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  • 1 ONE

    minë, min (obsoleting "Qenya" mir in LT1:260; a short variant min however appears in VT45:34, VT48:6), er (only, one, alone, but, still). A longer form of er, namely erëa, was possibly abandoned by Tolkien (VT44:17). Min, minë is "one" as the first of a series, whereas er is "one" in the context of something that is alone (Parma Eldalamberon \#14, p. 82). When used in connection with a noun, er precedes it (VT49:45; according to this souce, er is indeclinable). ONE (= a person, someone) quén, quen- as in pl. queni (unstressed quen, "as a pronoun or final element in a compound"), also mo as an indefinite personal pronoun “one” or “somebody”, used in a sentence like “if one speaks evil…” (VT49:19, 20). THE ONE Eru (see GOD). For fractions ONE THIRD, ONE FOURTH etc., see entries for THIRD, FOURTH etc. –MINI, ERE/VT44:17, VT48:6, WJ:361 cf. 360, Silm:15, 431

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ONE

  • 2 PERSON

    quén (stem quen-, as in pl. queni) (one, somebody), nassë (an individual), PERSON AS A WHOLE (body + soul) essë (basically meaning "name"), erdë ("singularity". Note: a homophone means "seed, germ".) –WJ:361 cf. 360, VT49:30, MR:216

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > PERSON

  • 3 OUR

    As described in the entry WE, the 3rd person pl. pronouns distinguish plural forms from dual (depending on whether two or more persons are involved) and exclusive forms from inclusive (depending on whether the party addressed is included in “we/our”). Tolkien revised the relevant endings repeatedly. According to one late resolution described in VT49:16, the endings for exclusive “our” are –lma in the plural and –mma as a dual form, hence *aldalma “our tree” (with an “our” of at least three persons, not including the party addressed), but *aldamma “our tree = my and one other person’s tree”. The corresponding inclusive forms are –lwa (plural) and –ngwa (dual). Since the subject ending corresponding to the former is attested as “-lwe, –lve” (VT49:51), –lwa can surely also appear as *-lva, as in *omentielva “our meeting” (attested in the genitive case: omentielvo “of our meeting”, WJ:367). Hence *aldalwa/aldalva “our tree” (an “our” of at least three persons, including the party addressed), dual *aldangwa “our tree = thy and my tree”. – An independent word for plural exclusive "our" appears in VT43:19, 35: menya (also menyë modifying a plural noun). The corresponding plural inclusive form should apparently be *venya (pl. *venyë) for archaic *wenya (pl. wenyai > wenyë). The dual forms would most likely be *mentya (excl.) and *ventya (incl.); compare me, we/ve as the independent pronouns for “we” (with dual forms met, wet/*vet and dative forms *ment, * went/vent, from which the independent possessive pronouns are apparently derived by adding the adjectival ending -ya). – Notice that in an earlier conceptual phase, the forms in –mm- were plural (not as later dual) inclusive, and the forms in –lm- were plural inclusive rather than exclusive. This is why the word translated “of our meeting” appeared as omentielmo in the first edition of LotR, but was changed to omentielvo in the Second Edition. Cf. also Átaremma “our Father” as the first word of Tolkien’s translation of the Lord’s Prayer (VT43:12); this “our” is obviously meant to be plural exclusive rather than dual as it later became (according to Tolkien’s later conventions, “our Father” would be *Átarelma when a group of three or more persons addresses a party not included in “our”, in this case the Father himself).

