1 land base
base terrestreEnglish-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > land base
2 land base
Авиация: наземная база -
3 land base
4 land base
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > land base
5 land base
6 land base map
- карта с нанесением границ землевладений и информацией об арендуемых участках
карта с нанесением границ землевладений и информацией об арендуемых участках
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > land base map
7 land-base electrical equipment
наземное электрооборудование
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > land-base electrical equipment
8 land base map
карта с нанесением границ землевладений и информацией об арендуемых участкахАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > land base map
9 land base and stand-alone navigation and positioning system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > land base and stand-alone navigation and positioning system
10 land-base electrical equipment
Техника: наземное электрооборудованиеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > land-base electrical equipment
11 base
1. n основа, основание; базис; база; низ, дно2. n основа, основание, основной момент, пункт3. n база; опорный пункт4. n преим. воен. площадка5. n воен. орудийная платформа6. n мат. стр. основание, донная часть; фундамент7. n мат. архит. пьедестал, цоколь8. n мат. тех. фундаментная плита; основная рама; основная доска9. n мат. тех. штатив10. n мат. геол. подошва11. n мат. геол. подстилающий слой, подстилающая порода12. n мат. геод. базис13. n эл. цоколь14. n эл. изолирующее основание15. n эл. кино подложкаplastic base — пластмассовая основа ; пластмассовая подложка
16. n эл. полигр. ножка литеры, подставка клише17. n эл. спорт. место старта; стартовая площадка или линияhome base — цель, финиш
18. n эл. «дом»19. n эл. воен. дно снаряда; запоясковая часть снаряда20. a основной, базисный; фундаментальный21. a спец. базовый; относящийся к базе22. a спец. воен. донный23. a спец. ав. наземный24. v основывать, обосновыватьbased on experiment — основанный на опыте, опирающийся на опыты
25. v базировать; размещать войска26. v стр. фундировать27. a низкий, низменный, подлыйbase person — подлая личность, гнусный тип
28. a нижний29. a низкий; негромкий30. a арх. низкорослый, невысокий31. a низкокачественный; некачественный32. a фальшивый, неполноценный или низкого достоинства33. a зазорный34. a неблагодарный, окисляющийся35. a низкопробный36. a простонародный, грубый, испорченный37. a уст. незаконный, незаконнорождённый38. a юр. преим. ист. принудительный; рабский, крепостной39. n игра в барыСинонимический ряд:1. cheap (adj.) cheap; cheesy; paltry; rubbishing; rubbishly; rubbishy; shoddy; sleazy; tatty; trashy; trumpery2. corrupt (adj.) bad; corrupt; evil; foul; nefarious; sinister; tainted; ungodly3. disreputable (adj.) disgraceful; dishonorable; dishonourable; disreputable; infamous; notorious; scandalous; shameful4. ignoble (adj.) abject; baseborn; beggarly; common; degrading; humble; ignoble; lowborn; lowly; menial; ordinary; plebeian; unennobled; unwashed; vulgar5. inferior (adj.) coarse; counterfeit; inferior; poor; shabby; tawdry; ugly; unworthy6. mean (adj.) contemptible; cowardly; degraded; despicable; dirty; low; low-down; mean; servile; sordid; squalid; vile; villainous; wretched7. basement (noun) basement; bed; bedrock; bottom; cornerstone; foot; footing; foundation; fundamental; ground; grounds; groundwork; hardpan; infrastructure; nadir; pedestal; rest; root; rudiment; seat; seating; stand; stem; substratum; substruction; substructure; underpinning; understructure8. camp (noun) camp; centre; complex; garrison; headquarters; installation; post; settlement; site; station9. point of departure (noun) goal; object; point of departure; radical; terminal10. principle (noun) basis; core; element; essence; heart; principle; support11. establish (verb) bottom; build; establish; fasten; found; ground; predicate; rest; root in; seat; stay12. locate (verb) locate; situate; stationАнтонимический ряд:good; grand; high-minded; honorable; honored; honourable; honoured; lofty; majestic; moral; noble; peak; pure; refined; summit; virtuous -
12 base
1. (авиационная) база; (военный) аэродром2. база; основание; фундамент4. база <данных, знаний>5. базис; основа/ базовый; основнойair baseair force basebare baseCGI-data basecloud baseengine-overhaul basefloating baseforward basehigh-alpha data baseland baselanding gear wheel baselimited-motion baselow-speed data basemain support basemaintenance basemaster data basemotion baseNeal-Smith data baseoperating basesimulation data basesix-axis motion basesix-degree-of-freedom motion basetopographical data basetopography data baseunimproved base -
13 land-based
Economics basé sur la propriété terrienne►► Military land-based forces forces fpl terrestres, armée f de terre;land-based missile missile m terrestre -
14 base
I 1. noun1) (of lamp, pyramid, wall, mountain, microscope) Fuß, der; (of cupboard, statue) Sockel, der; (fig.) (support) Basis, die; (principle) Ausgangsbasis, die; (main ingredient) Hauptbestandteil, der; (of make-up) Grundlage, die3) (Baseball) Mal, dasget to first base — (fig. coll.) [wenigstens] etwas erreichen
4) (Archit., Geom., Surv., Math.) Basis, die5) (Chem.) Base, die2. transitive verb1) gründen (on auf + Akk.)be based on something — sich auf etwas (Akk.) gründen
base one's hopes on something — seine Hoffnung auf etwas (Akk.) gründen
a book based on newly discovered papers — ein Buch, das auf neu entdeckten Dokumenten basiert
2) in pass.be based in Paris — (permanently) in Paris sitzen; (temporarily) in Paris sein
3)II adjectivebase oneself on — sich stützen auf (+ Akk.)
