1 caer
v.1 to fall.tropezó y cayó al suelo she tripped and fell (over o down)caer de un tejado/árbol to fall from a roof/treecaer rodando por la escalera to fall down the stairsMaría cayó por las gradas Mary fell down the stairs.2 to fall (rain, snow).cayeron cuatro gotas there were a few spots of rain3 to go down, to set (sun).al caer el día o la tarde at duskal caer el sol at sunset4 to fall for it.5 to drop in (to visit). ( Latin American Spanish)Se me cayó el vaso I dropped the glass.6 to decrease, to decline, to fall, to drop.La presión barométrica cayó The barometric pressure decreased=fell.7 to drop it.Se me cayó I dropped it.8 to fall on, to drop on, to fall over.Me cayó una gota de lluvia A raindrop fell on me.9 to crash on.Se me cayó el sistema The system crashed on me.* * *Present Indicativecaigo, caes, cae, caemos, caéis, caen.Past IndicativePresent SubjunctiveImperfect SubjunctiveFuture SubjunctiveImperative* * *verb1) to fall2) drop3) hang•- caerse- caer bien
- caer mal* * *Para las expresiones caer en la cuenta, caer en desuso, caer en el olvido, caer enfermo, caer redondo, caerse de risa, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO INTRANSITIVO1) [persona, objeto]a) [desde la posición vertical] to fall•
[hacer] caer algo — to knock sth overb) [desde una altura] to fall•
[dejar] caer — [+ objeto] to drop; [+ comentario] to slip in•
[dejarse] caer — [sobre sofá, cama] to fall; (=visitar) to drop in, drop bysuele dejarse caer por aquí — he usually drops in {o} by
caer [sobre] algo/algn — to fall on sth/sbqueremos que caiga sobre él todo el peso de la Ley — we want the full weight of the law to be brought to bear on him
su excarcelación está al caer — his release is imminent {o} is expected any day
2) [lluvia, helada]¡qué nevada ha caído! — what a heavy snowfall!, what a heavy fall of snow!
3) (=colgar) to hang, falles una tela que cae mucho — it's a fabric which hangs {o} falls nicely
4) (=bajar) [precio, temperatura] to fall, droppicado 2., 2)caerá la temperatura por debajo de los veinte grados — the temperature will fall {o} drop below twenty degrees
5) (=ser derrotado) [soldados, ejército] to be defeated; [deportista, equipo] to be beaten; [ciudad, plaza] to fall, be captured; [criminal] to be arrested6) (=morir) to fall, diemuchos cayeron en el campo de batalla — many fell {o} died on the field of battle
caer [en] (=incurrir) —no debemos caer en el triunfalismo — we mustn't give way to triumphalism {o} to crowing over our triumphs
caer en el [error] de hacer algo — to make the mistake of doing sth•
caer en la [tentación] — to give in {o} yield to temptationy no nos dejes caer en la tentación — (Biblia) and lead us not into temptation
caer bajo —
trampa 2)¡qué bajo has caído! — [moralmente] how low can you get!, how can you sink so low?; [socialmente] you've certainly come down in the world!
8) (=darse cuenta)no caigo — I don't get it *, I don't understand
ya caigo — I see, now I understand, now I get it *
caer en [que] — to realize that9) [fecha] to fall, besu cumpleaños cae en viernes — her birthday falls {o} is on a Friday
¿en qué cae el día de Navidad? — what day is Christmas Day?, what day does Christmas fall on?
10) (=tocar)el premio gordo ha caído en Madrid — the first prize (in the lottery) {o} the jackpot went to Madrid
caerle [a algn], le pueden caer muchos años de condena — he could get a very long sentence11) (=estar situado) to be¿por dónde cae eso? — whereabouts is that?
eso cae más hacia el este — that lies {o} is further to the east
12)• caer [dentro] de (=estar comprendido en) —
eso cae dentro de la responsabilidad de los ayuntamientos — that falls within the remit of town councils
13) (=causar impresión)no les caí — CAm I didn't hit it off with them, I didn't get on well with them, they didn't take to me
caer [bien] a algn, me cae (muy) bien — I (really) like him, I like him (very much)Pedro no le cayó bien a mi padre — Pedro didn't make a very good impression on my father, my father didn't really take to Pedro
caer [gordo] {o} [fatal] a algn * —me cae gordo {o} fatal el tío ese — I can't stand that guy
caer [mal] a algn, me cae mal — I don't like him14) (=sentar)a) [información, comentario]me cayó fatal lo que me dijiste — I was very upset by what you said, what you said really upset me
b) [ropa]15) (=terminar)•
al caer la [noche] — at nightfall•
al caer la [tarde] — at dusk2.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( de una altura) to fall; ( de posición vertical) to fall overcaí mal — I fell badly o awkwardly
se dejó caer en el sillón/en sus brazos — she flopped into the armchair/fell into his arms
el avión cayó en picada or (Esp) en picado — the plane nosedived
caer parado — (AmL) ( literal) to land on one's feet; ( tener suerte) to fall o land on one's feet
dejar caer algo — < objeto> to drop; < noticia> to let drop o fall; < indirecta> to drop
2) chaparrón/nevada3)a) cortinas/falda to hangb) terreno to drop4)a) ( incurrir)caer en algo: no caigas en ese error don't make that mistake; cayó en la tentación de mirar she succumbed to the temptation to look; la obra por momentos cae en lo ridículo at times the play lapses into the ridiculous; caer muy bajo to stoop very low; qué bajo has caído — you've really sunk low this time
b) (en engaño, timo)caer como angelitos — (fam)
cayeron como chinos or angelitos — they swallowed it hook, line and sinker
5) (fam) (entender, darse cuenta)ah, ya caigo! — ( ya entiendo) oh, now I get it! (colloq); ( ya recuerdo) oh, now I remember
no caigo — I can't think o I'm not sure what (o who etc) you mean
no caí en que tú no tenías llave — I didn't realize o (fam) I didn't click that you didn't have keys
6) ( en un estado)caer en desuso — palabra to fall into disuse; costumbre to die out
7)a) gobierno/ciudad to fallb) ( perder el cargo) to lose one's jobse hará una investigación, caiga quien caiga — an inquiry will be held, however many heads have to roll
c) soldado ( morir) to fall, die; ( ser apresado) to be caught8)a) desgracia/maldicióncaer sobre alguien — to befall somebody (frml or liter)
la que me (te, etc) ha caído encima — (fam)
b)al caer la tarde/la noche — at sunset o dusk/nightfall
antes de que caiga la noche — before it gets dark o before nightfall
9) (fam) ( tocar en suerte)10) (+ compl)a) ( sentar)b) ( en cuestiones de gusto)me cae de gordo or de mal... — (fam) I can't stand him (colloq)
11)a) (fam) ( presentarse) to show up, turn up (BrE)de vez en cuando cae or se deja caer por aquí — she drops by o in now and then
estar al caer: los invitados están al caer — the guests will be here any minute o moment (now)
b) ( abalanzarse)caer sobre alguien — to fall upon o on somebody
caerle encima a alguien — (fam) to pounce o leap on somebody
12)a) ( estar comprendido)cae dentro de nuestra jurisdicción — it comes under o falls within our jurisdiction
b) cumpleaños/festividad to fall onel 20 cae en (un) domingo — the 20th falls on a Sunday o is a Sunday
¿el 27 (en) qué día cae or en qué cae? — what day's the 27th?
c) (Esp fam) ( estar situado) to be¿por dónde cae? — whereabouts is that?
13) precios/temperatura to fall, drop14) (Ven) ( aportar dinero) (fam) to chip in (colloq)15) (Ven fam) llamada2.caerse v pron1)a) ( de una altura) to fall; ( de la posición vertical) to fall, to fall overcaerse del caballo/de la cama — to fall off one's horse/out of bed
se cayó redondo — (fam) he collapsed in a heap
está que se cae de cansancio — (fam) she's dead on her feet (colloq)
b) (+ me/te/le etc)oiga, se le cayó un guante — excuse me, you dropped your glove
cuidado, no se te vaya a caer — be careful, don't drop it
caerse con alguien — (Col fam) to go down in somebody's estimation
no tiene/tienen dónde caerse muerto/muertos — (fam) he hasn't/they haven't got a penny to his/their name
se cae por su propio peso or de maduro — it goes without saying
2) ( desprenderse) diente to fall out; hojas to fall off; botón to come off, fall off* * *= drop, fall, tumble, slump, take + a tumble.Ex. The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.Ex. There may be pale drip marks in the neighbourhood of the tranchefiles, where drops of water fell from the deckle or from the maker's hand on to the new-made sheet.Ex. The form this 'hypothesis' has come to take is easily dismissed as a straw figure and serious consideration of the relation between language diversity and thinking has largely tumbled with it.Ex. The copy was grubby from use, a paperback with a photographically realistic full-color painting on its cover of an early teenage boy slumped in what looked to me like a corner of a very dirty back alley, a can of Coke in his hand.Ex. Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.----* al caer la noche = at nightfall.* caer aguanieve = sleet.* caer al vacío = fall into + the void, fall into + (empty) space.* caer como chinches = drop like + flies.* caer como moscas = drop like + flies.* caer de cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* caer de espaldas = fall on + Posesivo + back.* caer dentro de = fall within/into, fall into.* caer dentro de la competencia de = be the province of, fall within + the province of.* caer de pie = land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet.* caer deshecho = flake out.* caer desplomado = slump in + a heap.* caer en = run + foul of, lapse into, slip into, slide into.* caer en barbecho = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.* caer en batalla = fall in + battle.* caer en combate = fall in + action.* caer en descrédito = come into + disrepute, fall into + disrepute.* caer en desgracia = fall from + grace, fall into + disfavour, tumble into + disgrace, come into + disrepute, fall into + disrepute, be in the doghouse, fall + foul of.* caer en desuso = fall into + disuse, fall out of + fashion, go out of + use, lapse, fall into + disfavour, die out, drop from + sight, go out of + favour, pass away, fall into + desuetude, fall into + desuetude, pass into + desuetude, sink into + desuetude, sink into + oblivion.* caer en el error de = fall into + the error of, blunder into.* caer en el olvido = fall into + obscurity, fall into + oblivion, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion, blow over.* caer enfermo = become + ill, fall + ill, get + sick.* caer en forma de cascada = cascade.* caer en gracia = take + a fancy to, take + a shine to, take + a liking to.* caer en la cuenta = dawn on, wise up, the penny dropped, suss (out).* caer en la cuenta de = realise [realize, -USA].* caer en la nada = fall into + the void, fall into + (empty) space.* caer en la oscuridad = fall into + obscurity, sink into + oblivion, sink into + obscurity, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion.* caer en la tentación = fall into + temptation.* caer en la trampa = fall into + the trap, fall for + it, fall into + the snare.* caer en manos de = fall into + the hands of.* caer en manos enemigas = fall into + enemy hands.* caer en oídos sordos = fall on + deaf ears, meet + deaf ears.* caer en picado = plummet, swoop, take + a nosedive, nosedive.* caer en redondo = flake out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out, keel over.