Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 121 catapult

    1. noun
    ((American slingshot) a small forked stick with an elastic string fixed to the two prongs for firing small stones etc, usually used by children.) prak
    2. verb
    (to throw violently: The driver was catapulted through the windscreen when his car hit the wall.) katapultovať (sa)
    * * *
    • katapult
    • prak

    English-Slovak dictionary > catapult

  • 122 central heating

    (heating of a building by water, steam or air through pipes from one central boiler etc.) ústredné kúrenie
    * * *
    • ústredné kúrenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > central heating

  • 123 chain

    [ ein] 1. noun
    1) (a series of (especially metal) links or rings passing through one another: The dog was fastened by a chain; She wore a silver chain round her neck.) reťaz, retiazka
    2) (a series: a chain of events.) reťaz
    2. verb
    (to fasten or bind with chains: The prisoner was chained to the wall.) upevniť reťazou
    - chain store
    * * *
    • spútat
    • retazit
    • retaz
    • retaz (prenosová)
    • postupnost

    English-Slovak dictionary > chain

  • 124 circuit

    1) (a journey or course round something: the earth's circuit round the sun; three circuits of the race-track.) obeh; okruh, dráha obehu
    2) (a race-track, running-track etc.) okruh
    3) (the path of an electric current and the parts through which it passes.) obvod
    4) (a journey or tour made regularly and repeatedly eg by salesmen, sportsmen etc.) okružná cesta
    * * *
    • spojenie
    • okruh
    • obvod (elektrický)
    • obvod
    • obeh

    English-Slovak dictionary > circuit

  • 125 circulate

    1) (to (cause to) go round in a fixed path coming back to a starting-point: Blood circulates through the body.) obiehať
    2) (to (cause to) spread or pass around (news etc): There's a rumour circulating that she is getting married.) rozšíriť sa, dať do obehu
    - circulatory
    * * *
    • dávat do obehu
    • rozširovat
    • pohybovat sa
    • obiehat

    English-Slovak dictionary > circulate

  • 126 clarity

    1) (the state of being clear or easy to see through: water remarkable for its clarity.) priezračnosť
    2) (the state of being easy to see, hear or understand: She spoke with great clarity.) jasnosť
    * * *
    • jasnost

    English-Slovak dictionary > clarity

  • 127 cleanly

    I adverb
    The knife cut cleanly through the cheese.) ľahko, hladko
    * * *
    • cisto
    • cistotný

    English-Slovak dictionary > cleanly

  • 128 clear

    [kliə] 1. adjective
    1) (easy to see through; transparent: clear glass.) priehľadný
    2) (free from mist or cloud: Isn't the sky clear!) jasný
    3) (easy to see, hear or understand: a clear explanation; The details on that photograph are very clear.) ostrý
    4) (free from difficulty or obstacles: a clear road ahead.) voľný
    5) (free from guilt etc: a clear conscience.) čistý
    6) (free from doubt etc: Are you quite clear about what I mean?) (byť) jasné
    7) ((often with of) without (risk of) being touched, caught etc: Is the ship clear of the rocks? clear of danger.) mimo, vzdialený
    8) ((often with of) free: clear of debt; clear of all infection.) zbavený
    2. verb
    1) (to make or become free from obstacles etc: He cleared the table; I cleared my throat; He cleared the path of debris.) vyčistiť
    2) ((often with of) to prove the innocence of; to declare to be innocent: He was cleared of all charges.) oslobodiť
    3) ((of the sky etc) to become bright, free from cloud etc.) vyjasniť sa
    4) (to get over or past something without touching it: He cleared the jump easily.) prekonať
    - clearing
    - clearly
    - clearness
    - clear-cut
    - clearway
    - clear off
    - clear out
    - clear up
    - in the clear
    * * *
    • volný
    • uvolnit
    • vyjasnit
    • vymazat
    • zrozumitelný
    • jasný
    • cistit
    • cistý
    • nulovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > clear

См. также в других словарях:

  • through — [ θru ] function word *** Through can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): They were riding through a forest. as an adverb (without a following noun): There s a hole in the roof where the rain comes through. as an …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • through — [thro͞o] prep. [ME thurgh, thrugh < OE thurh, akin to Ger durch < IE base * ter , through, beyond > L trans, across, Sans tiráḥ, through] 1. in one side and out the other side of; from end to end of 2. a) in the midst of [flying through… …   English World dictionary

  • Through a Glass Darkly — is an abbreviated form of a much quoted phrase from the Christian New Testament in 1 Corinthians 13. The phrase is interpreted to mean that humans have an imperfect perception of reality [http://www.bartleby.com/59/1/throughaglas.html] . It has… …   Wikipedia

  • Through — Through, prep. [OE. thurgh, [thorn]urh, [thorn]uruh, [thorn]oruh, AS. [thorn]urh; akin to OS. thurh, thuru, OFries. thruch, D. door, OHG. durh, duruh, G. durch, Goth. [thorn]a[ i]rh; cf. Ir. tri, tre, W. trwy. [root]53. Cf. {Nostril}, {Thorough} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through — Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through bolt — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through bridge — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through cold — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • through stane — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through stone — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Through ticket — Through Through, a. Going or extending through; going, extending, or serving from the beginning to the end; thorough; complete; as, a through line; a through ticket; a through train. Also, admitting of passage through; as, a through bridge. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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