Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 mistake

    [mi'steik] 1. past tense - mistook; verb
    1) ((with for) to think that (one person or thing) is another: I mistook you for my brother in this bad light.) confundir
    2) (to make an error about: They mistook the date, and arrived two days early.) enganar-se
    2. noun
    (a wrong act or judgement: a spelling mistake; It was a mistake to trust him; I took your umbrella by mistake - it looks like mine.) erro
    - mistakenly
    * * *
    [mist'eik] n engano, equívoco, erro. • vt+vi (ps mistook, pp mistaken). 1 enganar-se, equivocar. 2 interpretar mal. 3 confundir, errar. by mistake por engano, erradamente. to make a mistake errar, equivocar-se. to mistake for confundir com.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mistake

  • 2 mistake

    [mi'steik] 1. past tense - mistook; verb
    1) ((with for) to think that (one person or thing) is another: I mistook you for my brother in this bad light.) confundir
    2) (to make an error about: They mistook the date, and arrived two days early.) enganar-se sobre
    2. noun
    (a wrong act or judgement: a spelling mistake; It was a mistake to trust him; I took your umbrella by mistake - it looks like mine.) erro
    - mistakenly

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > mistake

См. также в других словарях:

  • error — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ egregious (esp. AmE), fundamental, glaring, grave, great, grievous, major, serious ▪ The report contained some glaring errors …   Collocations dictionary

  • error — ► NOUN 1) a mistake. 2) the state of being wrong in conduct or judgement. 3) technical a measure of the estimated difference between the observed or calculated value of a quantity and its true value. ● see the error of one s ways Cf. ↑see the… …   English terms dictionary

  • judgement — (also judgment esp. in AmE) noun 1 decision/opinion ADJECTIVE ▪ accurate ▪ balanced (esp. BrE) ▪ impartial, independent, objective ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • judgement — n. (also judgment) 1 the critical faculty; discernment (an error of judgement). 2 good sense. 3 an opinion or estimate (in my judgement). 4 the sentence of a court of justice; a decision by a judge. 5 often joc. a misfortune viewed as a deserved… …   Useful english dictionary

  • error — er|ror W2S2 [ˈerə US ˈerər] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: errour, from Latin error, from errare; ERR] 1.) [U and C] a mistake error in ▪ There must be an error in our calculations. make/commit an error ▪ The government h …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Error — *Canon law considered incorrect or false judgement to be error when such a judgement was not based upon ignorance. Such an error might be opinions or judgements made by Lollards or more specifically John Wyclif. Among the errors attributed to… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • error — n. 1 a mistake. 2 the condition of being wrong in conduct or judgement (led into error). 3 a wrong opinion or judgement. 4 the amount by which something is incorrect or inaccurate in a calculation or measurement. Derivatives: errorless adj.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • error — [[t]e̱rə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ errors 1) N VAR: oft N prep An error is something you have done which is considered to be incorrect or wrong, or which should not have been done. NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations... MPs attacked lax… …   English dictionary

  • judgement — noun 1) an error of judgement Syn: sense, discernment, perception, discrimination, understanding, powers of reasoning, reason, logic 2) his beliefs affect his judgement of Milton Syn: opinion, view …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • judgement — judgment UK [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt] / US or judgement UK / US noun Word forms judgment : singular judgment plural judgments ** 1) [countable/uncountable] an opinion that you have after thinking carefully about something judgment about: It is still too soon… …   English dictionary

  • error in judgement — mistake in assessment, error in appraisal or evaluation, miscalculation …   English contemporary dictionary

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