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  • 1 SAS

    Abbr:Special Air Service
    1. उच्च शिक्षित सिपाहियों का समूह
    In elections big leaders prefer S.A.S.

    English-Hindi dictionary > SAS

  • 2 acting

    1. कार्यकारी
    Before the elections we had an the acting president.
    1. अभिनय
    She is not good at acting.

    English-Hindi dictionary > acting

  • 3 adulatory

    1. चापलूसीपूर्ण
    Politicions give adulatory speeches before elections.

    English-Hindi dictionary > adulatory

  • 4 amalgamation

    1. मेल/मिश्रण
    Amalgamation of various political parties can be seen during elections.

    English-Hindi dictionary > amalgamation

  • 5 constituent

    1. संविधानी
    Elections for the constituent assembly will be held next week.
    2. घटक
    That building is just a constituent part of the university.

    English-Hindi dictionary > constituent

  • 6 feat

    1. वीरता\featका\featकाम
    Winning in elections is no mean feat.

    English-Hindi dictionary > feat

  • 7 febrile

    1. उत्तेजित\febrileहोना
    There is lot of febrile activity before elections

    English-Hindi dictionary > febrile

  • 8 feverish

    1. हल्का\feverishबुखार\feverishहोना
    When I touched his hand, I found that he was feverish.
    2. अधिक\feverishउत्तेजना\feverishहोना
    He remains in a state of feverish excitement while waiting for the results of the elections.

    English-Hindi dictionary > feverish

  • 9 forecast

    1. पूर्वानुमान
    According to the weather forecast,the sky is likely to remain clear for
    the next 24hrs.
    1. पूर्वानुमान\forecastलगाना
    The ORG-MARG forecasted the outcome of the assembly elections.
    Astrologers claim to forecast the future.

    English-Hindi dictionary > forecast

  • 10 forthcoming

    1. आगामी
    I will be casting my vote in the forthcoming elections.

    English-Hindi dictionary > forthcoming

  • 11 garland

    1. माला
    We offered garlands at the temple.
    1. हार\garlandपहनाना
    The leader was garlanded after his victory in the elections.

    English-Hindi dictionary > garland

  • 12 gerrymander

    1. गोलमाल\gerrymanderकरना
    The incumbent party is always accused of gerrymandeering in the elections.

    English-Hindi dictionary > gerrymander

  • 13 goad

    1. अंकुश
    He steered the cattle with a goad.
    2. जो\goadप्रेरित\goadकरती\goadहै
    Elections are a kind of goad in inciting violence.
    1. प्रेरित\goadकरना
    Vinoth keeps goading me to work hard.

    English-Hindi dictionary > goad

  • 14 journey

    1. यात्रा
    Have a nice journey!
    1. यात्रा\journeyकरना
    He has been jouneying for a month in connection with the Assembly elections.

    English-Hindi dictionary > journey

  • 15 landslide

    1. भूस्खलन
    Due to heavy rains there was landslide near rohtaing pass.
    2. महाविजय
    These elections resulted in a landslide victory for the ruling party.

    English-Hindi dictionary > landslide

  • 16 pink

    1. गुलाबी रंग का
    Preeti came to the party in a pink coloured dress.
    2. बहुत\pinkअच्छा
    During elections, everyone want to be pink.
    1. गुलाबी रंग
    Pink colour suits you a lot.
    2. गुलाबी कपडे
    Neetu was in pink coloured dress.
    3. गुलाबी फूल
    Those roses are red.
    1. शोर करना
    A truck was making a lot of pink sound.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pink

  • 17 placard

    1. विज्ञापन
    Placards are being displayed everywhere for elections.

    English-Hindi dictionary > placard

  • 18 populace

    1. जन साधारण
    In elections the party which has support of the local populace wins.

    English-Hindi dictionary > populace

  • 19 populism

    1. लोकवाद
    Every elections brings populsim.

    English-Hindi dictionary > populism

  • 20 prelude

    1. पूर्वाभास
    Elections are often considered to be the prelude to general economic collapse.
    2. मंगलाचरण
    The choir presented a prelude before the act.

    English-Hindi dictionary > prelude

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