Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 chamber

    [' eimbə]
    1) (a room.) miestnosť
    2) (the place where an assembly (eg Parliament) meets: There were few members left in the chamber.) snemovňa
    3) (such an assembly: the Upper and Lower Chambers.) snemovňa
    4) (an enclosed space or cavity eg the part of a gun which holds the bullets: Many pistols have chambers for six bullets.) komora
    - chamber music
    * * *
    • nocník
    • obchodná komora

    English-Slovak dictionary > chamber

  • 2 dog

    [doɡ] 1. noun
    (a domestic, meat-eating animal related to the wolf and fox.) pes
    2. adjective
    ((usually of members of the dog family) male: a dog-fox.) samec
    3. verb
    (to follow closely as a dog does: She dogged his footsteps.) sledovať
    - doggedly
    - doggedness
    - dog-biscuit
    - dog collar
    - dog-eared
    - dog-tired
    - a dog's life
    - go to the dogs
    - in the doghouse
    - not a dog's chance
    * * *
    • skoba
    • transportná západka
    • pes
    • posuvná západka
    • nicomník (hovor.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > dog

  • 3 elder

    I 1. ['eldə] adjective
    ((often of members of a family) older; senior: He has three elder sisters; He is the elder of the two.) starší
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is older: Take the advice of your elders.) starší
    2) (an office-bearer in Presbyterian churches.) starší
    - eldest
    - the elderly
    II ['eldə] noun
    (a kind of shrub or tree with purple-black fruit. (elderberries).) baza čierna
    * * *
    • starší
    • staršina
    • baza

    English-Slovak dictionary > elder

  • 4 family

    plural - families; noun
    1) ((singular or plural) a man, his wife and their children: These houses were built for families; The (members of the) Smith family are all very athletic; ( also adjective) a family holiday.) rodina; rodinný
    2) (a group of people related to each other, including cousins, grandchildren etc: He comes from a wealthy family; ( also adjective) the family home.) rodina; rodinný
    3) (the children of a man and his wife: When I get married I should like a large family.) rodina
    4) (a group of plants, animals, languages etc that are connected in some way: In spite of its name, a koala bear is not a member of the bear family.) čeľaď
    - family tree
    * * *
    • služobníctvo
    • trieda
    • druh
    • celad
    • dom
    • rod
    • rodina
    • rodinný

    English-Slovak dictionary > family

  • 5 fifteen

    [fif'ti:n] 1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 15.) pätnásť
    2) (the age of 15.) pätnásť rokov
    3) (a team containing fifteen members: a rugby fifteen.) pätnástka
    2. adjective
    1) (15 in number.) pätnásť
    2) (aged 15.) pätnásťročný
    - fifteenth
    - fifteen-year-old
    3. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is fifteen years old.) pätnásťročný
    * * *
    • pätnást

    English-Slovak dictionary > fifteen

  • 6 invite

    1) (to ask (a person) politely to come (eg to one's house, to a party etc): They have invited us to dinner tomorrow.) pozvať
    2) (to ask (a person) politely to do something: He was invited to speak at the meeting.) vyzvať
    3) (to ask for (another person's suggestions etc): He invited proposals from members of the society.) vyžiadať si, (po)žiadať
    - inviting
    * * *
    • vábit
    • vyzývat
    • vyvolávat
    • vyžiadat si
    • vyzvat
    • privábit
    • prilákat
    • požiadat
    • pozvat
    • pozývat
    • lákat

    English-Slovak dictionary > invite

  • 7 member

    1) (a person who belongs to a group, club, society, trade union etc: The association has three thousand members.) člen, -ka
    2) (short for Member of Parliament. M.P)
    * * *
    • vetný clen
    • veta
    • strana rovnice
    • súcast
    • úd
    • príslušník
    • clánok
    • clen
    • orgán
    • pohlavný úd
    • konštrukcný prvok
    • koncatina

    English-Slovak dictionary > member

  • 8 membership

    1) (the state of being a member: membership of the Communist Party.) členstvo
    2) (a group of members: a society with a large membership.) členstvo
    3) (the amount of money paid to a society etc in order to become a member: The membership has increased to $5 this year.) členské príspevky
    * * *
    • clenovia
    • clenstvo
    • pocet clenov

    English-Slovak dictionary > membership

  • 9 purge

    [pə:‹] 1. verb
    1) (to make (something) clean by clearing it of everything that is bad, not wanted etc.) očistiť
    2) (to rid (a political party etc) of disloyal members.) urobiť čistku
    2. noun
    (an act of purging.) očista
    * * *
    • uvolnenie
    • ocistit

    English-Slovak dictionary > purge

  • 10 recruit

    [rə'kru:t] 1. noun
    1) (a person who has (just) joined the army, air force etc.) odvedenec
    2) (a person who has (just) joined a society, group etc: Our party needs new recruits before the next election.) nový člen, nováčik
    2. verb
    (to cause to join the army, a society etc: We must recruit more troops; Can't you recruit more members to the music society?) pozbierať; získať
    * * *
    • získat do armády
    • branec
    • naverbovat
    • novácik
    • nový clen
    • odvedenec

    English-Slovak dictionary > recruit

  • 11 republic

    ((a country with) a form of government in which there is no king or queen, the power of government, law-making etc being given to one or more elected representatives (eg a president, members of a parliament etc): The United States is a republic - the United Kingdom is not.) republika
    * * *
    • republika

