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См. также в других словарях:

  • Enterprise Resource Management — Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP, „Planung [des Einsatzes/der Verwendung] der Unternehmensressourcen“) bezeichnet die unternehmerische Aufgabe, die in einem Unternehmen vorhandenen Ressourcen (Kapital, Betriebsmittel oder Personal) möglichst… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Enterprise Resource Management — ERM, general name for a business management program (inventory counter, resource manager, account management, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Enterprise marketing management — defines a category of software used by marketing organizations to manage their end to end process from gathering and analyzing customer data across websites and other channels, to planning, budgeting and managing the creative production process,… …   Wikipedia

  • Enterprise data management — or EDM is:1. A concept – referring to the ability of an organization to precisely define, easily integrate and effectively retrieve data for both internal applications and external communication.2. A business objective – focused on the creation… …   Wikipedia

  • Enterprise Mobility Management — is the set of people, processes and technology focused on managing the increasing array of mobile devices, wireless networks, and related services. This is an emerging discipline within the enterprise that has become increasingly important over… …   Wikipedia

  • Enterprise Marketing Management — Enterprise Marketing Management, kurz EMM steht für das ganzheitliche und prozessorientierte Management der gesamten Marketing und Vertriebskette in größeren Unternehmen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Zielsetzung 2 Unterkategorien 3 Siehe auch 4 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Enterprise Output Management — (EOM) is an Information Technology practice that deals with the organization, formatting, management and distribution of data that is created by enterprise applications like Banking information systems, insurance information systems, ERP… …   Wikipedia

  • Enterprise relationship management — Articleissues advert = October 2007 refimprove = October 2007 cleanup=October 2007 context=October 2007 expert=Business and EconomicsEnterprise relationship management or ERM is a business method in relationship management beyond customer… …   Wikipedia

  • Enterprise risk management — In business, enterprise risk management (ERM) includes the methods and processes used by organizations to manage risks and seize opportunities related to the achievement of their objectives. ERM provides a framework for risk management, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Enterprise Feedback Management — EFM (англ. Enterprise feedback management  управление обратной связью предприятия)  это система процессов и программного обеспечения, которые позволяют организациям централизованно управлять проведением опросов, при этом… …   Википедия

  • Enterprise resource planning — (ERP) is the planning of how business resources (materials, employees, customers etc.) are acquired and moved from one state to another. An ERP system supports most of the business system that maintains in a single database the data needed for a… …   Wikipedia

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