquera fishing fleetla flota de altura/bajura the deep-sea/inshore fleet* * *
Del verbo flotar: ( conjugate flotar)
flota es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
flota sustantivo femenino
1 (de barcos, camiones, aviones) fleet
2 (Col) ( autobús) bus (AmE), coach (BrE)
flotar ( conjugate flotar) verbo intransitivo
to float
flota sustantivo femenino fleet: su tío tiene una flota de camiones, her uncle owns a fleet of trucks
flotar verbo intransitivo to float
' flota' also found in these entries:
- altura
fishing fleet
- fleet
* * *flota nf1. [de barcos] fleetflota de guerra battle fleet;flota mercante merchant fleet;flota pesquera fishing fleet2. [de vehículos] fleet4. Bol, Col [bus interurbano] Br coach, US bus* * *f fleet* * *flota nf: fleet* * *flota n fleet -
119 hacer funcionar
v.to run, to make tick.* * *= service, do + the trickEx. Special storage facilities have been constructed which are at present serviced manually but will soon be computerised.Ex. We are currently in the process of looking at two products that seem to do the trick.* * *= service, do + the trickEx: Special storage facilities have been constructed which are at present serviced manually but will soon be computerised.
Ex: We are currently in the process of looking at two products that seem to do the trick. -
120 mantener
v.1 to keep.mantener algo en buen estado to keep something in good conditionmantener una promesa to keep a promisemantener la calma to stay calmLos mantengo trabajando I keep them working.Ellos mantienen el proyecto They maintain the project.2 to support (with scaffold, columns).mantén los brazos en alto keep your arms in the air3 to support.con su sueldo mantiene a toda la familia he has to support o keep his whole family with his wages4 to have (relationships, conversations).mantener relaciones con alguien to have a relationship with somebody5 to stick to (to defend) (conviction).mantiene su inocencia she maintains that she is innocentmantiene que no la vió he maintains that he didn't see her6 to maintain, to keep, to conserve, to hold.Ellos mantienen unas mantas They maintain some bedcovers.Mantiene sus mismas creencias de antes He keeps his old views.Ellos mantienen su opinión They maintain their opinion.María mantiene a su hijo Mary maintains=provides for her son.Ella mantiene su declaración She maintains her declaration.7 to claim to, to hold to, to maintain to.Ellos mantienen haber limpiado They claim to have cleaned.* * *1 (conservar) to keep■ 'Mantenga Zamora limpia' "Keep Zamora tidy"2 (tener) to keep■ 'Mantener en posición vertical' "Keep vertical"■ 'Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños' "Keep out of the reach of children"3 (sostener) to support, hold up, hold■ no sé como se mantiene en pie con lo que ha bebido I don't know how he can stand up after having drunk so much4 (sustentar) to support, maintain5 (afirmación etc) to maintain■ pues yo mantengo que no es verdad well, I maintain that it is not true6 (conversación, relaciones) to have; (reunión) to hold, have; (correspondencia) to keep up; (promesa, palabra) to keep1 (sostenerse) to remain, stand2 (continuar en un estado, una posición) to keep3 (sustenerse) to manage, maintain oneself, support oneself4 (alimentarse) to eat, live■ se mantiene a base de fruta she lives on fruit, she eats only fruit\mantener algo en secreto to keep something secretmantenerse aparte to stay out of it, not get involvedmantenerse en contacto con to stay in contact withmantenerse en forma to keep in shape, keep in trim, keep fitmantenerse en pie to stand, remain standingmantenerse en sus trece to stick to one's gunsmantenerse vivo,-a to stay alive* * *verb1) to keep2) maintain3) hold4) support5) sustain* * *1. VT1) (=sostener) [gen] to hold; [+ puente, techo] to support2) (=preservar)a) [en un lugar] to store, keep"manténgase en un lugar fresco y seco" — "store in a cool dry place"
b) [en un estado o situación] to keepraya I, 1)•
mantener algo en equilibrio — to balance sth, keep sth balanced3) (=conservar) [+ opinión] to maintain, hold; [+ costumbre, ideales] to keep up, maintain; [+ disciplina] to maintain, keep; [+ promesa] to keepun alto porcentaje mantenía su opinión sobre la crisis — a high percentage maintained o held their opinion about the crisis
me marcho manteniendo mi opinión — I'm leaving, but I stand by my opinion
una civilización que lucha por mantener sus tradiciones — a civilization struggling to uphold o maintain its traditions
eran partidarios de mantener el antiguo orden social — they were in favour of preserving the old social order
al conducir hay que mantener la distancia de seguridad — you have to keep (at) a safe distance when drivinghemos conseguido mantener el equilibrio entre ingresos y gastos — we have managed to maintain a balance between income and expenditure
mantener la línea — to keep one's figure, keep in shapecalma, distancia•
mantener la paz — to keep the peace, maintain peace4) [económicamente] to support, maintainya no pienso mantenerla más — I refuse to keep o support o maintain her any longer
5) [+ conversación, contacto] to maintain, holdes incapaz de mantener una conversación coherente — he is incapable of maintaining o holding a coherent conversation
en las conversaciones que hemos mantenido con el presidente — in the talks we have held with the president
correspondencia 2)¿han mantenido ustedes relaciones sexuales? — have you had sexual relations?