* caer en terreno baldío = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.* caer en terreno pedregoso = fall on + stony ground.* caer en una broma = fall for + a joke, fall for + it.* caer en una trampa = tumble into + pitfall.* caer en un hábito = lapse into + habit.* caer fuera de = fall outside, lie beyond.* caer fuera del alcance de = fall outside + the scope of.* caer fuera de las responsabilidades de = be on the outer fringes of.* caer fuera del interés de = lie outside + the scope of.* caer fuera del interés de uno = fall outside + Posesivo + interest.* caer fuera del objetivo de = fall outside + the scope of.* caer hecho polvo = flake out.* caer mal = rub + Nombre + up the wrong way.* caer por selección = drop.* caer presa de = fall + prey to, be prey of.* caerse = fall out, fall off, tumble down, topple over, come + a cropper, go down, fall over, take + a tumble.* caerse a = topple onto.* caerse bien = hit it off.* caerse colándose por = fall through.* caerse de = fall off of.* caerse de bruces = fall + flat on + Posesivo + face.* caerse de la cama = roll out of + bed.* caerse hacia atrás = fall backwards.* caerse hacia delante = fall forward.* caérsele la baba por = go + gaga (over).* caerse muerto = drop + dead.* caerse recondo = pass out.* caerse redondo = keel over, flake out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.* caer sobre = fall onto.* caer un chaparrón = the skies + open up.* caer un diluvio = the skies + open up.* cayéndose a pedazos = disintegrating.* comprar hasta caer muerto = shop 'til you drop.* dejar caer = drop, dump.* dejar caer insinuaciones = throw + hints.* dejar caer una indirecta = drop + a hint.* dejarse caer = drop by, drop in, slump, droop, mosey.* empezar a caer en picado = hit + the skids, be on the skids.* hacer caer = oust.* maná caído del cielo = manna from heaven.* no caer bien = not take + kindly to, not take + kindly to.* no caer en buenas manos = fall into + the wrong hands.* noche + caer = night + fall.* no tener donde caerse muerto = not have two pennies to rub together.* palabras + caer en + saco roto = words + fall on + deaf ears.* precio + caer = price + fall.* recesión + caer en = recession + set in.* salir y caer = fall out (of).* sistema + caerse = system + crash.* telón + caer = curtain + fall.* trabajar hasta caer muerto = work + Reflexivo + to the ground, work + Reflexivo + to death.* volver a caer (en) = relapse (into).* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( de una altura) to fall; ( de posición vertical) to fall overcaí mal — I fell badly o awkwardly
se dejó caer en el sillón/en sus brazos — she flopped into the armchair/fell into his arms
el avión cayó en picada or (Esp) en picado — the plane nosedived
caer parado — (AmL) ( literal) to land on one's feet; ( tener suerte) to fall o land on one's feet
dejar caer algo — < objeto> to drop; < noticia> to let drop o fall; < indirecta> to drop
2) chaparrón/nevada3)a) cortinas/falda to hangb) terreno to drop4)a) ( incurrir)caer en algo: no caigas en ese error don't make that mistake; cayó en la tentación de mirar she succumbed to the temptation to look; la obra por momentos cae en lo ridículo at times the play lapses into the ridiculous; caer muy bajo to stoop very low; qué bajo has caído — you've really sunk low this time
b) (en engaño, timo)caer como angelitos — (fam)
cayeron como chinos or angelitos — they swallowed it hook, line and sinker
5) (fam) (entender, darse cuenta)ah, ya caigo! — ( ya entiendo) oh, now I get it! (colloq); ( ya recuerdo) oh, now I remember
no caigo — I can't think o I'm not sure what (o who etc) you mean
no caí en que tú no tenías llave — I didn't realize o (fam) I didn't click that you didn't have keys
6) ( en un estado)caer en desuso — palabra to fall into disuse; costumbre to die out
7)a) gobierno/ciudad to fallb) ( perder el cargo) to lose one's jobse hará una investigación, caiga quien caiga — an inquiry will be held, however many heads have to roll
c) soldado ( morir) to fall, die; ( ser apresado) to be caught8)a) desgracia/maldicióncaer sobre alguien — to befall somebody (frml or liter)
la que me (te, etc) ha caído encima — (fam)
b)al caer la tarde/la noche — at sunset o dusk/nightfall
antes de que caiga la noche — before it gets dark o before nightfall
9) (fam) ( tocar en suerte)10) (+ compl)a) ( sentar)b) ( en cuestiones de gusto)me cae de gordo or de mal... — (fam) I can't stand him (colloq)
11)a) (fam) ( presentarse) to show up, turn up (BrE)de vez en cuando cae or se deja caer por aquí — she drops by o in now and then
estar al caer: los invitados están al caer — the guests will be here any minute o moment (now)
b) ( abalanzarse)caer sobre alguien — to fall upon o on somebody
caerle encima a alguien — (fam) to pounce o leap on somebody
12)a) ( estar comprendido)cae dentro de nuestra jurisdicción — it comes under o falls within our jurisdiction
b) cumpleaños/festividad to fall onel 20 cae en (un) domingo — the 20th falls on a Sunday o is a Sunday
¿el 27 (en) qué día cae or en qué cae? — what day's the 27th?
c) (Esp fam) ( estar situado) to be¿por dónde cae? — whereabouts is that?
13) precios/temperatura to fall, drop14) (Ven) ( aportar dinero) (fam) to chip in (colloq)15) (Ven fam) llamada2.caerse v pron1)a) ( de una altura) to fall; ( de la posición vertical) to fall, to fall overcaerse del caballo/de la cama — to fall off one's horse/out of bed
se cayó redondo — (fam) he collapsed in a heap
está que se cae de cansancio — (fam) she's dead on her feet (colloq)
b) (+ me/te/le etc)oiga, se le cayó un guante — excuse me, you dropped your glove
cuidado, no se te vaya a caer — be careful, don't drop it
caerse con alguien — (Col fam) to go down in somebody's estimation
no tiene/tienen dónde caerse muerto/muertos — (fam) he hasn't/they haven't got a penny to his/their name
se cae por su propio peso or de maduro — it goes without saying
2) ( desprenderse) diente to fall out; hojas to fall off; botón to come off, fall off* * *= drop, fall, tumble, slump, take + a tumble.Ex: The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.
Ex: There may be pale drip marks in the neighbourhood of the tranchefiles, where drops of water fell from the deckle or from the maker's hand on to the new-made sheet.Ex: The form this 'hypothesis' has come to take is easily dismissed as a straw figure and serious consideration of the relation between language diversity and thinking has largely tumbled with it.Ex: The copy was grubby from use, a paperback with a photographically realistic full-color painting on its cover of an early teenage boy slumped in what looked to me like a corner of a very dirty back alley, a can of Coke in his hand.Ex: Tourism takes a tumble in Australia due to the global credit crunch.* al caer la noche = at nightfall.* caer aguanieve = sleet.* caer al vacío = fall into + the void, fall into + (empty) space.* caer como chinches = drop like + flies.* caer como moscas = drop like + flies.* caer de cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* caer de espaldas = fall on + Posesivo + back.* caer dentro de = fall within/into, fall into.* caer dentro de la competencia de = be the province of, fall within + the province of.* caer de pie = land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet.* caer deshecho = flake out.* caer desplomado = slump in + a heap.* caer en = run + foul of, lapse into, slip into, slide into.* caer en barbecho = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.* caer en batalla = fall in + battle.* caer en combate = fall in + action.* caer en descrédito = come into + disrepute, fall into + disrepute.* caer en desgracia = fall from + grace, fall into + disfavour, tumble into + disgrace, come into + disrepute, fall into + disrepute, be in the doghouse, fall + foul of.* caer en desuso = fall into + disuse, fall out of + fashion, go out of + use, lapse, fall into + disfavour, die out, drop from + sight, go out of + favour, pass away, fall into + desuetude, fall into + desuetude, pass into + desuetude, sink into + desuetude, sink into + oblivion.* caer en el error de = fall into + the error of, blunder into.* caer en el olvido = fall into + obscurity, fall into + oblivion, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion, blow over.* caer enfermo = become + ill, fall + ill, get + sick.* caer en forma de cascada = cascade.* caer en gracia = take + a fancy to, take + a shine to, take + a liking to.* caer en la cuenta = dawn on, wise up, the penny dropped, suss (out).* caer en la cuenta de = realise [realize, -USA].* caer en la nada = fall into + the void, fall into + (empty) space.* caer en la oscuridad = fall into + obscurity, sink into + oblivion, sink into + obscurity, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion.* caer en la tentación = fall into + temptation.* caer en la trampa = fall into + the trap, fall for + it, fall into + the snare.* caer en manos de = fall into + the hands of.* caer en manos enemigas = fall into + enemy hands.* caer en oídos sordos = fall on + deaf ears, meet + deaf ears.* caer en picado = plummet, swoop, take + a nosedive, nosedive.* caer en redondo = flake out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out, keel over.* caer en terreno baldío = fall on + barren ground, fall on + fallow ground.* caer en terreno pedregoso = fall on + stony ground.* caer en una broma = fall for + a joke, fall for + it.* caer en una trampa = tumble into + pitfall.* caer en un hábito = lapse into + habit.* caer fuera de = fall outside, lie beyond.* caer fuera del alcance de = fall outside + the scope of.* caer fuera de las responsabilidades de = be on the outer fringes of.* caer fuera del interés de = lie outside + the scope of.* caer fuera del interés de uno = fall outside + Posesivo + interest.* caer fuera del objetivo de = fall outside + the scope of.* caer hecho polvo = flake out.* caer mal = rub + Nombre + up the wrong way.* caer por selección = drop.* caer presa de = fall + prey to, be prey of.* caerse = fall out, fall off, tumble down, topple over, come + a cropper, go down, fall over, take + a tumble.* caerse a = topple onto.* caerse bien = hit it off.* caerse colándose por = fall through.* caerse de = fall off of.* caerse de bruces = fall + flat on + Posesivo + face.* caerse de la cama = roll out of + bed.* caerse hacia atrás = fall backwards.* caerse hacia delante = fall forward.* caérsele la baba por = go + gaga (over).* caerse muerto = drop + dead.* caerse recondo = pass out.* caerse redondo = keel over, flake out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.* caer sobre = fall onto.* caer un chaparrón = the skies + open up.* caer un diluvio = the skies + open up.* cayéndose a pedazos = disintegrating.* comprar hasta caer muerto = shop 'til you drop.* dejar caer = drop, dump.* dejar caer insinuaciones = throw + hints.* dejar caer una indirecta = drop + a hint.* dejarse caer = drop by, drop in, slump, droop, mosey.* empezar a caer en picado = hit + the skids, be on the skids.* hacer caer = oust.* maná caído del cielo = manna from heaven.* no caer bien = not take + kindly to, not take + kindly to.