Перевод: с английского на турецкий

с турецкого на английский


  • 1 programme

    n. program, yapım, gösteri, plan, yazılım
    v. programlamak, planlamak
    * * *
    1. program 2. programla (v.) 3. program (n.)
    * * *
    1) ((a booklet or paper giving the details of) the planned events in an entertainment etc: According to the programme, the show begins at 8.00.) program
    2) (a plan or scheme: a programme of reforms.) program
    3) ((British and American usually program) a set of data, instructions etc put into a computer.) program
    - programmer

    English-Turkish dictionary > programme

  • 2 programme

    program, izlence; planlamak, programlamak, düzenlemek

    English to Turkish dictionary > programme

  • 3 programme


    English-Turkish new dictionary > programme

  • 4 colour programme

    renkli program

    English-Turkish dictionary > colour programme

  • 5 live programme

    canlı program

    English-Turkish dictionary > live programme

  • 6 loading programme

    yükleme programı

    English-Turkish dictionary > loading programme

  • 7 live programme

    naklen program, canli program

    English to Turkish dictionary > live programme

  • 8 loading programme

    yükleme programi

    English to Turkish dictionary > loading programme

  • 9 quiz programme

    bilgi yarismasi

    English to Turkish dictionary > quiz programme

  • 10 research programme

    arastirma programi

    English to Turkish dictionary > research programme

  • 11 colour programme

    renkli program

    English-Turkish new dictionary > colour programme

  • 12 live programme

    canlı program

    English-Turkish new dictionary > live programme

  • 13 loading programme

    yükleme programı

    English-Turkish new dictionary > loading programme

  • 14 relay

    n. yedek at, yerini alan kimse, yorulanın yerini alan grup, nöbetleşe çalışan şey, vardiya, bayrak yarışı, röle, kontervizör, naklen yayın
    v. el değiştirmek, yerini almak, yerine koymak, yayın yapmak, naklen yayın yapmak
    * * *
    1. tekrar nişan al 2. gönder (v.) 3. iletişim cihazı (n.)
    * * *
    [ri'lei] 1. past tense, past participle - relayed; verb
    (to receive and pass on (news, a message, a television programme etc).) nakletmek; naklen yayınlamak
    2. noun
    (['ri:lei] (the sending out of) a radio, television etc signal or programme which has been received (from another place).) naklen yayın
    - in relays

    English-Turkish dictionary > relay

  • 15 autograph

    n. kendi el yazısı, yazarın kendi el yazması; imza
    v. imzalamak, imza vermek; otograf baskı yapmak
    * * *
    1. birinin kendi el yazısı 2. imza
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a person's signature, especially as a souvenir: She collected autographs of film stars.) imza
    2. verb
    (to write one's name on (especially for a souvenir): The actor autographed her programme.) imzalamak

    English-Turkish dictionary > autograph

  • 16 change

    n. değişiklik, değişim, demir para, yenilik, bozuk para, para üstü, üstü, borsa [brit.]
    v. değiştirmek, aktarmak, değişmek, takas etmek, değiş tokuş etmek, bozdurmak, bozmak, dönüşmek, haline gelmek, üzerini değişmek
    * * *
    1. değiş (v.) 2. değişiklik (n.) 3. değiştir (v.) 4. değişim (n.)
    * * *
    [ ein‹] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become different: They have changed the time of the train; He has changed since I saw him last.) değiş(tir)mek
    2) (to give or leave (one thing etc for another): She changed my library books for me.) değiştirmek
    3) ((sometimes with into) to remove (clothes etc) and replace them by clean or different ones: I'm just going to change (my shirt); I'll change into an old pair of trousers.) değiştirmek, üstüne giymek
    4) ((with into) to make into or become (something different): The prince was changed into a frog.) dönüş(tür)mek
    5) (to give or receive (one kind of money for another): Could you change this bank-note for cash?) değiştirmek
    2. noun
    1) (the process of becoming or making different: The town is undergoing change.) değişme, değişim
    2) (an instance of this: a change in the programme.) değişiklik
    3) (a substitution of one thing for another: a change of clothes.) değiştirme
    4) (coins rather than paper money: I'll have to give you a note - I have no change.) bozukluk
    5) (money left over or given back from the amount given in payment: He paid with a dollar and got 20 cents change.) para üstü
    6) (a holiday, rest etc: He has been ill - the change will do him good.) tatil, dinlenme
    - change hands
    - a change of heart
    - the change of life
    - change one's mind
    - for a change

