Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский


  • 61 light-heartedly

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > light-heartedly

  • 62 to hold smth firmly

    to hold smth firmly (carelessly) держать что-либо крепко (небрежно)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to hold smth firmly

  • 63 loudly

    громко, вслух, в полный голос
    (1.) Наречия образа действия обычно стоят в конце предложения, после глагола и дополнения. К ним относятся такие наречия, как carefully, carelessly, brightly, fluently, loudly, safely, slightly, softly и др. (2.) See aloud, adv

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > loudly

  • 64 to seal smth carefully

    to seal smth carefully (tightly, carelessly) прочно (тщательно, небрежно) что-либо запечатать

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to seal smth carefully

  • 65 throw

    (threw, thrown) бросать, отбрасывать
    - throw smth at smb
    - throw smth at smth
    - throw a shadow
    - throw light on smth
    - throw doubts on smth
    - throw suspicions on smth
    - throw dust in smb's eyes
    - chuck
    - she took off her shoes and chucked them on the floor
    - chuck me those cigarettes, would you?
    - fling
    - boys were flinging stones at a tin
    - she pulled the knife from his hand and flung it out of the window
    - she grabbed hold of her attacker and flung him to the ground
    - toss
    - fire was caused when a passing motorist carelessly tossed a cigarette out of his car
    - he tossed her last week's edition of the magazine
    - hurl
    - they hurled stones at the dog
    - demonstrators began hurling stones at the police
    - heave
    - he heaved a heavy stone into the heap of stones
    - pelt
    - boys sat in the back row of the class, pelting each other with pieces of rolled up paper when the teacher wasn't looking

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > throw

  • 66 wish book

    n AmE infml

    She was looking carelessly through the wish book — Она небрежно листала каталог товаров, которые можно заказать по почте

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > wish book

  • 67 a double-edged sword

    обоюдоострое оружие [этим. библ. Proverbs V, 4, Revela tion I, 16]

    The political mass strike is a two-edged sword which, if carelessly used, can become more harmful than beneficial to the workers. It is a weapon which, to effectively utilized, must be firmly grasped and resolutely wielded. (W. Foster, ‘Outline History of the World Trade Union.Movement’, ch. 21) — Массовая политическая забастовка - это обоюдоострое оружие, которое при неправильном применении может принести рабочим больше вреда, чем пользы. Это оружие необходимо твердо держать в руках и умело применять, для того чтобы достигнуть цели.

    In any case, Chevrolet's tremendous showing is a mixed blessing. ‘It's a double-edged sword,’ commented one Detroit expert. (‘Newsweek’) — Во всяком случае, большие достижения фирмы "Шевроле" отнюдь не бесспорная удача. "Это ведь палка о двух концах", - заявил один из детройтских экспертов.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a double-edged sword

  • 68 a keen eye

    острый глаз, наблюдательность ( отсюда keen-eyed и quick-eyed)

    Perhaps she might have added, for she had a very keen eye in such things, that there might also be ground for hope in keeping Eleanor near Mr. Arabin. (A. Trollope, ‘Barchester Towers’, ch. XXVIII) — Вероятно, она могла бы добавить, ибо знала толк в таких делах, что если Элеонора и мистер Арабин будут находиться недалеко друг от друга, то тогда еще можно на что-то надеяться.

    At first Dorris was carelessly erratic, but although he had never played the game before, he had a quick eye and managed to cover her mistakes... (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Judas Tree’, ch. X) — Вначале Доррис играла небрежно, и хотя Морей играл в теннис первый раз в жизни, у него был острый глаз и он ловко выравнивал игру, когда Доррис допускала ошибки...

    He has a quick eye even for the minutest details of life. — Он очень наблюдательный человек, никакие мелочи не ускользают от его внимания.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a keen eye

  • 69 at times

    временами, по временам, порой, время от времени

    I cannot but ask myself why El Greco, who could draw so beautifully when he wanted to, should... at times have drawn so carelessly. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Don Fernando’, ch. IX) — Не могу не задать себе вопроса, почему Эль-Греко, который, когда хотел, мог рисовать так чудесно... иной раз рисовал так небрежно.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > at times

  • 70 fiddle while Rome burns

    развлекаться во время народного бедствия, заниматься пустяками перед лицом серьёзной опасности (ср. пир во время чумы) [римский император Нерон, прославившийся своей жестокостью, играл на кифаре и слагал стихи, глядя, как горит Рим, подожжённый по его приказу]

    It was time he got back to Elderson, and what was to be done now, and left this fiddling while Rome burned. (J. Galsworthy, ‘The White Monkey’, part II, ch. IV) — Пора ему снова заняться Элдерсоном, посмотреть, чем можно помочь, - хватит играть на кифаре, когда Рим горит.

