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  • 1 give rise to

    (to cause: This gives rise to a large number of problems.) radīt; izraisīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > give rise to

  • 2 to give rise

    izraisīt, radīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > to give rise

  • 3 rise

    1. past tense - rose; verb
    1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) []celties
    2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) []celties
    3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) celties
    4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) piecelties
    5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) []celties, aust; lēkt
    6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) slieties; iet augšup
    7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) sacelties
    8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) izvirzīties; tikt paaugstinātam (dienestā)
    9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) iztecēt; sākties
    10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) []celties
    11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) []celties, slieties
    12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) augšāmcelties
    2. noun
    1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) kāpums; celšanās
    2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) paaugstinājums; (algas) pielikums
    3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) []kalns
    4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) izcelšanās; pirmsākumi
    3. adjective
    the rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) uzlecošs; kāpjošs; augošs; jauns
    - late riser
    - give rise to
    - rise to the occasion
    * * *
    paaugstinājums, pacēlums; pacelšanās; izvirzīšanās; paaugstinājums; lēkts; sākotne, sākums; izteka; uzpeldēšana; celties, kāpt; piecelties; uzlēkt; sacelties; tikt slēgtam, beigties; sākties, izcelties; izvirzīties; pieņemties; uzpeldēt; uzrūgt

    English-Latvian dictionary > rise

  • 4 arouse

    (to cause or give rise to (something): His actions aroused my suspicions.) modināt; rosināt
    * * *
    modināt; uzmodināt; modināt, radīt; rosināt, mudināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > arouse

  • 5 lift

    [lift] 1. verb
    1) (to raise or bring to a higher position: The box was so heavy I couldn't lift it.) []celt
    2) (to take and carry away: He lifted the table through into the kitchen.) pacelt un aiznest
    3) ((of mist etc) to disappear: By noon, the fog was beginning to lift.) (par mākoņiem, miglu) izklīst
    4) (to rise: The aeroplane lifted into the air.) pacelties
    2. noun
    1) (the act of lifting: a lift of the eyebrows.) []celšana
    2) ((American elevator) a small enclosed platform etc that moves up and down between floors carrying goods or people: Since she was too tired to climb the stairs, she went up in the lift.) lifts; celtnis
    3) (a ride in someone's car etc: Can I give you a lift into town?) aizvest (ar automašīnu)
    4) (a raising of the spirits: Her success in the exam gave her a great lift.) uzmundrinājums
    * * *
    celšana; pacelšana; pacelšanas augstums; celtspēja; celtspēks, spiediens augšup; lifts, celtnis; paaugstinājums; augsta vieta, augstiene; pieplūdums, pacēlums; celt; pacelt; atcelt izbeigt; izklīst; izrakt; zagt

    English-Latvian dictionary > lift

  • 6 raise

    [reiz] 1. verb
    1) (to move or lift to a high(er) position: Raise your right hand; Raise the flag.) []celt
    2) (to make higher: If you paint your flat, that will raise the value of it considerably; We'll raise that wall about 20 centimetres.) celt
    3) (to grow (crops) or breed (animals) for food: We don't raise pigs on this farm.) audzēt
    4) (to rear, bring up (a child): She has raised a large family.) audzināt
    5) (to state (a question, objection etc which one wishes to have discussed): Has anyone in the audience any points they would like to raise?) izvirzīt; ierosināt
    6) (to collect; to gather: We'll try to raise money; The revolutionaries managed to raise a small army.) savākt
    7) (to cause: His remarks raised a laugh.) izraisīt
    8) (to cause to rise or appear: The car raised a cloud of dust.) sacelt
    9) (to build (a monument etc): They've raised a statue of Robert Burns / in memory of Robert Burns.) uzcelt
    10) (to give (a shout etc).) pacelt balsi
    11) (to make contact with by radio: I can't raise the mainland.) nodibināt [] sakarus
    2. noun
    (an increase in wages or salary: I'm going to ask the boss for a raise.) algas pielikums
    - raise hell/Cain / the roof
    - raise someone's spirits
    * * *
    paaugstinājums; celt; pacelt; uzcelt; izvirzīt, ierosināt; paaugstināt; audzēt; audzināt; nokomplektēt; sagādāt; izraisīt; atmodināt; atcelt

    English-Latvian dictionary > raise

  • 7 rocket

    ['rokit] 1. noun
    1) (a tube containing materials which, when set on fire, give off a jet of gas which drives the tube forward, usually up into the air, used eg as a firework, for signalling, or for launching a spacecraft.) raķete
    2) (a spacecraft launched in this way: The Americans have sent a rocket to Mars.) raķete
    2. verb
    (to rise or increase very quickly: Bread prices have rocketed.) strauji celties
    * * *
    raķete; raķešdzinējs; reaktīvais šāviņš; bāriens; strauji celties; palaist raķeti; aizdrāzties

    English-Latvian dictionary > rocket

См. также в других словарях:

  • give rise to — (something) to cause something to exist. Her experiences have given rise to the passion she expresses in her poetry. Stem cells produce more cells of the same kind liver stem cells give rise to liver cells, skin stem cells give rise to skin, and… …   New idioms dictionary

  • give rise to — ► give rise to cause or induce to happen. Main Entry: ↑give …   English terms dictionary

  • give rise — index provoke Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • give rise to — index avail (bring about), cause, compose, create, develop, engender, establish (launch) …   Law dictionary

  • give rise to — phrasal : to bring about : produce, occasion has exercised the skill of … scholars and given rise to an enormous body of literature Edward Clodd a watershed that gives rise to two large river systems American Guide Series: New Hampshire * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • give rise to something — phrase to make something happen or begin, especially something unpleasant or unexpected Delays could give rise to further problems. The remark about an election inevitably gave rise to widespread speculation. Thesaurus: to make something bad… …   Useful english dictionary

  • give rise to something — give rise to (something) to cause something to exist. Her experiences have given rise to the passion she expresses in her poetry. Stem cells produce more cells of the same kind liver stem cells give rise to liver cells, skin stem cells give rise… …   New idioms dictionary

  • give rise to something — to make something happen or begin, especially something unpleasant or unexpected Delays could give rise to further problems. The remark about an election inevitably gave rise to widespread speculation …   English dictionary

  • give rise to — {v. phr.} To be the reason for; cause. * /A branch floating in the water gave rise to Columbus hopes that land was near./ * /John s black eye gave rise to rumors that he had been in a fight./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • give rise to — {v. phr.} To be the reason for; cause. * /A branch floating in the water gave rise to Columbus hopes that land was near./ * /John s black eye gave rise to rumors that he had been in a fight./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • give\ rise\ to — v. phr. To be the reason for; cause. A branch floating in the water gave rise to Columbus hopes that land was near. John s black eye gave rise to rumors that he had been in a fight …   Словарь американских идиом

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