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  • 81 face the music

    1) стоически переносить трудности, неприятности, мужественно встречать критику [первонач. амер.]

    He could never buttonhole the ordinary voter, and say to him: ‘Look here, you know, there's no earthly hope of any real improvement for another ten years; in the meantime we must face the music, and pay more for everything... so that twenty years hence we may be safe from possible starvation, and self-supporting within the Empire.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Silver Spoon’, part I, ch. XII) — Не может он пойти к рядовому избирателю и сказать ему: "Послушайте, нечего надеяться на то, что в течение следующих десяти лет условия жизни значительно улучшатся; мы... должны пока потерпеть, за все переплачивать, для того чтобы через двадцать лет Англия могла сама себя прокормить и не жить под угрозой голодной смерти".

    Mrs. Dot: "Well, the fact is, Freddie... Poor Nellie Sellenger is desperately in love with you." Freddie: "I don't see why you should want me to go away on that account... Nothing will induce me to desert a post of danger. I'm going to face the music." (W. S. Maugham, ‘Mrs. Dot’, act II) — Миссис Дот: "Нет никакого сомнения, Фредди... что бедняжка Нелли Селленджер безумно влюблена в вас." Фредди: "Не понимаю, почему вы хотите, чтобы я из-за этого ушел. Ничто не заставит меня отступить с опасных позиций. я выдержу испытание не дрогнув."

    2) держать ответ за что-л., расплачиваться за свои поступки

    ‘I gather,’ said Michael, with a spurt of cheerfulness, ‘That it was only in the desert both times that Jule heard the story.’ ‘What's in the desert to-day is in the bazaars to-morrow. It's no use, I shall have to face the music.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘Flowering Wilderness’, ch. X) — - По словам того же Юола, об этом пока говорят только в пустыне, - сказал Майкл, пытаясь приободрить Дезерта. - Сегодня в пустыне, завтра - на базарах. Пропащее дело. Придется испить чашу до дна.

    ‘You're wrong,’ she said. ‘I'm sure you're wrong. It'd be far better to go back and face the music.’ (A. Christie, ‘So Many Steps to Death’, ch. 21) — - Вы поступаете неправильно, - сказала Хилари. - я уверена, что неправильно. Для вас было бы гораздо лучше вернуться на родину и держать ответ перед законом.

    In two months they were engaged. Beryl refused to go home for her holi days, she said she wouldn't leave Frank, so Al was left to face the music alone. (D. Hewett, ‘Bobbin Up’, ch. 6) — через два месяца Фрэк и Берил обручились. Берил отказалась ехать в отпуск домой, чтобы не разлучаться с Фрэком. Элис пришлось одной выдержать бурю.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > face the music

  • 82 let the grass grow under one's feet

    быть бездеятельным, безынициативным, терять время попусту; ≈ сидеть сложа руки; ждать у моря погоды (ср. обрасти мхом); см. тж. grass does not grow under one's feet

    He would, however, let Timothy have a bit of his mind, and see if he would go on dropping hints! And he would not let the grass grow under his feet either, he would go there at once, and take very good care that he didn't have to go again on the same errand. (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Man of Property’, part II, ch. VII) — Он не станет церемониться с Тимоти, тогда посмотрим, прекратятся эти намеки или нет! И нечего откладывать в долгий ящик, надо ехать сейчас же и действовать решительно, чтобы не пришлось ездить второй раз за тем же самым.

    I see you don't let the grass grow under your feet, Mr. Poirot. It will be a pleasure to work with you, I'm sure. (A. Christie, ‘The Murder of Roger Ackroyd’, ch. VII) — я вижу, вы даром времени не теряете, мистер Пуаро. С вами, я уверен, будет очень приятно работать.