6) (=afirmar) to maintain2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1) ( económicamente) <familia/persona> to support, maintain; < perro> to keep; < amante> to keep2)a) (conservar, preservar) to keepmantener la calma/la compostura — to keep calm/one's composure
b) (cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keepmantenga limpia su ciudad — keep Norwich (o York etc) tidy
3)a) < conversaciones> to have; < contactos> to maintain, keep up; < correspondencia> to keep up; < relaciones> to maintainb) ( cumplir) <promesa/palabra> to keep4) (afirmar, sostener) to maintain2.mantenerse verbo pronominal1) ( sustentarse económicamente) to support oneself2) (en cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keep3) ( alimentarse)* * *= hold together, keep, maintain, maintain, preserve, retain, store, support, sustain, uphold, hold, service, carry on, keep + Nombre + going, operate, hold on to.Ex. The organization was trembling on the brink of financial disaster, and only the journal, American Documentation, was holding it together.Ex. Guard book or scrapbook type arrangement, with possibly a loose-leaf format, is suitable for organising and keeping cuttings, letters and other small items.Ex. Expressiveness can be difficult to maintain as new subjects are added.Ex. They maintain, in an article written for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 'that automated cataloging systems have addressed only half of the problems of maintaining a library catalog'.Ex. The concepts are organised into facets, and the facets are arranged and applied in such a way that the general to special order is preserved.Ex. At an earlier stage, the Library of Congress had decided to retain certain pre-AACR headings, in order to avoid the expense of extensive recataloguing.Ex. The records in a computer data base are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.Ex. In order to support these three elements, and to ensure that schemes are updated it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.Ex. Publishers in the United Stated benefit from a larger home market which serves to sustain the production of an information tool.Ex. It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.Ex. Some theorists hold that one stage must be completely worked through before the next stage can be entered.Ex. Special storage facilities have been constructed which are at present serviced manually but will soon be computerised.Ex. If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.Ex. The author explains how libraries can keep their services going without being slaves to the job.Ex. These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.Ex. The girls were swept away by the water as they failed to hold on to the bus stand.----* capacidad de mantener la atención = attention span.* debate + mantenerse = debate + rage.* de mantener una conversación = conversational.* el que mantiene a la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].* mantener a Alguien alerta = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.* mantener a Alguien atento = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.* mantener a Alguien en vilo = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.* mantener a Alguien informado de = keep + Nombre + posted on.* mantener activo = keep + Nombre + going.* mantener a flote = keep + afloat.* mantener a la par de = keep up with.* mantener alejado = keep away, keep + Nombre + out.* mantener Algo abierto = hold + Nombre + open.* mantener Algo activo = keep + Nombre + at the fore.* mantener Algo alejado = keep + Nombre + at arm's length.* mantener Algo al mínimo = keep + Nombre + at a minimum.* mantener Algo a salvo = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.* mantener Algo controlado = keep + Nombre + in check.* mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.* mantener Algo en equilibrio = keep + Nombre + in balance.* mantener Algo en la dirección correcta = keep + Nombre + on track.* mantener Algo en orden = keep + Nombre + in order.* mantener Algo fuera de peligro = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.* mantener Algo ordenado = keep + Nombre + tidy, keep + Nombre + in order.* mantener Algo vivo = keep + the flame alive, keep + Nombre + at the fore.* mantener al ralentí = idle.* mantener a mano = keep to + hand.* mantener aparte = keep + separate.* mantener a raya = keep at + bay, hold off, keep + Nombre + in line, hold at + bay.* mantener bajo control = keep + a rein on.* mantener bajo vigilancia = keep under + observation.* mantener constancia de = keep + record of.* mantener contacto = maintain + contact.