* no caer en buenas manos = fall into + the wrong hands.* noche + caer = night + fall.* no tener donde caerse muerto = not have two pennies to rub together.* palabras + caer en + saco roto = words + fall on + deaf ears.* precio + caer = price + fall.* recesión + caer en = recession + set in.* salir y caer = fall out (of).* sistema + caerse = system + crash.* telón + caer = curtain + fall.* trabajar hasta caer muerto = work + Reflexivo + to the ground, work + Reflexivo + to death.* volver a caer (en) = relapse (into).* * *■ caer (verbo intransitivo)A de una alturaB caer: chaparrón, nevadaC1 caer: cortinas, falda2 caer: terrenoD1 incurrir2 en un engaño, un timoE entender, darse cuentaF1 en un estado2 caer en un vicioG1 caer: gobierno, plaza etc2 perder el cargo3 caer: soldado4 caer: fugitivo5 caer enfermoH1 caer: desgracia, maldición etc2 caer: tarde, nocheI tocar en suerteJ1 sentarle mal2 en cuestiones de gustoK1 presentarse, aparecer2 caer sobre alguienL1 estar comprendido2 caer: cumpleaños etc3 estar situadoM caer: precios etcN aportar dineroO caer: llamada■ caerse (verbo pronominal)A1 de una altura2 caerse + me/te/le etcB desprenderseC equivocarseD contribuirviA (de una altura) to fall; (de la posición vertical) to fall overcaí mal y me rompí una pierna I fell badly o awkwardly and broke my legtropezó y cayó cuan largo era he tripped and fell flat on his facecayó de espaldas/de bruces she fell flat on her back/facecayeron de rodillas y le pidieron perdón they fell o dropped to their knees and begged for forgivenesscayó el telón the curtain came down o fellla pelota cayó en el pozo the ball fell o dropped into the wellel coche cayó por un precipicio the car went over a cliffcayó muerto allí mismo he dropped down dead on the spotse dejó caer en el sillón she flopped into the armchairse dejó caer desde el borde del precipicio he jumped off from the edge of the cliffel avión cayó en picada or ( Esp) en picado the plane nosedivedel helicóptero cayó en el mar the helicopter came down o crashed in the seale caían lágrimas de los ojos tears fell from her eyes o rolled down her cheeksdejar caer algo ‹objeto› to drop;‹noticia› to let drop o falllo dejó caer así, como quien no quiere la cosa she just slipped it into the conversation, she just let it drop in passingB«chaparrón/nevada»: cayó una helada there was a frostcayó una fuerte nevada it snowed heavilyempezó a caer granizo it began to hailestá cayendo un aguacero it's pouringcayeron unas pocas gotas there were a few drops of rainel rayo cayó muy cerca de aquí the lightning struck very near hereC1 «cortinas/falda» (colgar, pender) to hangcon un poco de almidón la tela cae mejor a little starch makes the fabric hang betterel pelo le caía suelto hasta la cintura her hair hung down to her waist2 «terreno» to drop, fallel terreno cae en pendiente hacia el río the land falls away o slopes down toward(s) the riverD1 (incurrir) caer EN algo:no caigas en el error de decírselo don't make the mistake of telling himno nos dejes caer en la tentación lead us not into temptationcayó en la tentación de leer la carta she succumbed to the temptation to read the letterla obra por momentos cae en lo ridículo at times the play lapses into the ridiculousesos chistes ya caen en lo chabacano those jokes can only be described as vulgarcaer muy bajo to stoop very lowvenderse así es caer muy bajo I wouldn't stoop so low as to sell myself like that¡qué bajo has caído! you've sunk pretty low!, how low can you get!, that's stooping pretty low!2(en un engaño, un timo): a todos nos hizo el mismo cuento y todos caímos he told us all the same story and we all fell for it¿cómo pudiste caer en semejante trampa? how could you be taken in by o fall for a trick like that?caer como chinos or angelitos ( fam): todos cayeron como chinos or angelitos they swallowed it hook, line and sinkerE ( fam)(entender, darse cuenta): ¡ah, ya caigo! oh, now I get it! ( colloq)F1(en un estado): caer en desuso «palabra» to fall into disuse;«costumbre» to die outcaer en el olvido to sink into oblivion2caer en un vicio to get into a bad habitcaer en el alcohol to take to drinkcaer en la droga to start taking drugsG1 «gobierno/ciudad/plaza» to fallla capital había caído en poder del enemigo the capital had fallen into enemy hands¡que no vaya a caer en manos del profesor! don't let the teacher get hold of it!, don't let it fall into the teacher's hands!2 (perder el cargo) to lose one's jobcayó por disentir con ellos he lost his job o ( colloq) came to grief because he disagreed with themvamos a continuar con la investigación, caiga quien caiga we are going to continue with the investigation, however many heads have to roll3 «soldado» (morir) to fall, die4 «fugitivo» (ser apresado) to be caughthan caído los cabecillas de la pandilla the gang leaders have been caught5caer enfermo to fall ill, be taken illcayó en cama he took to his bedyo también caí con gripe I went o came down with flu as wellHla tragedia que ha caído sobre nuestro pueblo the tragedy that has befallen our nation2al caer la tarde/la noche at sunset o dusk/nightfallantes de que caiga la noche before it gets dark o before nightfallI ( fam)(tocar en suerte): le cayó una pregunta muy difícil he got a really difficult question¡te va a caer una bofetada! you're going to get a smack!le cayeron tres años (de cárcel) he got three years (in jail)¿cuántas (asignaturas) te han caído este año? ( Esp); how many subjects have you failed this year?el gordo ha caído en Bilbao the jackpot has been won in BilbaoJ (+ compl)1(sentar): el pescado me cayó mal the fish didn't agree with mele cayó muy mal que no la invitaran she wasn't invited and she took it very badly, she was very upset at o about not being invitedla noticia me cayó como un balde or jarro de agua fría the news came as a real shock2(en cuestiones de gusto): tu primo me cae muy bien or muy simpático I really like your cousinKno podías haber caído en mejor momento you couldn't have turned up o come at a better timede vez en cuando cae or se deja caer por aquí she drops by o in now and thenno podemos caerles así, de improviso we can't just show o turn up on their doorstep without any warningestar al caer: los invitados están al caer the guests will be here any minute o moment (now)2 (abalanzarse) caer SOBRE algn to fall upon o on sbtres enmascarados cayeron sobre él three masked men pounced on him o fell on him o set upon himcayeron sobre el enemigo a medianoche they fell on o ( frml) descended on the enemy at midnightcaerle encima a algn ( fam); to pounce o leap on sbL1 (estar comprendido) caer DENTRO DE algo:ese barrio no cae dentro de nuestra jurisdicción that area doesn't come under o fall within our jurisdictionsu caso no cae dentro de mi competencia his case falls outside the scope of my powers ( frml)eso cae dentro de sus obligaciones that's part of her job, that's one of her dutiescae de lleno dentro de la corriente posmodernista it fits squarely within the postmodernist style2 «cumpleaños/festividad» to fallel 20 de febrero cae en (un) domingo February 20 falls on a Sunday o is a Sunday¿el 27 (en) qué día cae or en qué cae? what day's the 27th?¿eso por dónde cae? whereabouts is that?M «precios/temperatura» (bajar) to fall, dropel dólar ha caído en el mercado internacional the dollar has fallen on the international marketO■ caerseA1 (de una altura) to fall; (de la posición vertical) to fall, fall overbájate de ahí, te vas a caer come down from there, you'll falltropecé y casi me caigo I tripped and nearly fell (over)casi me caigo al agua I nearly fell in o into the waterme caí por las escaleras I fell down the stairsse cayó del caballo he fell off his horsese cayó de la cama she fell out of bedse cayó redondo ( fam); he collapsed in a heapestá que se cae de cansancio ( fam); she's dead on her feet ( colloq), she's ready to drop ( colloq)se cayó y se rompió it fell and smashed2 (+ me/te/le etc):oiga, se le ha caído un guante excuse me, you've dropped your glovese me cayó de las manos it slipped out of my handsten cuidado, no se te vaya a caer be careful, don't drop itpor poco se me cae el armario encima the wardrobe nearly fell on top of mese me están cayendo las medias my stockings are falling downestoy caída con ella I'm in her bad books ( colloq)¡me caigo y no me levanto! ( fam euf) (expresando sorpresa) well, I'll be darned o ( BrE) blowed! ( colloq), good heavens! ( colloq) (expresando irritación) I don't believe it!se cae de or por su propio peso or de maduro it goes without sayingB (desprenderse) «diente» to fall out; «hojas» to fall off; «botón» to come off, fall offse le cayó un diente one of her teeth fell outse le ha empezado a caer el pelo he's started to lose his hair o go baldla ropa se le caía a pedazos de vieja her clothes were so old they were falling to pieces o falling apartD* * *
caer ( conjugate caer) verbo intransitivo
1 ( de una altura) to fall;
( de posición vertical) to fall over;
cayó muerto allí mismo he dropped down dead on the spot;
cayó en el mar it came down in the sea;
caer parado (AmL) to land on one's feet;
dejar caer algo ‹objeto/indirecta› to drop sth.;
dejó caer la noticia que … she let drop the news that …
2a) [chaparrón/nevada]:
cayó una fuerte nevada it snowed heavily;
el rayo cayó cerca the lightning struck nearby
◊ al caer la tarde/noche at sunset o dusk/nightfall
4 (en error, trampa):
todos caímos (en la trampa) we all fell for it;
cayó en la tentación de mirar she succumbed to the temptation to look;
caer muy bajo to stoop very low
5 (fam) (entender, darse cuenta):◊ ¡ah, ya caigo! ( ya entiendo) oh, now I get it! (colloq);
( ya recuerdo) oh, now I remember;
no caí en que tú no tenías llave I didn't realize o (fam) I didn't click that you didn't have keys
6 ( en un estado):
caer enfermo to fall ill
7 [gobierno/ciudad] to fall;
[ soldado] ( morir) to fall, die
8 [precios/temperatura] to fall, drop
9a) ( sentar):
le cayó muy mal que no la invitaran she was very upset about not being invitedb) [ persona]:
me cae muy mal (fam) I can't stand him (colloq);
¿qué tal te cayó? what did you think of him?
[cumpleaños/festividad] to fall on;◊ ¿el 27 en qué (día) cae? what day's the 27th?
caerse verbo pronominal
( de posición vertical) to fall, to fall over;
caerse del caballo/de la cama to fall off one's horse/out of bed;
está que se cae de cansancio (fam) she's dead on her feet (colloq)b) caérsele algo a algn:◊ oiga, se le cayó un guante excuse me, you dropped your glove;
no se te vaya a caer don't drop it;
se me cayó de las manos it slipped out of my hands;
se me están cayendo las medias my stockings are falling down
[ hojas] to fall off;
[ botón] to come off, fall off;
caer verbo intransitivo
1 to fall
caer desde lo alto, to fall from the top
caer por la ventana, to fall out of the window
caer por las escaleras, to fall down the stairs
2 (captar) to understand, see: no caí, I didn't twig
US I didn't realize it
ya caigo, ¡qué tontería!, I get it ¡it's easy!
3 (estar situado) to be: eso cae por aquí cerca, it is somewhere near here
4 (tener lugar) to be: ¿cuándo cae este año la Semana Santa?, when is Easter this year?