    English-Slovak dictionary > republic

  • 12 Reserve

    [rə'zə:v] 1. verb
    1) (to ask for or order to be kept for the use of a particular person, often oneself: The restaurant is busy on Saturdays, so I'll phone up today and reserve a table.) rezervovať
    2) (to keep for the use of a particular person or group of people, or for a particular use: These seats are reserved for the committee members.) rezervovať
    2. noun
    1) (something which is kept for later use or for use when needed: The farmer kept a reserve of food in case he was cut off by floods.) rezerva
    2) (a piece of land used for a special purpose eg for the protection of animals: a wild-life reserve; a nature reserve.) rezervácia
    3) (the habit of not saying very much, not showing what one is feeling, thinking etc; shyness.) rezervovanosť
    4) ((often in plural) soldiers, sailors etc who do not belong to the regular full-time army, navy etc but who are called into action when needed eg during a war.) záloha
    - reserved
    - have
    - keep in reserve
    * * *
    • záložné vojsko

    English-Slovak dictionary > Reserve

  • 13 reserve

    [rə'zə:v] 1. verb
    1) (to ask for or order to be kept for the use of a particular person, often oneself: The restaurant is busy on Saturdays, so I'll phone up today and reserve a table.) rezervovať
    2) (to keep for the use of a particular person or group of people, or for a particular use: These seats are reserved for the committee members.) rezervovať
    2. noun
    1) (something which is kept for later use or for use when needed: The farmer kept a reserve of food in case he was cut off by floods.) rezerva
    2) (a piece of land used for a special purpose eg for the protection of animals: a wild-life reserve; a nature reserve.) rezervácia
    3) (the habit of not saying very much, not showing what one is feeling, thinking etc; shyness.) rezervovanosť
    4) ((often in plural) soldiers, sailors etc who do not belong to the regular full-time army, navy etc but who are called into action when needed eg during a war.) záloha
    - reserved
    - have
    - keep in reserve
    * * *
    • utvorit zásobu
    • utvorit zálohu
    • výhrada
    • vyhradit si
    • vyhradit
    • vyhradit si právo
    • zaistit
    • zálohy
    • zdržanlivost
    • záložný
    • zahovorit
    • zadržanie
    • záloha
    • zamlcanie
    • zatajenie
    • závislost
    • zásoba
    • zásobný
    • zadat
    • šetrit si
    • šetrit
    • urcovat
    • uschovat
    • urcit
    • prebytok
    • pripravovat
    • prírodná rezervácia
    • cakat
    • cenový limit
    • chystat
    • chránené územie
    • chladnost
    • dat stranou
    • chránidlo
    • rezervovat
    • rezervovat si
    • rezervuj
    • rezerva
    • rezervný
    • rezervácia
    • pockat
    • ponechat si
    • ponechat v zálohe
    • ponechat vo svätostánku
    • limit
    • náhradná cena
    • nadbytok
    • náhrada
    • náhradník
    • náhradný
    • napred objednat
    • nechat si právo
    • nechat si
    • nechat
    • obozretnost
    • nezverejnenie
    • opatrnost
    • odrocit
    • obložit si
    • odsunút
    • odmeranost
    • obmedzenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > reserve

  • 14 sale of work

    (an event at which articles usually made by members of an association are sold to raise money: a sale of work at the church.) bazár
    * * *
    • bazár

    English-Slovak dictionary > sale of work

  • 15 snob

    (a person who admires people of high rank or social class, and despises those in a lower class etc than himself: Being a snob, he was always trying to get to know members of the royal family.) snob, povýšenec, nadutec
    - snobbish
    - snobbishly
    - snobbishness
    * * *
    • snob
    • domýšlavec
    • povýšenec
    • nadutec
    • meštan
    • nafúkanec
    • obuvník
    • obycajný clovek
    • obuvnícky ucen

    English-Slovak dictionary > snob

  • 16 species

    plural - species; noun
    1) (a group (of animals etc) whose members are so similar or closely related as to be able to breed together: There are se-veral species of zebra.) druh
    2) (a kind or sort.) druh
    * * *
    • druh (v prírodovede)

    English-Slovak dictionary > species

  • 17 the

    [ðə, ði]
    (The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə]) (člen určitý) ten, tá, to
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.)
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).)
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.)
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.)
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.)
    - the...
    * * *
    • že
    • tá
    • tým, cím
    • ten
    • to

    English-Slovak dictionary > the

  • 18 vault

    [vo:lt] I noun
    1) ((a room, especially a cellar, with) an arched roof or ceiling: the castle vaults.) klenba
    2) (an underground room, especially for storing valuables: The thieves broke into the bank vaults.) trezor
    3) (a burial chamber, often for all the members of a family: He was buried in the family vault.) hrobka
    II 1. noun
    (a leap aided by the hands or by a pole: With a vault he was over the fence and away.) skok
    2. verb
    (to leap (over): He vaulted (over) the fence.) preskočiť, vyšvihnúť sa
    * * *
    • vyšvihnút sa
    • zoskocit
    • skok
    • skákat
    • sejf
    • skok pomocou rúk
    • trezor
    • prehupnút sa
    • prikryt klenbou
    • presklepit
    • preskok
    • preskocit
    • jaskyna
    • klenba
    • hrobka
    • klenutá strecha
    • pivnica
    • pokladna
    • podlubie
    • krypta
    • nebeská klenba
    • obloha

    English-Slovak dictionary > vault

  • 19 wasp

    (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant; a term used critically (often by minority groups) to refer to the members of the privileged upper middle class in the USA.) biely Američan anglosaského pôvodu USA
    - waspish
    - waspishly
    - waspishness
    * * *
    • osa

    English-Slovak dictionary > wasp

  • 20 watchword

    noun (a motto or slogan used by members of a group of people who think (or act) alike: Let freedom be our watchword!) heslo
    * * *
    • heslo

    English-Slovak dictionary > watchword

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