* mantener control = hold + the reins of control.* mantener cooperación = maintain + cooperation.* mantener dentro = keep + Nombre + in.* mantener el control = stay in + control.* mantener el ímpetu = maintain + momentum.* mantener el interés = hold + the interest.* mantener el orden = keep + order, police.* mantener el orden público = maintain + public order.* mantener el ritmo = keep + pace.* mantener el tipo = keep + a stiff upper lip.* mantener en observación = hold under + observation, keep under + observation.* mantener en privado = be out of the public eye.* mantener en reserva = keep on + reserve, keep in + reserve.* mantener en secreto = keep + secret, keep + hush hush, keep + confidential, keep + Nombre + under wraps.* mantener en sintonía = keep in + step.* mantener firme = keep + steady, hold in + line, hold + steady.* mantener informado = keep + informed.* mantener junto = keep together.* mantener la atención de Alguien = hold + Posesivo + attention.* mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.* mantener la bola rodando = keep + the ball rolling.* mantener la cabeza = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together.* mantener la cabeza alta = hold + Posesivo + head high.* mantener la cabeza fría = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* mantener la calma = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together, keep + Pronombre + cool, remain + cool-headed, keep + a cool head, play it + cool.* mantener la coherencia = maintain + consistency.* mantener la compostura = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* mantener la condición (de) = retain + Posesivo + status (as).* mantener la continuidad = maintain + continuity.* mantener la delantera = keep + ahead.* mantener la disciplina = maintain + discipline.* mantener la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* mantener la posición = hold + the line.* mantener las apariencias = keep up + appearances.* mantener las cosas en marcha = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.* mantener las cosas en movimiento = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.* mantener las cosas funcionando = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.* mantener las cuentas = keep + Posesivo + accounts.* mantener las distancias con = keep + Nombre + at arm's length.* mantener la serenidad = keep + Pronombre + cool, keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* mantener la tradición = keep with + tradition.* mantener la vida = sustain + life.* mantener libre de = keep + free of.* mantener los ojos bien abiertos = keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.* mantener los precios = hold + prices down.* mantener oculto = keep + Nombre + under wraps.* mantener ocupado = keep + busy.* mantener ordenado = keep + Nombre + neat and tidy.* mantener presente = keep before.* mantener presionado = hold down.* mantener registro de = keep + record of.* mantener relaciones = maintain + contact, maintain + relationships, maintain + relations.* mantener relaciones comerciales = do + business.* mantenerse actualizado = keep up to + date (with).* mantenerse actualizado de = keep + abreast of.* mantenerse a distancia = stand off.* mantenerse a flote = keep + Posesivo + head above the water, keep + the wolves from the door, stay + afloat, stay in + business.* mantenerse aislado = keep to + Reflexivo.* mantenerse a la cabeza = stay + ahead of the pack.* mantenerse a la escucha = stay + tuned.* mantenerse al corriente = keep + current.* mantenerse al corriente de = keep + abreast of, stay + abreast of, keep + track of.* mantenerse al día = keep up to + date (with), keep up with + the current scene, keep + current.* mantenerse al día de = keep + abreast of, keep + pace with, keep up with, stay + abreast of, keep + a finger on the pulse of, stay in + step with, keep in + step with, keep + step with.* mantenerse al día de las noticias = keep up with + the news.* mantenerse al día de los avances = track + developments.* mantenerse alejado = stay away, remain + aloof.* mantenerse alejado de = stay away from, steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.* mantenerse alejado de la mirada del público = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.* mantenerse alejado de la mirada pública = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.* mantenerse alejado de + Nombre = keep + Nombre + at a distance.* mantenerse alerta = keep + alert, keep + an eye open, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.* mantenerse al frente = keep + ahead.* mantenerse al margen = keep to + Reflexivo, take + a back seat, stand by, remain on + the sidelines.