Перевод: с болгарского на английский

с английского на болгарский


  • 1 несъвместим

    incompatible, incongruous (с with), conflicting (with), contradictory (to); in contradiction (with)
    деяния, несъвместими с неговото положение activities incompatible/inconsistent with his status
    несъвместими понятия mutually exclusive ideas
    това е несъвместимо с неговото достойнство it is beneath his dignity
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    прил. incompatible, incongruous (с with), dissociable; conflicting (with), contradictory (to); in contradiction (with); \несъвместими понятия mutually exclusive ideas; \несъвместими теории competing theories.
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    contradictory: This is несъвместим with my status. - Това е несъвместимо със статуса ми.; incongruous; irreconcilable
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    1. incompatible, incongruous (c with), conflicting (with), contradictory (to);in contradiction (with) 2. НЕСЪВМЕСТИМи понятия mutually exclusive ideas 3. деяния, НЕСЪВМЕСТИМи с неговото положение activities incompatible/inconsistent with his status 4. това е НЕСЪВМЕСТИМо с неговото достойнство it is beneath his dignity

    Български-английски речник > несъвместим

  • 2 несъгласуван

    unco-ordinated, lacking co-ordination, not in agreement (with); incongruous
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    прил. uncoordinated, lacking co-ordination, not in agreement (with); incongruous; discordant.
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    discordant; incongruous; incoordinate
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    unco-ordinated, lacking co-ordination, not in agreement (with); incongruous

    Български-английски речник > несъгласуван

  • 3 неуместен

    irrelevant, inappropriate, incongruous, inept, misplaced, out of place/season, unseasonable, uncalled-for, out of rhyme or reason, inapposite, inopportune, unsuitable, untimely, inexpedient, malapropos; not to the point; impertinent
    сега е неуместно да it's not the moment to
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    прил., -на, -но, -ни irrelevant, inappropriate, incongruous, inept, misplaced, extraneous, out of place/season, unseasonable, unsuitable, uncalled-for, out of rhyme or reason, inapposite, inopportune, unsuitable, untimely, inexpedient, malapropos; not to the point; impertinent; \неуместенна употреба на дума malapropism; проявявам \неуместенно любопитство o.’s curiosity is out of place; сега е \неуместенно да it’s not the (right) moment to.
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    impertinent; incongruous{in`kOngruxs}; inconsequent; inept{in`ept}; irrelevant: an неуместен question - неуместен въпрос; unseasonable; untimely{Xn`taimli}
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    1. irrelevant, inappropriate, incongruous, inept, misplaced, out of place/season, unseasonable, uncalled-for, out of rhyme or reason, inapposite, inopportune, unsuitable, untimely, inexpedient, malapropos;not to the point;impertinent 2. неуместна употреба на дума malapropism 3. проявявам неуместно любопитство о.'s curiosity is out of place 4. сега е неуместно да it's not the moment to 5. това беше неуместна забележка that was an uncalled-for remark

    Български-английски речник > неуместен

  • 4 глупав

    foolish, stupid, silly; mindless, witless. lumpish, soppy
    (за изражение на лицето, усмивка и пр.) inane
    (за постъпка) foolish, silly
    (нелеп) absurd, nonsensical, incongruous
    (скучен) stupid, dull, insipid
    много глупав imbecilic; tomfool (attr.)
    глупав вид a foolish appearance
    глупав човек a foolish man/person
    глупава забележка a silly/an inane remark
    глупава идея a silly idea
    глупава постъпка a foolish action
    разг. a foolish/silly thing (to do)
    глупаво държане foolish behaviour
    глупаво положение an embarassing/an awkward situation
    не съм толкова глупав, че да I know better than to, I have more sense than to
    излязох глупав the joke is on me
    изпадам в глупаво положение make an ass of o.s.
    глупаво е от негова страна, че it is foolish of him to
    правя се на глупав play the fool, sl. lie doggo
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    прил. foolish, stupid, silly; mindless, witless, lumpish, soppy, soft-headed; разг. dunderheaded; (за изражение на лицето, усмивка и пр.) inane; (за постъпка) foolish, silly; ( нелеп) absurd, nonsensical, incongruous; ( скучен) stupid, dull, insipid; \глупав вид a foolish appearance; \глупав човек foolish man/person; \глупава забележка silly/an inane remark; \глупава идея silly idea; \глупава постъпка foolish action; разг. foolish/silly thing (to do); \глупаво държане foolish behaviour; \глупаво е от негова страна, че it is foolish of him to; \глупаво от твоя страна more fool you! \глупаво положение embarrassing/awkward situation; излязох \глупав the joke is on me; изпадам в \глупаво положение make an ass of o.s.; много \глупав imbecilic; tomfool (attr.); не бъди \глупав don’t be silly! не бъди толкова \глупав don’t be so foolish; не съм толкова \глупав, че да I know better than to, I have more sense than to; правя се на \глупав play the fool, sl. lie doggo; тя не е \глупава she is nobody’s fool.
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    absurd; blithering; daft{da:ft}; doltish; fat-witted; foolish{`fu;liS}: глупав behaviour - глупаво поведение; kooky; mindless; moonshiny; nonsensical; reasonless{`ri:zxnlis}; slow-witted: two глупав dogs - две глупави кучета; tomfool
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    1. (за изражение на лицето) 2. (нелеп) absurd, nonsensical, incongruous 3. (скучен) stupid, dull, insipid 4. foolish, stupid, silly;mindless, witless. lumpish, soppy 5. ГЛУПАВ вид a foolish appearance 6. ГЛУПАВ човек a foolish man/person 7. ГЛУПАВa забележка a silly/an inane remark 8. ГЛУПАВa идея a silly idea 9. ГЛУПАВa постъпка a foolish action 10. ГЛУПАВo е от негова страна, че it is foolish of him to 11. ГЛУПАВo положение an embarassing/an awkward situation 12. ГЛУПАВо държане foolish behaviour 13. излязох ГЛУПАВ the joke is on me 14. изпадам в ГЛУПАВо положение make an ass of o. s. 15. много ГЛУПАВ imbecilic;tomfool (attr.) 16. не бъди ГЛУПАВ don't be silly! не бъди толкова ГЛУПАВ don't be so foolish 17. не съм толкова ГЛУПАВ, че да I know better than to, I have more sense than to 18. правя се на ГЛУПАВ play the fool, sl. lie doggo 19. разг. a foolish/silly thing (to do) 20. усмивка и пр. и) inane: (за постъпка) foolish, silly