    It's no use talking to me about solicitors. I've already provided myself with one. A fine solicitor he is. Not the man to let the grass grow under his feet (C. P. Snow, ‘The Affair’, ch. 22) — Разговоры об адвокатах совершенно излишни. я уже обзавелся одним. Прекрасный адвокат. Не из тех, кто теряет время попусту.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > let the grass grow under one's feet

  • 83 to be bursting at the seams

    (with people) rebosar de gente 2 (with things) estar hasta los topes 3 (with food) estar a punto de reventar
    figurative use estar a tope

    English-spanish dictionary > to be bursting at the seams

  • 84 what with

    1) вследствие;
    из-за Syn: as for
    2) парный союз или с сочинением в значении Introducing advb. phrases formed with prepositions( in the earliest periods chiefly for, later usually, now almost always, with), implying (in early use only contextually) in consequence of, on account of, as a result of;
    in view of, considering( one thing and another) '. What with one thing and another, I see that my work is well cut out for me. в связи с;
    из-за - * summer time it was still broad daylight так, как было лето, еще было совсем светло - * his laziness he did almost nothing in his freshman year вследствие своей лени он почти не занимался на первом курсе

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > what with

  • 85 have the wall

    1) держаться у стены, ближе к стене [чтобы не упасть в сточную канаву - в старину, когда тротуаров не было, сточные канавы тянулись по обочинам дороги]

    ...the parlour window... is so close upon the foot-way that the passenger who takes the wall brushes the dim glass with his coat sleeve. (Ch. Dickens, ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’, ch. XXXIII) —...домишко... выдвинулся на самый тротуар, так что прохожие, державшиеся ближе к стене, задевали мутное стекло окна рукавом.

    2) (of smb.) не уступать кому-л. дороги, иметь преимущество перед кем-л., взять верх над кем-л.

    Sampson: "A dog of that house shall move me to stand. I will take the wall of any man or maid of Montague's." (W. Shakespeare, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, act I, sc. 1) — Самсон: "Нет уж, ни от одной собаки из этого дома не побегу! На стену полезу и возьму верх над любым мужчиной, над любой девкой из дома Монтекки." (перевод Т. Щепкиной-Куперник)

    The Spaniards... had... no room, in that narrow path, to use their pikes. The English had the wall of them; and to have the wall there, was to have the foe's life at their mercy. (Ch. Kingsley, ‘Westward Hol’, ch. 25) — Испанцам... негде... было повернуться на этой узкой дороге и пустить в ход пики. Англичане были господами положения, а это означало, что жизнь противника была в их руках.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have the wall

  • 86 toe the line

    подчиняться требованиям, строго придерживаться правил [этим. спорт. встать на стартовую черту]

    But the Duke maintained his equanimity. Bentivoglio and the Orsini were the most powerful of his enemies and he knew that if he came to terms with them the others would have to toe the line. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Then and Now’, ch. XV) — Но герцог сохранял спокойствие. Его самыми могущественными врагами были Бентиволио и Орсини. Он понимал, что если договориться с ними, то остальные будут ходить по струнке.

    Leo: "...The years that you've known us should have taught you that it's no use trying to make any one of us toe the line for long." (N. Goward, ‘Design for Living’, act III, sc. II) — Лео: "...Ты знаешь нас столько лет. Так неужели ты все еще тешишь себя надеждой, что нас можно наставить на путь истинный?"

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > toe the line

  • 87 under the sun

    разг.; усил.
    1) в этом мире, на земле, на свете

    ‘What did you talk about?’ ‘Heaven knows! Of every subject under the sun.’ (W. S. Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, ch. 96) — - О чем же вы говорили? - А бог его знает о чем! Обо всем на свете.

    I've tried every kind of ointment under the sun. But none of them seem to be the slightest use. (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Citadel’, book IV, ch. 3) — Каких только мазей я уже не перепробовала! Но ни одна не помогла.

    With every probe of her fingers he winced and groaned, calling her every name under the sun, which did not worry her. (D. du Maurier, ‘The King's General’, ch. 23) — Как только Мэтти прикасалась к ране Ричарда, он вздрагивал, стонал и ругал ее на чем свет стоит. Но это ее ничуть не беспокоило.