* mantenerse al margen de = remain + uninvolved in, hold + Reflexivo + apart from.* mantenerse al margen de Algo = stay above + Algo.* mantenerse al tanto = stay + tuned.* mantenerse al tanto de = keep in + sync, keep + a finger on the pulse of, keep + track of, stay in + step with, keep in + step with, keep + step with.* mantenerse al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.* mantenerse al tanto de las noticias = keep up with + the news.* mantenerse al tanto de los avances = track + developments.* mantenerse atento = keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.* mantenerse atento a lo que ocurre alrededor = have + an ear to the ground, keep + Posesivo + ear to the ground.* mantenerse bien = keep + well.* mantenerse caliente = keep + warm.* mantenerse callado = keep + quiet.* mantenerse callado y pensativo con cierto resentimiento = brood.* mantenerse como válido = hold up.* mantener secreto = keep + secret.* mantenerse despierto = keep + alert, stay + awake.* mantenerse en buen estado físico = keep + fit.* mantenerse en contacto = stay + tuned.* mantenerse en contacto (con) = keep in + touch (with), stay in + touch (with).* mantenerse en espera = stay + tuned.* mantenerse en forma = keep + fit.* mantenerse en línea con = keep in + line with.* mantenerse en pie = hold + Posesivo + own.* mantenerse en + Posesivo + trece = stick to + Posesivo + guns.* mantenerse en sincronía = keep in + sync.* mantenerse en su sitio = stand + Posesivo + ground.* mantenerse en sus trece = stand + Posesivo + ground.* mantenerse fiel a = stick with.* mantenerse fiel a los principios de Uno = stick to + Posesivo + principles.* mantenerse firme = stand + Posesivo + ground, stick to + Posesivo + guns.* mantenerse impasible = keep + a stiff upper lip.* mantenerse informado = keep up to + date (with), keep + current.* mantenerse informado de = keep + abreast of.* mantenerse lejos de = steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.* mantenerse líder = stay + ahead of the pack.* mantener(se) ocupado = keep + busy.* mantener separado = keep apart.* mantenerse por delante = keep + ahead.* mantenerse por delante de la competencia = keep + one step ahead of the game, keep + one step ahead of the competition.* mantenerse unidos = stick together.* mantenerse vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.* mantener silencio = keep + silent, keep + silence.* mantener sincronizado = keep in + step.* mantener suspenso en el aire = suspend.* mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.* mantener una actitud = hold + attitude.* mantener una actitud abierta = be open-minded.* mantener una apariencia de = maintain + a semblance of.* mantener una conversación = hold + conversation.* mantener una opinión = hold + view, hold + opinion.* mantener una promesa = keep + Posesivo + promise.* mantener una relación con = carry on + relationship with.* mantener un concepto = hold + concept.* mantener un control férreo sobre = hold + an iron grip on.* mantener un debate = hold + discussion.* mantener un equilibrio = balance, maintain + a balance, keep + a balance.* mantener un estándar = uphold + standard.* mantener un interés = pursue + interest.* mantener un registro = keep + log.* mantener un registro de = keep + track of, record.* mantener un sistema de turnos = hold + a rota of.* mantener vigente = keep + alive.* mantener vivo = keep + alive, maintain + momentum, keep + Nombre + going.* máquina que mantiene las constantes vitales = life-support system.* para mantener(se) ocupado = keep-busy.* voluntad de mantener Algo en secreto = secretiveness.* * *1.verbo transitivo1) ( económicamente) <familia/persona> to support, maintain; < perro> to keep; < amante> to keep2)a) (conservar, preservar) to keepmantener la calma/la compostura — to keep calm/one's composure
b) (cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keepmantenga limpia su ciudad — keep Norwich (o York etc) tidy
3)a) < conversaciones> to have; < contactos> to maintain, keep up; < correspondencia> to keep up; < relaciones> to maintainb) ( cumplir) <promesa/palabra> to keep4) (afirmar, sostener) to maintain2.mantenerse verbo pronominal1) ( sustentarse económicamente) to support oneself2) (en cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keep3) ( alimentarse)* * *= hold together, keep, maintain, maintain, preserve, retain, store, support, sustain, uphold, hold, service, carry on, keep + Nombre + going, operate, hold on to.Ex: The organization was trembling on the brink of financial disaster, and only the journal, American Documentation, was holding it together.