5 (causar buena o mala impresión) le cae bien/mal, he likes/doesn't like her
parece que el muchacho le cayó en gracia, it seems that he likes the boy
6 (en una situación) caer enfermo, to fall ill
caer en desgracia, to fall out of favour
7 (ir a parar) cayó en las garras del enemigo, she fell into the clutches of the enemy
fuimos a caer en una pensión de mala muerte, we turned up in the guesthouse from hell
♦ Locuciones: caer (muy) bajo, to sink (very) low
dejar caer, (un objeto, una indirecta) to drop
dejarse caer por, to drop by
estar al caer, (a punto de llegar) he'll arrive any minute now
(a punto de ocurrir) it's on the way
al caer el día, in the evening
al caer la noche, at nightfall
' caer' also found in these entries:
- abatirse
- al
- anillo
- burra
- burro
- chinche
- combatir
- cuenta
- dejarse
- derrumbar
- derrumbarse
- descolgar
- desgracia
- desmayada
- desmayado
- despatarrarse
- desuso
- estar
- gorda
- gordo
- lazada
- pelo
- picada
- picado
- plomo
- pura
- puro
- red
- redonda
- redondo
- resbalar
- tirar
- tirarse
- Tiro
- trampa
- tumbar
- ubicarse
- verter
- balde
- bomba
- caiga
- cama
- cayera
- dejar
- enfermar
- ir
- largar
- muerto
- olvido
bear down on
- clutch
- come down
- deaf
- die out
- disgrace
- disrepute
- down
- drop
- fall
- favor
- favour
- flat
- flop
- freeze
- intimate
- keel over
- land
- lapse
- oblivion
- plummet
- push over
- rub up
- shake down
- sharply
- sink
- slump
- snare
- steeply
- strike
- tailspin
- twig
- walk into
- wise
- beat
- blow
- cascade
- catch
- come
- crash
- die
- go
- hang
- keel
- knock
- nose
- plunge
- realize
- shower
- splash
* * *♦ vi1. [hacia abajo] to fall;cuando caen las hojas when the leaves fall;caer de un tejado/árbol to fall from a roof/tree;caer en un pozo to fall into a well;el avión cayó al mar the plane crashed into the sea;tropezó y cayó al suelo she tripped and fell (over o down);cayó en brazos de su madre she fell into her mother's arms;cayó por la ventana a la calle he fell out of the window into the street;cayó de bruces/de cabeza she fell flat on her face/headlong;cayó redondo he slumped to the ground, he collapsed in a heap;cayó rodando por la escalera she fell down the stairs;dejar caer algo [objeto] to drop sth;dejar caer que… [comentar] to let drop that…;dejó caer la noticia de su renuncia como si no tuviera importancia she casually mentioned the fact that she was resigning as if it were a matter of no importance;hacer caer algo to knock sth down, to make sth fall2. [lluvia, nieve] to fall;caerá nieve por encima de los 1.000 metros snow is expected in areas over 1,000 metres;cayeron cuatro gotas there were a few spots of rain;cayó una helada there was a frost;está cayendo un diluvio it's pouring down;Famestá cayendo una buena it's pouring down, Br it's chucking it down;cayó un rayo a pocos metros del edificio a bolt of lightning struck only a few metres from the building3. [sol] to go down, to set;al caer el sol at sunset;la noche cayó antes de que llegaran al refugio night fell before they reached the shelter4. [colgar] to fall, to hang down;el cabello le caía sobre los hombros her hair hung down to o fell over her shoulders5. [ciudad, gobierno] to fall;el aeropuerto cayó en poder de los insurgentes the airport fell to the rebels, the airport was taken by the rebels;el Imperio Romano cayó en el siglo V the Roman Empire fell in the 5th century;el escándalo hizo caer al Primer Ministro the scandal brought the Prime Minister down;han caído los líderes del comando terrorista the leaders of the terrorist unit have been captured6. [morir] [soldado] to fall, to be killed;caer como moscas to drop like flies7. [decrecer] [interés] to decrease, to subside;[precio] to fall, to go down;ha caído bastante el interés por estos temas interest in these subjects has fallen away o subsided quite a lot;ha caído el precio del café the price of coffee has gone down o fallen;los precios cayeron súbitamente prices fell suddenly;la libra ha caído frente al euro the pound has fallen o dropped against the euroRelno nos dejes caer en la tentación lead us not into temptation;tu actitud cae en lo patético your attitude is nothing less than pathetic;no debemos caer en la provocación we shouldn't allow ourselves to be provoked9. [darse cuenta]no dije nada porque no caí I didn't say anything because it didn't occur to me to do so;caer (en algo) [recordar] to be able to remember (sth);¡ahora caigo! [lo entiendo] I see it now!;[lo recuerdo] now I remember!;ahora caigo en lo que dices now I see what you are saying;Espno caigo I give up, I don't know;caer en la cuenta to realize, to understand;cuando cayó en la cuenta del error, intentó subsanarlo when she realized her mistake, she tried to correct it10. [picar] [en broma] to fall for it;me gastaron una broma, pero no caí they played a trick on me, but I didn't fall for it;caer en una trampa to fall into a trapnos cayó la mala suerte we had bad luck;me cayó el tema que mejor me sabía I got a question on the subject I knew best;le cayeron dos años (de cárcel) he got two years (in jail);la desgracia cayó sobre él he was overtaken by misfortune;¿cómo me ha podido caer a mí un trabajo así? how did I end up getting a job like this?;procura que el informe no caiga en sus manos try to avoid the report falling into her handscae en domingo it falls on a Sunday;¿en qué día cae Navidad este año? what day (of the week) is Christmas this year?¿por dónde cae la oficina de turismo? where's o whereabouts is the tourist information centre?;los baños caen a la izquierda the toilets are on the left;cae en el segundo capítulo it's in the second chapter;eso cae fuera de mis competencias that is o falls outside my remitcayó en cama he took to his bed;caer en desuso to fall into disuse;caer en el olvido to fall into oblivion;caer en la desesperación to fall into despair;caer en desgracia to fall into disgrace15. [sentar]caer bien/mal [comentario, noticia] to go down well/badly;su comentario no cayó nada bien her comment didn't go down well;caer bien/mal a alguien [comida, bebida] to agree/disagree with sb;Esp [ropa] to suit/not to suit sb; Esplos pantalones ajustados no te caen nada bien tight trousers don't suit you at all;caer como un jarro de agua fría to come as a real shockme cae mal I can't stand him;tu hermano me cae muy mal I can't stand your brother;me cayó mal I didn't like him at all;cae mal a todo el mundo he doesn't get on with anyone;Famtu jefe me cae gordo I can't stand your bosscayeron sobre la ciudad para saquearla they fell upon the city and pillaged itla mitad de la clase cayó en el primer examen half the class failed the first exam;¿cuántas te han caído? how many did you fail?el equipo ha caído mucho en el último mes the team has gone seriously off the boil over the last month21. Am [visitar] to drop in22. Compcaer (muy) bajo to sink (very) low;parece mentira que hayas caído tan bajo I can hardly believe that you would sink so low;¡qué bajo has caído! I never thought you'd sink so low!;caer por su propio peso to be self-evident;todos mis consejos cayeron en saco roto all my advice fell on deaf ears;dejarse caer por casa de alguien to drop by sb's house;estar al caer to be about to arrive;ya son las cinco, así que deben de estar al caer it's five o'clock, so they should be arriving any minute now;el anuncio debe de estar al caer the announcement should be made any minute now;se proseguirá con la investigación caiga quien caiga the investigation will proceed no matter who might be implicated o even if it means that heads will roll;RP Famcaer parado to fall on one's feet* * *I v/i1 fall;caer sobre fall on;dejar caer algo drop sth;caer enfermo fall ill;caer en lunes fall on a Monday;al caer la noche at sunset o nightfall;caiga quien caiga no matter whose head has to roll;caer muy bajo fig stoop very low;dejarse caer fam flop down2:me cae bien/mal fig I like/don’t like him:cae cerca it’s not far;¿por dónde cae este pueblo? whereabouts is this village?4:estar al caer be about to arrive;¡ahora caigo! fig now I get it!* * *caer {13} vi1) : to fall, to drop2) : to collapse3) : to hang (down)4)me caes bien: I like you5)caer mal or* * *caer vb2. (fecha) to be / to falleste año, mi cumpleaños cae en martes my birthday is on a Tuesday this year3. (entender) to get somethingcaer desmayado to faint / to collapseestar al caer to be almost here / to be about to arrive -
2 tratar
v.1 to treat (comportarse con) (persona, objeto).¿qué tal te trataron? how were you treated?El médico trata al paciente The doctor treats=cures the patient.2 to have dealings or contact with.la traté muy poco I didn't have much to do with her3 to treat (tema, asunto).eso lo tienes que tratar con el jefe that's something you'll have to discuss with the boss4 to treat.5 to treat (agua, sustancia, alimento).6 to process (computing) (datos, información).Ellos tratan el cuero They process the leather.7 to deal.Las empresas trataron The companies made a deal.8 to try, to make a trial, to attempt it, to attempt.Ella trató por mucho tiempo She tried for a long time.9 to handle, to maneuver, to manoeuvre.Ellos tratan sus pensamientos They handle their thoughts.* * *1 (gen - objeto) to treat, handle; (- persona) to treat2 (asunto, tema) to discuss, deal with3 (gestionar) to handle, run4 (dar tratamiento) to address as5 (calificar, considerar) to consider, call6 MEDICINA to treat7 (datos, texto) to process8 QUÍMICA to treat2 (tener tratos) to deal ( con, with)3 (negociar) to negotiate ( con, with)4 (intentar) to try (de, to)5 (versar) to be about■ trata de/sobre espías it's about spies6 COMERCIO to deal (en, in)1 (relacionarse) to talk to each other, be on speaking terms2 (llamarse) to address each other as, call each other3 (referirse) to be about\se trata de... it's a question of..., it's a matter of...* * *verb1) to treat2) handle•- tratar de* * *1. VT1) [+ persona, animal, objeto] to treathay que tratar a los animales con cariño — animals should be given plenty of affection, animals should be treated lovingly
te dejo la cámara, pero trátala bien — I'll let you have the camera, but be careful with it o treat it carefully
la vida la ha tratado muy bien — life has been very kind to her, life has treated her very well
tratar a algn de loco — to treat sb like a madman2) (=llamar)¿cómo le tenemos que tratar cuando nos hable? — how should we address him when he speaks to us?
tratar a algn de algo — to call sb sthtratar a algn de tú/usted — to address sb as "tú"/"usted"
3) (=relacionarse con)tratar a algn: ya no lo trato — I no longer have any dealings with him
me cae bien, pero no la he tratado mucho — I like her, but I haven't had a lot to do with her
4) (Med) [+ paciente, enfermedad] to treat¿qué médico te está tratando? — which doctor is giving you treatment?
5) [+ tejido, madera, residuos] to treat6) (=discutir) [+ tema] to deal with; [+ acuerdo, paz] to negotiateeste asunto tiene que tratarlo directamente con el director — you'll have to speak directly with the manager about this matter
7) (Inform) to process2. VI1)• tratar de — [libro] to be about, deal with; [personas] to talk about, discuss
ahora van a tratar del programa — they're going to talk about o discuss the programme now
2) (=intentar)•
tratar de hacer algo — to try to do sth•
tratar de que, trataré de que esta sea la última vez — I'll try to make sure that this is the last timetrata por todos los medios de que el trabajo esté acabado para mañana — try and do whatever you can to make sure that the job is done by tomorrow
3) (=relacionarse)•
tratar con algn, trato con todo tipo de gente — I deal with all sorts of peopleno había tratado con personas de esa clase — I had not previously come into contact with people like that
para tratar con animales hay que tener mucha paciencia — you have to be very patient when dealing with animals
4) (Com)•
tratar con o en algo — to deal in sthtrataban con o en pieles — they dealt in furs, they were involved in the fur trade
3.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( intentar) to trytratar de + inf — to try to + inf
tratar de que + subj: trata de que queden a la misma altura try to get them level; trataré de que no vuelva a suceder — I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again
2) obra/libro/película¿de qué trata el libro? — what's the book about?