    2) употр. для усиления вопроса

    ...what under the sun is the matter? (J. P. Marquand, ‘Wickford Point’, ch. XXXV) —...в чем же дело?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > under the sun

  • 88 save the day

    1) воен. успешно закончить (неудачно начавшееся сражение), решить исход боя

    Shaw Kennedy claims that his disposition of the Third Division saved the day... (R. Aldington, ‘The Duke’, ch. 19) — Шоу Кеннеди утверждает, что третья дивизия, занимавшая удачные позиции, решила исход боя...

    ‘George,’ he said, ‘There's no use being angry with me for going to Butler. I had to do it to save the day.’ (Th. Dreiser, ‘The Financier’, ch. XXX) — - Джордж, - воскликнул он, - нечего на меня сердиться за то, что я пошел к Батлеру. Я должен был пойти туда, чтобы спасти положение.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > save the day

  • 89 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) presionar a alguien

    English-spanish dictionary > put the screws on

  • 90 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) herða að (e-m), beita þvingunum

    English-Icelandic dictionary > put the screws on

  • 91 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) kényszerít

    English-Hungarian dictionary > put the screws on

  • 92 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) pôr pressão sobre

    English-Portuguese dictionary > put the screws on

  • 93 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) sıkıştırmak, zorlamak

    English-Turkish dictionary > put the screws on

  • 94 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) priviti (koga)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > put the screws on

  • 95 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) painostaa

    English-Finnish dictionary > put the screws on

  • 96 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) legge press på, sette tommeskruene på

    English-Norwegian dictionary > put the screws on

  • 97 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) (usare le maniere forti con)

    English-Italian dictionary > put the screws on

  • 98 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) unter Druck setzen

    English-german dictionary > put the screws on

  • 99 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) `przycisnąć`

    English-Polish dictionary > put the screws on

  • 100 put the screws on

    (to use force or pressure in dealing with a person: If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).) izdarīt spiedienu; piežmiegt

    English-Latvian dictionary > put the screws on

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Man With the Flower in His Mouth — is a play by the Italian playwright Luigi Pirandello. It is particularly noteworthy for becoming, in 1930, the first piece of television drama ever to be produced in Britain, when a version was screened by the British Broadcasting Corporation as… …   Wikipedia

  • The Man with the Twisted Lip — one of the 58 short Sherlock Holmes stories written by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is the sixth of the twelve stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes . The story was first published in the Strand Magazine in December 1891.Plot Su …   Wikipedia

  • The Man with the Golden Arm — For the novel, see The Man with the Golden Arm (novel). The Man with the Golden Arm Saul Bass s poster for the film Directed by …   Wikipedia

  • Third-country economic relationships with the European Union — The European Union has a number of relationships with nations that are not formally part of the Union. According to the European Union s official site, and a statement by Commissioner Günter Verheugen, the aim is to have a ring of countries,… …   Wikipedia

  • The Price Is Right (U.S. game show) — The Price Is Right Format Game show Created by Mark Goodson Bill Todman Directed b …   Wikipedia

  • The Flaming Lips — Flaming Lips in concert 16 March 2006 Background information Origin Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States …   Wikipedia

  • Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers — Founder(s) Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Save the Children Alliance, Jesuit Refugee Service, Quaker United Nations Office …   Wikipedia

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  • Involvement of Croatian Catholic clergy with the Ustaša regime — refers to the role of the Croatian Catholic Church in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), founded by the Ustaše in 1941 as a Nazi puppet state. The Catholic hierarchy in Croatia never broke all of its ties with the Ustaše regime. During this… …   Wikipedia

  • Gone with the Wind — This article is about the novel. For the film, see Gone with the Wind (film). For other uses, see Gone with the Wind (disambiguation). Gone With the Wind …   Wikipedia

  • My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult — Origin Chicago, Illinois, United States Genres Industrial rock, experimental Years active 1987–present Labels …   Wikipedia

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