Ex: Guard book or scrapbook type arrangement, with possibly a loose-leaf format, is suitable for organising and keeping cuttings, letters and other small items.Ex: Expressiveness can be difficult to maintain as new subjects are added.Ex: They maintain, in an article written for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 'that automated cataloging systems have addressed only half of the problems of maintaining a library catalog'.Ex: The concepts are organised into facets, and the facets are arranged and applied in such a way that the general to special order is preserved.Ex: At an earlier stage, the Library of Congress had decided to retain certain pre-AACR headings, in order to avoid the expense of extensive recataloguing.Ex: The records in a computer data base are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.Ex: In order to support these three elements, and to ensure that schemes are updated it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.Ex: Publishers in the United Stated benefit from a larger home market which serves to sustain the production of an information tool.Ex: It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.Ex: Some theorists hold that one stage must be completely worked through before the next stage can be entered.Ex: Special storage facilities have been constructed which are at present serviced manually but will soon be computerised.Ex: If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.Ex: The author explains how libraries can keep their services going without being slaves to the job.Ex: These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.Ex: The girls were swept away by the water as they failed to hold on to the bus stand.* capacidad de mantener la atención = attention span.* debate + mantenerse = debate + rage.* de mantener una conversación = conversational.* el que mantiene a la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].* mantener a Alguien alerta = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.* mantener a Alguien atento = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.* mantener a Alguien en vilo = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.* mantener a Alguien informado de = keep + Nombre + posted on.* mantener activo = keep + Nombre + going.* mantener a flote = keep + afloat.* mantener a la par de = keep up with.* mantener alejado = keep away, keep + Nombre + out.* mantener Algo abierto = hold + Nombre + open.* mantener Algo activo = keep + Nombre + at the fore.* mantener Algo alejado = keep + Nombre + at arm's length.* mantener Algo al mínimo = keep + Nombre + at a minimum.* mantener Algo a salvo = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.* mantener Algo controlado = keep + Nombre + in check.* mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.* mantener Algo en equilibrio = keep + Nombre + in balance.* mantener Algo en la dirección correcta = keep + Nombre + on track.* mantener Algo en orden = keep + Nombre + in order.* mantener Algo fuera de peligro = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.* mantener Algo ordenado = keep + Nombre + tidy, keep + Nombre + in order.* mantener Algo vivo = keep + the flame alive, keep + Nombre + at the fore.* mantener al ralentí = idle.* mantener a mano = keep to + hand.* mantener aparte = keep + separate.* mantener a raya = keep at + bay, hold off, keep + Nombre + in line, hold at + bay.* mantener bajo control = keep + a rein on.* mantener bajo vigilancia = keep under + observation.* mantener constancia de = keep + record of.* mantener contacto = maintain + contact.* mantener control = hold + the reins of control.* mantener cooperación = maintain + cooperation.* mantener dentro = keep + Nombre + in.* mantener el control = stay in + control.* mantener el ímpetu = maintain + momentum.* mantener el interés = hold + the interest.* mantener el orden = keep + order, police.* mantener el orden público = maintain + public order.* mantener el ritmo = keep + pace.* mantener el tipo = keep + a stiff upper lip.* mantener en observación = hold under + observation, keep under + observation.* mantener en privado = be out of the public eye.* mantener en reserva = keep on + reserve, keep in + reserve.* mantener en secreto = keep + secret, keep + hush hush, keep + confidential, keep + Nombre + under wraps.* mantener en sintonía = keep in + step.* mantener firme = keep + steady, hold in + line, hold + steady.* mantener informado = keep + informed.* mantener junto = keep together.* mantener la atención de Alguien = hold + Posesivo + attention.* mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.* mantener la bola rodando = keep + the ball rolling.* mantener la cabeza = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together.* mantener la cabeza alta = hold + Posesivo + head high.