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с английского на арабский


  • 1 flavour, flavour

    طَعْم \ flavour, flavour: the quality that gives a special taste: This cake has an orange flavour. taste: the quality by which we can recognize different kinds of food and drink: a sweet taste; the taste of coffee. \ See Also نكهة (نَكْهَة)‏ \ نَكْهَة \ flavour, flavour: the quality that gives a special taste: This cake has an orange flavour. taste: the quality by which we can recognize different kinds of food and drink: a sweet taste; the taste of coffee.

    Arabic-English glossary > flavour, flavour

  • 2 taste

    طَعْم \ flavour, flavour: the quality that gives a special taste: This cake has an orange flavour. taste: the quality by which we can recognize different kinds of food and drink: a sweet taste; the taste of coffee. \ See Also نكهة (نَكْهَة)‏ \ نَكْهَة \ flavour, flavour: the quality that gives a special taste: This cake has an orange flavour. taste: the quality by which we can recognize different kinds of food and drink: a sweet taste; the taste of coffee.

    Arabic-English glossary > taste

  • 3 قدم

    قَدَّمَ \ accord: to give; allow: He was accorded permission to use the library. contribute: to give sth. for a common purpose: Each of us contributed (a pound) to the cost of the gift. give: to cause sb. to have (sth.); provide: What gave you that idea? Who gave you that cut on your face? Sheep give us wool, (with a noun that can also be a verb) to make he gave a shout (or He shouted). He gave me his promise (or He promised). hold out: to offer (for sb. else to take): He held out his plate for some food. introduce: to make (sb. or sth.) known to sb.: I introduced him to my father. I introduced them (to each other). He introduced me to the art of fishing. offer: to give sb. the chance to accept (sth.): They offered the job to the younger woman, but she refused it. present: to give formally; hand over: He presented me with a bill for $5, to put forward; show She presented her plans to the meeting. produce: to show (a ticket, proof, etc.) so as to satisfy sb.. render: to give, as a duty (help, thanks etc.). \ See Also منح (مَنَحَ)، أَضْفَى على، ساهم في (سَاهَمَ في)، عَرَّف بِـ، عرض (عَرَضَ)، برز (بَرَزَ)‏ \ قَدَّمَ \ help: to serve sb. with food or drink: Help yourself to some coffee. Let me help you to some cake. \ See Also نَاوَلَ طعامًا \ قَدَّمَ الاحترام \ pay one’s respects: to express polite formal greetings. \ قَدَّمَ الأضاحي \ sacrifice: to offer (sth.) ceremonially to a god: The ancient Greeks sacrificed animals on important feast days. \ قَدَّمَ التماسًا \ petition: to ask (the government) through a petition: We petitioned (the government) for a speed limit in our street. \ See Also عريضة (عَريضة)‏ \ قَدَّمَ امتحانًا \ sit (for) an examination: to take a public exam: I’m going to sit (for) the university entrance exam. \ قَدَّمَ تَرْضِية \ make amends: to show that one is sorry, by doing sth. helpful: I must make amends for the harm I have done. \ قَدَّمَ تقريرًا عن \ report: to give an account of (sth.): The newspapers report events and speeches. You must report the accident to the police. I shall report you to the headmaster (I shall tell him about your wrongdoing). Please report on your visit when you return. \ قَدَّمَ الحُجَّة \ argue: to give a serious opinion, with reasons: The writer of this book argues that there is life on Mars. \ See Also الدَّليل \ قَدَّمَ الطعام \ serve: to share out food or drink: My wife served coffee to our guests. \ See Also الشَّراب \ قَدَّمَ طَلَبًا \ apply: to ask, esp. in writing: He applied (to me) for permission. \ قَدَّمَ طَلبًا لِـ \ apply for: (esp. a job): Fifty people have applied for the job. \ قَدَّمَ العَوْن \ lend a hand: to help: Would you lend me a hand with moving this big table?. \ قَدَّمَ مُتَطَوِّعًا \ volunteer: to offer willingly (without being forced): He volunteered to join the army. \ قَدَّمَ نَصيحة \ counsel: to give an opinion or advice about what sb. else should do. \ قَدَّمَ نَفسَه \ report: to go somewhere and state one’s name (and be ready to receive orders): Report to my office at 6.00. Report for duty as soon as you get there. \ قَدَّم هَدِيّة \ present: to give (sth.) as a present, often ceremonially: The firm presented a gold watch to their chief clerk. They presented him with a watch.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قدم

  • 4 طعم

    طَعْم \ flavour, flavour: the quality that gives a special taste: This cake has an orange flavour. taste: the quality by which we can recognize different kinds of food and drink: a sweet taste; the taste of coffee. \ See Also نكهة (نَكْهَة)‏ \ طَعَّمَ \ inoculate: to give (sb.) a disease in a weak form, so that he cannot later catch it in a strong form: The doctor inoculated me against yellow fever. \ See Also لقح (لَقَّحَ)، حصن (حَصَّنَ)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > طعم

