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со словенского на английский


  • 1 scoop

    [sku:p] 1. noun
    1) (any of several types of spoon-like tool, used for lifting, serving etc: a grain scoop; an ice-cream scoop.) lopata; lopatica
    2) ((also scoopful) the amount held in a scoop: a scoop of ice-cream; a scoopful of grain.) polna zajemalka
    3) (a piece of news etc that one newspaper gets and prints before the others: The reporter was sure that he had a scoop for his paper.) ekskluzivna reportaža
    2. verb
    (to move with, or as if with, a scoop: He scooped the crumbs together with his fingers.) nagrabiti
    * * *
    zajemalka, lopata (za planje vode iz čolna, ladje); lopatica (za premog, žito, sladkor, za rezanje sira ipd.); zajemanje z zajemalko ali lopatico; posoda na kolesu za namakanje; votlina, izdolbina; slang prvo in hitro, ekskluzivno poročanje senzacionalne novice; velik ulov, velik dobiček
    at one scoop, with a scoop — na en mah;
    transitive verb
    zaje(ma)ti vodo; nagrabiti, izvleči dobiček; figuratively pobrati smetano; izdolbsti, izgrebsti; dobiti prednost pred nasprotnikom
    to scoop out — izdolbsti, izgrebsti (luknjo)
    to scoop in slang pospraviti, vtakniti v žep (dobiček, denar)
    to scoop the pool — dobiti vse vložke stav; pobrati ves dobiček

    English-Slovenian dictionary > scoop

  • 2 scoop-net

    mreža za struganje po rečnem dnu; ročna mreža

    English-Slovenian dictionary > scoop-net

  • 3 scoop-wheel

    črpalno kolo; kolo za namakanje

    English-Slovenian dictionary > scoop-wheel

  • 4 spoon

    [spu:n] 1. noun
    1) (an instrument shaped like a shallow bowl with a handle for lifting food (especially soup or pudding) to the mouth, or for stirring tea, coffee etc: a teaspoon/soup-spoon.) žlica
    2) (a spoonful.) polna žlica
    2. verb
    (to lift or scoop up with a spoon: She spooned food into the baby's mouth.) zajemati z žlico
    - spoon-feed
    * * *
    I [spu:n]
    žlica; predmet žličaste oblike (npr. veslo); vrsta palice za golf; (= spoon bait) blestivka; colloquially bedak, tepec; American slang zaljubljenec
    egg-and-spoon race — tekma v teku, pri kateri udeleženci nosijo jajce v žlici
    wooden spoon history lesena žlica, ki so jo (v Cambridgeu) dajali najslabšemu na izpitu iz matematike
    to be spoons on s.o. American biti zateleban v koga, noreti za kom
    to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth figuratively roditi se kot bogataš
    he must have a long spoon that sups with the devil — nevarno je z vragom buče saditi, z bikom se ni bosti
    II [spu:n]
    transitive verb
    zaje(ma)ti z žlico (navadno out, up); žličasto izdolbsti; intransitive verb loviti ribe z blestivko; slang biti zateleban (zaljubljen)

    English-Slovenian dictionary > spoon

См. также в других словарях:

  • scoop — scoop …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Scoop — may refer to:Related to journalism* Scoop (term), a news story, particularly connotating a new or developing story with aspects of importance and excitement, normally an exclusive for the journalist involved * Scoop (novel), a 1938 satirical… …   Wikipedia

  • scoop — [ skup ] n. m. • 1957; mot angl. ♦ Anglic. Nouvelle importante donnée en exclusivité par une agence de presse. Recomm. offic. exclusivité. ♢ Fam. Nouvelle sensationnelle. ● scoop nom masculin (anglais scoop) Information importante ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Scoop — Scoop, n. [OE. scope, of Scand. origin; cf. Sw. skopa, akin to D. schop a shovel, G. sch[ u]ppe, and also to E. shove. See {Shovel}.] 1. A large ladle; a vessel with a long handle, used for dipping liquids; a utensil for bailing boats. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scoop´er — scoop «skoop», noun, verb. –n. 1. a tool like a shovel, but having a short handle and a deep hollow part for dipping out or shoveling up and carrying loose materials: a) a kitchen utensil to take up flour, sugar, and the like. b) a large ladle.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scoop — Scoop, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scooped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scooping}.] [OE. scopen. See {Scoop}, n.] 1. To take out or up with, a scoop; to lade out. [1913 Webster] He scooped the water from the crystal flood. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To empty by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scoop 3 — Album par Pete Townshend Sortie 29 octobre 2001 Durée 85:47 Genre rock Label Eel Pie Critique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Scoop — steht für: Scoop (Journalismus), eine exklusive Meldung im Journalismus Scoop (Pete Townshend), ein Album von Pete Townshend Scoop – Die Aufreißer, eine kanadische Fernsehserie Scoop – Der Knüller, ein Film von und mit Woody Allen Scoop (Roman),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • scoop — [sko͞op] n. [ME scope < MDu schope, bailing vessel, schoppe, a shovel, akin to Ger schöpfen, to dip out, create] 1. any of various utensils shaped like a small shovel or a ladle; specif., a) a kitchen utensil used to take up sugar, flour, etc …   English World dictionary

  • scoop — ► NOUN 1) a utensil resembling a spoon, having a short handle and a deep bowl. 2) the bowl shaped part of a digging machine or dredger. 3) informal a piece of news published or broadcast in advance of being released by other newspapers or… …   English terms dictionary

  • Scoop — Scoop, v. t. to report a story first, before (a rival); to get a scoop, or a beat, on (a rival); used commonly in the passive; as, we were scooped. Also used in certain situations in scientific research, when one scientist or team of scientists… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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