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  • 1 plant

    1. noun
    1) (anything growing from the ground, having a stem, a root and leaves: flowering/tropical plants.) augalas, sodinukas
    2) (industrial machinery: engineering plant.) įrengimai, mašinos
    3) (a factory.) gamykla, fabrikas
    2. verb
    1) (to put (something) into the ground so that it will grow: We have planted vegetables in the garden.) (pa)sodinti
    2) (to make (a garden etc); to cause (a garden etc) to have (plants etc) growing in it: The garden was planted with shrubs; We're going to plant an orchard.) apsodinti, įveisti
    3) (to place heavily or firmly: He planted himself between her and the door.) įtaisyti, pastatyti
    4) (to put in someone's possession, especially as false evidence: He claimed that the police had planted the weapon on his brother.) pakišti, primesti
    - planter

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > plant

  • 2 rock-plant

    noun (any plant which grows among rocks eg on mountains, often also grown in rockeries.) kalnų augalas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > rock-plant

  • 3 clone

    [kləun] 1. verb
    (to produce a copy of an animal or plant from a single cell of that animal or plant.) klonuoti
    2. noun
    (a copy of an animal or plant produced from that animal or plant.) klonuotas gyvulys/augalas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > clone

  • 4 seed

    [si:d] 1. noun
    1) (the (part of) the fruit of a tree, plant etc from which a new plant may be grown: sunflower seeds; grass seed.) sėkla
    2) (the beginning from which anything grows: There was already a seed of doubt in her mind.) sėkla, grūdas
    3) ((in a sporting competition etc) a seeded player.) atrinktas žaidėjas
    2. verb
    1) ((of a plant) to produce seed: A plant seeds after it has flowered.) brandinti sėklas
    2) (in golf, tennis etc, to arrange (good players) in a competition so that they do not compete against each other till the later rounds.) atrinkti
    - seedling
    - seedy
    - seediness
    - seedbed
    - go to seed

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > seed

  • 5 pepper

    ['pepə] 1. noun
    1) (the dried, powdered berries of a certain plant, used for seasoning food: white/black pepper; This soup has too much pepper in it.) pipirai
    2) (the plant bearing these berries: a pepper plant.) pipiras
    3) (any of several red, yellow, or green, hollow seed-containing fruits used as food: red peppers stuffed with rice.) paprika
    4) (any of the plants which bear these.) paprika
    2. verb
    1) (to put pepper in or on (some food): You don't have to pepper the soup.) berti pipirų, pipiruoti
    2) ((with with) to throw, fire etc many, usually small, objects at (someone): He peppered them with bullets.) apiberti
    - peppercorn
    - pepper-mill
    - peppermint

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pepper

  • 6 vegetable

    1) (a plant or part of a plant, other than a fruit, used as food: We grow potatoes, beans and other vegetables; ( also adjective) vegetable oils.) daržovė
    2) (a plant: Grass is a vegetable, gold is a mineral and a human being is an animal.) augalas
    - vegetarianism
    - vegetate
    - vegetation

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > vegetable

  • 7 cane

    [kein] 1. noun
    1) (the stem of certain types of plant (eg sugar plant, bamboo etc).) stiebas, nendrė
    2) (a stick used as an aid to walking or as an instrument of punishment: He beat the child with a cane.) lazda
    2. verb
    (to beat with a cane: The schoolmaster caned the boy.) mušti lazda

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cane

  • 8 cassava

    ((also tapioca plant) a tropical plant, whose roots yield tapioca.) manijokas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cassava

  • 9 cutting

    1) (a piece of plant cut off and replanted to form another plant.) auginys, gyvašakė
    2) (an article cut out from a newspaper etc: She collects cuttings about the Royal Family.) iškarpa
    3) (a trench dug through a hillside etc, in which a railway, road etc is built.) iškasa, perkasa

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cutting

  • 10 flower

    1. noun
    (the part of a plant or tree from which fruit or seed grows, often brightly coloured and sometimes including the stem on which it grows: a bunch of flowers.) gėlė
    2. verb
    ((of plants etc) to produce flowers: This plant flowers in early May.) žydėti
    - flowery
    - flower-bed
    - flower-pot
    - in flower

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > flower

  • 11 leaf

    plural - leaves; noun
    1) (a part of a plant growing from the side of a stem, usually green, flat and thin, but of various shapes depending on the plant: Many trees lose their leaves in autumn.) lapas
    2) (something thin like a leaf, especially the page of a book: Several leaves had been torn out of the book.) lapas, lakštas
    3) (an extra part of a table, either attached to one side with a hinge or added to the centre when the two ends are apart.) atlenkiamoji (stalo) lenta
    - leafy
    - turn over a new leaf

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > leaf

  • 12 mimosa

    (a plant with small flowers and fern-like leaves which close when touched (also called sensitive plant).) mimoza

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > mimosa

  • 13 parasite

    (an animal or plant that lives on another animal or plant without giving anything in return: Fleas are parasites; He is a parasite on society.) parazitas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > parasite