* mantener la cabeza fría = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* mantener la calma = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together, keep + Pronombre + cool, remain + cool-headed, keep + a cool head, play it + cool.* mantener la coherencia = maintain + consistency.* mantener la compostura = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* mantener la condición (de) = retain + Posesivo + status (as).* mantener la continuidad = maintain + continuity.* mantener la delantera = keep + ahead.* mantener la disciplina = maintain + discipline.* mantener la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* mantener la posición = hold + the line.* mantener las apariencias = keep up + appearances.* mantener las cosas en marcha = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.* mantener las cosas en movimiento = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.* mantener las cosas funcionando = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.* mantener las cuentas = keep + Posesivo + accounts.* mantener las distancias con = keep + Nombre + at arm's length.* mantener la serenidad = keep + Pronombre + cool, keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* mantener la tradición = keep with + tradition.* mantener la vida = sustain + life.* mantener libre de = keep + free of.* mantener los ojos bien abiertos = keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.* mantener los precios = hold + prices down.* mantener oculto = keep + Nombre + under wraps.* mantener ocupado = keep + busy.* mantener ordenado = keep + Nombre + neat and tidy.* mantener presente = keep before.* mantener presionado = hold down.* mantener registro de = keep + record of.* mantener relaciones = maintain + contact, maintain + relationships, maintain + relations.* mantener relaciones comerciales = do + business.* mantenerse actualizado = keep up to + date (with).* mantenerse actualizado de = keep + abreast of.* mantenerse a distancia = stand off.* mantenerse a flote = keep + Posesivo + head above the water, keep + the wolves from the door, stay + afloat, stay in + business.* mantenerse aislado = keep to + Reflexivo.* mantenerse a la cabeza = stay + ahead of the pack.* mantenerse a la escucha = stay + tuned.* mantenerse al corriente = keep + current.* mantenerse al corriente de = keep + abreast of, stay + abreast of, keep + track of.* mantenerse al día = keep up to + date (with), keep up with + the current scene, keep + current.* mantenerse al día de = keep + abreast of, keep + pace with, keep up with, stay + abreast of, keep + a finger on the pulse of, stay in + step with, keep in + step with, keep + step with.* mantenerse al día de las noticias = keep up with + the news.* mantenerse al día de los avances = track + developments.* mantenerse alejado = stay away, remain + aloof.* mantenerse alejado de = stay away from, steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.* mantenerse alejado de la mirada del público = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.* mantenerse alejado de la mirada pública = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.* mantenerse alejado de + Nombre = keep + Nombre + at a distance.* mantenerse alerta = keep + alert, keep + an eye open, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.* mantenerse al frente = keep + ahead.* mantenerse al margen = keep to + Reflexivo, take + a back seat, stand by, remain on + the sidelines.* mantenerse al margen de = remain + uninvolved in, hold + Reflexivo + apart from.* mantenerse al margen de Algo = stay above + Algo.* mantenerse al tanto = stay + tuned.* mantenerse al tanto de = keep in + sync, keep + a finger on the pulse of, keep + track of, stay in + step with, keep in + step with, keep + step with.* mantenerse al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.* mantenerse al tanto de las noticias = keep up with + the news.* mantenerse al tanto de los avances = track + developments.* mantenerse atento = keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.* mantenerse atento a lo que ocurre alrededor = have + an ear to the ground, keep + Posesivo + ear to the ground.* mantenerse bien = keep + well.* mantenerse caliente = keep + warm.* mantenerse callado = keep + quiet.* mantenerse callado y pensativo con cierto resentimiento = brood.* mantenerse como válido = hold up.* mantener secreto = keep + secret.* mantenerse despierto = keep + alert, stay + awake.* mantenerse en buen estado físico = keep + fit.* mantenerse en contacto = stay + tuned.* mantenerse en contacto (con) = keep in + touch (with), stay in + touch (with).* mantenerse en espera = stay + tuned.* mantenerse en forma = keep + fit.* mantenerse en línea con = keep in + line with.* mantenerse en pie = hold + Posesivo + own.* mantenerse en + Posesivo + trece = stick to + Posesivo + guns.* mantenerse en sincronía = keep in + sync.* mantenerse en su sitio = stand + Posesivo + ground.