    Български-английски речник > глупав

  • 5 несъобразен

    not co-ordinated (с with), not in conformity/agreement (with).incongruous, incompatible (with), out of place, absurd
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    прил. not co-ordinated (с with), not in conformity/agreement (with).
    прил., -на, -но, -ни incongruous, incompatible (with), out of place, absurd.
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    not co-ordinated (c with), not in conformity/agreement (with).incongruous, incompatible (with), out of place, absurd

    Български-английски речник > несъобразен

  • 6 нелеп

    absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, farcical, outlandish, tasteless
    това е нелепа шега this is a silly joke; this joke is in bad taste, this joke is off-colour
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    прил. absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, nonsensical, fatuitous, preposterous, farcical, outlandish, tasteless; това е \нелепа шега this is a silly joke; this joke is in bad taste, this joke is off-colour.
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    absurd: an нелеп story - нелепа история; farcical; inane{in`ein}; incongruous; outlandish{aut`lEndiS}; preposterous
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    1. absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, farcical, outlandish, tasteless 2. това е НЕЛЕПa шега this is a silly joke; this joke is in bad taste, this joke is off-colour

    Български-английски речник > нелеп

  • 7 несъответстващ

    incommensurate, incongruous, null
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    прил. discrepant, differing, disagreeing; clashing; ill-assorted; inaccurate; unconformable; две \несъответстващи обяснения two discrepant explanations; \несъответстващ на действителността unfaithful; \несъответстваща цена inadequate price.
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    discrepant: несъответстващ explanations; dissociable; heterologous

    Български-английски речник > несъответстващ

См. также в других словарях:

  • Incongruous — In*con gru*ous, a. [L. incongruus. See {In } not, and {Congruous}.] Not congruous; reciprocally disagreeing; not capable of harmonizing or readily assimilating; inharmonious; inappropriate; unsuitable; not fitting; inconsistent; improper; as, an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • incongruous — (adj.) 1610s, from L. incongruus incongruous, from in not, opposite of, without (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + congruus fit, suitable (see CONGRUENT (Cf. congruent)). Related: Incongruously …   Etymology dictionary

  • incongruous — I adjective alien, alienus, at odds, at variance, clashing, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, disaccordant, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, disharmonious, disproportionate, dissonant, divergent, ill matched, illogical, improper,… …   Law dictionary

  • incongruous — inconsonant, uncongenial, incompatible, inconsistent, discordant, discrepant, unsympathetic Analogous words: alien, foreign, extraneous (see EXTRINSIC): grotesque, bizarre, *fantastic Antonyms: congruous Contrasted words: fitting, suitable,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • incongruous — [adj] out of place; absurd alien, bizarre, conflicting, contradictory, disconsonant, discordant, disparate, distorted, divergent, extraneous, fantastic, fitful, foreign, illogical, improper, inappropriate, inapropos, inapt, incoherent,… …   New thesaurus

  • incongruous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ out of place. DERIVATIVES incongruity noun (pl. incongruities) incongruously adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • incongruous — [in käŋ′gro͞o əs, inkän′gro͞o əs] adj. [L incongruus] not congruous; specif., a) lacking harmony or agreement; incompatible b) having inconsistent or inharmonious parts, elements, etc. c) not corresponding to what is right, proper, or reasonable; …   English World dictionary

  • incongruous — adjective Etymology: Late Latin incongruus, from Latin in + congruus congruous Date: 1611 lacking congruity: as a. not harmonious ; incompatible < incongruous colors > b. not conforming ; disagreeing < conduct incongruous with principle > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • incongruous — incongruously, adv. incongruousness, n. /in kong grooh euhs/, adj. 1. out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming: an incongruous effect; incongruous behavior. 2. not harmonious in character; inconsonant; lacking harmony of parts: an… …   Universalium

  • incongruous — [[t]ɪnkɒ̱ŋgruəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone or something that is incongruous seems strange when considered together with other aspects of a situation. [FORMAL] She was small and fragile and looked incongruous in an army uniform... The Indian temple… …   English dictionary

  • incongruous — /ɪnˈkɒŋgruəs / (say in konggroohuhs) adjective 1. out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming; absurd: an incongruous effect. 2. not harmonious in character; inconsonant; lacking harmony of parts: incongruous mixtures. 3. inconsistent:… …  

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