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > OUR

  • 4 THEY, THEM

    (3rd person pl. and dual forms): As the pronominal ending for “they”, Tolkien hesitated between -ltë and -ntë. For instance, a verb like “they do” is attested both as cariltë and carintë (VT49:16, 17). In one text, the ending -ltë is marked as archaic or poetic (VT49:17), but in other paradigms no such qualification occurs (VT49:51). The alternative form -nte- occurs in UT:317, with a second pronominal marker (-s “it”, denoting the object) following: Tiruvantes "they will keep it". General considerations of euphony may favour -ltë rather than -ntë (e.g. *quenteltë rather than *quententë for “they spoke” – in the past tense, many verbs end in -ntë even before any pronominal endings are supplied, like quentë “spoke” in this example). The ending -ltë (unlike -ntë) would also conform with the general system that the plural pronominal endings include the plural marker l (VT48:11). – In Tolkien’s early material, the ending -ltë appears as -lto instead (e.g. tulielto “they have come”, LT1:270). – A simple plural verb (with ending -r) can have “they” as its implied subject, as in the example quetir en “they still say” (PE17:167). – In the independent pronouns, distinct forms of may be used depending on whether “they, them” refers to living beings (persons, animals or even plants) or to non-living things or abstracts. The “personal” independent pronoun is te, which may have a long vowel when stressed (té, VT49:51). It is also attested in object position (laita te “bless them”, LotR:989 cf. Letters:308, VT43:20). It can receive case endings, e.g. dative ten (VT49:14; variant forms téna and tien, VT49:14, VT43:12, 21). As the “impersonal” they, them referring to non-living things, Tolkien in some sources used ta (VT43:20; 8, 9), but this apparently caused dissatisfaction because he also wanted ta to be the singular pronoun “that, it”. According to VT49:32, the form tai was introduced as the word for impersonal or inanimate “they, them” (in some places changed to te, apparently suggesting that Tolkien considered using te for both personal and impersonal “they/them”, abandoning the distinction). Another source (VT49:51) lists sa as the pl. impersonal form, but all other published sources use this pronoun for singular impersonal “it”, not pl. “they”. – The object “them” can also be expressed by the ending -t following another pronominal suffix (laituvalmet, “we shall bless [or praise] them", LotR:989 cf Letters:308). Presumably this ending -t makes no distinction between personal and impersonal forms. – Quenya also possesses special dual forms of “they, them”, used where only two persons or things are referred to (none of these pronouns distinguish between personal and impersonal forms). In VT49:16, the old ending for dual “they” is given as -stë (marked as archaic or poetic), but this would clash with the corresponding 2nd person ending. According to VT49:51, this ending was changed (also within the imaginary world) from -stë to -ttë, which seems the better alternative (*carittë, “the two of them do”). The independent dual pronoun is given as tú (ibid.) However, it may also be permissible to use te for “they, them” even where only two persons are involved (te is seemingly used with reference to Frodo and Sam in one of the examples above, laita te “bless them”). – Genitive forms, see THEIR; reflexive pronoun, see THEMSELVES.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > THEY, THEM

  • 5 THAT

    (1) (demonstrative): tana (an adjectival word, VT49:11; in one version of the language also tanya, as in tanya wendë "that maiden", MC:215-16). Also yana with meaning “the former” (e.g. *loa yana “that year” referring to a former year). Adj. OF THAT SORT taitë; IN THAT WAY tanen; THAT MATTER tama. Also see THIS regarding the word talumë “at this [or, that] time”. –TA, YA, VT49:11, 18 (2) (pronoun) ta, also translated “it”. (Notice that in some versions of the language, Tolkien wanted ta to be a plural pronoun “they, them” used of non-living things. See the various entries on ta in the Quenya-English wordlist.) Sa, normally translated “it”, is also defined as “that” in one source. IT IS THAT náto, IT IS NOT THAT uito. –VT49:11, TA, VT49:18, 28 (3) (relative pronoun "who
    , which, that"). According to VT47:21, the relative pronoun is ye with reference to a person (*i Elda ye tirnen "the Elf who/that I watched"), plural i (e.g. *Eldar i... "Elves that..."). The impersonal relative pronoun ("that = which") is ya (e.g. *i parma ya hirnen "the book that/which I found"), pl. presumably *yar (*i parmar yar... "the books that..."). This gives a system with great symmetry, but Tolkien also used i in a singular sense, in the sentence i Eru i or ilyë mahalmar ëa "the One who is [or, that is] above all thrones", though i is indeed plural in i carir quettar ómainen "those who [or, those that] form words with voices". A relative pronoun ya *"which" is found in the "Arctic" sentence; a long variant yá also occurs in the corpus (VT43:27-28). Case-forms: The plural locative of ya is attested as yassen "in which" in Nam (sg. *yassë), the genitive and ablative forms of ye are attested as yëo and yello respectively in VT47:21, and the same source gives ion and illon as the corresponding plural forms. –VT47:21, WJ:391, UT:305, 317, Arct
    (4) (conjunction, as in "I know that you are here") i, cf. the sentence savin Elessar ar i nánë aran Ondórëo “I believe Elessar really existed and that he was a king of Gondor” (VT49:27). In one version of early “Qenya”, this conjunction appeared as ne instead (PE14:54).