  • 5 غمس

    غَمَسَ \ dip: to put sth. into a liquid for a moment: He dipped his pen in the ink. plunge: to move suddenly and violently: he plunged his knife into the body. The car plunged over the cliff. steep: to keep (a material or substance) in liquid for a long time (in order to soften, colour, preserve, draw out dirt, etc.). \ See Also أغمد (أَغْمَدَ)، تردى (تَرَدَّى)، غمر (غَمَرَ)‏ \ غَمَسَ في قهوة \ dunk: to put (a bit of bread, etc.) in liquid food for a moment before eating: Some people dunk cake in their coffee. \ See Also حليب (حَليب)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > غمس

  • 6 قرص

    قُرْص \ disc: any thin flat round object. discus: a flat round object, used for throwing as far as possible, as a competitive sport. lozenge: a medicine for the throat, in the form of a sweet. roll: a round piece of bread (like a very small loaf): I had coffee and rolls for breakfast. tablet: a small piece of solid medicine (to be sucked or swallowed). \ أَقْرَاص \ tablets. \ _(field) Med. \ قُرْص \ landing: a level place at the top of some stairs. \ See Also بَسْطَة الدَّرج \ قُرْص من الكَعْك المُحَلّى \ bun: a small round sweet cake, or piece of sweetened bread mixture. \ قُرْص الهاتف \ dial: the face of an instrument (clock, radio, etc.), marked with figures. \ See Also إلخ

    Arabic-English dictionary > قرص

  • 7 قطعة

    قِطْعَة \ fragment: a small part that has been broken off. lump: a small mass with no regular shape: a lump of earth; a lump of butter. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ قِطْعَة (صَابُون)‏ \ tablet: (of soap for washing one’s body) a piece. \ See Also لوح (لَوْح)‏ \ قِطْعَة \ a lump of sugar: a neat little block of sugar for putting in tea or coffee. \ See Also مُكَعَّب سُكّر \ قِطْعَة \ piece: a particular example of sth.: a piece of music (or advice or furniture). \ See Also شَيءٌ مِنْ \ قِطْعَة أَرْض \ property: a piece of land, with any building on it: We’ve bought a small property by the sea. \ See Also عقار (عَقَار)‏ \ قِطْعَة أَرْض صغيرة \ plot: a small piece of land, suitable for a building or garden. \ قِطْعَة إضَافِيّة \ accessory: a useful thing or part which is added to sth. else: A bell is a usual accessory for a bicycle. \ قِطْعَة حَلْوَى \ sweet: a piece of sugary food (such as Chocolate or Peppermint). \ قِطْعَة صَغيرة \ bit: a small piece of anything: a bit of paper. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. shred: a thin bit (of cloth, paper, etc.) that has been torn off sth.: He tore the letter into shreds. \ قِطْعَة ضَخْمَة \ block: a large piece of sth. solid (wood, stone, metal, etc.). \ قِطْعَة طويلة ضيّقة (من الوَرق، القماش، الأرض، إلخ)‏ \ strip: a long narrow piece: a strip of cloth; a strip of land. \ قِطْعَة عازلة للحرارة (توضع تحت الطبق الساخن)‏ \ mat: a small piece of material, put under hot dishes to save a table, etc. from damage. \ قِطْعَة غَليظَة \ chunk: thick piece cut or broken off sth. (meat, metal, etc.): a chunk of rock. \ See Also ضَخْمَة \ قِطْعَة غِيَار \ part: a necessary piece of a machine: He went to get a spare part for his car. spare: a spare part of a machine. \ قِطْعَة فَنّيّة \ work of art: sth. perfectly made, esp. in one of the fine arts. \ قِطْعَة قماش \ cloth, (cloths): a piece of cloth for a special purpose: a tablecloth; a cloth for cleaning one’s shoes. \ قِطْعَة قماش لطِلاء الوَجه بالمَسَاحِيق \ powder puff: a piece of soft material with which a woman powders her face. \ قِطْعَة كبيرة \ hunk: a thick piece of sth. (bread, meat, cheese, etc.). \ قِطْعَة لَحْم بِعَظْمِها \ joint: a bone with the meat on it, ready for cooking. \ قِطْعَة مختارة \ passage: a particular part of a piece of writing: She read me an exciting passage from her new book. \ قِطْعَة مُعْشِبَة من الأَرْض \ sod: a cut piece of earth with grass growing from it. \ قِطْعَة من السُّكَّر على طَرف عُود \ lollipop: a sweet fastened to a small stick. \ قِطْعَة مَنْحُوتة \ sculpture: an example of sculpture (see فنّ النحت): The winged Victory is a famous Greek sculpture. \ قِطْعَة مُوسِيقِيَّة \ composition: a piece of writing or music: Your English composition was well written. \ قِطْعَة نَقْد معدنيّة \ coin: a piece of money made of metal. \ قِطْعَة نُقُود \ piece: a coin: a 50 pence piece.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قطعة

  • 8 نكهة

    نَكْهَة \ flavour, flavour: the quality that gives a special taste: This cake has an orange flavour. taste: the quality by which we can recognize different kinds of food and drink: a sweet taste; the taste of coffee.

