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  • 21 Bell, Alexander Graham

    SUBJECT AREA: Telecommunications
    b. 3 March 1847 Edinburgh, Scotland
    d. 3 August 1922 Beinn Bhreagh, Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada
    Scottish/American inventor of the telephone.
    Bell's grandfather was a professor of elocution in London and his father an authority on the physiology of the voice and on elocution; Bell was to follow in their footsteps. He was educated in Edinburgh, leaving school at 13. In 1863 he went to Elgin, Morayshire, as a pupil teacher in elocution, with a year's break to study at Edinburgh University; it was in 1865, while still in Elgin, that he first conceived the idea of the electrical transmission of speech. He went as a master to Somersetshire College, Bath (now in Avon), and in 1867 he moved to London to assist his father, who had taken up the grandfather's work in elocution. In the same year, he matriculated at London University, studying anatomy and physiology, and also began teaching the deaf. He continued to pursue the studies that were to lead to the invention of the telephone. At this time he read Helmholtz's The Sensations of Tone, an important work on the theory of sound that was to exert a considerable influence on him.
    In 1870 he accompanied his parents when they emigrated to Canada. His work for the deaf gained fame in both Canada and the USA, and in 1873 he was apponted professor of vocal physiology and the mechanics of speech at Boston University, Massachusetts. There, he continued to work on his theory that sound wave vibrations could be converted into a fluctuating electric current, be sent along a wire and then be converted back into sound waves by means of a receiver. He approached the problem from the background of the theory of sound and voice production rather than from that of electrical science, and by 1875 he had succeeded in constructing a rough model. On 7 March 1876 Bell spoke the famous command to his assistant, "Mr Watson, come here, I want you": this was the first time a human voice had been transmitted along a wire. Only three days earlier, Bell's first patent for the telephone had been granted. Almost simultaneously, but quite independently, Elisha Gray had achieved a similar result. After a period of litigation, the US Supreme Court awarded Bell priority, although Gray's device was technically superior.
    In 1877, three years after becoming a naturalized US citizen, Bell married the deaf daughter of his first backer. In August of that year, they travelled to Europe to combine a honeymoon with promotion of the telephone. Bell's patent was possibly the most valuable ever issued, for it gave birth to what later became the world's largest private service organization, the Bell Telephone Company.
    Bell had other scientific and technological interests: he made improvements in telegraphy and in Edison's gramophone, and he also developed a keen interest in aeronautics, working on Curtiss's flying machine. Bell founded the celebrated periodical Science.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Legion of Honour; Hughes Medal, Royal Society, 1913.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 7 August 1922, The Times. Dictionary of American Biography.
    R.Burlingame, 1964, Out of Silence into Sound, London: Macmillan.