3) (tener contacto, relaciones)4) (Com)2.tratar vt1)a) <persona/animal/instrumento> (+ compl) to treatb) ( llamar)tratar a alguien de usted/tú — to address somebody using the polite usted or the more familiar tú form
2) ( frecuentar)3) <tema/asunto> to deal with4)a) <paciente/enfermedad> to treatb) <sustancia/metal> to treat3.tratarse v pron1)a)tratarse con alguien — ( ser amigo de) to be friendly with somebody; ( alternar) to socialize o mix with somebody
b) (recípr)2) (+ compl)a) (recípr)se tratan de usted/tú — they address each other as `usted'/`tu'
se tratan sin ningún respeto — they have o show no respect for each other
b) (refl) ( cuidarse)tratarse bien/mal — to look after oneself well/not to look after oneself
3) (Med) to have o undergo treatment4) tratarse de (en 3a pers)a) ( ser acerca de) to be about¿de qué se trata? — what's it about?
b) ( ser cuestión de)se trata de arreglar la situación, no de discutir — we're supposed to be settling things, not arguing
si sólo se trata de eso... — if that's all it is...
* * *= address, approach, consider (as), cover, discuss, focus on/upon, get to, go into, handle, manipulate, tackle, treat, turn to, broach, give + treatment, play with, speak to, treat, pick up on, meet.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio met.Ex. The inclusion of vendors and publishers allows everyone to address sticky business relationships head-on.Ex. The searcher may be the end user, but the end user is approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements, or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements.Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.Ex. The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.Ex. This review also illustrates some of the issues which cataloguers have discussed over the years, and demonstrates other solutions to standards in cataloguing than those embodied in modern cataloguing codes.Ex. In a text such as this which focuses primarily upon controlled indexing languages and systems it is difficult to place natural language indexing in a appropriate context.Ex. 'I'll get to that, I promise! but right now I have a budget to work on!'.Ex. Although the description given here is quite lengthy, many points are glossed over, and the Manual goes into these and a number of others at length.Ex. An author's name is usually shorter than a title, and thus is arguably easier to handle and remember.Ex. Different stores offer access to distinct types of information or data and permit the information to be manipulated to varying extents.Ex. Chapter 2 tackles books, pamphlets and printed sheets, and chapter 3 is dedicated to cartographic materials.Ex. In troubleshooting, it is important to treat the cause as well as the symptom of the problem = En la solución de problemas, es importante tratar tanto la causa como el síntoma del problema.Ex. We shall turn to this distinction very shortly.Ex. Some of the consequences of this conclusion are broached in this article.Ex. In this five-day workshop we will play with the design and building of non-traditional interface solutions.Ex. Numerous articles in the library literature speak to this phenomenon but most deal with the experience of larger libraries.Ex. The author studies the factors which have impeded the spread of information on the use of thioctic acid to treat mushroom poisoning.Ex. The report picks up on this as a surprising finding, suggesting implicitly that open access journals are lagging behind in this regard.Ex. There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.----* aguas residuales sin tratar = raw sewage, raw waste water.* atreverse a tratar = dare to + tread.* como si (se tratase de) = as if.* continuar tratando = pursue + Nombre + further.* cuando se trata de + Infinitivo = when it comes to + Gerundio.* de qué se trata = what it's all about.* difícil de tratar = unruly.* empezar a tratar = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* manera de tratar = avenue of approach.* no atraverse a tratar = fear to + tread.* ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.* que trata de = surrounding.* seguir tratando = discuss + further.* sin tratar = untreated.* temer tratar = fear to + tread.* tratar Algo = get down to + Nombre, be under consideration.* tratar algo en detalle = go into + Algo + at length.* tratar Algo en profundidad = go into + Algo + at length.* tratar Algo imparcialmente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo justamente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo sin parcialismo = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo sin rodeos = address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on.* tratar Algo supercialmente = dabble in.* tratar como un objeto = objectify.* tratar como un personaje = lionise [lionize, -USA].* tratar (con) = negotiate (with).* tratar con bondad = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.* tratar con cloro = chlorinate.* tratar con condescendencia = patronise [patronize, -USA], condescend.* tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.* tratar con precaución = approach + with caution.* tratar con prudencia = treat with + caution, view with + caution.* tratar con respeto = treat with + respect.* tratar de = be about, be concerned with, deal with, take up, bear on, deal in.* tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.* tratar de ganar tiempo = temporise [temporize, -USA], play for + time.* tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.* tratar de ligar = chat up.* tratar de no llamar la atención = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar detalladamente = cover + in detail.* tratar de un modo sentimental = sentimentalise [sentimentalize, -USA].* tratar de un modo urgente = fast track.* tratar en detalle = treat + at length, discuss + at length.* tratar en profundidad = treat + in detail.* tratar específicamente = target.* tratar información = handle + information.* tratar injustamente = malign.* tratar justamente = treat + fairly.* tratar la cuestión de = get to + the issue of.* tratar la posibilidad de = discuss + the possibility of.* tratar ligeramente = skim + the surface of, touch on/upon.* tratar magníficamente = do + more than justice.* tratar mal = maltreat, manhandle.* tratar muy por encima = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.* tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.* tratarse de = come down to, be a question of.* tratar severamente = mete out + harsh treatment.* tratar síntomas = treat + symptoms.* tratar superficialmente = gloss over, scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* tratar una cuestión = address + constraint, address + issue, address + question, consider + issue, tackle + issue, address + concern, deal with + issue, broach + issue, broach + question, grapple with + issue.* tratar una cuestión ligeramente = touch on/upon + issue.* tratar un asunto = deal with + issue.* tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.* tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.* tratar un tema = broach + subject, broach + topic, address + theme, address + topic.* tratar un tema conocido = tread + familiar ground.* tratar un tema en detalle = go into + detail.* volver a tratar = revisit.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( intentar) to trytratar de + inf — to try to + inf
tratar de que + subj: trata de que queden a la misma altura try to get them level; trataré de que no vuelva a suceder — I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again
2) obra/libro/película¿de qué trata el libro? — what's the book about?
3) (tener contacto, relaciones)4) (Com)2.tratar vt1)a) <persona/animal/instrumento> (+ compl) to treatb) ( llamar)tratar a alguien de usted/tú — to address somebody using the polite usted or the more familiar tú form
2) ( frecuentar)3) <tema/asunto> to deal with4)a) <paciente/enfermedad> to treatb) <sustancia/metal> to treat3.tratarse v pron1)a)tratarse con alguien — ( ser amigo de) to be friendly with somebody; ( alternar) to socialize o mix with somebody
b) (recípr)2) (+ compl)a) (recípr)se tratan de usted/tú — they address each other as `usted'/`tu'
se tratan sin ningún respeto — they have o show no respect for each other
b) (refl) ( cuidarse)tratarse bien/mal — to look after oneself well/not to look after oneself
3) (Med) to have o undergo treatment4) tratarse de (en 3a pers)a) ( ser acerca de) to be about¿de qué se trata? — what's it about?
b) ( ser cuestión de)se trata de arreglar la situación, no de discutir — we're supposed to be settling things, not arguing
si sólo se trata de eso... — if that's all it is...
* * *tratar (con)(v.) = negotiate (with)Ex: Their purposes was to settle the disputes between the members, to negotiate with master, to accumulate and disburse a benevolent fund, and to exact contributions for drinks and parties.
= address, approach, consider (as), cover, discuss, focus on/upon, get to, go into, handle, manipulate, tackle, treat, turn to, broach, give + treatment, play with, speak to, treat, pick up on, meet.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio met.Ex: The inclusion of vendors and publishers allows everyone to address sticky business relationships head-on.
Ex: The searcher may be the end user, but the end user is approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements, or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements.Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.Ex: The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.Ex: This review also illustrates some of the issues which cataloguers have discussed over the years, and demonstrates other solutions to standards in cataloguing than those embodied in modern cataloguing codes.Ex: In a text such as this which focuses primarily upon controlled indexing languages and systems it is difficult to place natural language indexing in a appropriate context.Ex: 'I'll get to that, I promise! but right now I have a budget to work on!'.Ex: Although the description given here is quite lengthy, many points are glossed over, and the Manual goes into these and a number of others at length.Ex: An author's name is usually shorter than a title, and thus is arguably easier to handle and remember.Ex: Different stores offer access to distinct types of information or data and permit the information to be manipulated to varying extents.Ex: Chapter 2 tackles books, pamphlets and printed sheets, and chapter 3 is dedicated to cartographic materials.Ex: In troubleshooting, it is important to treat the cause as well as the symptom of the problem = En la solución de problemas, es importante tratar tanto la causa como el síntoma del problema.Ex: We shall turn to this distinction very shortly.Ex: Some of the consequences of this conclusion are broached in this article.Ex: In this five-day workshop we will play with the design and building of non-traditional interface solutions.Ex: Numerous articles in the library literature speak to this phenomenon but most deal with the experience of larger libraries.Ex: The author studies the factors which have impeded the spread of information on the use of thioctic acid to treat mushroom poisoning.Ex: The report picks up on this as a surprising finding, suggesting implicitly that open access journals are lagging behind in this regard.Ex: There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.* aguas residuales sin tratar = raw sewage, raw waste water.* atreverse a tratar = dare to + tread.* como si (se tratase de) = as if.* continuar tratando = pursue + Nombre + further.* cuando se trata de + Infinitivo = when it comes to + Gerundio.* de qué se trata = what it's all about.* difícil de tratar = unruly.* empezar a tratar = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* manera de tratar = avenue of approach.* no atraverse a tratar = fear to + tread.* ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.* que trata de = surrounding.* seguir tratando = discuss + further.* sin tratar = untreated.* temer tratar = fear to + tread.* tratar Algo = get down to + Nombre, be under consideration.* tratar algo en detalle = go into + Algo + at length.* tratar Algo en profundidad = go into + Algo + at length.* tratar Algo imparcialmente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo justamente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo sin parcialismo = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo sin rodeos = address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on.* tratar Algo supercialmente = dabble in.* tratar como un objeto = objectify.* tratar como un personaje = lionise [lionize, -USA].* tratar (con) = negotiate (with).* tratar con bondad = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.* tratar con cloro = chlorinate.* tratar con condescendencia = patronise [patronize, -USA], condescend.* tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.* tratar con precaución = approach + with caution.* tratar con prudencia = treat with + caution, view with + caution.