* mantenerse en sus trece = stand + Posesivo + ground.* mantenerse fiel a = stick with.* mantenerse fiel a los principios de Uno = stick to + Posesivo + principles.* mantenerse firme = stand + Posesivo + ground, stick to + Posesivo + guns.* mantenerse impasible = keep + a stiff upper lip.* mantenerse informado = keep up to + date (with), keep + current.* mantenerse informado de = keep + abreast of.* mantenerse lejos de = steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.* mantenerse líder = stay + ahead of the pack.* mantener(se) ocupado = keep + busy.* mantener separado = keep apart.* mantenerse por delante = keep + ahead.* mantenerse por delante de la competencia = keep + one step ahead of the game, keep + one step ahead of the competition.* mantenerse unidos = stick together.* mantenerse vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.* mantener silencio = keep + silent, keep + silence.* mantener sincronizado = keep in + step.* mantener suspenso en el aire = suspend.* mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.* mantener una actitud = hold + attitude.* mantener una actitud abierta = be open-minded.* mantener una apariencia de = maintain + a semblance of.* mantener una conversación = hold + conversation.* mantener una opinión = hold + view, hold + opinion.* mantener una promesa = keep + Posesivo + promise.* mantener una relación con = carry on + relationship with.* mantener un concepto = hold + concept.* mantener un control férreo sobre = hold + an iron grip on.* mantener un debate = hold + discussion.* mantener un equilibrio = balance, maintain + a balance, keep + a balance.* mantener un estándar = uphold + standard.* mantener un interés = pursue + interest.* mantener un registro = keep + log.* mantener un registro de = keep + track of, record.* mantener un sistema de turnos = hold + a rota of.* mantener vigente = keep + alive.* mantener vivo = keep + alive, maintain + momentum, keep + Nombre + going.* máquina que mantiene las constantes vitales = life-support system.* para mantener(se) ocupado = keep-busy.* voluntad de mantener Algo en secreto = secretiveness.* * *vtA (sustentar económicamente) ‹familia/persona› to support, maintaincuesta una fortuna mantener a ese perro tan grande it costs a fortune to keep that enormous dog¡y pretende que ella lo mantenga! and he expects her to support o keep him!B1 (conservar, preservar) to keepmantener la calma/la compostura to keep calm/one's composuremantener el orden to keep o ( frml) maintain orderpara mantener la paz in order to keep the peacemantener su peso actual to maintain his present weightmantener las viejas tradiciones to keep up the old traditions2 (en cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keeplos postes mantienen la viga en posición the posts keep the beam in positionmantener el equilibrio to keep one's balancelo mantiene en equilibrio sobre la punta de la nariz he balances it on the end of his noselos militares lo mantuvieron en el poder the military kept him in powertodos los medicamentos deben mantenerse fuera del alcance de los niños all medicines should be kept out of reach of children[ S ] mantenga limpia su ciudad keep Norwich ( o York etc) tidy[ S ] una vez abierto manténgase refrigerado keep refrigerated once openno mantiene su coche en buenas condiciones he doesn't keep his car in good condition, he doesn't maintain his car very wellsigue manteniendo vivos sus ideales he still keeps his ideals aliveC1 ‹conversaciones› to have; ‹contactos› to maintain, keep up; ‹correspondencia› to keep up; ‹relaciones› to maintaindurante las negociaciones mantenidas en Ginebra during the negotiations held in Geneva2 (cumplir) ‹promesa/palabra› to keepD (afirmar, sostener) to maintainmantiene que es inocente he maintains that he is innocentA (sustentarse económicamente) to support o maintain o keep oneselfB (en cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keepse mantuvieron en primera división they kept their place o they stayed in the first divisionmantenerse en forma to keep in shape, to keep fitlo único que se mantiene en pie es la torre all that remains is the tower, only the tower is still standingse mantiene al día she keeps up to datesiempre se mantuvo a distancia he always kept his distancese mantuvo en contacto con sus amigos de la infancia he kept in touch with o kept up with his childhood friendsse mantuvo neutral en la disputa he remained neutral in the disputeC(alimentarse): nos mantuvimos a base de latas we lived off tinned foodse mantiene a base de vitaminas he lives on vitamin pills* * *
mantener ( conjugate mantener) verbo transitivo
1 ( económicamente) ‹familia/persona› to support, maintain;
‹ amante› to keep
2 (conservar, preservar) to keep;
mantener el equilibrio to keep one's balance;
mantener algo en equilibrio to balance sth;