    Biographical history of technology > Bell, Alexander Graham

  • 22 Leonardo da Vinci

    b. 15 April 1452 Vinci, near Florence, Italy,
    d. 2 May 1519 St Cloux, near Amboise, France.
    Italian scientist, engineer, inventor and artist.
    Leonardo was the illegitimate son of a Florentine lawyer. His first sixteen years were spent with the lawyer's family in the rural surroundings of Vinci, which aroused in him a lifelong love of nature and an insatiable curiosity in it. He received little formal education but extended his knowledge through private reading. That gave him only a smattering of Latin, a deficiency that was to be a hindrance throughout his active life. At sixteen he was apprenticed in the studio of Andrea del Verrochio in Florence, where he received a training not only in art but in a wide variety of crafts and technical arts.
    In 1482 Leonardo went to Milan, where he sought and obtained employment with Ludovico Sforza, later Duke of Milan, partly to sculpt a massive equestrian statue of Ludovico but the work never progressed beyond the full-scale model stage. He did, however, complete the painting which became known as the Virgin of the Rocks and in 1497 his greatest artistic achievement, The Last Supper, commissioned jointly by Ludovico and the friars of Santa Maria della Grazie and painted on the wall of the monastery's refectory. Leonardo was responsible for the court pageants and also devised a system of irrigation to supply water to the plains of Lombardy. In 1499 the French army entered Milan and deposed Leonardo's employer. Leonardo departed and, after a brief visit to Mantua, returned to Florence, where for a time he was employed as architect and engineer to Cesare Borgia, Duke of Romagna. Around 1504 he completed another celebrated work, the Mona Lisa.
    In 1506 Leonardo began his second sojourn in Milan, this time in the service of King Louis XII of France, who appointed him "painter and engineer". In 1513 Leonardo left for Rome in the company of his pupil Francesco Melzi, but his time there was unproductive and he found himself out of touch with the younger artists active there, Michelangelo above all. In 1516 he accepted with relief an invitation from King François I of France to reside at the small château of St Cloux in the royal domain of Amboise. With the pension granted by François, Leonardo lived out his remaining years in tranquility at St Cloux.
    Leonardo's career can hardly be regarded as a success or worthy of such a towering genius. For centuries he was known only for the handful of artistic works that he managed to complete and have survived more or less intact. His main activity remained hidden until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, during which the contents of his notebooks were gradually revealed. It became evident that Leonardo was one of the greatest scientific investigators and inventors in the history of civilization. Throughout his working life he extended a searching curiosity over an extraordinarily wide range of subjects. The notes show careful investigation of questions of mechanical and civil engineering, such as power transmission by means of pulleys and also a form of chain belting. The notebooks record many devices, such as machines for grinding and polishing lenses, a lathe operated by treadle-crank, a rolling mill with conical rollers and a spinning machine with pinion and yard divider. Leonardo made an exhaustive study of the flight of birds, with a view to designing a flying machine, which obsessed him for many years.
    Leonardo recorded his observations and conclusions, together with many ingenious inventions, on thousands of pages of manuscript notes, sketches and drawings. There are occasional indications that he had in mind the publication of portions of the notes in a coherent form, but he never diverted his energy into putting them in order; instead, he went on making notes. As a result, Leonardo's impact on the development of science and technology was virtually nil. Even if his notebooks had been copied and circulated, there were daunting impediments to their understanding. Leonardo was left-handed and wrote in mirror-writing: that is, in reverse from right to left. He also used his own abbreviations and no punctuation.
    At his death Leonardo bequeathed his entire output of notes to his friend and companion Francesco Melzi, who kept them safe until his own death in 1570. Melzi left the collection in turn to his son Orazio, whose lack of interest in the arts and sciences resulted in a sad period of dispersal which endangered their survival, but in 1636 the bulk of them, in thirteen volumes, were assembled and donated to the Ambrosian Library in Milan. These include a large volume of notes and drawings compiled from the various portions of the notebooks and is now known as the Codex Atlanticus. There they stayed, forgotten and ignored, until 1796, when Napoleon's marauding army overran Italy and art and literary works, including the thirteen volumes of Leonardo's notebooks, were pillaged and taken to Paris. After the war in 1815, the French government agreed to return them but only the Codex Atlanticus found its way back to Milan; the rest remained in Paris. The appendix to one notebook, dealing with the flight of birds, was later regarded as of sufficient importance to stand on its own. Four small collections reached Britain at various times during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; of these, the volume in the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle is notable for its magnificent series of anatomical drawings. Other collections include the Codex Leicester and Codex Arundel in the British Museum in London, and the Madrid Codices in Spain.
    Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Leonardo's true stature as scientist, engineer and inventor began to emerge, particularly with the publication of transcriptions and translations of his notebooks. The volumes in Paris appeared in 1881–97 and the Codex Atlanticus was published in Milan between 1894 and 1904.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    "Premier peintre, architecte et mécanicien du Roi" to King François I of France, 1516.
    Further Reading
    E.MacCurdy, 1939, The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, 2 vols, London; 2nd edn, 1956, London (the most extensive selection of the notes, with an English translation).
    G.Vasari (trans. G.Bull), 1965, Lives of the Artists, London: Penguin, pp. 255–271.
    C.Gibbs-Smith, 1978, The Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci, Oxford: Phaidon. L.H.Heydenreich, Dibner and L. Reti, 1981, Leonardo the Inventor, London: Hutchinson.
    I.B.Hart, 1961, The World of Leonardo da Vinci, London: Macdonald.
    LRD / IMcN

