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  • 1 full employment economy

    משק בתעסוקה מלאה (מערכת כלכלית בה מועסקים כל גורמי הייצור (בכלכלה))
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    ((הלכלכב) רוצייה ימרוג לכ םיקסעומ הב תילכלכ תכרעמ) האלמ הקוסעתב קשמ

    English-Hebrew dictionary > full employment economy

См. также в других словарях:

  • full employment economy — economic system in which all production elements are operative (Economics) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Full Employment in a Free Society — (1944) is a book by William Beveridge, author of the Beveridge Report.OverviewThe book begins with the thesis that because individual employers are not capable of creating full employment, it must be the responsibility of the state. Full… …   Wikipedia

  • Full employment — In macroeconomics, full employment is when all people looking for employment can find a job. The majority of mainstream economists believe that the unemployment rate is greater than 0% when there is full employment, corresponding to the technical …   Wikipedia

  • Full Employment — A situation in which all available labor resources are being used in the most economically efficient way. Full employment embodies the highest amount of skilled and unskilled labor that could be employed within an economy at any given time. The… …   Investment dictionary

  • full employment — /fʊl ɛmˈplɔɪmənt/ (say fool em ploymuhnt) noun a state of the economy that exists when the total demand for labour equals the total supply, that is, the number of unemployed equals the number of job vacancies …  

  • White Paper on Full Employment in Australia — The White Paper Full Employment in Australia was the defining document of economic policy in Australia for the 30 years between 1945 and 1975. For the first time, the Australian government accepted an obligation to guarantee full employment and… …   Wikipedia

  • Centre of Full Employment and Equity — The Centre of Full Employment and Equity or CofFEE is an official research centre of the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, and has operated since 1998. CofFEE’s membership is drawn from the disciplines of Economics, Politics,… …   Wikipedia

  • Below Full Employment Equilibrium — A macroeconomic term used to describe a situation where an economy s short run real gross domestic product (GDP) is currently lower than that same economy s long run potential real GDP. Under this scenario, there is a recessionary gap between the …   Investment dictionary

  • Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act — Infobox Legislation Name = Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act Parliament/Congress/Senate it was passed in = U.S. Congress Logo of that parliament or congress = longtitle = A bill to establish and translate into practical reality the right of …   Wikipedia

  • Inclusive Growth, Full Employment and Structural Change — «Inclusive Growth» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase Inclusive Growth (desambiguación). Inclusive Growth, Full Employment and Structural Change Inclusive Growth, Full Employment and Struc …   Wikipedia Español

  • Above Full-Employment Equilibrium — A macroeconomic term used to describe the real gross domestic product (GDP) is currently in excess of its long run average, or some other historical measure. Accordingly, the amount that the current real GDP is greater then the historic average… …   Investment dictionary

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