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  • 1 red fox

    red fox n renard m roux.

    Big English-French dictionary > red fox

  • 2 red

    red [red] (compar redder, superl reddest)
    (a) (gen) rouge; (hair, beard) roux (rousse);
    to turn or to go red (person, litmus paper) rougir, devenir rouge; (leaves) roussir; (sky) rougeoyer;
    wait till the lights turn red attend que le feu passe au rouge;
    red with anger/shame rouge de colère/honte;
    to take a red pen to sth corriger qch à l'encre rouge;
    to be red in the face (after effort) avoir la figure toute rouge; (with embarrassment) être rouge de confusion; (permanent state) être rougeaud;
    there will be some red faces on the Opposition benches cela va causer de l'embarras dans les rangs de l'opposition;
    to be as red as a beetroot être rouge comme une pivoine;
    to bring or to raise a metal to red heat chauffer ou porter un métal au rouge;
    to be as red as a lobster (with sunburn) être rouge comme une écrevisse;
    proverb red sky at night, shepherd's delight = ciel rouge le soir est signe de beau temps;
    proverb red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning = ciel rouge le matin est signe de mauvais temps;
    American familiar it's not worth a red cent ça ne vaut pas un clou ou un centime;
    literary hands red with the blood of martyrs mains trempées dans le sang des martyrs
    to go into red ink (person) être à découvert; (company) être en déficit; (account) avoir un solde déficitaire
    2 noun
    (a) (colour) rouge m;
    dressed in red habillé en rouge;
    familiar to see red (be angry) voir rouge
    (b) (in roulette) rouge m; (in snooker) (bille f) rouge f
    (c) (wine) rouge m
    (d) familiar pejorative (communist) rouge mf, coco mf;
    reds under the bed = expression évoquant la psychose du communisme;
    the reds-under-the-bed syndrome la phobie anti-communiste
    to be in the red (person) avoir un découvert, être dans le rouge; (company) être en déficit; (account) avoir un solde déficitaire;
    to be £5,000 in the red (person) avoir un découvert de 5000 livres; (company) avoir un déficit de 5000 livres; (account) avoir un solde déficitaire de 5000 livres;
    to get out of the red (person) combler son découvert; (company) sortir du rouge
    ►► Entomology red admiral vulcain m;
    red alert alerte f rouge;
    to be on red alert être en état d'alerte maximale;
    Entomology red ant fourmi f rouge;
    Red Army Armée f rouge;
    the Red Arrows = patrouille d'avions de chasse britannique spécialisée dans les spectacles de voltige aérienne;
    History the Red Baron le Baron rouge;
    the Red Berets = division des parachutistes de l'armée britannique;
    red blood cell globule m rouge, hématie f;
    Accountancy & Finance red bottom line solde m débiteur;
    red cabbage chou m rouge;
    red card (in football, rugby) carton m rouge, Belgian carte f rouge;
    to get or to receive the red card recevoir le carton ou Belgian la carte rouge;
    red carpet tapis m rouge;
    to roll out the red carpet for sb (for VIP) dérouler le tapis rouge en l'honneur de qn; (for guest) mettre les petits plats dans les grands en l'honneur de qn;
    to give sb the red-carpet treatment réserver un accueil fastueux ou princier à qn;
    Botany red cedar cèdre m rouge;
    red channel (at airport etc) file f pour les passagers qui ont des objets à déclarer à la douane;
    familiar Red China la Chine communiste ou populaire ;
    red corpuscle globule m rouge, hématie f;
    the Red Crescent le Croissant-Rouge;
    the Red Cross (Society) la Croix-Rouge;
    Botany red dead-nettle ortie f pourpre;
    Zoology red deer cerf m commun;
    Red Devils = équipe de parachutistes de l'armée britannique connue pour ses spectacles d'acrobatie aérienne;
    British familiar red duster = pavillon de la marine marchande britannique;
    Astronomy red dwarf naine f rouge;
    Red Ensign = pavillon de la marine marchande britannique;
    Photography red eye (UNCOUNT) = phénomène provoquant l'apparition de taches rouges dans les yeux des personnes photographiées au flash;
    red flag drapeau m rouge;
    the Red Flag = hymne du parti travailliste britannique;
    Zoology red fox renard m roux;
    Astronomy red giant géante f rouge;
    Ornithology red grouse lagopède m (rouge) d'Écosse;
    Red Guard garde f rouge;
    Religion red hat barrette f (de cardinal);
    red herring (fish) hareng m saur; figurative diversion f;
    it's just a red herring ce n'est qu'un truc pour nous dépister ou pour brouiller les pistes;
    Red Indian Peau-Rouge mf;
    Ornithology red kite milan m royal;
    red lead minium m;
    Cookery Red Leicester = fromage anglais à pâte pressée;
    Cars red light feu m rouge;
    to go through a red light passer au rouge, brûler le feu rouge;
    American Red Light Green Light (game) 1,2,3… Soleil;
    red list = liste gouvernementale des produits illégaux;
    red meat viande f rouge;
    red mud boues fpl rouges;
    Ichthyology red mullet rouget barbet m;
    Red Nose Day = au Royaume-Uni, journée d'action caritative organisée tous les deux ans par une association composée essentiellement de comiques (ainsi nommée en raison des nez rouges en plastique vendus à cette occasion);
    Zoology red panda petit panda m;
    red pepper (spice) (poivre m de) cayenne m; (vegetable) poivron m rouge;
    the Red Planet (Mars) la planète rouge;
    Botany red rattle pédiculaire m des bois;
    the Red River la Red River;
    British red route axe m rouge;
    American History the Red Scare = vague de déportations d'immigrants suspectés de communisme organisée par le gouvernement américain dans les années 20;
    the Red Sea la mer Rouge;
    red setter setter m irlandais;
    History Red Shirts Chemises fpl rouges;
    Ichthyology red snapper vivanneau m;
    red spider araignée f rouge;
    Astronomy Red Spot (Grande) Tache f rouge;
    Red Square la place Rouge;
    Zoology red squirrel écureuil m roux;
    red tape (bureaucracy) paperasserie f;
    there's too much red tape il y a trop de paperasserie ou de bureaucratie;
    red tide marée f rouge
    ✾ Book 'The Red Badge of Courage' Crane 'La Conquête du courage'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > red