    Tragedy has been stalking through this house: doctors have been telephoned for... and here are two young men carelessly playing billiards. Fiddling while Rome burns is about what it amounts to. (P. G. Wodehouse, ‘Uncle Fred in the Springtime’, ch. XII) — В доме несчастье, вызвали докторов... а два молодых парня как ни в чем не бывало играют в биллиард. Бездельничать на пожаре - вот что это такое.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > fiddle while Rome burns

  • 71 in the land of the living

    в живых, на этом свете [этим. библ. Job XXVIII, 13]

    ‘So there you are, Mr. Chuff,’ said Jonas carelessly, as he dusted his boots, ‘Still in the land of the living, eh?’ ‘Still in the land of the living, sir,’ retorted Mrs. Gamp. (Ch. Dickens, ‘Martin Chuzzlewit’, ch. XXVI) — - Так вы еще здесь, мистер Чафф? - небрежно сказал Джонас, смахивая пыль с сапог. - Все еще на этом свете, а? - Все еще на этом свете, - подхватила миссис Гэмп.

    ...we're glad to see you're still in the land of the living, Rod. We was [= were] beginning to think, up at our place, you'd kicked the bucket, left the district or something. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Working Bullocks’, ch XVI) —...во всяком случае, мы рады, что ты хоть жив, Род. А то мы уже подумали, что ты либо покинул наши края, либо ноги протянул, либо еще что с тобой стряслось.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > in the land of the living

  • 72 scatter to the winds

    1) разбросать повсюду; разлететься на все четыре стороны; см. тж. to the winds

    ‘What has become of all the photographs?’ ‘Heaven knows,’ answered John, carelessly: ‘Given to Tom, Dick and Harry - scattered to the four winds, I have not kept one of them.’ (M. Braddon, ‘The Cloven Foot’, ch. XIV) — - А куда делись все эти фотографии? - Кто его знает, - небрежно ответил Джон. - Роздал их всем, кто хотел взять, раздавал направо и налево. Ни одной у себя не оставил.

    He had gone through my pockets, scattered my belongings to the four winds, and decamped. (J. H. Chase, ‘The Double Shuffle’, part III, ch. III) — Он обшарил все мои карманы, разбросал мои пожитки и смылся.

    Stanley: "I only wanted we five to get together this one time before we scatter to the four winds..." (J. O'Hara, ‘The Champagne Pool’, act I, sc. VII) — Стэнли: "Я только хотел, чтобы мы впятером встретились, перед тем как разъедемся на все четыре стороны..."

    2) разбить, разгромить, нанести сокрушительное поражение

    One of the armies opposed to the emperor was scattered to the winds already. (W. Thackeray, ‘Vanity Fair’, ch. XXXII) — Одна из армий, действовавших против императора, была уже разбита.

    They were just beginning to adjust themselves to this necessity, when out of the clear sky there fell a thunderbolt upon them - a calamity that scattered all their hopes to the four winds. (U. Sinclair, ‘The Jungle’, ch. VI) — Они совсем было стали привыкать к этой мысли, как вдруг, словно гром с ясного неба, на них обрушилась беда, похоронившая все их надежды.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > scatter to the winds

  • 73 apathetically

    adv равнодушно, безразлично; апатично
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. attitude (other) attitude; carelessly; casually; coolly; easily; indifferently; lackadaisically; unemotionally
    2. impassively (other) dryly; impassively; phlegmatically; stoically; stolidly

    English-Russian base dictionary > apathetically

  • 74 badly

    1. a predic разг. больной
    2. a predic разг. сожалеющий

    I felt badly about your leaving so soon — мне было жаль, что вы ушли так рано

    3. a predic разг. грустный, подавленный
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. amiss (other) afield; amiss; astray; awry; unfavorably; wrong
    2. awfully (other) awfully; dreadfully; grievously; seriously
    3. greatly (other) direly; greatly; intensely; severely; very
    4. hard (other) hard; hardly; harshly; painfully; rigorously; roughly
    5. immorally (other) evilly; immorally; iniquitously; sinfully; wickedly
    6. inadequately (other) inadequately; unacceptably; unsatisfactorily
    7. inauspiciously (other) adversely; inauspiciously; negatively; unfavourably; unfortunately; unluckily
    8. mischievously (other) mischievously; naughtily
    9. poorly (other) boorishly; carelessly; clumsily; crudely; inefficiently; negligently; poorly; weakly; wrongly
    10. unwell (other) critically; failing; feeble; ill; sickly; unwell

    English-Russian base dictionary > badly

  • 75 casually

    1. adv случайно; мимоходом, попутно
    2. adv непреднамеренно, неумышленно, нечаянно; без умысла
    3. adv небрежно, кое-как; невнимательно, поверхностно
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. attitude (other) apathetically; attitude; carelessly; coolly; easily; impassively; indifferently; lackadaisically; unemotionally
    2. circumstance (other) accidentally; adventitiously; as luck would have it; by chance; circumstance; fortuitously; inadvertently; serendipitously; spontaneously; unexpectedly
    3. extemporaneously (other) ad lib; extemporaneously; extempore; impromptu; off the cuff; offhand; offhandedly; on the spur of the moment
    4. randomly (other) aimlessly; haphazardly; hit-or-miss; incidentally; inconstantly; randomly

