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См. также в других словарях:

  • Moon blindness — Moon Moon (m[=oo]n), n. [OE. mone, AS. m[=o]na; akin to D. maan, OS. & OHG. m[=a]no, G. mond, Icel. m[=a]ni, Dan. maane, Sw. m[*a]ne, Goth. m[=e]na, Lith. men[*u], L. mensis month, Gr. mh nh moon, mh n month, Skr. m[=a]s moon, month; prob. from a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • moon blindness — n. 1. night blindness: formerly attributed to the effects of moonlight 2. a disease of horses, of undetermined cause, characterized by recurrent inflammation of the eyes and, eventually, blindness …   English World dictionary

  • moon blindness — n a recurrent inflammation of the eye of the horse called also periodic ophthalmia * * * periodic ophthalmia …   Medical dictionary

  • moon blindness — noun a) A chronic equine inflammatory eye disease. The cavalry messenger dismounted after his moon blindness rendered riding on through the wilderness unsafe. b) The optic condition night blindess: reduced eyesight …   Wiktionary

  • moon blindness — moon′ blind ness n. vet a disease of horses in which the eyes suffer from recurring attacks of inflammation • Etymology: 1710–20 …   From formal English to slang

  • moon blindness — n. loss of vision in horses occurring at regular intervals; nyctalopia, night blindness, abnormally poor eyesight in darkness; night blindness, defect which limits or impairs night vision …   English contemporary dictionary

  • moon blindness — noun 1. inability to see clearly in dim light; due to a deficiency of vitamin A or to a retinal disorder • Syn: ↑nyctalopia, ↑night blindness • Hypernyms: ↑visual impairment, ↑visual defect, ↑vision defect, ↑visual disorder, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • moon blindness — Vet. Pathol. a disease of horses in which the eyes suffer from recurring attacks of inflammation, eventually resulting in opacity and blindness. [1710 20] * * * …   Universalium

  • moon blindness — /ˈmun blaɪndnəs/ (say moohn bluyndnuhs) noun a specific, probably non infectious disease of horses, of unknown cause, in which the eyes suffer from recurring attacks of inflammation, and which eventually results in opacity and blindness …  

  • moon blindness — noun Date: circa 1720 a recurrent inflammation of the eye of the horse …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • moon|eye — «MOON Y», noun. 1. an eye affected with moon blindness. 2. = moon blindness. (Cf. ↑moon blindness) …   Useful english dictionary

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