* tratar con respeto = treat with + respect.* tratar de = be about, be concerned with, deal with, take up, bear on, deal in.* tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.* tratar de ganar tiempo = temporise [temporize, -USA], play for + time.* tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.* tratar de ligar = chat up.* tratar de no llamar la atención = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar detalladamente = cover + in detail.* tratar de un modo sentimental = sentimentalise [sentimentalize, -USA].* tratar de un modo urgente = fast track.* tratar en detalle = treat + at length, discuss + at length.* tratar en profundidad = treat + in detail.* tratar específicamente = target.* tratar información = handle + information.* tratar injustamente = malign.* tratar justamente = treat + fairly.* tratar la cuestión de = get to + the issue of.* tratar la posibilidad de = discuss + the possibility of.* tratar ligeramente = skim + the surface of, touch on/upon.* tratar magníficamente = do + more than justice.* tratar mal = maltreat, manhandle.* tratar muy por encima = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.* tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.* tratarse de = come down to, be a question of.* tratar severamente = mete out + harsh treatment.* tratar síntomas = treat + symptoms.* tratar superficialmente = gloss over, scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* tratar una cuestión = address + constraint, address + issue, address + question, consider + issue, tackle + issue, address + concern, deal with + issue, broach + issue, broach + question, grapple with + issue.* tratar una cuestión ligeramente = touch on/upon + issue.* tratar un asunto = deal with + issue.* tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.* tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.* tratar un tema = broach + subject, broach + topic, address + theme, address + topic.* tratar un tema conocido = tread + familiar ground.* tratar un tema en detalle = go into + detail.* volver a tratar = revisit.* * *tratar [A1 ]viA (intentar) to try tratar DE + INF to try to + INFtrate de comprender try to o ( colloq) try and understandtraten de no llegar tarde try not to be latetratar DE QUE + SUBJ:trata de que queden a la misma altura try to o ( colloq) try and get them leveltrataré de que no vuelva a suceder I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen againB«obra/libro/película»: tratar DEor SOBRE algo: ¿de qué trata el libro? what's the book about?la conferencia tratará sobre medicina alternativa the lecture will deal with o will be on the subject of alternative medicine, the theme of the lecture will be alternative medicineC (tener contacto, relaciones) tratar CON algn to deal WITH sben mi trabajo trato con gente de todo tipo in my job I deal with o come into contact with all kinds of peopletratar con él no es nada fácil he's not at all easy to get on withprefiero tratar directamente con el fabricante I prefer to deal directly with the manufacturerD ( Com) tratar EN algo to deal IN sthtratar en joyas/antigüedades to deal in jewels/antiqueslos mercaderes que trataban en esclavos/pieles the merchants who dealt o traded in slaves/furs■ tratarvtA1 ‹persona/animal/instrumento› (+ compl) to treatme tratan muy bien/como si fuera de la familia they treat me very well/as if I were one of the familytrata la guitarra con más cuidado be more careful with the guitar2 (llamar) tratar a algn DE algo to call sb sth¿me estás tratando de mentiroso? are you calling me a liar?a mi suegro nunca lo he tratado de usted I've never called my father-in-law `usted'B ‹persona›(frecuentar): lo trataba cuando era joven I saw quite a lot of him when I was youngnunca lo he tratado I have never had any contact with him o any dealings with himC ‹tema/asunto›vamos a tratar primero los puntos de mayor urgencia let's deal with o discuss the more pressing issues firstno sé cómo tratar esta cuestión I don't know how to deal with o handle this matterel libro trata la Revolución Francesa desde una óptica inusual the book looks at the French Revolution from an unusual angleesto no se puede tratar delante de los niños we can't discuss this in front of the childrenD1 ‹paciente/enfermedad› to treat2 ‹sustancia/metal/madera› to treatcultivos tratados con insectidas crops treated with insecticides■ tratarseA (relacionarse, tener contacto)1 tratarse CON algn:no me gusta la gente con la que se trata I don't like the people he mixes withse trata con gente de la alta sociedad she socializes o mixes with people from high society, she moves in high circles¿tú te tratas con los Rucabado? are you friendly with the Rucabados?2 ( recípr):somos parientes pero no nos tratamos we're related but we never see each other o we never have anything to do with each otherB (+ compl)1 ( recípr):se tratan de usted/tú they address each other as `usted'/`tú'se tratan sin ningún respeto they have o show no respect for each other2 ( refl) to treat oneself¡qué mal te tratas, eh! ( iró); you don't treat yourself badly, do you?, you know how to look after yourself, don't you?C ( Med) (seguir un tratamiento) to have o undergo treatment1 (ser acerca de) to be about¿de qué se trata? what's it about?, what does it concern? ( frml)se trata de Roy it's about Roy2(ser cuestión de): se trata de arreglar la situación, no de discutir we're supposed to be settling things, not arguingsi sólo se trata de eso, hazlo pasar ahora if that's all it is o if that's all he wants, show him in nowbueno, si se trata de echarle un vistazo nada más … OK, if it's just a question of having a quick look at it …3(ser): se trata de la estrella del equipo we're talking about o he is the star of the teamtratándose de usted, no creo que haya inconvenientes since it's for you o in your case I don't think there will be any problems* * *
tratar ( conjugate tratar) verbo intransitivo
1 ( intentar) to try;
trataré de que no vuelva a suceder I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again
2 [obra/libro/película] tratar de algo to be about sth;
tratar sobre algo to deal with sth;
3 (tener contacto, relaciones) tratar con algn to deal with sb;
verbo transitivo
1 ‹persona/animal/instrumento› to treat;
2 ( frecuentar):
3 ‹tema/asunto› to discuss, to deal with
4a) (Med) to treat
tratarse verbo pronominal
1 tratarse con algn ( ser amigo de) to be friendly with sb;
( alternar) to socialize o mix with sb;
2 (+ compl) ( recípr):
3 (Med) to have o undergo treatment
4◊ tratarse de (en 3a pers)
◊ ¿de qué se trata? what's it about?
◊ se trata de participar, no de ganar it's a question of taking part, not of winning;
solo porque se trata de ti just because it's you
I verbo transitivo
1 (portarse) to treat
2 (cuidar) to look after, care: trátame el libro bien, look after my book
3 (dirigirse a una persona) address: nos tratamos de tú, we call each other "tú" o we're on first name terms
4 (considerar, llamar) me trató de tonto, he called me stupid
5 (someter a un proceso) to treat
6 (someter a tratamiento médico) to treat: le tienen que tratar la artritis, they have to treat his arthritis
7 (tener relación social) la he tratado muy poco, I don't know her very well
8 (considerar, discutir) to deal with: no hemos tratado la cuestión, we haven't discussed that subject
II verbo intransitivo 1 tratar de, (un libro, una película) to be about: ¿de qué trata?, what is it about?
2 (intentar) to try [de, to]
3 Com tratar en, to trade in o with 4 tratar con, (negociar) to negotiate with
' tratar' also found in these entries:
- defraudar
- delicada
- delicado
- drogodependencia
- ir
- girar
- hablar
- mimar
- negociar
- tú
- confianza
- curar
- debido
- huir
- manera
- miramiento
- piel
- punto
- tocar
- trato
- usted
- address
- associate
- bid
- clutch
- deal with
- discuss
- form
- grapple
- ground
- handle
- light
- lionise
- mistreat
- muck about
- muck around
- patronize
- peer
- push through
- rubberize
- specific
- squarely
- tactfully
- tout
- treat
- try
- try on
- victimize
- attempt
- bite
- contact
- could
- cover
- deal
- favor
- grasp
- process
- profile
- raw
- seek
- snub
- tackle
- take
- thrash
- untreated
- way
* * *♦ vt1. [portarse con, manejar] to treat;¿qué tal te trataron? how were you treated?;no la trates tan mal don't be so nasty to her;la vida no la ha tratado bien life has not been kind to her;te dejo los discos, pero trátamelos bien I'll let you borrow the records, but look after them o be careful with them for me2. [paciente, enfermedad, herida] to treat;la están tratando de cáncer, le están tratando un cáncer she's being treated for cancer;el médico que la trata the doctor who is treating her3. [tener relación con] to have dealings o contact with;era compañera de clase pero la traté muy poco she was in my class, but I didn't have much to do with her4. [llamar, dirigirse a]tratar a alguien de usted/tú = to address sb using the “usted” form/the “tú” form;no hace falta que me trates de señor there's no need to call me “sir”;tratar a alguien de tonto to call sb an idiot5. [tema, asunto] to treat;el tema que trata la obra the subject of the book;hay que tratar ese asunto con cuidado this matter needs to be dealt with carefully;eso lo tienes que tratar con el jefe that's something you'll have to discuss with the boss6. [agua, sustancia, tejido, alimento] to treat♦ vitrata de comprenderlo, por favor please try to understand;trataré de no equivocarme I'll try not to get it wrong;sólo trataba de que estuvieras más cómodo I was only trying to make you more comfortable¿de qué trata el documental? what's the documentary about o on?;la ponencia trata sobre contaminación acústica the paper is about o on noise pollutionen mi trabajo tengo que tratar con todo tipo de gente I have to deal with all sorts of people in my job;trata con gente muy rara she mixes with some very strange people;RPtratar a alguien con pinzas to handle sb with kid gloves* * *I v/t1 treat2 ( manejar) handletratar a alguien de tú address s.o. informally, use the tú form with s.o.;tratar a alguien de usted address s.o. formally, use the usted form with s.o.4 gente come into contact with5 tema deal withII v/i:1:tratar con alguien deal with s.o.2:3 COM:tratar en deal in* * *tratar vi1)tratar con : to deal with, to have contact withno trato mucho con los clientes: I don't have much contact with customers2)tratar de : to try toestoy tratando de comer: I am trying to eat3)tratar de ortratar sobre : to be about, to concernel libro trata de las plantas: the book is about plants4)tratar en : to deal intrata en herramientas: he deals in toolstratar vt1) : to treattratan bien a sus empleados: they treat their employees well2) : to handletrató el tema con delicadeza: he handled the subject tactfully* * *tratar vb1. (en general) to treat3. (hablar) to discuss4. (referirse) to be about -
3 base
adj.host.f.1 foundations (parte inferior) (de edificio).base de maquillaje foundation (cream)2 basis (fundamento, origen).el petróleo es la base de su economía their economy is based on oilese argumento se cae por su base that argument is built on sandpartimos de la base de que… we assume that…sentar las bases para to lay the foundations of3 base.base aérea air basebase espacial space stationbase de lanzamiento launch sitebase naval naval basebase de operaciones operational base4 base (chemistry).5 base (math & geometry).6 base.7 makeup.8 radix, base of a system of numbers or logarithms.pres.subj.1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: basar.* * *1 (gen) base2 figurado basis■ si partimos de la base de que... if we start from the premise that...3 QUÍMICA base, alkali4 MATEMÁTICAS base5 (en béisbol) base1 (de concurso) rules2 las bases (de partido etc) grass roots, rank and file\a base de bien familiar really wellen base a based on, on the basis ofbase aérea air basebase de datos databasebase de datos documental documentary databasebase de datos relacional relational databasebase de lanzamiento launch sitebase de operaciones operational headquartersbase imponible taxable incomebase naval naval base* * *noun f.1) base2) basis•* * *1. SF1) (=parte inferior) basela fecha de caducidad viene en la base del paquete — the use-by date is on the base o the bottom of the pack
2) (=fondo) [de pintura] background; [de maquillaje] foundation3) (=fundamento) basis•
carecer de base — [acusación] to lack foundation, be unfounded; [argumento] to lack justification, be unjustified•
de base — [error, dato] basic, fundamental; [activista, apoyo] grass-roots antes de s•
en base a [uso periodístico] —en base a que: no publicaron la carta en base a que era demasiado larga — they didn't publish the letter because it was too long
partir de una base, un juez tiene que partir de una base de neutralidad absoluta — a judge must start out from a position of absolute neutralitypartiendo de esta base, nos planteamos la necesidad... — on this assumption, we think it necessary...
partir de la base de que... — to take as one's starting point that...