  • 3 Usage note : be

    The direct French equivalent of the verb to be in subject + to be + predicate sentences is être:
    I am tired
    = je suis fatigué
    Caroline is French
    = Caroline est française
    the children are in the garden
    = les enfants sont dans le jardin
    It functions in very much the same way as to be does in English and it is safe to assume it will work as a translation in the great majority of cases.
    Note, however, that when you are specifying a person’s profession or trade, a/an is not translated:
    she’s a doctor
    = elle est médecin
    Claudie is still a student
    = Claudie est toujours étudiante
    This is true of any noun used in apposition when the subject is a person:
    he’s a widower
    = il est veuf
    Lyons is a beautiful city
    = Lyon est une belle ville
    For more information or expressions involving professions and trades consult the usage note Shops, Trades and Professions.
    For the conjugation of the verb être see the French verb tables.
    Grammatical functions
    The passive
    être is used to form the passive in French just as to be is used in English. Note, however, that the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject:
    the rabbit was killed by a fox
    = le lapin a été tué par un renard
    the window had been broken
    = la fenêtre avait été cassée
    their books will be sold
    = leurs livres seront vendus
    our doors have been repainted red
    = nos portes ont été repeintes en rouge
    In spoken language, French native speakers find the passive cumbersome and will avoid it where possible by using the impersonal on where a person or people are clearly involved : on a repeint nos portes en rouge.
    Progressive tenses
    In French the idea of something happening over a period of time cannot be expressed using the verb être in the way that to be is used as an auxiliary verb in English.
    The present
    French uses simply the present tense where English uses the progressive form with to be:
    I am working
    = je travaille
    Ben is reading a book
    = Ben lit un livre
    The future
    French also uses the present tense where English uses the progressive form with to be:
    we are going to London tomorrow
    = nous allons à Londres demain
    I’m (just) coming!
    = j’arrive!
    I’m (just) going!
    = j’y vais!
    The past
    To express the distinction between she read a newspaper and she was reading a newspaper French uses the perfect and the imperfect tenses: elle a lu un journal/elle lisait un journal:
    he wrote to his mother
    = il a écrit à sa mère
    he was writing to his mother
    = il écrivait à sa mère
    However, in order to accentuate the notion of describing an activity which went on over a period of time, the phrase être en train de (= to be in the process of) is often used:
    ‘what was he doing when you arrived?’
    ‘he was cooking the dinner’
    = ‘qu’est-ce qu’il faisait quand tu es arrivé?’ ‘il était en train de préparer le dîner’
    she was just finishing her essay when …
    = elle était juste en train de finir sa dissertation quand …
    The compound past
    Compound past tenses in the progressive form in English are generally translated by the imperfect in French:
    I’ve been looking for you
    = je te cherchais
    For progressive forms + for and since (I’ve been waiting for an hour, I had been waiting for an hour, I’ve been waiting since Monday etc.) see the entries for and since.
    When to be is used as an auxiliary verb with another verb in the infinitive ( to be to do) expressing obligation, a fixed arrangement or destiny, devoir is used:
    she’s to do it at once
    = elle doit le faire tout de suite
    what am I to do?
    = qu’est-ce que je dois faire?
    he was to arrive last Monday
    = il devait arriver lundi dernier
    she was never to see him again
    = elle ne devait plus le revoir.
    In tag questions