1) (morally low) niederträchtig; niedrig [Beweggrund]* * *I 1. [beis] noun1) (the foundation, support, or lowest part (of something), or the surface on which something is standing: the base of the statue; the base of the triangle; the base of the tree.) die Basis, das Unterteil2) (the main ingredient of a mixture: This paint has oil as a base.) die Grundlage3) (a headquarters, starting-point etc: an army base.) der Ausgangspunkt2. verb((often with on) to use as a foundation, starting-point etc: I base my opinion on evidence; Our group was based in Paris.) stützen, gründen- academic.ru/5645/baseless">baselessII [beis] adjective(wicked or worthless: base desires.) niederträchtig- basely- baseness* * *base1[beɪs]I. n1. (bottom) of mountain, tree, lamp Fuß m; of vase, glass Boden m; of statue, sculpture, column Sockel m, Fuß m; ANAT of spine Basis f, Unterteil nt\base of the brain Gehirnbasis f9. MATH (number) Grundzahl f, Basis f; (of triangle) Basis f, Grundlinie f, Grundseite f; (for solids) Grundfläche fto touch second \base bis zur zweiten Base kommen13.II. vt1.2. (taken from)3. (prove)base2[beɪs]\base crime niederträchtiges [o feiges] Verbrechen\base motives niedere Beweggründe* * *I [beɪs]1. n1) (= lowest part) Basis f; (= that on which sth stands also) Unterlage f; (ARCHIT, of column also) Fuß m; (= support for statue etc) Sockel m; (of lamp, tree, mountain) Fuß m; (= undercoat also) Grundierung fat the base (of) — unten (an +dat )
2) (= main ingredient) Basis f, Haupt- or Grundbestandteil mat or on second base — auf Mal or Base 2, auf dem zweiten Mal or Base
to touch base ( US inf ) — sich melden (with bei)
to touch or cover all the bases ( US fig ) — an alles denken
2. vtto be based on — ruhen auf (+dat); (statue) stehen auf
the supports are firmly based in concrete — die Stützen sind fest in Beton eingelassen
2) (fig) opinion, theory gründen, basieren (on auf +acc); hopes, theory also setzen (on auf +acc); relationship also bauen (on auf +acc)to be based on sb/sth — auf jdm/etw basieren; (hopes, theory also) sich auf jdn/etw stützen
to base one's technique on sb/sth —
he tried to base his life on this theory — er versuchte, nach dieser Theorie zu leben
the company is based in London — die Firma hat ihren Sitz in London
III am based in Glasgow but cover all of Scotland — mein Büro ist in Glasgow, aber ich bereise ganz Schottland
adj (+er)1) motive, character niedrig; person, thoughts, action, lie, slander gemein, niederträchtig* * *base1 [beıs]A s2. fig Ausgangspunkt m, -basis f3. Grund-, Hauptbestandteil m (einer Arznei etc), Grundstoff m4. CHEM Base f5. ARCH Basis f, Sockel m, Postament n (einer Säule etc)6. MATHa) Basis f, Grundlinie f oder -fläche fb) Träger m (einer Punktreihe)c) Basis f, Grundzahl f (eines Logarithmen- oder Zahlensystems oder einer Potenz)d) Bezugsgröße f8. BIOLa) Befestigungspunkt m (eines Organs)b) Basis f, Unterteil n/m:base of the brain ANAT Gehirnbasis9. MILa) Standort mc) (Luftwaffen- etc) Stützpunkt md) Etappe fbe off base US umg auf dem Holzweg sein;he didn’t get to first base with her US umg er hat bei ihr überhaupt nichts erreicht;touch base with US umg sich in Verbindung setzen mita) Start(punkt) mb) Ziel(punkt) n(m)12. LING Stamm m13. TECHa) Montage-, Grundplatte f, Sockel m, Gestell nb) (Gehäuse-, Maschinen) Unterteil n/mc) Fundament n, Unterlage f, Bettung fd) Sohle f (einer Mauer)e) Trägerstoff m (z. B. für Magnetschicht)14. ELEK (Lampen-, Röhren) Sockel m, (-)Fassung fB v/t1. stützen, gründen ( beide:on, upon auf akk):base one’s hopes on seine Hoffnungen bauen auf (akk);3. eine Basis bilden fürC adj als Basis dienend, Grund…, Ausgangs…base2 [beıs] adj (adv basely)1. gemein, niederträchtig:base motives niedrige Beweggründe2. minderwertig4. falsch, unecht:a) Br Falschgeld n,b) US Scheidemünze f5. LING unrein, unklassisch6. JUR Br HIST dienend:base estate durch gemeine Dienstleistungen erworbenes Lehen7. MUS obs Bass…:base tones Basstöne8. obs niedrigen Standes9. obs unehelich* * *I 1. noun1) (of lamp, pyramid, wall, mountain, microscope) Fuß, der; (of cupboard, statue) Sockel, der; (fig.) (support) Basis, die; (principle) Ausgangsbasis, die; (main ingredient) Hauptbestandteil, der; (of make-up) Grundlage, die3) (Baseball) Mal, dasget to first base — (fig. coll.) [wenigstens] etwas erreichen
4) (Archit., Geom., Surv., Math.) Basis, die5) (Chem.) Base, die2. transitive verb1) gründen (on auf + Akk.)be based on something — sich auf etwas (Akk.) gründen
base one's hopes on something — seine Hoffnung auf etwas (Akk.) gründen
a book based on newly discovered papers — ein Buch, das auf neu entdeckten Dokumenten basiert
2) in pass.be based in Paris — (permanently) in Paris sitzen; (temporarily) in Paris sein
3)II adjectivebase oneself on — sich stützen auf (+ Akk.)