para mantener su peso actual to maintain his present weight
‹ contactos› to maintain, keep up;
‹ correspondencia› to keep up;
‹ relaciones› to maintain
4 (afirmar, sostener) to maintain
mantenerse verbo pronominal
1 ( sustentarse económicamente) to support oneself
2 (en cierto estado, cierta situación) to keep;
la torre aún se mantiene en pie the tower is still standing;
mantenerse en contacto (con algn) to keep in touch (with sb)
3 ( alimentarse):
mantener verbo transitivo
1 (conservar) to keep: ella mantiene vivo su recuerdo, she keeps his memory alive
mantén la calma, keep calm
2 (sostener) to have: mantuvimos una conversación muy seria, we had a very serious talk
(una teoría, hipótesis) to defend, maintain
3 (alimentar, sustentar) to support, feed: no podían mantener las dos casas, they couldn't keep up both houses
4 (peso) to support, hold up
' mantener' also found in these entries:
- conchabarse
- conservar
- conservarse
- continuismo
- escribirse
- ir
- hilo
- línea
- raya
- sustentar
- tener
- tipo
- ahuyentar
- alerta
- calma
- correspondencia
- corriente
- disciplina
- flote
- guardar
- llevar
- mantiene
- mantuve
- orden
- preservar
- sujetar
- bay
- buoy
- captive
- carry on
- cherish
- cool
- fire
- hold
- hold off
- house
- hygiene
- image
- keep
- keep away
- keep down
- keep up
- maintain
- order
- preserve
- provide for
- retain
- secrecy
- stall
- support
- suspense
- sustain
- swear
- track
- unionist
- uphold
- weight-watching
- white elephant
- carry
- clear
- conduct
- correspond
- credit
- door
- go
- head
- inform
- occupy
- peace
- police
- provide
- segregate
- stand
- stick
- struggle
* * *♦ vt1. [económicamente] to support;con su sueldo mantiene a toda la familia he has to support o keep his whole family with his wages2. [sostener] to keep;un andamio mantiene el edificio en pie a scaffold supports the building o keeps the building from falling down;mantén los brazos en alto keep your arms in the air3. [conservar] to keep;[ritmo, nivel, presión] to keep up;mantener las amistades to keep up one's friendships;mantener algo en buen estado to keep sth in good condition;mantener la calma to stay calm;mantener el orden to keep order;mantener la línea to keep one's figure;mantener una promesa/la palabra to keep a promise/one's word;mantenga limpia su ciudad [en letrero] keep your city tidy;manténgase en un lugar seco [en etiqueta] keep in a dry place;manténgase fuera del alcance de los niños [en medicamento, producto tóxico] keep out of the reach of children;es incapaz de mantener la boca cerrada he can't keep his mouth shut4. [tener] [conversación] to have;[negociaciones, diálogo] to hold;mantener correspondencia con alguien to correspond with sb;mantener relaciones con alguien to have a relationship with sb;mantener contactos con alguien to be in contact with sb5. [defender] [convicción, idea] to stick to;[candidatura] to refuse to withdraw;mantiene su inocencia she maintains that she is innocent;mantiene que no la vio he maintains that he didn't see her* * *v/t2 ( preservar) keep3 conversación, relación have4 económicamente support5 ( afirmar) maintain* * *mantener {80} vt1) sustentar: to support, to feedmantener uno su familia: to support one's family2) conservar: to keep, to preserve3) continuar: to keep up, to sustainmantener una correspondencia: to keep up a correspondence4) afirmar: to maintain, to affirm* * *mantener vb2. (económicamente) to support3. (afirmar) to maintain
См. также в других словарях:
serviced — UK US /ˈsɜːvɪst/ adjective UK WORKPLACE, PROPERTY ► used to describe a property for rent that is supplied with all the necessary furniture and equipment: »The institute operates out of a suite of serviced offices in Covent Garden. »serviced… … Financial and business terms
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Serviced Houses Point Cook — (Point Cook,Австралия) Категория отеля … Каталог отелей
Serviced Apartments Boavista Palace — (Порту,Португалия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Rua Dr. Emílio Peres … Каталог отелей
Serviced Apartments Boavista Palace — (Порту,Португалия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Rua Dr. Emílio Peres … Каталог отелей
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Serviced Apartments Wexford — (Вексфорд,Ирландия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Wexford Town, Вексфорд, Ир … Каталог отелей
Serviced Apartments Haus 1 — (Uzwil,Швейцария) Категория отеля: Адрес: Musterstrasse, 9240 Uzwil, Шве … Каталог отелей
Serviced-Appartements-Josefstadt — (Вена,Австрия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Alser Str … Каталог отелей
Serviced Apartments @ Times Square Kuala Lumpur — (Куала Лумпур,Малайзия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Eas … Каталог отелей
Serviced Houses Roxburgh Park — (Coolaroo,Австралия) Категория отеля … Каталог отелей