    Biographical history of technology > Leonardo da Vinci

  • 23 PFC

    PFC, parapet foxhole cover
    PFC, Бр passed flying college
    "окончил летное учебное заведение"
    PFC, patrol frigate, Canadian
    PFC, petrol filling center
    PFC, preliminary flight certification
    PFC, primary flight control
    основной [главный] пункт управления полетами
    PFC, private, first class
    PFC, programming flow chart

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > PFC

  • 24 airfield

    airfield n
    летное поле
    aeroclub airfield
    летное поле аэроклуба
    airfield fuel valve
    аэродромный штуцер заправки топливом
    airfield lighting system
    система светосигнального оборудования летного поля
    airfield manoeuvre
    маневр на летном поле
    auxiliary airfield
    вспомогательная посадочная площадка
    dispersal airfield
    запасная посадка
    flying-school airfield
    аэродром летного училища
    grass airfield
    посадочная площадка с травяным покрытием
    high airfield
    высокогорная посадочная площадка
    natural airfield
    посадочная площадка с естественным покрытием
    private airfield
    частная посадочная площадка
    reserve airfield
    резервная посадочная площадка
    short airfield
    укороченное летное поле
    surfaced airfield
    посадочная площадка с искусственным покрытием
    temporary airfield
    временная посадочная площадка
    turf airfield
    посадочная площадка с травяным покрытием
    unpaved airfield
    грунтовая посадочная площадка
    unprepared airfield
    неподготовленная посадочная площадка