sentar las bases de algo — to lay the foundations of sthChomsky sentó las bases de la gramática generativa — Chomsky laid the foundations of generative grammar
su visita sentó las bases para una futura cooperación — her visit paved the way for o laid the foundations of future cooperation
sobre la base de algo — on the basis of sthhay que negociar sobre la base de resoluciones previas — we must negotiate on the basis of previous resolutions
4) (=componente principal)•
a base de algo, una dieta a base de arroz — a rice-based diet, a diet based on riceun plato a base de verduras — a vegetable-based dish, a dish based on vegetables
a base de hacer algo — by doing sthasí, a base de no hacer nada, poco vas a conseguir — you won't achieve much by doing nothing
a base de insistir, la convenció para comprar la casa — by o through his insistence, he persuaded her to buy the house
a base de bien Esp * —
base imponible — (Econ) taxable income
5) (=conocimientos básicos) groundingeste manual le aportará una buena base de química — this handbook will give you a good grounding in chemistry
6) (Mil) base7) pl basesa) (=condiciones) [de concurso] conditions, rules; [de convocatoria] requirementsb) (Pol)8) (Inform)9) (Mat) [en una potencia] base10) (Quím) base11) (Téc) base, mounting12) (Agrimensura) base, base line13) (Ling) (tb: base derivativa) base form14) (Béisbol) base15) ** (=droga) base2.SMF (Baloncesto) guard3. ADJ INV2) (=básico) [idea] basic; [documento, texto] provisional, drafthan aprobado el texto base para el nuevo convenio — they have approved the provisional o draft text of the new agreement
alimento base — staple (food)salario, sueldo•
color base — base colour o (EEUU) color* * *I1)a) ( parte inferior) baseb) tb2)a) ( fundamento)b) ( componente principal)c) ( conocimientos básicos)3) (en locs)a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered; un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet; vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills; de base <planteamiento/error> fundamental, basic; < militante> rank-and-file (before n), ordinary (before n); < movimiento> grass-roots (before n); en base a (crit) on the basis of; a base de bien (Esp fam): comimos a base de bien — we ate really well
4) ( centro de operaciones) basebase aérea/naval/militar — air/naval/military base
5)las bases — (Pol) the rank and file (pl)
6) (Mat, Quím) base7) bases femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)8)a) ( en béisbol) baseb) base masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guardIIadjetivo invariablea) (básico, elemental) basic; <documento/texto> draft (before n)b) < campamento> base (before n)* * *= base, base, base plate, basis [bases, -pl.], basis [bases, -pl.], bedrock, core, cornerstone [corner-stone], foundation, grounding, underpinning, cradle, warp and woof.Ex. The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.Ex. The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.Ex. The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex. These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex. We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.Ex. The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.Ex. Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.Ex. In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.Ex. The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.Ex. The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.Ex. 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.Ex. Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.----* a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.* a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].* a base de cometer errores = the hard way.* a base de errores = the hard way.* afianzar las bases = strengthen + foundations.* aplicar una capa base = prime.* aprender Algo a base de cometer errores = learn + Nombre + the hard way.* banda de base = baseband.* basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.* base cognitiva = knowledge base [knowledge-base].* base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.* base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.* base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.* base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.* base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database, cataloguing database.* base de datos comercial = commercial database.* base de datos completa = full-provision database.* base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.* base de datos cruzada = cross database.* base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.* base de datos de autoridades = authority database.* base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.* base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.* base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.* base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.* base de datos de educación = ERIC.* base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.* base de datos de investigación = research database.* base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.* base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.* base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.* base de datos de negocios = business database.* base de datos de pago = subscription database.* base de datos de patentes = WPI.* base de datos de propiedades = properties database.* base de datos de referencia = reference database.* base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.* base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.* base de datos de texto = textual data base, text-oriented database, text database.* base de datos de texto completo = full text database.* base de datos de texto libre = free text database.* base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.* base de datos distribuida = distributed database.* base de datos documental = textual data base.* base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.* base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.* base de datos en estado original = raw database.* base de datos en línea = online database.* base de datos estadística = statistical database.* base de datos externa = external database.* base de datos factual = factual database.* base de datos financiera = financial database.* base de datos interna = in-house database.* base de datos jurídica = legal database.* base de datos local = local area database.* base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.* base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.* base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.* base de datos numérico-textual = textual-numeric database, text-numeric database.* base de datos relacional = relational database.* base de datos residente = resident database.* base de datos terminológica = terminology database.* base de datos textual = textual data base.* base de operaciones = home base.* base de un número = subscript numeral.* base impositiva = tax base.* base lógica = rationale.* base militar = military base.* bases = background.* base teórica = theoretical underpinning, theoretical underpinning.* búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.* campamento base = base camp.* comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.* como base para = as a basis for.* con base de arena = sand-based.* con base empírica = empirically-based.* con base en = based in.* conformar las bases = set + the framework.* conocimiento de base = foundation study.* constituir la base = form + the foundation.* constituir la base de = form + the basis of.* construir la base = form + the skeleton.* creador de bases de datos = database producer.* crear una base = form + a basis.* de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].* descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).* directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.* distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.* distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.* empezar desde la base = start at + ground zero.* en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.* en la base = at the core (of).* en su base = at its core.* específico de una base de datos = database-specific.* formar la base = form + the foundation.* formar la base de = form + the basis of.* gestión de bases de datos = database management.* gestor de bases de datos = database management system (DBMS), DBMS system.* gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.* hecho a base de parches = patchwork.* industria de las bases de datos = database industry.* línea base = baseline [base line].* meta base de datos = meta-database.* montar una base de datos = mount + database.* novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés = formula fiction.* organismo de base popular = grassroots organisation.* partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that, build on + the premise that.* poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.* portada de una base de datos = file banner.* presupuesto de base cero = zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB), zero-base(d) budget.* productor de bases de datos = database producer.* programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.* proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.* que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.* remedio a base de hierbas = herbal remedy.* sentar base = make + things happen.* sentar las bases = lay + foundation, set + the scene, set + the wheels in motion, set + the tone, set + the framework, set + the pattern, provide + the basis, lay + the basis for, provide + the material for.* sentar las bases de Algo = lay + the groundwork for.* ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.* sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.* sobre base de arena = sand-based.* sobre esta base = on this basis, on that basis.* sobre la base de = in relation to, on the usual basis.* subsistir a base de = live on.* tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.* tratamiento a base de hierbas = herbal treatment.* * *I1)a) ( parte inferior) baseb) tb2)a) ( fundamento)b) ( componente principal)c) ( conocimientos básicos)3) (en locs)a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recovered; un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet; vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills; de base <planteamiento/error> fundamental, basic; < militante> rank-and-file (before n), ordinary (before n); < movimiento> grass-roots (before n); en base a (crit) on the basis of; a base de bien (Esp fam): comimos a base de bien — we ate really well
4) ( centro de operaciones) basebase aérea/naval/militar — air/naval/military base
5)las bases — (Pol) the rank and file (pl)
6) (Mat, Quím) base7) bases femenino plural ( de concurso) rules (pl)8)a) ( en béisbol) baseb) base masculino y femenino ( en baloncesto) guardIIadjetivo invariablea) (básico, elemental) basic; <documento/texto> draft (before n)b) < campamento> base (before n)* * *= base, base, base plate, basis [bases, -pl.], basis [bases, -pl.], bedrock, core, cornerstone [corner-stone], foundation, grounding, underpinning, cradle, warp and woof.Ex: The reader should now have a reasonably firm base from which to begin a more detailed reading of the specification of elements.
Ex: The base of a notation is the set of symbols used in a specific notation.Ex: The two windows in the base plate of the scanner help move the read head accurately across the bar codes.Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex: These factors form the basis of the problems in identifying a satisfactory subject approach, and start to explain the vast array of different tolls used in the subject approach to knowledge.Ex: We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.Ex: The main list of index terms is the core of the thesaurus and defines the index language.Ex: Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.Ex: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.Ex: The experience gained with these special schemes provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme.Ex: The criteria must be subject to continuing review and annual updating if they are to remain valid as the underpinning for a professional activity.Ex: 'I have to leave fairly soon,' he said as he returned the receiver to its cradle, 'so let's get down to business'.Ex: Training in self-help is part of the warp and woof of any tenable theory of reference work.* a base de = in the form of, on a diet of.* a base de carne = meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].* a base de cometer errores = the hard way.* a base de errores = the hard way.* afianzar las bases = strengthen + foundations.* aplicar una capa base = prime.* aprender Algo a base de cometer errores = learn + Nombre + the hard way.* banda de base = baseband.* basado en un gestor de bases de datos = DBMS-based.* base cognitiva = knowledge base [knowledge-base].* base de datos = data bank [databank], database [data base], database software.* base de datos automatizada = computer database, computer-held database, computerised database, machine-readable database.* base de datos bibliográfica = bibliographic database.* base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes = abstracts based bibliographic database.* base de datos catalográfica = catalogue database, cataloguing database.* base de datos comercial = commercial database.* base de datos completa = full-provision database.* base de datos con información confidencial = intelligence database.* base de datos cruzada = cross database.* base de datos de acceso mediante suscripción = subscription database.* base de datos de autoridades = authority database.* base de datos de carburantes = TULSA.* base de datos de documentos primarios = source database.* base de datos de documentos secundarios = reference database.* base de datos de dominio público = public domain database.* base de datos de educación = ERIC.* base de datos de imágenes = image database, image bank.* base de datos de investigación = research database.* base de datos del gobierno de USA = CRECORD, FEDREG.* base de datos de lógica difusa = fuzzy database.* base de datos de medicina = MEDLINE.* base de datos de negocios = business database.* base de datos de pago = subscription database.* base de datos de patentes = WPI.* base de datos de propiedades = properties database.* base de datos de referencia = reference database.* base de datos de referencia a especialistas = referral database.* base de datos de registros de catálogo = catalogue record database.* base de datos de texto = textual data base, text-oriented database, text database.* base de datos de texto completo = full text database.* base de datos de texto libre = free text database.* base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico = niche database.* base de datos distribuida = distributed database.* base de datos documental = textual data base.* base de datos en CD-ROM = CD-ROM database.* base de datos en disco óptico = optical disc database.* base de datos en estado original = raw database.* base de datos en línea = online database.* base de datos estadística = statistical database.