    English-Turkish dictionary > change

  • 17 disc jockey

    * * *
    * * *
    ( abbreviation DJ) (a person who presents a programme of music (usually pop-music) on the radio etc from records or discs.) plâk sunucusu

    English-Turkish dictionary > disc jockey

  • 18 document

    n. döküman, belge, evrak, delil
    v. belgelemek, kanıtlamak, belgelere dayandırmak, dipnotlar koymak, döküman sağlamak
    * * *
    1. belge 2. belgele (v.) 3. doküman (n.)
    * * *
    ['dokjumənt] 1. noun
    (a written statement giving information, proof, evidence etc: She signed several legal documents relating to the sale of her house.) belge, döküman
    2. noun
    (a film, programme etc giving information on a certain subject: a documentary on the political situation in Argentina.) belgesel, dökümanter

    English-Turkish dictionary > document

  • 19 edit

    v. kısaltmak, yayına hazırlamak, baskıya sokmak, yönetmek, yazımlamak (data), yerli yerine koymak
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    1. biçimle 2. yayına hazırla
    * * *
    ['edit] 1. verb
    (to prepare (a book, manuscript, newspaper, programme, film etc) for publication, or for broadcasting etc, especially by correcting, altering, shortening etc.) yayına hazırlamak
    - editor
    - editorial
    2. noun
    (the leading article in a newspaper.) başyazı

    English-Turkish dictionary > edit

  • 20 epilogue

    n. son söz, sonuç bölümü
    * * *
    * * *
    (the closing section of a book, programme etc.) son söz

    English-Turkish dictionary > epilogue

См. также в других словарях:

  • programme — [ prɔgram ] n. m. • 1677 « description détaillée d un cours; sujet d un concours »; rare av. XIXe; gr. programma « ce qui est écrit à l avance » 1 ♦ Écrit annonçant et décrivant les diverses parties d une cérémonie, d un spectacle, etc. Programme …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Programme spatial Apollo — Programme Apollo Pour les articles homonymes, voir Apollo. Premiers pas sur la Lune de Buzz Aldrin le 20 juillet 1969 lors de la mission Apollo 11 avec …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Programme Surveyor — Maquette terrestre d une sonde Surveyor Caractéristiques Organisation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Programme nucleaire iranien — Programme nucléaire civil iranien Cet article traite du programme nucléaire civil de l Iran. Pour plus d informations sur les soupçons de la communauté internationale à propos du développement par l Iran d armes nucléaire, voir Armes de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Programme nucléaire de l'Iran — Programme nucléaire civil iranien Cet article traite du programme nucléaire civil de l Iran. Pour plus d informations sur les soupçons de la communauté internationale à propos du développement par l Iran d armes nucléaire, voir Armes de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Programme nucléaire en Iran — Programme nucléaire civil iranien Cet article traite du programme nucléaire civil de l Iran. Pour plus d informations sur les soupçons de la communauté internationale à propos du développement par l Iran d armes nucléaire, voir Armes de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Programme nucléaire iranien — Programme nucléaire civil iranien Cet article traite du programme nucléaire civil de l Iran. Pour plus d informations sur les soupçons de la communauté internationale à propos du développement par l Iran d armes nucléaire, voir Armes de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Programme informatique — Un programme informatique est une liste d instructions indiquant à un ordinateur ce qu il doit faire. Il se présente sous la forme de courtes séquences d instructions appelées fonctions comportant souvent des données de base, chaque séquence… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Programme lunaire habite sovietique — Programme lunaire habité soviétique  Cet article concerne les préparatifs de l URSS pour envoyer un cosmonaute sur la surface lunaire et, éventuellement, y établir une base préparatifs qui n ont à ce jour jamais été suivis d une mission… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Programme spatial Mercury — Programme Mercury Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mercury. Lancement de Mercury 6 par une fusée Atlas …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Programme spatial de la France — Programme spatial français Le programme spatial français regroupe l ensemble des activités spatiales civiles ou militaires françaises. Celles ci s exercent majoritairement depuis une vingtaine d années dans un cadre multinational en particulier… …   Wikipédia en Français

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