    Arabic-English dictionary > نكهة

  • 9 dunk

    غَمَسَ في قهوة \ dunk: to put (a bit of bread, etc.) in liquid food for a moment before eating: Some people dunk cake in their coffee. \ See Also حليب (حَليب)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > dunk

  • 10 help

    آزَرَ \ help: to back up, support. \ See Also ساعد (سَاعَدَ)‏ \ سَاعَدَ على عمل \ help: (with an adverb or preposition expressing movement, where the verb to get is often left out): I helped her (to get) up. Please help him (to get) across the stream. \ قَدَّمَ \ help: to serve sb. with food or drink: Help yourself to some coffee. Let me help you to some cake. \ See Also نَاوَلَ طعامًا \ لا يَسَعُه إلاّ أنْ \ help: (with can) to prevent: I can’t help crying when I hear that music.

    Arabic-English glossary > help

  • 11 taste

    تَذَوَّقَ \ taste: to try the taste of (sth.) by putting a little into one’s mouth. \ تَذَوُّق \ taste: artistic judgement; judgement of what is proper: His choice of clothes shows very good taste. That joke was in bad taste (It was not polite). \ See Also ذوق (ذَوْق)‏ \ ذَاقَ \ taste: to try the taste of (sth.) by putting a little into one’s mouth. \ ذَوْق \ taste: artistic judgement; judgement of what is proper: His choice of clothes shows very good taste. That joke was in bad taste (It was not polite). \ ذَوْق (حاسّة الذوق)‏ \ taste: the special sense by which a person or animal knows one food or drink from another: I’ve got a cold, so I’ve lost my sense of taste. \ مَذَاق \ taste: the quality by which we can recognize different kinds of food and drink: a sweet taste; the taste of coffee. \ مِقْدَار قَليل يُذَاق \ taste: a small quantity (of food): Give him a taste of this cake.

    Arabic-English glossary > taste

См. также в других словарях:

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  • coffee cake — noun a cake or sweet bread usually served with coffee • Syn: ↑coffeecake • Hypernyms: ↑cake • Hyponyms: ↑babka, ↑coffee ring * * * noun, pl ⋯ cakes [count] US : a sweet, rich bread usually made with f …   Useful english dictionary

  • coffee cake — /ˈkɒfi keɪk/ (say kofee kayk) noun 1. a cake flavoured with coffee. 2. a cake often made especially to be served with coffee, as a plain spiced cake or petit four …  

  • coffee cake — кофейный торт sponge cake бисквит, бисквитный торт, бисквитное пирожное to dust a cake with sugar обсыпать торт сахарной пудрой to pop a cake into the oven сунуть торт в духовку wine cake торт, пропитанный вином или ромом dry cake сухой… …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • coffee cake — n (AmE) any of several types of cake or sweet bread often served with coffee. The cakes usually contain nuts and raisins and are covered with melted sugar. * * * …   Universalium

  • coffee cake — noun Date: 1865 a sweet rich bread often with added fruit, nuts, and spices that is sometimes glazed after baking …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Cake — For other uses, see Cake (disambiguation). A layered pound cake filled with raspberry jam and lemon curd, and finished with buttercream frosting Cake is a form of bread or bread like food. In its modern forms, it is typically a …   Wikipedia

  • cake — Synonyms and related words: Boston cream pie, angel cake, angel food cake, baked Alaska, bar, block, body, bun, candy, cheesecake, chocolate cake, chunk, clabber, clot, clump, cluster, coagulate, coffee cake, concrete, concretion, condense,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • coffee ring — noun ring shaped coffeecake with fruits or nuts and often iced • Hypernyms: ↑coffeecake, ↑coffee cake * * * noun : a coffee cake in the shape of a ring that is plain or fruited and often glazed with melted sugar * * * a coffeecake shaped like a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • coffee */*/*/ — UK [ˈkɒfɪ] / US [ˈkɑfɪ] noun Word forms coffee : singular coffee plural coffees 1) [uncountable] a hot, slightly bitter drink made by pouring hot water over brown powder consisting of coffee beans that have been ground (= crushed into very small… …   English dictionary

  • coffee — cof|fee [ kafi ] noun *** 1. ) uncount a hot, slightly bitter drink made by pouring hot water over brown powder consisting of COFFEE BEANS that have been GROUND (=crushed into very small pieces). Coffee served without milk is called black coffee …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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