    French has no direct equivalent of tag questions like isn’t he? or wasn’t it? There is a general tag question n’est-ce pas? (literally isn’t it so?) which will work in many cases:
    their house is lovely, isn’t it?
    = leur maison est très belle, n’est-ce pas?
    he’s a doctor, isn’t he?
    = il est médecin, n’est-ce pas?
    it was a very good meal, wasn’t it?
    = c’était un très bon repas, n’est-ce pas?
    However, n’est-ce pas can very rarely be used for positive tag questions and some other way will be found to express the extra meaning contained in the tag: par hasard ( by any chance) can be very useful as a translation:
    ‘I can’t find my glasses’ ‘they’re not in the kitchen, are they?’
    = ‘je ne trouve pas mes lunettes’ ‘elles ne sont pas dans la cuisine, par hasard?’
    you haven’t seen Gaby, have you?
    = tu n’as pas vu Gaby, par hasard?
    In cases where an opinion is being sought, si? meaning more or less or is it? or was it? etc. can be useful:
    it’s not broken, is it?
    = ce n’est pas cassé, si?
    he wasn’t serious, was he?
    = il n’était pas sérieux, si?
    In many other cases the tag question is simply not translated at all and the speaker’s intonation will convey the implied question.
    In short answers
    Again, there is no direct equivalent for short answers like yes I am, no he’s not etc. Where the answer yes is given to contradict a negative question or statement, the most useful translation is si:
    ‘you’re not going out tonight’ ‘yes I am’
    = ‘tu ne sors pas ce soir’ ‘si’
    In reply to a standard enquiry the tag will not be translated:
    ‘are you a doctor?’ ‘yes I am’
    = ‘êtes-vous médecin?’ ‘oui’
    ‘was it raining?’ ‘yes it was’
    = ‘est-ce qu’il pleuvait?’ ‘oui’
    For expressions of probability and supposition ( if I were you etc.) see the entry be.
    Other functions
    Expressing sensations and feelings
    In expressing physical and mental sensations, the verb used in French is avoir:
    to be cold
    = avoir froid
    to be hot
    = avoir chaud
    I’m cold
    = j’ai froid
    to be thirsty
    = avoir soif
    to be hungry
    = avoir faim
    to be ashamed
    = avoir honte
    my hands are cold
    = j’ai froid aux mains
    If, however, you are in doubt as to which verb to use in such expressions, you should consult the entry for the appropriate adjective.
    Discussing health and how people are
    In expressions of health and polite enquiries about how people are, aller is used:
    how are you?
    = comment allez-vous?
    ( more informally) comment vas-tu?
    are you well?
    = vous allez bien?
    how is your daughter?
    = comment va votre fille?
    my father is better today
    = mon père va mieux aujourd’hui
    Discussing weather and temperature
    In expressions of weather and temperature faire is generally used:
    it’s cold
    = il fait froid
    it’s windy
    = il fait du vent
    If in doubt, consult the appropriate adjective entry.
    Visiting somewhere
    When to be is used in the present perfect tense to mean go, visit etc., French will generally use the verbs venir, aller etc. rather than être:
    I’ve never been to Sweden
    = je ne suis jamais allé en Suède
    have you been to the Louvre?
    = est-ce que tu es déjà allé au Louvre?
    or est-ce que tu as déjà visité le Louvre?
    Paul has been to see us three times
    = Paul est venu nous voir trois fois
    Note too:
    has the postman been?
    = est-ce que le facteur est passé?
    For here is, here are, there is, there are see the entries here and there.
    The translation for an expression or idiom containing the verb to be will be found in the dictionary at the entry for another word in the expression: for to be in danger see danger, for it would be best to … see best etc.
    This dictionary contains usage notes on topics such as the clock, time units, age, weight measurement, days of the week, and shops, trades and professions, many of which include translations of particular uses of to be.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : be