    English-Russian base dictionary > casually

  • 76 clumsily

    1. adv неуклюже
    2. adv грубо, топорно
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. awkwardly (other) awkwardly; gauchely; gawkily; haltingly; heavy-handedly; ineptly; inexpertly; maladroitly; unhappily; unskilfully; woodenly
    2. poorly (other) badly; boorishly; carelessly; crudely; inefficiently; negligently; poorly; weakly; wrongly

    English-Russian base dictionary > clumsily

  • 77 coldly

    1. adv холодно
    2. adv сухо, холодно, неприветливо, с холодком
    3. adv спокойно, уравновешенно
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. chilly (other) chilly; coolly; frigidly; frostily; gelidly; glacially; icily; indifferently; unresponsively
    2. cold-bloodedly (other) cold-bloodedly; impersonally
    3. deadly (other) deadly; inanimately; lately; lifelessly; spiritlessly
    4. gloomily (other) blackly; bleakly; cheerlessly; depressingly; depressively; desolately; disconsolately; discouragingly; dishearteningly; dismally; drearily; duskily; funereally; gloomily; joylessly; oppressively; somberly; unhappily
    5. insensibly (other) insensibly; senselessly; unconsciously
    6. thoughtlessly (other) carelessly; insensitively; thoughtlessly; unkindly

    English-Russian base dictionary > coldly

  • 78 coolly

    1. adv свежо, прохладно
    2. adv спокойно, невозмутимо, хладнокровно
    3. adv равнодушно, холодно
    4. adv дерзко, самоуверенно
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. aloofly (other) aloofly; distantly; reservedly; solitarily
    2. attitude (other) apathetically; attitude; carelessly; casually; easily; impassively; indifferently; lackadaisically; unemotionally
    3. coldly (other) chilly; coldly; frigidly; frostily; gelidly; glacially; icily
    4. nonchalantly (other) collectedly; composedly; imperturbably; nonchalantly; unflappably

    English-Russian base dictionary > coolly

  • 79 crudely

    Синонимический ряд:
    1. coarsely (other) angularly; coarsely; crassly; grossly; inelegantly; inexpertly; lowly; lumpily; roughly; rudely; uncouthly; vulgarly
    2. impurely (other) impurely; natively; rawly
    3. obscenely (other) crustily; dirtily; filthily; foully; indecently; nastily; obscenely; profanely; rankly; scurrilously; smuttily
    4. poorly (other) badly; boorishly; carelessly; clumsily; inefficiently; negligently; poorly; weakly; wrongly

    English-Russian base dictionary > crudely

  • 80 gingerly

    1. a осторожный, осмотрительный; робкий
    2. adv осторожно, осмотрительно; робко
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. carefully (adj.) attentively; carefully; cautiously; delicately; gently; guardedly; suspiciously; timidly; warily
    2. cautious (adj.) calculating; careful; cautious; chary; circumspect; considerate; discreet; guarded; prudent; safe; wary
    3. cautiously (other) carefully; cautiously; circumspectly; easily; gently; guardedly; warily
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > gingerly

См. также в других словарях:

  • Carelessly — Care less*ly, adv. In a careless manner. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • carelessly — [[t]ke͟ə(r)ləsli[/t]] ADV GRADED: ADV with v If someone does something carelessly, they do it without much thought or effort. [WRITTEN] → See also careless Houston carelessly tossed the notebooks on the bed... Oh, he said carelessly. I m in no… …   English dictionary

  • carelessly — adverb a) Giving the appearance of carelessness; relaxedly. The papers were carelessly strewn on the table. b) Done without care or attention; inattentively. Distracted by the salesperson, he carelessly read the contract …   Wiktionary

  • carelessly — adverb 1. without care or concern (Freq. 1) carelessly raised the children s hopes without thinking of their possible disappointment • Syn: ↑heedlessly • Derived from adjective: ↑heedless (for: ↑heedlessly), ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • carelessly — adv. Carelessly is used with these verbs: ↑drop, ↑handle, ↑shrug, ↑sling, ↑throw, ↑toss …   Collocations dictionary

  • carelessly — careless ► ADJECTIVE 1) not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or mistakes. 2) (careless of/about) not concerned or worried about. 3) showing no interest or effort; casual. DERIVATIVES carelessly adverb carelessness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • carelessly — adverb see careless …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • carelessly — See careless. * * * …   Universalium

  • carelessly — Synonyms and related words: a corps perdu, airily, any old way, any which way, anyhow, apathetically, at haphazard, at intervals, at random, bunglingly, by chance, by fits, by snatches, capriciously, casually, clumsily, cursorily, desperately,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • carelessly — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. heedlessly, negligently, neglectfully, thoughtlessly, nonchalantly, offhandedly, rashly, hastily, unthinkingly, inattentively, unmindfully, unconcernedly, without counting the cost, at random, happen what may,… …   English dictionary for students

  • carelessly — adv. recklessly, without caution; indifferently …   English contemporary dictionary

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