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > airfield

  • 25 operation

    operation n
    abnormal operations
    особые случаи выполнения полетов
    aborted operation
    прерванный полет
    accidental operation
    самопроизвольное срабатывание
    accident-free operation
    безаварийная эксплуатация
    acrobatics operation
    выполнение фигур высшего пилотажа
    aerial ambulance operation
    полет для оказания медицинской помощи
    aerial photography operation
    aerial spotting operation
    полет с целью установления координат объекта поиска
    aerial survey operation
    полет для выполнения наблюдений с воздуха
    aerial work operation
    полет для выполнения работ
    aerodrome operation
    эксплуатация аэродрома
    aerodrome traffic circuit operation
    полет по кругу в районе аэродрома
    aerodrome vehicle operation
    эксплуатация аэродромных транспортных средств
    affect flight operation
    способствовать выполнению полета
    aircraft operation
    эксплуатация воздушного судна
    air operation for hire
    воздушная перевозка по найму
    air operation for remuneration
    воздушная перевозка за плату
    airport facilities operation
    эксплуатация оборудования аэропорта
    air transport operations
    авиатранспортные перевозки
    all-freight operations
    грузовые перевозки
    all-weather operations
    всепогодные полеты
    all-weather operations program
    программа всепогодных полетов
    approach operation
    заход на посадку
    associated crop control operation
    контроль состояния посевов по пути выполнения основного задания
    associated fire control operation
    противопожарное патрулирование по пути выполнения основного задания
    asymmetric flaps operation
    несимметрическая работа закрылков
    attempted operation
    опытная эксплуатация
    authorized operation
    разрешенный полет
    autorotative descend operation
    снижение на режиме авторотации
    available for daylight operation
    пригодный для полета только в светлое время суток
    aviation operations
    авиационные перевозки
    base leg operation
    полет на участке между третьим и четвертым разворотами
    business operation
    административный полет
    cancel operation
    отменять полет
    cargo operations
    грузовые перевозки
    cattle roundup operation
    облет стада
    centralized operations
    централизованные перевозки
    civil air operations
    полеты гражданских воздушных судов
    climb to cruise operation
    набор высоты до крейсерского режима
    come into operation
    вводить в эксплуатацию
    commercial air transport operations
    коммерческие воздушные перевозки
    commercial operation
    коммерческий полет
    communications operation
    ведение связи
    construction work operations
    строительные работы с помощью авиации
    crop control operation
    полет для контроля состояния посевов с воздуха
    cross-band operation
    работа на смежных диапазонах
    cut-off engine operation
    порядок выключения двигателя
    daylight operations
    полеты в светлое время суток
    deficit operations
    убыточные перевозки
    demonstration operation
    демонстрационный полет
    departure operations
    операции по подготовке рейса к вылету
    descending operation
    полет со снижением
    diverted attention from operation
    внимание, отвлеченное от управления воздушным судном
    domestic operations
    внутренние перевозки
    dual operation
    полет с инструктором
    emergency descent operation
    аварийное снижение
    emergency operations service
    аварийная служба
    engage in aircraft operation
    эксплуатировать воздушное судно
    engine run-up operation
    опробование двигателя
    en-route operation
    полет по маршруту
    excess operations
    прибыльные перевозки
    experimental operation
    экспериментальный полет
    ferry operation
    перегоночный полет
    Field Operation Branch
    Отдел осуществления проектов на местах
    Field Operations Section
    Секция осуществления проектов на местах
    (ИКАО) final approach operation
    полет на конечном этапе захода на посадку
    fire control operation
    противопожарное патрулирование с воздуха
    flight operation
    выполнение полетов
    flight operations expert
    эксперт по производству налетов
    flight operations instructor
    инструктор по производству полетов
    flight operations personnel
    персонал по обеспечению полетов
    flight operations system
    система обеспечения полетов
    fog dispersal operation
    операция по рассеиванию тумана
    frequency of operations
    частота полетов
    from landing operations
    действия после посадки
    general aviation operations
    полеты авиации общего назначения
    go-around operations
    действия при уходе на второй круг
    govern the operation
    руководить эксплуатацией
    ground handling operation
    наземное обслуживание рейсов
    ground operation
    наземная эксплуатация
    ground taxi from landing operation
    руление после посадки
    ground taxi operation
    руление по аэродрому
    high-level operations
    полеты на высоких эшелонах
    holding en-route operation
    полет в режиме ожидания на маршруте
    holding operation
    полет в режиме ожидания
    hover operation
    idling engine operation
    работа двигателя на режиме малого газа
    impair the operation
    нарушать работу
    improper operation
    неправильная эксплуатация
    in operation
    в эксплуатацию
    instructional operation
    учебный полет
    instrument flight rules operation
    полет по приборам
    intermediate approach operation
    выполнение промежуточного этапа захода на посадку
    international operations
    международные перевозки
    itinerant operation
    целевой полет
    landing operation
    landing roll operation
    level-off operation
    local operations
    внутренние полеты
    long final straight-in-approach operation
    конечный удлиненный заход на посадку с прямой
    low flying operation
    полет на малой высоте
    low weather operations
    полеты по низким метеоминимумам
    maintenance operations
    работы по техническому обслуживанию
    make an operation hazardous
    создавать опасность полету
    missed approach operation
    уход на второй круг с этапа захода на посадку
    night operations
    полеты в темное время суток
    no-failure operation
    безотказная работа
    no-load operation
    холостой ход
    noncommercial operations
    некоммерческие перевозки
    nonscheduled operations
    нерегулярные перевозки
    normal cruise operation
    полет на крейсерском режиме
    normal initial climb operation
    набор высоты на начальном участке установленной траектории
    normal weather operation
    полет в нормальных метеоусловиях
    off-shore operations
    полеты в районе открытого моря
    operation conditions
    эксплуатационный режим
    operation instruction
    инструкция по производству полетов
    operation of aircraft
    эксплуатация воздушного судна
    operation phase
    этап полета
    operation regulations
    правила эксплуатации
    operations division
    служба перевозок
    operations inspector
    инспектор по производству полетов
    operations tower
    пункт управления полетами
    operation tests
    эксплуатационные испытания
    operation time limit
    максимально допустимое время работы
    overload operation
    эксплуатация с перегрузкой
    overwater operation
    полет над водным пространством
    paralleled operation
    параллельная работа
    part time operations
    временные полеты
    passenger operations
    пассажирские воздушные перевозки
    permission for operation
    разрешение на выполнение полета
    pleasure operation
    прогулочный полет
    pooled operations
    пульные перевозки
    positioning operation
    power-on descend operation
    снижение с работающими двигателями
    power patrol operation
    патрулирование линий электропередач с воздуха
    power reduction operation
    уменьшение мощности
    practice operation
    тренировочный полет
    premature operation
    преждевременное срабатывание
    private operations
    частные перевозки
    provide operation
    обеспечивать эксплуатацию
    put in operation
    вводить в эксплуатацию
    regularity of operations
    регулярность полетов
    rescue operations
    операции по спасению
    restrict the operations
    накладывать ограничения на полеты
    resume normal operations
    возобновлять полеты
    roll-on operation
    rotorcraft operations
    воздушные перевозки вертолетом
    rough engine operations
    перебои в работе двигателя
    rtouble-free operation
    безотказная работа
    run-down engine operation
    выбег двигателя
    run-on operation
    run operation
    safe operation
    безопасная эксплуатация
    search and rescue operations
    поисково-спасательные работы
    search operation
    поисковый полет
    see and avoid operations
    действия по обнаружению и уходу
    sequence of operation
    последовательность выполнения операций
    solo operation
    самостоятельный полет
    standing operation
    обслуживание в процессе стоянки
    starting engine operation
    запуск двигателя
    symmetric flap operation
    симметричная работа закрылков
    takeoff operation
    выполнение взлета
    taxing operation
    test operation
    испытательный полет
    touchdown operations
    действия в момент касания ВПП
    training operation
    тренировочный полет
    turn-around operation
    полет туда-обратно
    unauthorized operation
    неразрешенный полет
    uncontrolled descent operation
    неуправляемое снижение
    unparalleled operation
    непараллельная работа
    vertical rotocraft operation
    вертикальный взлет вертолета