  • 14 pea

    1) (the round seed of a kind of climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable: We had roast beef, potatoes and peas for dinner.) žirnis
    2) (the plant which produces these seeds: We planted peas and beans this year.) žirnis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pea

  • 15 pot

    [pot] 1. noun
    (any one of many kinds of deep container used in cooking, for holding food, liquids etc or for growing plants: a cooking-pot; a plant-pot; a jam-pot; The waiter brought her a pot of tea.) puodas, puodelis, indelis
    2. verb
    (to plant in a pot.) sodinti á vazonà
    - pothole
    - pot-shot
    - take pot luck

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pot

  • 16 stalk

    I [sto:k] noun
    (the stem of a plant or of a leaf, flower or fruit: If the stalk is damaged, the plant may die.) kotas
    II [sto:k] verb
    1) (to walk stiffly and proudly, eg in anger: He stalked out of the room in disgust.) išdidžiai žingsniuoti
    2) (to move menacingly through a place: Disease and famine stalk (through) the country.) šliaužti, plisti
    3) (in hunting, to move gradually as close as possible to game, eg deer, trying to remain hidden: Have you ever stalked deer / been deer-stalking?) sėlinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > stalk

  • 17 transplant

    1. verb
    1) (to remove (an organ of the body) and put it into another person or animal: Doctors are able to transplant kidneys.) persodinti
    2) (to remove (skin) and put it on another part of the body.) persodinti
    3) (to plant in another place: We transplanted the rose-bush (into the back garden).) persodinti
    2. noun
    1) (an operation in which an organ or skin is transplanted: He had to have a kidney transplant.) persodinimas, transplantacija
    2) (an organ, skin, or a plant that is transplanted: The transplant was rejected by the surrounding tissue.) persodintas organas/audinys/augalas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > transplant

  • 18 tuber

    (a swelling on the stem or root of a plant, in which food is stored: Potatoes are the tubers of the potato plant.) gumbas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > tuber

  • 19 vine

    1) (a type of climbing plant which bears grapes.) vynuogė
    2) (any climbing or trailing plant.) vijoklis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > vine

  • 20 -stemmed

    a thick-stemmed plant; He smoked a short-stemmed pipe.) -kotis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > -stemmed

См. также в других словарях:

  • plant — [ plɑ̃ ] n. m. • XIVe « action de planter »; de planter 1 ♦ Techn. Ensemble de végétaux de même espèce plantés dans un même terrain; le terrain ainsi planté. ⇒ pépinière, planche, plantation. Un plant d arbres, de rosiers. Acheter des plants chez …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Plant — Plant, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Planted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Planting}.] [AS. plantian, L. plantare. See {Plant}, n.] 1. To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth; as, to plant maize. [1913 Webster] 2. To set in the ground for growth, as a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plant — Plant, n. [AS. plante, L. planta.] 1. A vegetable; an organized living being, generally without feeling and voluntary motion, and having, when complete, a root, stem, and leaves, though consisting sometimes only of a single leafy expansion, or a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Plant — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: David Plant (1783–1851), US amerikanischer Rechtsanwalt, Richter und Politiker Henry Bradley Plant (1819–1899), amerikanischer Eisenbahnmagnat Jane A. Plant (* 1945), britische Geochemikerin und Autorin… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • plant — Plant. s. m. Le sçion qu on tire d un arbre pour planter. Je voudrois bien avoir du plant de cet arbre là. plant de vigne. eslever du plant. En parlant de vigne, on appelle, Jeune plant, nouveau plant, Les vignes nouvellement plantées …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • plant — ► NOUN 1) a living organism (such as a tree, grass, or fern) that absorbs water and inorganic substances through its roots and makes nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis. 2) a place where an industrial or manufacturing process takes place.… …   English terms dictionary

  • plant — [n1] organism belonging to the vegetable kingdom annual, biennial, bush, creeper*, cutting*, flower, grass, greenery, herb, perennial, seedling, shoot, shrub, slip, sprout, tree, vine, weed; concept 429 Ant. animal plant [n2] factory and its… …   New thesaurus

  • plant — Plant, m. Est un dessein en assiete sur rez de chaussée d un bastiment qu on veut eslever, Ichnographia, Ainsi Plant aussi se prend pour le fondement d un bastiment soit de pierre soit de bois, comme le plant et assiete du bauffroy est de telle… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • plant — [plant, plänt] n. [ME plante < OE < L planta, sprout, twig, prob. back form. < plantare, to smooth the soil for planting < planta, sole of the foot < IE * plat , var. of base * pla , broad, flat > PLAIN1] 1. any of a kingdom… …   English World dictionary

  • plant up — ˌplant ˈup [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they plant up he/she/it plants up present participle planting up past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • Plant 42 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Planta 42 de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos (del inglés: United States Air Force Plant 42 (AFP 42)) es una instalación militar aeroespacial de propiedad federal y está bajo control del Comando Material… …   Wikipedia Español

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