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > THAT

  • 6 FORCE

    (noun, = pressure to do something against one's will or conscience) sahtië (Þ) (pressure) –VT43:22 (in a given direction) (vb.) nir- (thrust, press). ("Though applicable to the pressure of a person on others, by mind and 'will' as well as by physical strength, [this verb] could also be used of physical pressures exerted by inanimates.") Given as a 1st person aorist nirin. Pa.t. probably *nindë since the R of nir- was originally D (the base is given as NID; compare rer- pa.t. rendë from RED concerning the past tense; see SOW). –VT41:17

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > FORCE

  • 7 OTHER

    exë (noun, glossed "the other", but the article may only indicate that this is a noun; likely there could be a distinction between exë "[an]other [one]" and *i exë "the other [one]"), exa (as adj., presumably behaving like other adjectives, e.g. *exa parma "[an]other book", *exë parmar "other books") Another adjective “other” is hyana, related to: OTHER PERSON hye, OTHER THING hya (the latter is also used as a conjunction “or”). –VT47:40, VT49:14, 15

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > OTHER

  • 8 ARRIVE

    The verb ten- is used for this meaning in one source (present tense téna “is on point of arrival, is just coming to the end”). Other attested forms are tenë (aorist; 1st person tenin), pa.t. tennë “arrived, reached” (“usually used with locative not allative”: tennen sís “I arrive[d] here”), perfect eténië, future tenuva “will arrive”. Tolkien subsequently changed ten- to men-, but the latter is elsewhere ascribed the meaning “go”. –VT49:23-24

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ARRIVE


    alya, almárëa (prosperous, rich, abundant), herenya (wealthy, fortunate, rich), manaquenta or manquenta, also aman ("blessed, free from evil" – Aman was "chiefly used as the name of the land where the Valar dwelt" [WJ:399], and as an adjective “blessed” the word may add an adjectival ending: amanya, VT49:41). Aman is the apparent Quenya equivalent of “the Blessed Realm” (allative Amanna is attested, VT49:26). The word calambar, apparently literally *“light-fated”, also seems to mean “blessed” (VT49:41). Cf. also BLESSED BEING Manwë (name of the King of the Valar). Alya, almárëa, and herenya are adjectives that may also have worldly connontations, apparently often used with reference to one who is "blessed" with material possessions or simply has good luck; on the other hand, the forms derived from the root man- primarily describe something free from evil: Cf. mána "blessed" in Fíriel's Song (referring to the Valar) and the alternative form manna in VT43:19 [cf. VT45:32] (in VT45 referring to the Virgin Mary; the form mána may be preferred for clarity, since manna is apparently also the question-word "whither?", "where to?") The forms manaquenta or manquenta also include the man- root, but it is combined with a derivative (passive participle?) of the verbal stem quet- "say, speak", these forms seemingly referring to someone who is "blessed" in the sense that people speak well of this person (a third form from the same source, manque, is possibly incomplete: read manquenta?) (VT44:10-11) The most purely "spiritual" term is possibly the word aistana, used for "blessed" in Tolkien's translation of the Hail Mary, where this word refers to the Virgin (VT43:27-28, 30). Aistana is apparently not an independent adjective (like alya, mána etc.), but rather the passive participle of a verb \#aista- "bless"; see above concerning its precise application. BLESSEDNESS vald- (so in LT1:272; nom. sg. must be either *val or *valdë) (happiness; but since this word comes from early material where it was intended to be related to Valar "Happy/Blessed Ones", its conceptual validity may be doubted because Tolkien later reinterpreted Valar as "the Powers" and dropped the earlier etymology). BLESSING (a boon, a good or fortunate thing), see BOON. "BLESSINGS", BLESSEDNESS, BLISS almië, almarë; FINAL BLISS manar, mandë (doom, final end, fate, fortune) –LotR:989 cf Letters:308; GAL, KHER, Letters:283, LT1:272, MAN/MANAD, VT43:19, 27-28, 30