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > operation

  • 26 instrument

    authentic instrument подлиный документ bearer instrument документ на предъявителя enforceable instrument документ, принудительно проводимый в жизнь financial instrument финансовый документ financial instrument финансовый инструмент flying instrument ав. пилотажный прибор futures market instrument финансовый инструмент фьючерсного рынка government debt instrument государственное долговое обязательство inchoate instrument не оформленный окончательно документ instrument акт instrument грамота instrument документ, представляющий собой правовой акт instrument инструмент, орудие instrument инструмент instrument орудие instrument практически осуществлять, проводить в жизнь instrument прибор instrument юридически оформленный документ instrument of accession документ о вступлении в должность instrument of control инструмент контроля instrument of debt долговое обязательство instrument of debt payable to bearer долговое обязательство на предъявителя instrument of debt to order долговое обязательство по распоряжению instrument of foundation акт об учреждении instrument of indebtedness долговое обязательство instrument of pledge закладная instrument of power мандат instrument of ratification ратификационная грамота legal instrument правовой инструмент liquidity policy instrument средство политики ликвидности monetary policy instrument инструмент денежно-кредитной политики money market instrument ценная бумага денежного рынка negotiable instrument оборотный документ negotiable instrument передаваемый денежный документ negotiable instrument свободнообращающийся варрант на предъявителя nonnegotiable instrument именной документ order instrument документ приказа private instrument частный правовой документ sealed instrument документ за печатью statutory instrument акт делегированного законодательства synthetic instrument exc. синтетический финансовый инструмент transferable loan instrument (TLI) обращающийся заемный инструмент unilateral legal instrument односторонний правовой документ weighing instrument весы

    English-Russian short dictionary > instrument

  • 27 airfield

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > airfield

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Private aviation — is the part of civil aviation that involves flying not for hire. In most countries, private flights are always general aviation flights, but the opposite is not true: many general aviation flights (such as banner towing, charter, crop dusting,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Private Pilot License — ), but the actual implementation varies widely from country to country. According to the ICAO, it is obtained by successfully completing a course of flight training of at least 40 hours duration (45 hours in the UK and Sweden), passing a number… …   Wikipedia

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