1) (morally low) niederträchtig; niedrig [Beweggrund]* * *n.Basis Basen f.Grund ¨-e m.Grundzahl f.Sockel - m.Unterlage f. -
15 base
1. n1) основа, основание; база; базис2) база; объект3) база, опорный пункт•- air base2. v1) основывать, обосновывать2) базировать; размещать войска -
16 base currency
Basisvaluta. Den valuta hvori man måler sit afkast. Valget af basisvaluta har betydning for valget af de markeder, hvorpå investeringer foretages og for opgørelsen af afkast. Det kan synes naturligt at tage udgangspunkt i den valuta, investor anvender i bopælslandet, men det er væsentligt at have eventuelle langsigtede planer om flytning til et andet land for øje. -
17 land based air force
força aïrea com base terrestreEnglish-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > land based air force
18 land based aviation
aviação com base terrestreEnglish-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > land based aviation
19 land-based
adj.basado en tierra, con base en tierra. -
20 base currency
Basisvaluta. Den valuta hvori man måler sit afkast. Valget af basisvaluta har betydning for valget af de markeder, hvorpå investeringer foretages og for opgørelsen af afkast. Det kan synes naturligt at tage udgangspunkt i den valuta, investor anvender i bopælslandet, men det er væsentligt at have eventuelle langsigtede planer om flytning til et andet land for øje.
См. также в других словарях:
base — I adj Low in place or position; inferior; servile; of subordinate degree; impure, adulterated, or alloyed @ base animal See animal @ base bullion Base silver bullion is silver in bars mixed to a greater or less extent with alloys or base… … Black's law dictionary
base — I adj Low in place or position; inferior; servile; of subordinate degree; impure, adulterated, or alloyed @ base animal See animal @ base bullion Base silver bullion is silver in bars mixed to a greater or less extent with alloys or base… … Black's law dictionary
BASE jumping — is involving the use of a parachute or the sequenced use of a wingsuit and parachute to jump from fixed objects with the parachute unopened at the jump (else see paragliding). BASE is an acronym that stands for the four categories of fixed… … Wikipedia
Land Rover Discovery — Manufacturer Land Rover Production 1989 present Assembly … Wikipedia
land-to-land — /land teuh land /, adj. 1. designed for launching or traveling from a base on land to a target or destination on land: land to land missile. adv. 2. from a base on land to a target on land. [1965 70] * * * land to land «LAND tuh LAND», adjective … Useful english dictionary
land-to-land — /land teuh land /, adj. 1. designed for launching or traveling from a base on land to a target or destination on land: land to land missile. adv. 2. from a base on land to a target on land. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
land-to-land — land′ to land′ adj. 1) cvb designed for launching or traveling from a base on land to a target or destination on land: a land to land missile[/ex] 2) cvb from a base on land to a target on land • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
Land windsurfing — is similar to windsurfing but performed on land. Boards with wheels and a mast base attachment are used. It is often called land boarding , streetsailing or dirt windsurfing.Mountain boards are commonly used, a hole is drilled into the board and… … Wikipedia
Land reform — Land reforms (also agrarian reform, though that can have a broader meaning) is an often controversial alteration in the societal arrangements whereby government administers possession and use of land. Land reform may consist of a government… … Wikipedia
Land Rover Defender — 2007 Defender Manufacturer Land Rover Also called Land Rover Ninety, One Ten 127 (1983 1990) … Wikipedia
Land Force Central Area — (LFCA) is responsible for the administration of the Canadian Forces Land Force Command in the province of Ontario, from the Quebec border to the northern Lakehead region. LFCA is also a force provider for both international and domestic… … Wikipedia