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BLESSED

  • 10 HIMSELF

    (reflexive pronoun) immo (a general sg. reflexive pronoun, covering English "myself, him/herself, yourself"). A specific 3rd person reflexive pronoun "him/herself" is insë (for older imse; it is unclear whether the latter form was in use in later Quenya). A reflexive ending “he…himself” (and *”she…herself”) in -ssë existed at one conceptual stage (melissë, “he loves himself”), but it is uncertain how lasting this idea was, and the ending seems prone to confusion with other, similar endings. Another reflective ending is -xë (spelt “-kse” in the source), plural -xer, dual -xet. –VT47:37, VT49:21, 48

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > HIMSELF

  • 11 MARRY

    verya- (intransitive, with the person one marries in the allative case: veryanen senna *“I married him/her”, compare English “I got married to him/her”, though the Quenya phrase is also suggested to mean “I was joined to him/her”). The word verya- also means “dare”, but since this is transitive and would always be followed by a direct object, the two verbs can be distinguished. –VT49:45, 46

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > MARRY

  • 12 NOBLE

    (adj.) arta (exalted, lofty; the gloss “noble” is isolated from the use of arta in certain proper names, see relevant entries in the Quenya-English wordlist). NOBLE (noun, “a noble”) arquen. The element \#ar- in Arfanyarassë (a name of Taniquetil) is said to mean "high (i.e., noble, revered). Arquen is simply \#ar "noble" + quen "person". NOBLE WOMAN (one of Galadriel's names) Artanis. –WJ:372, WJ:416, PM:347

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > NOBLE

  • 13 THOU

    (singular 2nd person pronoun, distinct from plural “you” – the Quenya forms here discussed are not archaic like English “thou”, but simply express singular “you”). Quenya makes a distinction between a formal or polite “thou” and an intimate or familiar “thou”, the latter being reserved for use between close friends, family members, and lovers (VT49:51, 52). The formal pronoun normally appears as the ending -lyë or (if shortened) -l that is added to verbs, e.g. hiruvalyë “thou shalt find ” (Nam), caril or carilyë *“thou dost” or *“you (sg.) do” (VT49:16). The short form in -l may be the more usual, though the long form -lye- must be used if a second pronominal ending denoting the object of the verb is to be added (e.g. *cenuvalyes “thou shalt see it”, with the ending -s “it” appended). The ending -lyë may also be added to prepositions (aselyë “with thee”, VT43:29). The independent pronoun is lye, with a long vowel (lyé, VT49:51) when stressed. This pronoun can also appear in object position (English “thee”), e.g. nai Eru lye mánata, by Tolkien translated “God bless you” (VT49:39). Case endings may be added, e.g. allative lyenna *“upon thee” (VT49:40, 41). There is also elyë “thou, even thou” (Nam, RGEO:67) as an emphatic pronoun (Nam); apparently this can also receive case endings. Such independent pronouns may also be used in copula-less constructions, e.g. aistana elyë "blessed [art] thou" (VT43:30). – The intimate or familiar pronoun is similar in form, only with t instead of l. The pronominal ending is thus -tyë, as in carityë “thou dost, you (sg.) do” (VT49:16). It is uncertain whether -tyë has a short form -t (the existence of a short form is explicitly denied in VT49:51, but -t is listed in VT49:48). At one conceptual stage Tolkien mentioned such an ending that could be added to imperatives (hecat “get thee gone”, WJ:364), but he may have dropped it because it clashed with -t as a dual ending on verbs. The independent pronoun is tye, with a long vowel when stressed (tyé, VT49:51); presumably there also exists an emphatic pronoun *etyë (still unattested). Like lye, the pronoun tye may also appear in object position (ar inyë, yonya, tye-méla “and I too, my son, love thee”, LR:61); we must also assume that tye (and emphatic *etyë) can receive case endings. – Genitive forms, see THY.

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > THOU

См. также в других словарях:

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