См. также в других словарях:

  • Red fox — Red Red, a. [Compar. {Redder} ( d?r); superl. {Reddest}.] [OE. red, reed, AS. re[ a]d, re[ o]d; akin to OS. r[=o]d, OFries. r[=a]d, D. rood, G. roht, rot, OHG. r[=o]t, Dan. & Sw. r[ o]d, Icel. rau[eth]r, rj[=o][eth]r, Goth. r[ a]uds, W. rhudd,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • red fox — ☆ red fox n. 1. a common fox (Vulpes vulpes) of Europe and North America: cf. SILVER FOX 2. the reddish fur of this fox …   English World dictionary

  • red fox — red′ fox′ n. mam any of several foxes of the genus Vulpes, usu. having reddish fur • Etymology: 1630–40, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • Red fox — For other uses, see Red fox (disambiguation). Red fox Temporal range: Mid Pleistocene–Recent European red fox (V. v. crucigera) Conservation status …   Wikipedia

  • Red Fox — Taxobox name = Red Fox status = LC status system = iucn3.1 status ref = IUCN2006|assessors = Macdonald, D.W. Reynolds, J.C. | year = 2004 | title = Vulpes vulpes | id = 23062 | downloaded = 2006 08 09 Database entry includes justification for why …   Wikipedia

  • red fox — noun 1. weedy annual with spikes of silver white flowers • Syn: ↑Celosia argentea • Hypernyms: ↑herb, ↑herbaceous plant • Member Holonyms: ↑Celosia, ↑genus Celosia 2. Ne …   Useful english dictionary

  • red fox — rudoji lapė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Vulpes vulpes angl. common fox; common red fox; European fox; fox; red fox vok. Fuchs; nordischer Fuchs; Rotfuchs rus. красная лиса; лисица; обыкновенная… …   Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas

  • red-fox — sidabrinė celiozija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Burnotinių šeimos daržovinis, dekoratyvinis, vaistinis augalas (Celosia argentea), paplitęs atogrąžose. atitikmenys: lot. Celosia argentea angl. feather cockscomb; Lagos spinach; quail… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Red Fox Hotel, East Delhi — (Нью Дели,Индия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Plot No. 6, Commun …   Каталог отелей

  • Red Fox Hotel, Jaipur — (Джайпур,Индия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: (On JLN Marg, Near …   Каталог отелей

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