* base de datos externa = external database.* base de datos factual = factual database.* base de datos financiera = financial database.* base de datos interna = in-house database.* base de datos jurídica = legal database.* base de datos local = local area database.* base de datos multimedia = multimedia database.* base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.* base de datos numérica = numeric database, numerical database.* base de datos numérico-textual = textual-numeric database, text-numeric database.* base de datos relacional = relational database.* base de datos residente = resident database.* base de datos terminológica = terminology database.* base de datos textual = textual data base.* base de operaciones = home base.* base de un número = subscript numeral.* base impositiva = tax base.* base lógica = rationale.* base militar = military base.* bases = background.* base teórica = theoretical underpinning, theoretical underpinning.* búsqueda en múltiples bases de datos = cross database searching.* campamento base = base camp.* comenzar desde la base = start at + ground zero.* como base para = as a basis for.* con base de arena = sand-based.* con base empírica = empirically-based.* con base en = based in.* conformar las bases = set + the framework.* conocimiento de base = foundation study.* constituir la base = form + the foundation.* constituir la base de = form + the basis of.* construir la base = form + the skeleton.* creador de bases de datos = database producer.* crear una base = form + a basis.* de base popular = grassroots [grass-roots].* descubrimiento de información en las bases de datos = knowledge discovery in databases (KDD).* directorio de empresas en base de datos = company directory database.* distribuidor de bases de datos = online system host, database host, host system, online service vendor.* distribuidor de bases de datos en línea = online vendor.* empezar desde la base = start at + ground zero.* en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.* en la base = at the core (of).* en su base = at its core.* específico de una base de datos = database-specific.* formar la base = form + the foundation.* formar la base de = form + the basis of.* gestión de bases de datos = database management.* gestor de bases de datos = database management system (DBMS), DBMS system.* gestor de bases de datos relacionales = relational database management system.* hecho a base de parches = patchwork.* industria de las bases de datos = database industry.* línea base = baseline [base line].* meta base de datos = meta-database.* montar una base de datos = mount + database.* novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés = formula fiction.* organismo de base popular = grassroots organisation.* partir de la base de que = start from + the premise that, build on + the premise that.* poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.* portada de una base de datos = file banner.* presupuesto de base cero = zero-base(d) budgeting (ZZB), zero-base(d) budget.* productor de bases de datos = database producer.* programa de gestión de bases de datos = database management software.* proveedor de bases de datos = database provider.* que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.* remedio a base de hierbas = herbal remedy.* sentar base = make + things happen.* sentar las bases = lay + foundation, set + the scene, set + the wheels in motion, set + the tone, set + the framework, set + the pattern, provide + the basis, lay + the basis for, provide + the material for.* sentar las bases de Algo = lay + the groundwork for.* ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.* sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.* sobre base de arena = sand-based.* sobre esta base = on this basis, on that basis.* sobre la base de = in relation to, on the usual basis.* subsistir a base de = live on.* tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.* tratamiento a base de hierbas = herbal treatment.* * *base1A1 (parte inferior) basela base de una columna the base of a columnel contraste está en la base the hallmark is on the base o the bottom2 (fondo) backgroundsobre una base de tonos claros against o on a background of light tones3tb base de maquillaje foundation4 (permanente) soft permB1(fundamento): no tienes suficiente base para asegurar eso you don't have sufficient grounds to claim thatla base de una buena salud es una alimentación sana the basis of good health is a balanced dietesa afirmación carece de bases sólidas that statement is not founded o based on any firm evidencesentar las bases de un acuerdo to lay the foundations of an agreementun movimiento sin base popular a movement without a popular power basetomar algo como base to take sth as a starting pointpartiendo or si partimos de la base de que … if we start from the premise o assumption that …sobre la base de estos datos podemos concluir que … on the basis of this information we can conclude that …2(componente principal): la base de su alimentación es el arroz rice is their staple food, their diet is based on ricela base de este perfume es el jazmín this perfume has a jasmine base, this is a jasmine-based perfumelos diamantes forman la base de la economía the economy is based on diamonds3(conocimientos básicos): tiene una sólida base científica he has a sound basic knowledge of o he has a sound grounding in sciencellegó sin ninguna base he hadn't mastered the basics when he arrivedCompuestos:databaserelational databaseC ( en locs):a base de: a base de descansar se fue recuperando by resting she gradually recoveredlo consiguió a base de muchos sacrificios he had to make a lot of sacrifices to achieve itun régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet, a diet mainly consisting of vegetablesuna bebida a base de ginebra a gin-based drinkvive a base de pastillas pills are what keep her goingde base ‹planteamiento/error› fundamental, basic;‹militante› rank-and-file ( before n), ordinary ( before n); ‹movimiento/democracia› grass roots ( before n)en base a las recientes encuestas on the evidence o basis of recent pollsuna propuesta de negociación en base a un programa de diez puntos a proposal for negotiations based on a ten-point planD (centro de operaciones) baseCompuestos:air baselaunch sitecenter* of operations, operational headquarters ( sing o pl)military basenaval baseE ( Pol) tbbases rank and file (pl)F ( Mat) baseG ( Quím) baseI1 (en béisbol) base2base2la idea base partió de … the basic idea stemmed from …* * *
Del verbo basar: ( conjugate basar)
basé es:
1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
base es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
basar ( conjugate basar) verbo transitivo ‹teoría/idea› base algo en algo to base sth on sth
basarse verbo pronominala) [ persona] basese EN algo:◊ ¿en qué te basas para decir eso? and what basis o grounds do you have for saying that?;
se basó en esos datos he based his argument (o theory etc) on that informationb) [teoría/creencia/idea/opinión] basese EN algo to be based on sth
base sustantivo femenino
b) tb
tengo suficiente base para asegurar eso I have sufficient grounds to claim that;
sentar las bases de algo to lay the foundations of sth;
tomar algo como base to take sth as a starting pointb) ( conocimientos básicos):
llegó al curso sin ninguna base he didn't have the basics when he began the course;
base de datos database
3 ( en locs)◊ a base de: un régimen a base de verdura a vegetable-based diet;
vive a base de pastillas he lives on pills
4 ( centro de operaciones) base;◊ base aérea/naval/militar air/naval/military base
basar verbo transitivo to base [en, on]
I sustantivo femenino
1 base
2 (fundamento de una teoría, de un argumento) basis, (motivo) grounds: tus quejas no tienen base alguna, your complaints are groundless
3 (conocimientos previos) grounding: tiene muy mala base en matemáticas, he's got a very poor grasp of maths
4 Mil base
base aérea/naval, air/naval base
5 Inform base de datos, data base
II fpl
1 Pol the grass roots: las bases no apoyan al candidato, the candidate didn't get any grass-roots support
2 (de un concurso) rules
♦ Locuciones: a base de: la fastidiaron a base de bien, they really messed her about
a base de estudiar consiguió aprobar, he passed by studying
a base de extracto de camomila, using camomile extract
' base' also found in these entries:
- bajo
- basar
- columpiarse
- concentración
- esquema
- fundar
- fundamentar
- fundarse
- innoble
- mantenerse
- pie
- salario
- somier
- subsistir
- tejemaneje
- asiento
- banco
- bastardo
- cimentar
- fundamento
- inicial
- mantener
- rejilla
- sueldo
air base
- base
- basis
- circuit board
- cornerstone
- data base
- decision making
- fatty
- foundation
- from
- grounding
- rank
- rationale
- roll out
- stand
- undercoat
- work
- air
- ball
- base pay
- bed
- cover
- data
- educated
- found
- French
- go
- ground
- hard
- home
- model
- pickle
- primary
- report
- rocky
- sordid
- squash
- staple
- starchy
- taxable
- under
* * *♦ nf1. [parte inferior] base;[de edificio] foundations;colocaron un ramo de flores en la base del monumento they placed a bunch of flowers at the foot of the monumentbase de maquillaje foundation (cream)2. [fundamento, origen] basis;el respeto al medio ambiente es la base de un desarrollo equilibrado respect for the environment is o forms the basis of balanced development;el petróleo es la base de su economía their economy is based on oil;salí de la universidad con una sólida base humanística I left university with a solid grounding in the humanities;ese argumento se cae por su base that argument is built on sand;esta teoría carece de base this theory is unfounded, this theory is not founded on solid arguments;partimos de la base de que… we assume that…;se parte de la base de que todos ya saben leer we're starting with the assumption that everyone can read;sentar las bases para… to lay the foundations of…;sobre la base de esta encuesta se concluye que… on the basis of this opinion poll, it can be concluded that… Fin base imponible taxable income3. [conocimientos básicos] grounding;habla mal francés porque tiene mala base she doesn't speak French well because she hasn't learnt the basics properly4. [militar, científica] basebase aérea air base;base espacial space station;base de lanzamiento launch site;base naval naval base;base de operaciones operational base;[aeropuerto civil ] base (of operations)5. Quím base6. Geom base7. Mat base8. Ling base (form)base de datos documental documentary database;base de datos relacional relational database11.bases [para prueba, concurso] rules12.las bases [de partido, sindicato] the grass roots, the rank and file;afiliado de las bases grassroots member13. [en béisbol] base;Méxdar base por bola a alguien to walk sb♦ nmf[en baloncesto] guard♦ a base de loc prepby (means of);me alimento a base de verduras I live on vegetables;el flan está hecho a base de huevos crème caramel is made with eggs;a base de no hacer nada by not doing anything;a base de trabajar duro fue ascendiendo puestos she moved up through the company by working hard;aprender a base de equivocarse to learn the hard way;se sacó la carrera a base de codos she got her degree by sheer hard workEsp Fama base de bien: nos humillaron a base de bien they really humiliated us;lloraba a base de bien he was crying his eyes out;los niños disfrutaron a base de bien the children had a great time♦ en base a loc prep[considerado incorrecto] on the basis of;en base a lo visto hasta ahora, no creo que puedan ganar from what I've seen so far, I don't think they can win;el plan se efectuará en base a lo convenido the plan will be carried out in accordance with the terms agreed upon* * *I f1 QUÍM, MAT, MIL, DEP base2:3:una dieta a base de frutas a diet based on fruit, a fruit-based diet;consiguió comprarse una casa a base de ahorrar he managed to buy a house by (dint of) saving;nos divertimos a base de bien we had a really o fam a real good time* * *base nf1) : base, bottom2) : base (in baseball)3) fundamento: basis, foundation4)base de datos : database5)a base de : based on, by means of6)en base a : based on, on the basis of* * *base n1. (en general) base
См. также в других словарях:
Tipo — (Del lat. typus < gr. typos.) ► sustantivo 1 Cualquier persona sin especificar: ■ es un tipo genial; me pareció un tipo raro; no sé, era un tipo ya mayor. SINÓNIMO individuo ► sustantivo masculino 2 Ejemplar, persona, animal o cosa que reúne… … Enciclopedia Universal
Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 o diabetes senil conocida anteriormente como diabetes no insulinodependiente es una enfermedad inmunologica caracterizada por altos niveles de glucosa en la sangre (hiperglicemia) debido a … Wikipedia Español
Anexo:Episodios de Beverly Hills, 90210 — Artículo principal: Beverly Hills, 90210 Contenido 1 Temporada 1 (1990 1991) 2 Temporada 2 (1991 1992) 3 Temporada 3 (1992 1993) … Wikipedia Español
Haunting Ground — Haunting Ground, conocido en Japón como Demento (デメント) y que podría ser traducido al español como Tierra de Tormentos, es un videojuego del tipo Survival Horror en tercera persona, desarrollado por el Estudio de Producción 1 de Capcom y publicado … Wikipedia Español
Monkey D. Luffy — Este artículo está titulado de acuerdo a la onomástica japonesa, en que el apellido precede al nombre. Monkey D. Luffy モンキー・D・ルフィ (Monkī D Rufi) Sexo Masculino Fecha de nacimiento 5 de mayo[1 … Wikipedia Español
Anexo:Episodios de Ranma ½ — Este artículo o sección puede ser demasiado extenso(a). Algunos navegadores pueden tener dificultades al mostrar este artículo. Por favor, considera separar cada sección por artículos independientes, y luego resumir las secciones presentes en… … Wikipedia Español
Anexo:Volúmenes de Neon Genesis Evangelion — Este artículo se refiere a los capítulos del manga. Para el anime, ver Anexo:Episodios de Neon Genesis Evangelion Neon Genesis Evangelion fue originalmente un anime, del cual más tarde se empezó a publicar un manga. Este orden es el inverso al… … Wikipedia Español
Anexo:Personajes de Fullmetal Alchemist — Este es un listado de personajes del manga y anime Fullmetal Alchemist. Aquellos con página propia sólo tienen aquí el nombre de sección resaltado. Contenido 1 Personajes principales 1.1 Hermanos Elric 1.2 Roy Mustang … Wikipedia Español
Anexo:Personajes de One Piece — Este artículo o sección necesita una revisión de ortografía y gramática. Puedes colaborar editándolo (lee aquí sugerencias para mejorar tu ortografía). Cuando se haya corregido, borra este aviso por favor. Lista de los personajes de la serie de… … Wikipedia Español
Historia económica de Francia — Este artículo se refiere a la historia económica de Francia y se inicia en el año 476, con la caída del Imperio romano . Para la situación económica durante el periodo anterior, véase Comercio en la antigua Roma y Galia. Contenido 1 La economía… … Wikipedia Español
Anexo:Personajes de Camera Café (España) — Este artículo contiene información acerca de los personajes de la serie de televisión Camera Café, emitida en España por la cadena Telecinco desde el 18 de septiembre de 2005 hasta el 1 de septiembre de 2009. El creador de la serie, Luis Guridi,… … Wikipedia Español